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Quality of Life Research
ISSN: 09629343 15732649

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Quality of Life Research is an international, multidisciplinary journal devoted to the rapid communication of original research, theoretical articles and methodological reports related to the field of quality of life in all the health sciences. The journal also publishes editorials, literature, book and software reviews, correspondence and abstracts of conferences. Quality of life has become a prominent subject in biometry, philosophy, social science, clinical medicine, health services and outcomes research. Therefore, the journal's scope reflects the wide application of quality of life assessment and research in the biological and social sciences. Manuscript submissions of original work are subjected to peer review for originality, scientific quality and relevance to a broad readership.

Time Perspective theory; review, research and application : Essays in honor of Philip G. Zimbardo
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783319073682 9783319073675 9783319073699 9783319345840 3319073672 Year: 2015 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This book is about time and its powerful influence on our personal and collective daily life. It presents the most comprehensive and up-to-date overview of contemporary knowledge on temporal psychology inspired by Zimbardo's work on Time Perspective (TP). With contributions from renowned and promising researchers from all over the globe, and at the interface of social, personality, cognitive and clinical psychology, the handbook captures the breadth and depth of the field of psychological time. Time perspective, as the way people construe the past, the present and the future, is conceived and presented not only as one of the most influential dimensions in our psychological life leading to self-impairing behaviors, but also as a facet of our person that can be de-biased and supportive for well-being and happiness. Written in honor of Philip G. Zimbardo on his 80th birthday and in acknowledgement of his leading role in the field, the book contains illustrations of the countless studies and applications that his theory has stimulated, and captures the theoretical, methodological and practical pathways he opened by his prolific research.

Kleine revoluties: of willen we de barbarij
ISBN: 9789491297434 9491297430 Year: 2013 Publisher: Berchem EPO

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Dag in dag uit miljoenen nieuwsberichten, analyses en andere ongetwijfeld zeer relevante meninkjes: veel mensen krijgen daar hoofdpijn van, voelen zich overdonderd of, erger nog, krijgen het gevoel dat de wereld te groot en te onvatbaar is voor verandering. Aan al die vertwijfelden zegt de auteur: onderaan is er nog heel veel plaats! Want de planeet staat dan wel op zijn kop, de tijd waarin we leven biedt ook kansen. Beseffen we eigenlijk wel hoeveel verfrissende alternatieven er nu al bestaan of uitgewerkt worden aan de basis? Van patiëntenverenigingen tot coöperatieven die 'verticaal boeren' in oude fabrieken. 't Zijn kleine revoluties, jawel. Maar in een wereld waarin de 99% niet moet rekenen op de solidariteit van de 1% kunnen ze heel betekenisvol worden. Zoals een wijze indiaan die net een pijp heeft gestopt en een belangrijke boodschap door te geven heeft. Zo wandelt Rik Pinxten, die enkele maanden geleden op emeritaat ging, door zijn stad en door de wereld


maatschappijkritiek --- cultuursociologie --- interculturaliteit --- participatie --- Sociology of culture --- Anthropologie philosophique --- Anthropology [Philosophical ] --- Antropologie [Filosofische ] --- Antropologie [Wijsgerige ] --- Cognitie en cultuur --- Cognition and culture --- Cognition et culture --- Filosofie van de mensheid --- Filosofische antropologie --- Homme (Philosophie) --- Homme -- Philosophie --- Homme [Philosophie de l' ] --- Man (Philosophy) --- Mens (Filosofie) --- Menselijke natuur (Filosofie) --- Nature humaine (Philosophie) --- Natuur [Menselijke ] (Filosofie) --- Philosophical anthropology --- Philosophie de l'homme --- Wijsgerige antropologie --- sociale filosofie --- cultuurfilosofie --- Qualité de la vie --- Philosophie --- BPB1303 --- 651 Maatschappij. Algemeen --- 1 --- 008 --- Levenskwaliteit --- Filosofie --- Sociologie --- Cultuursociologie --- Internationalisering --- Filosofie; maatschappij --- Maatschappijkritiek --- Filosofie; maatschappij. --- Maatschappijkritiek. --- filosofija --- filosofie --- filozofija --- filosofia --- filozofie --- philosophy --- filosofía --- филозофија --- φιλοσοφία --- filosoofia --- filozofi --- filozofia --- filozófia --- философия --- filosofi --- gnozeologie --- humanisme --- dialektika --- ontologie --- гносеологија --- epistemologie --- дијалектика --- епистемологија --- umanesimo --- bölcselet --- онтологија --- noetika --- kvalita života --- qualidade de vida --- jakość życia --- качество на живота --- elukvaliteet --- mianach saoil --- calitatea vieții --- cilësia e jetës --- квалитет живота --- livskvalitet --- gyvenimo kokybė --- calidad de la vida --- dzīves kvalitāte --- quality of life --- kakovost življenja --- ποιότητα ζωής --- Lebensqualität --- kakvoća života --- levenskwaliteit --- qualità della vita --- квалитет на живот --- kwalità tal-ħajja --- elämänlaatu --- életminőség --- kvaliteta života --- благосостојба --- Erfelijkheidsleer --- Stadssamenleving --- Verpleegkunde --- fealsúnacht --- cáilíocht bheatha --- 310 --- politieke sociologie --- sociologie --- Qualité de la vie --- philosophie --- herverdeling van macht --- herverdeling van kennis --- herverdeling van bezit --- economie --- godsdienstige tradities --- gelijkheid

Applied research in quality of life
ISSN: 18712584 18712576

The journal of positive psychology
ISSN: 17439779 17439760

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Positive psychology --- Psychology. --- Behavioral Medicine. --- Positive psychology. --- Social Sciences --- Health Sciences --- Behavioral Science (Psychology) and Counselling --- Psychiatry & Psychology --- Quality of life --- Happiness --- Psychological aspects --- Psychological aspects. --- Medicine, Behavioral --- Health Psychology --- Psychology, Health --- Health Psychologies --- Psychologies, Health --- Factors, Psychological --- Psychological Factors --- Psychological Side Effects --- Psychologists --- Psychosocial Factors --- Side Effects, Psychological --- Factor, Psychological --- Factor, Psychosocial --- Factors, Psychosocial --- Psychological Factor --- Psychological Side Effect --- Psychologist --- Psychosocial Factor --- Side Effect, Psychological --- Gladness --- Emotions --- Cheerfulness --- Contentment --- Pleasure --- Well-being --- Life, Quality of --- Economic history --- Human ecology --- Life --- Social history --- Basic needs --- Human comfort --- Social accounting --- Work-life balance --- Psychology --- Behavioral Medicine --- Behavioral Science (Psychology) and Counselling. --- Psychiatry & Psychology. --- Medicine and psychology. --- Psychologie positive --- Qualité de la vie --- Bonheur --- Psychologie. --- Médecine comportementale. --- psychology. --- Aspect psychologique --- Behavioral medicine --- Psychology and medicine --- Psychology, Applied --- Behavioral sciences --- Mental philosophy --- Mind --- Science, Mental --- Human biology --- Philosophy --- Soul --- Mental health --- Industries

Health and Quality of Life Outcomes
ISSN: 14777525

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Sociology of health --- Pharmacology. Therapy --- Outcome assessment (Medical care) --- Quality of life --- Evaluation des résultats (Soins médicaux) --- Qualité de la vie --- Outcome Assessment (Health Care) --- Quality of Life --- Periodicals --- Périodiques --- Quality of Life. --- Quality of life. --- Life, Quality of --- Assessment of outcome (Medical care) --- Outcome evaluation (Medical care) --- Outcome measures (Medical care) --- Outcomes assessment (Medical care) --- Outcomes measurement (Medical care) --- Outcomes research (Medical care) --- Patient outcome assessment --- Health-Related Quality Of Life --- Life Quality --- Health Related Quality Of Life --- Assessment, Outcomes --- Outcome Measures --- Outcome Studies --- Outcomes Assessment --- Outcomes Research --- Assessment, Outcome (Health Care) --- Assessments, Outcome (Health Care) --- Assessments, Outcomes --- Measure, Outcome --- Measures, Outcome --- Outcome Assessments (Health Care) --- Outcome Measure --- Outcome Study --- Outcomes Assessments --- Research, Outcomes --- Studies, Outcome --- Study, Outcome --- health-related quality of life assessment --- evaluation of medical interventions --- medical outcomes --- Economic history --- Human ecology --- Life --- Social history --- Basic needs --- Human comfort --- Social accounting --- Work-life balance --- Medical care --- HRQOL --- Life Style --- Cost of Illness --- Karnofsky Performance Status --- Value of Life --- Evaluation --- Sociologie van de gezondheid --- Farmacologie. Therapie --- Human medicine --- Computer. Automation --- farmacologie --- levenskwaliteit --- Outcome Assessment, Health Care. --- Public Health - General

Total health.
ISSN: 21694001 02746743 Year: 1980 Publisher: Woodland Hills, Calif. : Trio Publications Co.

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Health --- Holistic medicine --- Alternative medicine --- Self-care, Health --- Alternative medicine. --- Health. --- Holistic medicine. --- Self-care, Health. --- Attitude. --- Attitudes --- Health care, Self --- Health self-care --- Medical self-care --- Self-care, Medical --- Self health care --- Self-help, Health --- Holistic health --- Wholistic medicine --- Personal health --- Wellness --- Complementary medicine --- Healing systems --- Systems, Healing --- Systems, Therapeutic --- Therapeutic systems --- Attitude --- Quality of Life --- Life Style --- Quality of Life. --- Life Style. --- Opinions --- Opinion --- Intention --- Care of the sick --- Health behavior --- Medical care --- Medicine, Popular --- Holism --- Functional medicine --- Integrative medicine --- Mind and body --- Medicine --- Physiology --- Diseases --- Hygiene --- Well-being --- Life Style Induced Illness --- Lifestyle --- Life Styles --- Lifestyles --- Social Environment --- HRQOL --- Health-Related Quality Of Life --- Life Quality --- Health Related Quality Of Life --- Cost of Illness --- Karnofsky Performance Status --- Value of Life --- Health Sciences --- General and Others --- Neurology --- Public health --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Human medicine --- gezondheid --- gezondheidszorg --- Lifestyle Factors --- Factor, Lifestyle --- Lifestyle Factor --- Attitude (Psychology) --- Quality of life. --- Lifestyles. --- Santé --- Médecine holistique --- Médecines parallèles --- Autothérapie --- Santé. --- Attitude (Psychologie) --- Qualité de la vie. --- Style de vie. --- health. --- quality of life. --- Life style --- Life styles --- Styles, Life --- Human behavior --- Manners and customs --- Life, Quality of --- Economic history --- Human ecology --- Life --- Social history --- Basic needs --- Human comfort --- Social accounting --- Work-life balance --- Attitudes (Psychology) --- Psychology --- Public opinion --- Stereotypes (Social psychology)

Ongelijkheid : : lessen voor de eenentwintigste eeuw
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789462703681 946270368X Year: 2023 Publisher: Leuven Leuven University Press

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Ongelijkheid manifesteert zich in tal van vormen. Sommige multinationals zijn zo groot geworden dat ze succesvolle start-ups opkopen en hun winst laten afvloeien naar een kleine groep aandeelhouders die steeds meer middelen accumuleren. In onze eigen samenleving zou de kloof toenemen tussen een kleine schare superrijken en een veel grotere groep die zienderogen verarmt. De realiteit blijkt complexer en het wetenschappelijk onderzoek over ongelijkheid leidt tot soms verrassende inzichten. Ook de nadelige effecten van milieuproblemen en klimaatverandering zijn ongelijk verdeeld en nergens is ongelijkheid schrijnender aanwezig dan in de gezondheidszorg. Op mondiaal vlak spelen de koloniale en neokoloniale machtsverhoudingen onrechtvaardigheid in de hand. Ongelijkheid manifesteert zich ook in sferen waarover weinig wordt gecommuniceerd, zoals in die van de strafuitvoering. Verder wordt in deze lessenreeks aandacht besteed aan brandende thema?s als de energiereconversie, kunst en psychische kwetsbaarheid, weefseldonatie voor kankeronderzoek, ethische vragen omtrent artificiële intelligentie, mediagebruik en het psychisch welzijn van jongeren, geweld in de pleegzorg, en overdiagnosticering.


Sociology of culture --- cultuurfilosofie --- Social welfare methods --- wetenschap --- gezondheidszorg --- sociale ongelijkheid --- cultuursociologie --- ongelijkheid --- organisatiecultuur --- Multidisciplinary collective works --- armoede --- toegang tot de rechtspleging --- gezondheidsverzorging --- levenskwaliteit --- kvalita života --- qualidade de vida --- jakość życia --- качество на живота --- elukvaliteet --- calitatea vieții --- cilësia e jetës --- квалитет живота --- livskvalitet --- gyvenimo kokybė --- calidad de la vida --- dzīves kvalitāte --- quality of life --- kakovost življenja --- ποιότητα ζωής --- Lebensqualität --- kakvoća života --- qualità della vita --- qualité de la vie --- квалитет на живот --- kwalità tal-ħajja --- cáilíocht bheatha --- elämänlaatu --- életminőség --- kvaliteta života --- благосостојба --- soins de santé --- Gesundheitsversorgung --- veselības aprūpe --- health care --- zdravotní péče --- terveydenhoito --- trattamento sanitario --- zdravstveno varstvo --- здравствена заштита --- kura tas-saħħa --- sundhedspleje --- cuidado de la salud --- здравеопазване --- tervishoid --- sveikatos priežiūra --- îngrijirea sănătății --- hälso- och sjukvård --- zdravstvena skrb --- zdravotná starostlivosť --- υγειονομική μέριμνα --- egészségügyi ellátás --- cúram sláinte --- ochrona zdrowia --- kujdes shëndetësor --- cuidados de saúde --- medicinska njega --- медицинска нега --- asistencia facultativa --- medicīniskā aprūpe --- liečebná starostlivosť --- υγειονομική φροντίδα --- medical care --- ιατρική μέριμνα --- υγειονομική περίθαλψη --- cura médica --- trattamento medico --- asistencia médica --- orvosi ellátás --- lægebehandling --- lékařská péče --- ιατρική φροντίδα --- лекување --- kujdes mjekësor --- medicininė priežiūra --- ärztliche Behandlung --- medische verzorging --- nemocniční péče --- soin médical --- îngrijiri medicale --- медицинска заштита --- cuidados médicos --- soins médicaux --- arstiabi --- ιατρική περίθαλψη --- lääkärinhoito --- πρόσβαση στη δικαιοσύνη --- prístup k súdom --- iespēja griezties tiesā --- dostęp do wymiaru sprawiedliwości --- tillgång till rättsväsendet --- приступ судовима --- adgang til retsvæsenet --- rochtain ar na cúirteanna --- přístup k soudu --- Zugang zur Rechtspflege --- access to the courts --- bírósági eljáráshoz való jog --- accesso alla giustizia --- dostop do sodnega varstva --- достъп до правосъдие --- acesso à justiça --- oikeussuojakeinot --- acceso a la justicia --- pristup sudovima --- galimumas kreiptis į teismą --- mundësi për t'ju drejtuar gjykatës --- acces la justiție --- aċċess għall-ġustizzja --- пристап до судовите --- õiguskaitse kättesaadavus --- accès à la justice --- пристап до правосудството --- dostupnost pravde --- igazságszolgáltatáshoz való hozzáférés --- akses në drejtësi --- teismų prieinamumas --- access to justice --- dostupnost sudovima --- bochtaineacht --- povertà --- chudoba --- faqar --- siromaštvo --- ένδεια --- pobreza --- revščina --- vaesus --- fattigdom --- köyhyys --- Armut --- pauvreté --- бедност --- nabadzība --- poverty --- сиромаштија --- ubóstwo --- skurdas --- сиромаштво --- szegénység --- varfëri --- sărăcie --- fattig --- nouze --- ενδεής --- ekonomiskt svag --- i dobët ekonomikisht --- economie slabă --- indigente --- lufta kundër varfërisë --- szegény --- ekonomicky slabé obyvatelstvo --- uusköyhät --- lidé s nízkými příjmy --- беда --- Einkommensschwacher --- немаштија --- szegénység elleni küzdelem --- săraci --- cīņa ar nabadzību --- nuevo pobre --- καταπολέμηση της φτώχειας --- οικονομικά ασθενής --- ekonomska slabost --- økonomisk svagt stillet --- ekonomiski vājš --- boj proti chudobe --- i varfër --- pauvre --- schudobnelý --- pauperism --- nouveau pauvre --- lucha contra la pobreza --- mendigo --- debilidade económica --- sociálně slabí občané --- fight against poverty --- poor --- лица со ниски примања --- menesteroso --- new poor --- neopovero --- bekæmpelse af fattigdom --- борба против сиромаштија --- wirtschaftlich Schwacher --- pauperismo --- võitlus vaesusega --- neue Armut --- povero --- majanduslikult nõrk --- економска слабост --- i varfër i ri --- oskudica --- neturtingieji --- ekonomiškai silpnas --- boj proti bídě --- nieuwe arme --- fattigdomsbekämpning --- nyfattig --- medellös --- economically weak --- lupta împotriva sărăciei --- vähävarainen --- πενία --- chudobný --- uusvaene --- Bekämpfung der Armut --- νεόπτωχος --- zproletarizované skupiny --- ubemidlet --- pobre --- bijeda --- zchudnutí --- lutte contre la pauvreté --- naujieji skurdžiai --- luta contra a pobreza --- neimaština --- φτώχεια --- bída --- köyhyyden torjuminen --- ekonomicky slabý --- meno abbiente --- borba protiv siromaštva --- économiquement faible --- φτωχός --- bestrijding van de armoede --- novo pobre --- lotta all'indigenza --- Armer --- köyhä --- economisch zwak --- kova su skurdu --- άπορος --- gazdaságilag gyenge --- vaene --- arm --- indigent --- desigualdade social --- друштвена неједнакост --- inechitate socială --- éagothromaíocht shóisialta --- social inequality --- sociálna nerovnosť --- inégalité sociale --- pabarazi shoqërore --- desigualdad social --- društvena nejednakost --- socialna neenakost --- nierówność społeczna --- sociala skillnader --- social ulighed --- socialinė nelygybė --- yhteiskunnallinen eriarvoisuus --- disuguaglianza sociale --- inugwaljanza soċjali --- soziale Ungleichheit --- општествена нееднаквост --- sotsiaalne ebavõrdsus --- sociālā nevienlīdzība --- sociální nerovnost --- κοινωνική ανισότητα --- társadalmi egyenlőtlenség --- социално неравенство --- општествена хиерархија --- disparità sociale

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