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Thermodynamics : an engineering approach
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0071121773 0072383321 Year: 2002 Publisher: Boston, MA : McGraw-Hill,

Chemical, biochemical, and engineering thermodynamics.
ISBN: 9780471661740 0471661740 Year: 2006 Publisher: Hoboken John Wiley & sons

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This book presents a modern, applied approach to chemical thermodynamics and provides sufficient detail to develop a solid understanding of the key principles in the field. The book addresses current information on environmental and safety issues and how chemical engineering principles apply in biochemical engineering, bio-technology, polymers, and solid-state-processing. This text is suitable for the undergraduate and graduate level courses.

Physical chemistry.
ISBN: 0815340877 0815340915 0815340850 0815340893 9780815340898 9780815340874 9780815340911 9780815340850 9780429258916 0429258917 9781000065251 1000065251 9780429258923 0429258925 9781000065268 100006526X 9780429258930 0429258933 9781000065275 1000065278 Year: 2006 Publisher: New York : Taylor & Francis,

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This is a new undergraduate textbook on physical chemistry by Horia Metiu published as four separate paperback volumes. These four volumes on physical chemistry combine a clear and thorough presentation of the theoretical and mathematical aspects of the subject with examples and applications drawn from current industrial and academic research. By using the computer to solve problems that include actual experimental data, the author is able to cover the subject matter at a practical level. The books closely integrate the theoretical chemistry being taught with industrial and laboratory practice. This approach enables the student to compare theoretical projections with experimental results, thereby providing a realistic grounding for future practicing chemists and engineers. Each volume of Physical Chemistry includes Mathematica® and Mathcad® Workbooks on CD-ROM.


Quantum theory --- Théorie quantique --- Mathematics --- Textbooks --- Problems, exercises, etc. --- Mathématiques --- Manuels d'enseignement supérieur --- Problèmes et exercices --- 541.12 --- 541.1 --- Chemical mechanics --- Physical chemistry --- 544.18 --- Quantum chemistry --- Chemical kinetics --- 541.1 Physical chemistry --- 544.18 Quantum chemistry --- 541.12 Chemical mechanics --- Théorie quantique --- Mathématiques --- Manuels d'enseignement supérieur --- Problèmes et exercices --- Cinétique chimique --- gassen --- entropie --- enthalpie --- hoofdwetten thermodynamica --- elektrolyten --- Thermodynamique --- Manuels --- 536.7 --- 536.7 Thermodynamics. Energetics --- Thermodynamics. Energetics --- Thermodynamics --- Chemistry, Physical and theoretical --- Dynamics --- Mechanics --- Physics --- Heat --- Heat-engines --- Quantum dynamics --- Quantum mechanics --- Quantum physics --- Chemical reaction, Kinetics of --- Chemical reaction, Rate of --- Chemical reaction, Velocity of --- Chemical reaction rate --- Chemical reaction velocity --- Kinetics, Chemical --- Rate of chemical reaction --- Reaction rate (Chemistry) --- Velocity of chemical reaction --- Chemical affinity --- Reactivity (Chemistry) --- Statistical mechanics --- Mechanics, Analytic --- Quantum statistics --- Statistical physics --- Physicochemistry --- fysicochemie --- thermodynamica --- Mécanique statistique --- Chimie physique et théorique --- Textbooks. --- Statistical mechanics - Textbooks --- Chemistry, Physical and theoretical - Problems, exercises, etc. --- Chemical kinetics - Mathematics - Textbooks --- Chemical kinetics - Problems, exercises, etc. --- Thermodynamics - Textbooks.

Toegepaste energietechniek : deel 2 : duurzame energie
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789039523049 9039523045 9039523053 9789039523056 9789039525760 9789039526545 Year: 2008 Publisher: Den Haag Sdu

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Toegepaste energietechniek deel 1 biedt een inleiding in de wereld van de energietechnische systemen. In het boek komen alle energietechnieken en -systemen aan bod. Het is het enige boek in Nederland op dit vakgebied. Na twee algemene hoofdstukken over energietechniek en verbrandingstechniek wordt achtereenvolgens aandacht besteed aan de onderwerpen warmwaterketels, zuigerverbrandingsmotoren, gasturbines, stoominstallaties, pompen, compressoren en ventilatoren, koude-installaties en geïntegreerde installaties als STEG.Met dit boek leert de student de technieken en systemen te herkennen en te beoordelen op functioneren aan de hand van keuzecriteria.Bij de bespreking van deze systemen wordt uitgegaan van een systeembenadering waarin de nadruk ligt op de gebruikseigenschappen en -kenmerken van de werktuigen en energiesystemen.Tevens komen de aspecten energie-efficiency en vermindering van de milieubelasting aan bod.Optimalisering van de rendementen is de rode draad bij alle systemen.


536.2 --- 536.7 --- 621.1 --- 697 --- Energietechniek --- Verbrandingsmotoren --- Gasturbines --- Pompen --- Compressoren --- Ventilatoren --- Koeltechniek --- Thermodynamica --- Warmtekrachtkoppeling --- Stoomtechniek --- Warmwaterinstallaties --- energietechniek --- stoomtechniek --- verbrandingsmotoren --- gasturbines --- pompen --- compressoren --- ventilatoren --- zonne-energie --- windenergie --- waterkracht --- biomassa --- toegepaste mechanica --- 697 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning of buildings --- Heating, ventilation and air conditioning of buildings --- 621.1 Heat engines in general. Generation, distribution and use of steam. Steam engines. Boilers --- Heat engines in general. Generation, distribution and use of steam. Steam engines. Boilers --- 536.7 Thermodynamics. Energetics --- Thermodynamics. Energetics --- 536.2 Heat conduction. Heat transfer --- Heat conduction. Heat transfer --- 658.26 --- 621.51/.54 --- 658.26 Energy sources. Power supply. Provision of heat and water --- Energy sources. Power supply. Provision of heat and water --- technische toepassingen van pneumatische energie --- 658.2 --- 658.2 Installations and plant. Premises. Buildings, works, factories. Materials --- Installations and plant. Premises. Buildings, works, factories. Materials --- Machine elements --- STEG (stoom- en gasturbines) --- compressors --- ventilators [ventilation components] --- verbranding --- werktuigbouwkunde --- Pneumatic energy. Refrigeration --- koude-installaties --- Internal combustion engines --- waterturbines --- duurzame energie --- Heat engines. Steam engines --- warmte-energie --- wind power --- zuigerverbrandingsmotoren --- warmwaterinstallatie --- gas turbines --- Relation between energy and economics --- duurzame ontwikkeling --- Thermodynamics --- thermodynamica --- alternatieve energie --- Alternatieve energie (Hernieuwbare energie) --- Biomassa --- Brandstofcellen --- Collectoren --- Duurzame energie --- Elektrische energietechniek --- Energieopslagsystemen --- Fotovoltaïsche zonne-energie --- Geothermische energie --- Warmtepompen --- Waterkracht-energie --- Waterstoftechnologie --- Windenergie --- Zonne-energie --- 620.4 ) ENERGIE --- energie --- bioenergie --- brandstofcel --- energieopslag --- energievoorziening --- fotovoltaïsche energie --- geothermische energie --- groene energie --- warmtepomp --- (zie ook: energiegewas) --- (zie ook: biomassa vergassing) --- Duurzame energie. --- warmteleer --- Stromingsleer --- Verbrandingstechniek --- Stoominstallaties --- Koudetechniek --- koudetechniek --- 621.56 --- 621.5/.6 --- energietechnologie --- verbrandingstechniek --- warmwaterketel --- verbrandingsmotor --- gasturbine --- stoominstallatie --- pomp --- compressor --- koelinstallatie --- 621.56 Refrigeration in general. Production of low temperatures --- Refrigeration in general. Production of low temperatures --- Technische toepassingen van pneumatische energie --- Heat conduction.Heat transfer --- Heat engines in general.Generation,distribution and use of steam.Steam Engines. Boilers --- (zie ook: alternatieve aandrijving auto) --- (zie ook: turbine) --- PXL-Central Office 2014 --- energiesystemen --- WKK --- brandstofcellen --- energie, alternatieve --- energie, bronnen --- hernieuwbare energiebronnen --- 620.9 --- Duurzame energiebronnen --- Energietechnologie --- Energie --- Techniek --- Waterkracht --- Biomassa-energie --- Techniek (wetenschap) --- Warmtepomp --- Belasting (fiscaal)

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