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Aanpak van radicalisme : een psychologische analyse
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789066659926 9066659920 Year: 2010 Publisher: Amsterdam Stichting Welzijns Publikaties (SWP)

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Waarom vertrekken mensen uit Nederland naar Syrië om daar te strijden? Waarom plegen sommige extreem-rechtse groepen geweld tegen “buitenlanders”? Vaak gaat daar een stapsgewijs proces van radicalisering aan vooraf.Zowel burgers als professionals (bestuurders, docenten, politieagenten, jeugdwerkers) krijgen steeds vaker te maken met jongeren die dit proces van radicalisering doormaken. Hun reactie op deze jongeren kan deze radicalisering verzwakken of versterken. Om radicalisering goed aan te pakken is meer duidelijkheid nodig over het proces.Dit boek beschrijft stapsgewijs hoe het proces van radicalisering zich voltrekt. Dit proces is tevens het uitgangspunt voor de beschreven manieren van aanpak. Op deze wijze wordt het duidelijk op welk moment welke interventies gehanteerd kunnen worden om radicalisering aan te pakken.Wat het boek bijzonder maakt is de toetsing van de gedragswetenschappelijke inzichten aan de Nederlandse situatie. Tevens worden in dit boek handvatten en adviezen voor deradicalisering gegeven. Deze adviezen zijn gebaseerd op een sociaal-wetenschappelijke analyse van het radicaliseringsproces.Dit boek leert een ieder om radicalisering te herkennen, leert bestuurders om hun beleid met betrekking tot dit thema te optimaliseren en leert docenten, politieambtenaren, sociaal pedagogen en jeugdwerkers hoe om te gaan met deze problematiek.

The Sleeper Agent in Post-9/11 Media
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783031115165 9783031115158 9783031115172 9783031115189 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan

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This book examines the figure of the sleeper agent as part of post-9/11 political, journalistic and fictional discourse. There is a tendency to discuss the terroristic threat after 9/11 as either a faraway enemy to be hunted down by military force or, on the other hand, as a ubiquitous, intangible threat that required constant alertness at home. The missing link between these two is the sleeper agent - the foreign enemy hiding among US citizens. By analyzing popular television shows, several US comic books, and a broad variety of Hollywood films that depict sleeper agents direct or allegorically, this book explores how a shift in perspective-from terrorist to sleeper agent-brings new insights into our understanding of post-9/11 representations of terrorism. The book's interdisciplinary focus between media studies, cultural studies, and American studies, suggests that it will find an audience in a variety of fields, including historical research, narratology, popular culture, as well as media and terrorism studies. Vanessa Ossa is Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Applied Science in Cologne, Germany. She is a former member of the Collaborative Research Center 923 "Threatened Order-Societies under Stress," in Tübingen and co-editor of, "Threat Communication and the US Order after 9/11: Medial Reflections." Her research focuses on narrative representations of post-9/11 terrorism and transmedial narratology, with a particular interest in films, fictional television, comic books, video games, and related participatory practices.

Geesten van het avondland : de roots van het moslimterrorisme
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789085420583 908542058X Year: 2006 Publisher: Antwerpen Meulenhoff / Manteau

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Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780714846552 0714846554 9780714862125 Year: 2006 Publisher: London ; New York Phaidon Press

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This extraordinary archive of pictures is the only existing photographic record of Ground Zero after the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001. Fenced off and classified as a crime scene, the area was closed to all photographers, and only scant information was available about the activities in the guarded enclosure that became known as "the forbidden city." Through sheer persistence involving almost daily acts of resourcefulness and defiance, Joel Meyerowitz became the sole photographer to have continued access to the site and describe its transformation over the next nine months from a place of total devastation to cleared bedrock. 

Published to coincide with the fifth anniversary of the World Trade Center attacks, this book serves not only as an elegy to the thousands who lost their lives, but also celebrates the tireless effort and bravery of the thousands of police officers, fire fighters, construction workers, engineers, and volunteers who assisted in the clean-up process. 

Presented on a monumental scale, these images of physical ruin and emotional strength - interspersed with personal reminiscences and stories of those working at the site - place on record the moments of courage, compassion, and solidarity that occurred there.

Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789462701588 946270158X 9789461662736 9461662734 Year: 2019 Volume: 4 Publisher: Leuven

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Vital insights into the complex nature of the concept of radicalisation.0Radicalisation is a topical and a much-discussed concept in current European societies. Its use in policy and societal discourses, such as media coverage and educational contexts, is very sensitive. This thought-provoking collection of essays critically addresses the topic of radicalisation from different angles, combining discipline-specific insights from the fields of sociology, philosophy, history, religious studies, and media studies, with new empirical data.0The authors step away from readily available explanations and rethink the notion of?the radical?. Rather than merely focusing on individuals or ideologies, they advocate for a contextual perspective that allows to consider the complex interaction between individuals, groups, and institutions, both at a national and international level. 'Radicalisation: A Marginal Phenomenon, or a Mirror to Society?' provides the reader not only with much-needed knowledge of the complex nature of the concept of radicalisation, but also offers insights into the various ways radicalisation processes can be triggered, prevented, or addressed.


Politieke filosofie. Sociale filosofie --- politieke filosofie --- godsdienstsociologie --- terrorisme --- Radicalization --- Radicalism --- Terrorism --- Terrorists --- Recruiting --- BPB1904 --- Religion --- Extrémisme --- #SBIB:316.331H333 --- #SBIB:316.8H16 --- #SBIB:17H3 --- Academic collection --- Godsdienst --- Extremisme --- Godsdienst, oorlog en vrede --- Welzijns- en sociale problemen: migranten, rassenrelaties --- Politieke wijsbegeerte --- Radicalism. --- Radicalization. --- Social problems --- Terrorism. --- Recruiting of terrorists --- Acts of terrorism --- Attacks, Terrorist --- Global terrorism --- International terrorism --- Political terrorism --- Terror attacks --- Terrorist acts --- Terrorist attacks --- World terrorism --- Direct action --- Insurgency --- Political crimes and offenses --- Subversive activities --- Political violence --- Terror --- Radicalisation --- Political science --- Extremism, Political --- Ideological extremism --- Political extremism --- Recruiting. --- RADICALIZATION --- Sociology of religion --- εξτρεμισμός --- extremism --- ekstremizmas --- ekstrēmisms --- extremismus --- Extremismus --- extremisme --- ekstremizëm --- extremismo --- szélsőség --- ekstremizam --- estremismo --- extrémizmus --- екстремизам --- estremiżmu --- ekstremisme --- ekstremizem --- antoisceachas --- äärisuuntaus --- екстремизъм --- ekstremizm --- äärmuslus --- ekstremism --- fanatism --- φανατισμός --- fanatizëm --- фундаментализам --- fanatismus --- fundamentalismus --- vallási fanatizmus --- fanatismo --- фанатизам --- fanatizmus --- fanatismi --- fanaticism --- kiihkomielisyys --- fanatisme --- fanātisms --- fanatizmas --- Fanatismus --- fanatizam --- fe --- uskonto --- náboženstvo --- vallás --- religión --- religioon --- godsdienst --- religie --- vjera --- religija --- religione --- reliģija --- religião --- náboženství --- religia --- религија --- reliġjon --- θρησκεία --- religion --- религия --- usutunnistus --- víra --- deismus --- светец --- теизам --- irreligiosità --- religiosità --- zbožnost --- věřící --- религиозност --- religiozita --- teismus --- деизам --- побожност --- světec --- kreacionismus --- panteismus --- Religionsgemeinschaft --- fideismus --- svatý --- vallási közösség --- Glaubensgemeinschaft --- pobožnost --- верници --- вера --- пантеизам --- reiligiún --- radicalisering --- Terrorists - Recruiting --- Extrémisme

Politics, religion & ideology
Authors: ---
ISSN: 21567697 21567689 Year: 2000 Publisher: Abingdon

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Sociology of religion --- Politics --- Religion and politics --- Totalitarianism --- Authoritarianism --- Religion et politique --- Totalitarisme --- Autoritarisme --- Periodicals. --- Periodicals --- Périodiques --- Political science --- Ideology --- Religion --- Ideology. --- Political science. --- Religion. --- Religion, Primitive --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Science, Political --- Atheism --- God --- Irreligion --- Religions --- Theology --- Social sciences --- State, The --- Knowledge, Theory of --- Philosophy --- Psychology --- Thought and thinking --- Religion and politics. --- Politics, Practical --- Politics and religion --- Religious aspects --- Political aspects --- Religion - General --- religion --- religion and state --- politics --- violence --- oppression --- ideology --- political religion --- political terror --- global modernity --- Adorno --- theory of totalitarianism --- Franquism --- authoritarianism --- Juan Linz --- communism --- Christian ethics --- Eastern Europe --- logic and religious nationalism --- racial profiling --- Singapore --- religious minorities --- ethnic minorities --- Franco regime --- political science vocabulary --- political religions --- religious nationalist movements --- sexuality --- Singapore Indian Sepoy mutiny (1915) --- book reviews --- religion and politics --- the First Hungarian Soviet Republic of 1919 --- Nine Lights ideology --- Hindu missions --- conspiracy --- the Francoist persecution of Freemasonry --- Shia --- Iran --- the Spanish Civil War --- Welayat Al-Faqih --- Protestant-Catholic divisions in Europe and the United States --- the religious left in contemporary American politics --- religion in the European Union --- America and Europe --- Evangelicals in Canada --- the Universal Secular Organization --- the United Nations --- Al-Qa'ida --- Abu Jandal al-Azdi --- online jihadi activism --- Spanish fascism --- Stalin --- the cult of personality --- the OIC --- the Khatami Era --- France --- laïcité --- German secularization --- religious discrimination --- Muslim minorities in Christian majority countries --- discrimination --- Islamic revival --- Islam --- modernity --- democracy --- church and state --- human rights --- Latin America --- the apparition of Medjugorje --- the movement of Sant'Egidio --- the Ku Klux Klan --- conservative politics --- extremism --- the political mainstream --- Europe --- conversion to Islam --- mechanisms of radicalization --- gender-issues --- international networks --- gender --- fascism --- right-wing --- far-right --- United States (US) --- women --- Junta de la Victoria --- Argentina --- Ailtirí na hAiséirghe --- Irish fascism --- anti-fascism --- national socialism --- the Spanish Anarcho-syndicalists --- socialists --- Civil War --- totalitarianism --- secularization theory --- liberalism --- Alfred Rosenberg --- the Nazi Weltanschauung --- modern gnosis --- liberation theology --- the radicalization of social catholic movements --- E.W. Barnes --- eugenics and religion --- Australian fascism --- revisionism --- the ideology of the New Guard --- the Pakistani Taliban --- the Basij Militia of Iran --- networks --- Jemaah Islamiah --- legitimacy --- loyalty --- civilian support --- the Moro Islamic Liberation Front --- Mindanao, Philippines --- Al-Shabaab --- Islamism --- Somalia --- the Israeli-Palestinian conflict --- Hamas --- the LTTE --- religious practices --- intra-Tamil divisions --- violent nationalist ideology --- the political ecology of war in Maoist India --- the Nazi seizure of power --- Machtergreifung --- 1933 --- the Nazi movement in Weimar Berlin --- Nazi economic thought --- rhetoric --- the Weimar Republic --- capitalism --- the German working-class movement --- the rise of Nazism --- anti-semitic violence --- Protestant Church in Germany --- Hitler --- British press --- American press --- Nazi anti-semitism --- anti-semitism --- anti-capitalism --- Hebrew Fascism --- Gramsci --- Antonio Gramsci --- Catholicism --- Secular Religion --- Sunni Islamism --- islam --- Missionary Politics --- Cult of the Cheka (Russia) --- Felix Dzerzhinsky (Фе́ликс Дзержи́нский) --- Chekism --- Soviet Union --- Hindu Nationalist Politics --- India --- Colonial India --- humanitarianism --- mediation --- Faith-based Mediation --- Hindu Mahasabha (HMS) --- Hindu Nationalism --- Zionism --- Political Theology --- Scientific Utopianism --- Post-Fascist Italy --- Italian Fascism --- German National Socialism --- British Union of Fascists --- Latvia --- authoritarian regimes --- Kārlis Ulmanis (1877 - 1942) --- transnational fascist networks --- Muslim Brotherhood --- Legion of the Archangel Michael --- political mythologies --- East Germany --- Konsum (DDR) --- propaganda --- East German socialism --- German Democratic Republic (GDR) --- East German society --- language --- Russia --- Publishers --- Portugal --- Catholic Opposition --- nazism --- Robin George Collingwood --- Boko Haram --- jihādī-Salafism --- salafism --- Religious Philosophy --- ideologies --- fundamentalist religions --- jihad --- Nigeria --- United Nations (UN) --- Norwegian Religious Education --- Norway --- Greece --- radical right --- neo-nazism --- Golden Dawn --- Greek radical right --- Orthodox Church of Greece (OCG) --- Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima --- paranoia --- group paranoia --- paranoid psychopathology --- religious fundamentalism --- Marian cults --- cold war --- pseudo-conservatism --- despotism --- Weimar --- Calvinism --- Capitalism --- Calvinism-Capitalism Thesis --- Weber Thesis of ascetic Protestantism --- Max Weber --- Primitivism --- Classicism --- Fascist Italy --- Finland --- immigrants --- Black African Immigrants --- political mobilization --- Spain --- surveys --- Spanish identity --- Spanish Catholicism --- Spanish Church --- warfare --- Theory of Warfare --- Just War Theory --- collectivity --- morality --- Jordan --- Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood --- stalinism --- Joseph Stalin --- proleptic communism --- socialism --- Colonial Pastoralism --- secularization --- Spanish Civil War --- Ayaan Hirsi Ali --- neoconservatism --- martyrdom --- martyrs --- Romania --- Iron Guard --- Legion of the Archangel Michael (Legionnaire Movement) --- patriotism --- Thanatic Nationalism --- martyric death --- self-sacrifice --- relativism --- monogamy --- polygamy --- hinduism --- hindutva --- beef bans --- anti-beef legislation --- Indian Constitution --- cow slaughter --- indian secularism --- Islamic State (ISIS) --- apocalypticism --- apocalyptic movements --- apocalyptic ideology --- jihadism --- Fidesz (Hungary) --- Justice and Development Party (AKP Turkey) --- African National Congress (ANC South Africa) --- hegemonic party rule --- Qur'ān --- Quran --- Surah Al-Isra --- French Republic --- French Secularism --- Judaism --- jews --- secularism --- Jewish Tradition --- concept of ideology --- Karl Mannheim --- Edward Shils --- Raymond Aron --- inquisition --- state-building --- Spanish inquisition --- French inquisition --- statebuilding --- Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP) --- Russian-Ukrainian Crisis (2014–2018) --- Ukraine --- religious policies --- community-based organizations --- Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate (UOC-KP) --- Ukrainian religions --- depth hermeneutics --- urban governance --- Israel --- methodology --- caliphate --- Dabiq magazine --- Hijrah --- imamah --- Religious Socialism --- International League of Religious Socialists (ILRS) --- reviews --- buddhism --- Philippines --- War on Drugs --- Rodrigo Duterte --- Baath Party --- William Connolly --- Baathism --- political activism --- South Korea --- Park Geun-hye --- self-immolation --- Tibet --- Globalism --- Black Multiculturalism --- Black Natural Law --- Carl Schmitt --- legal fascism --- nihilist order --- nihilism --- George W. Bush --- defence-spending --- Karlson - Holm - Breen (KHB) method --- KHB method --- Bush doctrine --- religious affiliation --- Pentecostalism --- Ghana --- indigenous religions --- legislation --- media --- Soviet legacy --- Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) --- Syrian War --- Syria --- radical theology --- ideological transmission --- Greek Orthodox Church --- Archbishop Christodoulos (1998–2008) --- Euromaidan Protests (2013–2014) --- religious freedom --- populism --- sacralized politics --- Turkey --- Islamic thought --- Aum Shinrikyo (オウム真理教) --- Shoko Asahara (麻原彰晃) --- sarin --- terrorism --- Japanese new religious movements --- Japan --- Murakami Haruki (村上春樹) --- interviews --- European Union (EU) --- Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) --- religious tolerance --- religious symbolism --- Recep Tayyip Erdoğan --- far right --- Covid-19 --- pandemic --- gendered nationalism --- masculinity --- cimate denial --- social media --- facebook --- Anti-Islamic Facebook Groups --- anti-islam --- coronavirus --- climate change --- insecurity --- nationhood --- coronavirus pandemic --- Greta Thunberg --- internet --- traditionalism --- pseudolaw --- Social Movements --- #ThisFlag Movement --- Evan Mawarire --- Zimbabwe --- shia --- terrorist organizations --- Liberal Internationalism --- Woodrow Wilson --- René Guénon --- Julius Evola --- Catholic Church --- Guénonian Traditionalism --- Argentinian politics --- Sovereign Citizens (US) --- Sovereign Citizen communities --- pseudolaw communities --- Strawman Theory --- pseudolegal conspiracy theory --- Freeman on the land movement --- freemen movement --- pseudolaw memes (PM) --- Moorish sovereign citizen movement --- Terrorism Research Access Consortium (TRAC) --- Wilsonianism --- Nordic Resistance Movement --- Europe-wide Generation Identity --- Identitarian movements --- ethnonationalism --- Scandinavia --- far right associations --- Kurdistani Jews --- Kurdish diaspora --- Kurdish Jews --- Chinese Communist Party (CCP) --- Beijing (China) --- Peking (China) --- Simone de Beauvoir --- maoism --- North Korea --- Kim Jong-Un --- Kimilsungism - Kimjongilism --- marxism-leninism --- Ideologization --- de-ideologization --- Rohingya --- Myanmar --- al-qaida --- intra-religious competition --- Songun politics (Military First) --- Kim Il-Sung --- juche --- Kim Jong-Il --- jucheism --- post-Islamism --- Islamic Republic --- Georgia --- Georgian Orthodox Church (GOC) --- new religious movements (NRM) --- cults --- anti-cult --- terminology --- sects --- anti-muslim --- forced migration --- China --- brexit --- Thomas Sankara (1949-1987) --- Burkina Faso revolution --- migration --- Religion in the Age of Migration --- feminism --- vanguardism --- totalitarian politics --- post-coloniality --- chinese state building --- religion in China --- discourse --- United Kingdom (UK) --- populism and religion --- Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) --- Gottlob Frege (1848-1925) --- political theology --- democracy concept --- Germanic democracy --- Volksherrschaft --- Nazism --- anti-socialist nationalism --- völkisch --- Concentric Citizenship --- Ulama --- Bangladeshi politics --- Jamaat-e-Islami --- Islami Oikya Jote --- Hefazat-e-Islam --- muslim society --- Bangladesh --- Protestant house church --- Marxist atheism --- religion-state relations --- Romanian Orthodox Church --- self-heroization --- heroic ethos --- epic consciousness --- revolutionary organisation --- habitus --- political ontology --- pluralistic populism --- Pan-African populism --- white supremacist populism --- Ku Klux Klan --- Industrial Workers of the World --- Garveyism --- Christian nationalism --- apocalypse --- apocalyptic thinking --- foreign policy --- Ülkücüs --- Ülkücü movement --- Turkish far-right organization --- sex segregation --- Saudi Arabia --- sexagogy --- sex-segregated society --- gender segregation --- Sahwa --- Korea --- Korean political theology --- Korean liberal theology --- Czechoslovakia --- Pentecostal movement --- Post-Stalinism --- religious field --- atheism --- Slovakia --- LGBTIQ --- Christianity --- Communist Party --- Montenegro --- Albanians --- Indonesia --- Pancasila --- Indonesian Islam --- Islamic law --- Five Pillars --- Sudan --- Islamisation of knowledge --- education --- mixed couples --- mixed marriages --- Libya --- Italy --- national identity --- colonialism --- Jewish identity --- Holocaust --- Iranian Revolution --- Messianism --- Islamic State --- fundamentalism --- Afghanistan --- Taliban --- islamism --- Malaysia --- Jewish --- anti Semitism --- Islamic Socialism --- National Catholicism --- Mahdism --- radicalism --- political violence --- Middle East --- North Africa

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