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Journal of human rights.
ISSN: 14754843 14754835 Year: 2002 Publisher: [Abingdon, Oxfordshire] : Philadelphia, PA : Carfax International Publishers, Routledge, Taylor & Francis

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Maryland journal of international law.
ISSN: 21512930 21512922 Year: 2009 Publisher: Baltimore, Md. : Maryland journal of international law, University of Maryland School of Law

Journal of Human Security
ISSN: 18353800 18353800

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Covers broad human security issues such as track two diplomacy, ethnic conflict, terrorism, religious extremism, human rights, demographic change, population health, human ecology, sustainable economics and related areas.

States of denial : Knowing about atrocities and suffering
ISBN: 0745623921 0745616577 9780745623924 9780745616575 Publisher: Oxford : Polity Press.

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Blocking out, turning a blind eye, shutting off, not wanting to know, wearing blinkers, seeing what we want to see ... these are all expressions of 'denial'. Alcoholics who refuse to recognize their condition, people who brush aside suspicions of their partner's infidelity, the wife who doesn't notice that her husband is abusing their daughter, are supposedly 'in denial'. Governments deny their responsibility for atrocities, and plan them to achieve 'maximum deniability'. Truth Commissions try to overcome the suppression and denial of past horrors. Bystander nations deny their responsibility to intervene, whether in Bosnia or Rwanda. &#13;&#13;Do these phenomena have anything in common? When we deny, are we aware of what we are doing or is this an unconscious defence mechanism to protect us from unwelcome truths? Can there be cultures of denial? How do organizations like Amnesty and Oxfam try to overcome the public's apparent indifference to distant suffering and cruelty? Is denial always so bad - or do we need positive illusions to retain our sanity? *States of Denial* is the first comprehensive study of both the personal and political ways in which uncomfortable realities are avoided and evaded. It ranges from clinical studies of depression, to media images of suffering, to explanations of the 'passive bystander' and 'compassion fatigue'. The book shows how organized atrocities - the Holocaust and other genocides, torture, and political massacres - are denied by perpetrators and by bystanders, those who stand by and do nothing.

Ik wil niet sterven aan de XXste eeuw : over leven in de XXIste eeuw
ISBN: 9053121277 Year: 1999 Publisher: Gent Globe

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Nooit meer rustig slapen. Dit riskeert u na het lezen van dit boek. Grote troost, u weet dan wel waarom u niet kunt slapen. De auteur maakt een reis langs de talrijke problemen die de mensheid vandaag ontmoet. Van de Kosovo-oorlog tot de dioxine-crisis. &#13;Voor wie niet wil sterven aan de twintigste eeuw geeft de auteur de sleutels voor de volgende eeuw, en die zijn soms heel verrassend, zoals het basisinkomen van een kwart euro per dag voor alle zes miljard mensen op deze aarde. &#13;Dirk Barrez is een realist met een gefundeerd pleidooi voor een wereld die duurzamer, democratischer en eerlijker is.&#13;&#13;


maatschappijkritiek --- Sociology of culture --- globalisering --- Philosophy of nature --- International economic relations --- Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- milieuproblematiek --- Philosophy and psychology of culture --- Globalization --- Human rights --- Poverty --- Social change --- 930.9 --- 311 --- Maatschappijkritiek --- armoede --- basisinkomen --- democratie --- internationale verhoudingen --- milieuvraagstukken --- oorlogen --- sociale ongelijkheid --- 241 Hedendaagse wereldproblemen --- 651 Maatschappij. Algemeen --- #A0003A --- Change, Social --- Cultural change --- Cultural transformation --- Societal change --- Socio-cultural change --- Social history --- Social evolution --- Destitution --- Wealth --- Basic needs --- Begging --- Poor --- Subsistence economy --- Basic rights --- Civil rights (International law) --- Rights, Human --- Rights of man --- Human security --- Transitional justice --- Truth commissions --- Global cities --- Globalisation --- Internationalization --- International relations --- Anti-globalization movement --- 339.1 --- 339 --- 32 --- 327 --- 504 --- 301.17 --- Law and legislation --- Sociologie --- Maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen --- Wereld --- Duurzame ontwikkeling --- Economie --- Democratie --- Migratie --- Internationalisering --- Ecologie --- Toekomstvisies --- Maatschappelijke ontwikkeling --- Erfelijkheidsleer --- Stadssamenleving --- Verpleegkunde --- Toekomstvisie --- Media --- Gezondheidszorg --- Druktechniek --- Bouwsector --- Stadsvernieuwing

Tegen betere wetten in : een ethische kijk op het recht
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9038205406 Year: 2003 Publisher: Gent Academia Press

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INHOUD: Hoofdstuk I. De rechtstaat en de heerschappij van het recht - Hoofdstuk II. Burger, wetgeving en recht. Waarom zou men zich aan de wetten houden? - Hoofdstuk III. Het ethische gehalte van het recht - Hoofdstuk IV. Een ethische benadering van specifieke rechten - Hoofdstuk V. Proceduriële legitimiteit en het gerecht: rechtsbescherming tegen insturmentalisme


ethiek --- Social ethics --- Legal theory and methods. Philosophy of law --- recht --- Droit --- Gerecht --- Justice --- Recht --- Burgerschap --- Rechtsstaat --- 340 --- 340.11 --- 17 --- Human rights --- Law and ethics --- Rule of law --- Supremacy of law --- Administrative law --- Constitutional law --- Ethics and law --- Law and morals --- Morals and law --- Law --- Basic rights --- Civil rights (International law) --- Rights, Human --- Rights of man --- Human security --- Transitional justice --- Truth commissions --- Rechtsbeginselen. Juridische methodologie. --- Rechtstheorie. Rechtsvinding--(algemeen) --- Filosofische ethiek --- Philosophy --- Law and legislation --- 17 Filosofische ethiek --- 340.11 Rechtstheorie. Rechtsvinding--(algemeen) --- 340 Rechtsbeginselen. Juridische methodologie. --- 17 Moral philosophy. Ethics. Practical philosophy --- Moral philosophy. Ethics. Practical philosophy --- Rechtsbeginselen. Juridische methodologie --- Monograph --- Comité P --- Rechtswissenschaft --- pravna znanost --- shkencë juridike --- tiesību zinātne --- jogtudomány --- právní věda --- teisės mokslas --- drept --- xjenza tad-dritt --- juridische wetenschap --- právna veda --- oikeustiede --- science juridique --- scienze giuridiche --- rättsvetenskap --- õigusteadus --- правна наука --- legal science --- retsvidenskab --- νομική επιστήμη --- nauka prawa --- ciencia jurídica --- ciência jurídica --- δίκαιο --- jog --- jura --- diritto --- ligj --- právo --- juridik --- pravo --- наука за правото --- věda o právu --- law --- право --- tieslietas --- droit --- Derecho --- jurisprudence --- теорија на право --- ret --- Ethik --- ethics --- etyka --- ética --- etikë --- etica --- éthique --- ētika --- етика --- etika --- etică --- moral --- ηθική δεοντολογία --- eetika --- etik --- etiikka --- moralės mokslas --- dorovės mokslas --- veda o morálke --- moral science --- mravnost --- morale --- Moral --- morálka --- moraal --- erkölcsfilozófia --- moraali --- ethica --- morāles mācība --- filosofía moral --- erkölcstan --- morală --- shkencë morale --- dorotyra --- ηθική --- zedenleer --- eolaíocht dhlíthiúil --- eitic

Northwestern University journal of international human rights : JIHR.
ISSN: 1549828X Year: 2003 Publisher: Chicago, IL : Northwestern University School of Law,

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Human rights --- Droits de l'homme (Droit international) --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Human rights. --- Droit international. --- Droits de l'homme. --- Human Rights. --- Basic rights --- Civil rights (International law) --- Rights, Human --- Rights of man --- Law and legislation --- Human security --- Transitional justice --- Truth commissions --- Drets humans. --- Dret internacional. --- Estats Units d'Amèrica. --- Dret de gents --- Dret --- Actes il·lícits (Dret internacional) --- Actes unilaterals (Dret internacional) --- Concordats --- Diplomàtics --- Dret ambiental internacional --- Dret de conquesta --- Dret de família (Dret internacional) --- Dret diplomàtic i consular --- Dret fiscal internacional --- Dret internacional del treball --- Dret internacional penal --- Dret internacional privat --- Dret internacional públic --- Dret del mar --- Drets humans (Dret internacional) --- Eficàcia i validesa del dret --- Estatut internacional --- Extraterritorialitat --- Frau fiscal (Dret internacional) --- Indemnització --- Intervenció (Dret internacional) --- Llacs internacionals --- Nacionalitat dels vaixells --- Naturalització --- Neutralitat --- Reserves de tractats internacionals --- Responsabilitat penal (Dret internacional) --- Successió d'Estats --- Tortura (Dret internacional) --- Uti possidetis (Dret internacional) --- Dret internacional i dret intern --- Drets de l'home --- Ciències polítiques --- Discriminació --- Dret constitucional --- Defensors dels drets humans --- Detenció de persones --- Dret a l'alimentació --- Dret a la salut --- Dret a la vida --- Dret a un judici just --- Dret al treball --- Drets fonamentals --- Drets sexuals --- Drets socials --- Drets culturals --- Reivindicacions socials --- Llibertat --- E.U.A. --- EE.UU. --- EUA --- Estados Unidos de América --- Estats Units --- U.S.A. --- United States --- United States of America --- USA --- Amèrica del Nord --- Alabama --- Alaska --- Arizona --- Arkansas --- Califòrnia --- Carolina del Nord --- Carolina del Sud --- Colorado --- Connecticut --- Dakota del Nord --- Dakota del Sud --- Delaware --- Florida --- Geòrgia --- Guadalupe Mountains (Estats Units d'Amèrica : Serralada) --- Hawaii --- Idaho --- Illinois --- Indiana --- Iowa --- Kansas --- Kentucky --- Louisiana --- Maine --- Maryland --- Massachusetts --- Michigan --- Minnesota --- Mississipí --- Missouri --- Montana --- Nebraska --- Nevada --- Nou Hampshire --- Nou Mèxic --- Nova Jersey --- Nova York (Estat) --- Oest (Estats Units d'Amèrica) --- Ohio --- Oklahoma --- Oregon --- Pennsilvània --- Rhode Island --- Tennessee --- Texas --- Utah --- Vermont --- Virgínia --- Virgínia de l'Oest --- Washington (Districte de Colúmbia) --- Washington (Estat) --- Wisconsin --- Wyoming --- Yellowstone National Park

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