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Gastroenterology --- gastro-enterologie --- leverziekten --- hepatitis C
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Immunology. Immunopathology --- Medical microbiology, virology, parasitology --- immunologie --- virologie --- hepatitis C
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This book is a concise and up-to-date review of the clinical features, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of patients with hepatitis C. Busy health care professionals who want a quick review of hepatitis C and new developments in treatment for hepatitis C will benefit from this succinct guide. Hepatitis C virus primarily infects liver cells and can lead to chronic damage to the liver. Patients with hepatitis C infection often develop liver sequelae such as fibrosis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma if left untreated. It is estimated that 150 million people worldwide are infected with hepatitis C virus, and if eradication is to be achieved it is imperative to diagnose and treat such individuals.
Gastroenterology --- Infectious diseases. Communicable diseases --- gastro-enterologie --- besmettelijke ziekten --- leverziekten --- hepatitis C
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Hepatitis C Virus and Liver Transplantation is designed to provide a comprehensive and state-of-the-art overview of the major issues specific to the field of liver transplantation and hepatitis C virus infection. The sections of the book have been structured to review the overall scope of issues of recurrent hepatitis C in different complex settings, including retransplantation, HIV-coinfected patients or in the setting of suboptimal graft donors. This book provides up-to-date information on the application of new therapies to the field of liver transplantation. It provides the most recent data on their efficacy, the management of side effects, as well as the potential interactions and specific problems associated with their use in the transplant setting. Finally, an appraisal of the risks and benefits of using organs from anti-HCV positive donors is presented. This book provides concise and actual materials for several important topics that are simply not adequately covered by current available literature. Hepatitis C Virus and Liver Transplantation will provide a unique and valuable resource in the field of liver transplantation and will be of great value to Hepatologists, Transplant and Abdominal Surgeons, Oncologists, as well as Fellows and Residents training in these fields. .
Gastroenterology --- Orthopaedics. Traumatology. Plastic surgery --- Surgery --- Human medicine --- geneeskunde --- chirurgie --- gastro-enterologie --- leverziekten --- transplantaties --- buik --- hepatitis C
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This volume is composed of chapters that review important fundamental aspects of HCV biology and disease pathogenesis including, for example, the discovery and identification of the HCV genome, early virus-cell interactions including identification of various cellular receptors, HCV gene expression studied using the HCV replicon system, identification and characterization of HCV structural- and non-structural HCV proteins, HCV replication in cultured cells, and host factors involved in viral replication. This volume also contains chapters dealing with immunity to HCV infection and pathogenesis. This is particularly important in understanding hepatitis C because HCV infection alone is not cell lytic. Mechanisms underlying the persistent nature of HCV infection are also discussed in these chapters. Many of the authors published articles that were listed among the “top 10 papers” published in the 24 years since HCV was discovered in 1989. Their citations are above 1,000 (Web of Science). The authors describe the background and significance of their contributions to the field in the context of findings from other research groups”.
Immunology. Immunopathology --- Medical microbiology, virology, parasitology --- Pathological biochemistry --- Gastroenterology --- Human medicine --- immunologie --- medische biochemie --- biochemie --- biomedische wetenschappen --- virologie --- gastro-enterologie --- leverziekten --- hepatitis C --- moleculaire biologie
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This book helps scientists, clinicians and other interested individuals understand recent clinical advances and challenges for the future. It covers many basic aspects of the pathogenesis of chronic hepatitis C, HCV infections in particular populations, approaches to therapy, and prevention and control of HCV Infection. The book provides a succinct review of the large amount of data generated by multiple groups over the past two decades that has revealed the natural history of HCV infection. Similarly, it summarizes current understanding of the origins of HCV-associated hepatocellular carcinoma, cirrhosis and hepatic fibrosis. Extra-hepatic manifestation and metabolic disorders related to HCV infection are described. In this volume, these clinically important aspects of HCV infection are comprehensively described. Highlights are description of newly developed direct- acting antivirals. The authors represent a worldwide distribution of leaders in the field reflecting the global nature of HCV infection. Based on recent data concerning the genetic- and geographical diversity of HCV, and increased global disease burden of HCV infection, challenges for global control of HCV infections are described.
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This book introduces readers to Direct Acting Antiviral (DAAs) agents, newly developed drugs to treat chronic hepatitis C virus infection, which have an excellent anti-viral effect on virus replication. These drugs have been developed to enhance the effect of interferon and ribavirin, as the resistant strains against each drug have been described both in vitro and in vivo and the existences of naturally occurring variants have been reported. However, since the combination of different classes of DAAs is sufficient to completely eradicate the virus without the need for interferon or ribavirin, the current treatment regimen does not include interferon. Ribavirin is used in combination with sofosbuvir, a potent polymerase inhibitor, to enhance its antiviral effects. Hepatitis C Virus Treatment offers readers a comprehensive guide to hepatitis C; describing the resistance profiles against these drugs and shedding light on the difficulties involved in DAA therapy and the direction of future treatments, it will equip doctors to understand the essentials of treating the disease. It also describes in detail new and innovative DAA treatments, the effects of the agents, and the characteristics of resistance, providing cutting-edge information not only for hepatologists, but also for researchers, clinical residents, and medical students.
Pharmacology. Therapy --- Medical microbiology, virology, parasitology --- Gastroenterology --- Human medicine --- resistentie (farmacologie) --- geneesmiddelentolerantie --- medische virologie --- farmacologie --- geneeskunde --- virologie --- gastro-enterologie --- leverziekten --- hepatitis C --- drugs --- interferon --- polymeren
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Hepatitis C virus (HCV), a major causative agent of chronic liver disease, is spread throughout the world and around 170 million people are persistently infected. In this volume, world-leading experts in the field of HCV research have compiled the most recent scientific advances to provide a comprehensive and very timely overview of the various facets of HCV. The book starts with a discussion of the possible origin of HCV and its spread among the human population. The focus of the subsequent chapters is on available cell culture and in vivo models before shifting to the molecular and cellular principles underlying the viral replication cycle. These chapters are complemented by insightful descriptions of the innate and adaptive immune responses to HCV as well as the virus-associated pathogenesis. Finally, the development of antiviral therapies, which is closely linked with progress in basic research, and the implementation of those therapies into present and future daily clinical practice are highlighted.
Immunology. Immunopathology --- Pharmacology. Therapy --- Medical microbiology, virology, parasitology --- Pathological biochemistry --- Gastroenterology --- Human medicine --- immunologie --- resistentie (farmacologie) --- klinische chemie --- medische biochemie --- geneesmiddelentolerantie --- medische virologie --- farmacologie --- biochemie --- biomedische wetenschappen --- geneeskunde --- virologie --- gastro-enterologie --- leverziekten --- hepatitis C --- drugs --- moleculaire biologie
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In Verslavingsgeneeskunde worden problemen van patiënten besproken uit de praktijk van de verslavingsarts, problemen die niet direct met behulp van een richtlijn zijn op te lossen. Het is een boek dat de praktijk van de behandeling en begeleiding van verslaafde patiënten combineert met wetenschappelijke inzichten over verslaving en behandeling. De problematiek van een patiënt wordt op systematische wijze in kaart gebracht volgens de EBM-methode, en de daaruit voortkomende vragen worden zo goed mogelijk beantwoord.
Verslaving --- Neurofarmacologie --- Geneesmiddelenverslaving --- 602.4 --- Geneeskunde --- Psychiatrie --- 614.7 --- ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, hyperkinetisch syndroom, MBD) --- alcoholisme --- alexithymie --- angststoornissen --- borderlinesyndroom --- cannabis --- cocaïne --- collocatie --- diabetes mellitus (suikerziekte) --- drugs --- dwangbehandeling --- dwangstoornis (obsessief-complusieve stoornis) --- ecstasy --- evidence-based onderzoek (evidence-based medicine) --- gedwongen opname (BOPZ) --- hepatitis C --- medicamenteuze verslaving --- mentaal gehandicapten --- neurobiologie --- opiaten --- posttraumatische stressstoornis --- psychofarmaca --- roken --- schizofrenie --- slaapstoornissen --- verslaving --- (zie ook: alvleesklier, insuline) --- (zie ook: farmacologie, psychofarmaca) --- (zie ook: zwakzinnigheid) --- Psychiatry --- psychopathologie --- Toxicology --- psychosomatiek --- evidence-based methodiek --- PTSS (posttraumatische stress-stoornis) --- farmacologie --- Pharmacology. Therapy --- Gokken --- Internet
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