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SUMO, edited by June Newton, features a wide selection of over 400 pictures, most of which are published for the first time, covering every aspect of Newton's outstanding career in photography: from his stunning fashion photographs, which pointed the way for generations of photographers, to his nudes and celebrity portaits.
fotografie --- photography [process] --- Photography --- Newton, Helmut --- 77 NEWTON, HELMUT --- Fotografie--NEWTON, HELMUT --- 77 NEWTON, HELMUT Fotografie--NEWTON, HELMUT --- Newton, helmut (1920-2004)
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photography [process] --- fotografie --- Photographers --- anno 1900-1999 --- anno 2000-2009 --- Belgium --- Photography --- Newton, Helmut
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Newton, Isaac, --- Engineering sciences. Technology --- uitvindingen --- Primary education --- History --- uitvinders --- toegepaste wetenschappen --- Didactics of social education --- WO (wereldoriëntatie) --- Didactics of sciences
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kinematica --- Newton --- thermodynamica --- elektromagnetisme --- licht --- relativiteitstheorie --- kwantummechanica --- kernfysica --- 53 --- 53 Fysica. Natuurkunde --- Fysica. Natuurkunde --- 53 Physics --- Physics --- Thermodynamics --- Nuclear physics --- isotopen --- kernenergie --- fysica
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This extended new edition offers a multifaceted insight into a period of intellectual history in the West in which the balance between speculative theories and experiential science was reset. As is well known, the interrelationship between philosophy and science underwent a profound change in the early modern period, in the course of which the sciences freed themselves from the conceptual framework of traditional metaphysics. The contributions of the volume focus on the eighteenth century, the critical and quite contradictory final phase of this process. The volume distinguishes itself by tracing this transition process not only in the obvious case of the new mechanics - Newtonianism and analytic mechanics - but also by addressing new speculative philosophies of nature - early modern atomism or imponderable physics - and new metaphysical controversies such as the body-mind problem (Can matter think?) as well as developments in special scientific fields such as cosmology/astronomy and natural history. The volume is written by historians of philosophy and the sciences of the early modern period and is intended primarily for specialists and students in these fields of knowledge. However, it is certainly also interesting and useful for cultural historians working on this period.
Philosophy of science --- History of philosophy --- filosofie --- geschiedenis --- wetenschapsfilosofie --- Newton, Isaac --- Leibniz, von, Gottfried W. --- Kant, Immanuel --- anno 1700-1799 --- Enlightenment --- Philosophy --- Science --- History
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Curie, Marie, --- Darwin, Charles, --- Einstein, Albert, --- Faraday, Michael, --- Freud, Sigmund, --- Humboldt, Alexander von, --- Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent, --- Newton, Isaac, --- Pasteur, Louis, --- History --- wetenschap --- Harvey, William --- Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent --- Freud, Sigmund --- Pure sciences: persons --- Humboldt, von, Alexander --- Aristotle --- Newton, Isaac --- Curie-Sklodowska, Marie --- Einstein, Albert --- Darwin, Charles --- Pasteur, Louis --- Faraday, Michael --- Galilei, Galileo --- 5/6 (09) --- 530.4 --- Aristoteles --- Curie Marie --- Darwin Charles --- Einstein --- Faraday Michael --- Galilei Galileo --- Geschiedenis --- Harvey William --- Humboldt Alexander von --- Lavoisier Antoine --- Newton Isaac --- Pasteur Louis --- Wetenschappen --- Galileï, Galileo --- Natuurwetenschappen ; geschiedenis --- Wetenschappers --- natuurwetenschappen --- Wetenschap: geschiedenis --- Geschiedenis van de exacte en toegepaste wetenschappen --- Geschiedenis der natuurkunde - Natuurkundigen --- 001 --- Von Humboldt, Alexander --- Wetenschap ; geschiedenis --- 507 --- Newton --- Freud --- HISTORY --- Galilei --- SCIENCES --- von Humboldt --- Curie --- Lavoisier --- Dawn --- Harvey --- Faraday --- Monograph --- History. --- Science. --- Natural science --- Natural sciences --- Science of science --- Sciences --- Annals --- Auxiliary sciences of history --- Harvey, William (arts) --- Wetenschap --- Geneeskunde --- Techniek (wetenschap) --- Atlas --- Museum --- Voorlichting
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Basing his monograph on newly discovered documents, Molina-Betancur compels us to appreciate the plurality of meanings that the term 'Newtonianism' could take. He achieves this by looking at the reception of Newton's ideas from the vantage point of the Viceroyalty of New Granada, rather than from a European perspective. This book not only sheds new light upon Celestino Mutis's intellectual world, but it is also an eye-opening contribution on rather broad issues concerning the relationships between science and empire. Niccolò Guicciardini, University of Milan, Italy This book presents the process of circulation and adoption of Newtonianism in the Viceroyalty of New Granada (modern-day Colombia) in the eighteenth century by examining José Celestino Mutis's lectures at the Colegio del Rosario between the 1760s and 1770s. Mostly famous for his botanical activities as director of the botanical expedition, Mutis lectured the first course of mathematics ever created in New Granada on his arrival in Bogota in 1762, in which he included several lectures on physics that encompassed multiple aspects of his interpretation of Newton's experimental physics. Sebastián Molina-Betancur is Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy) where he studies the circulation of science in the Spanish colonies between the sixteenth and the eighteenth centuries. He has been lecturer of history of science and history of philosophy at the Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia).
Theory of knowledge --- Pure sciences. Natural sciences (general) --- History of Latin America --- wetenschapsgeschiedenis --- intellectuele ontwikkeling --- geschiedenis --- Latin America --- Science --- Study and teaching --- History --- Mutis, José Celestino, --- Newton, Isaac, --- Influence. --- Intellectual life --- Latin American History. --- Intellectual History. --- History of Science. --- History.
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Bachelor in het onderwijs : secundair onderwijs --- Bewegingsrecreatie --- h.o. --- 531/534 --- 53 --- mechanica --- 531/533 --- Fysica --- Mechanica --- Natuurkunde --- 531 )* MECHANICA --- arbeid (mechanica) --- bewegingsleer --- kinematica --- trillingsleer --- vectoren --- 531 --- 531/534 Mechanics --- Mechanics --- fysica --- Physics. --- Basic Sciences. Physics --- Physics (General). --- hydrostatica --- dynamica --- hydrodynamica --- kinetica --- Solid state physics --- #WNAT:didaktiek --- 485.41 --- Handboek/cursus --- Newton-wetten --- arbeid --- cirkelbeweging --- corioliskracht --- energie --- evenwicht --- handboek --- meetfouten --- metingen --- rotatie --- secundair onderwijs --- snelheid --- traagheidskracht --- trillingen --- wrijving --- zwaartekracht --- natuurkunde --- natuurkunde: handboek hoger onderwijs --- Energie --- Hydrodynamica --- Hydrostatica --- Kinematica --- Newton --- Rotatie
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In dit boek zijn bijna zevenhondervijftig vraagstukken fysica bijeengebracht die handelen over Newtoniaanse mechanica, over statica en dynamica van vloeistoffen en gassen, over warmteleer en thermodynomica, verder over elektrostatica en elektromagnetisme, over geometrische optica, elektromagnetische golven en stralingleer en over beginselen van de moderne fysica. Deze verzameling beoogt bij te dragen tot de intellectuele beheersing van de basisbegrippen uit de fysica en kan aanvullend worden gebruikt bij alle tekstboeken over basifysica op het niveau van universiteit, technische hogeschool of hoger technisch onderwijs.
531.2 --- Elektrostatica --- Fysica --- Gelijkstroom --- Geometrie --- Golven --- Hydrodynamica --- Hydrostatica --- Inductieverschijnselen --- Kristaloptica --- Kwantumfysica --- Magnetostatica --- Mechanica --- Newton --- Optica --- Polarisatie --- Relativiteitstheorie --- Statistische fysica --- Stroombronnen --- Trillingen --- Vraagstukken --- Warmteleer --- Wisselstroomketens --- 485.41 --- Handboek/cursus --- elektrostatica --- gelijkstroom --- hydrostatica --- magnetisme --- mechanica --- natuurkunde (fysica) --- optica --- quantumtheorie --- relativiteitstheorie --- trilling --- vraagstukken --- 062464.jpg --- Vraagstukken fysica --- Vraagstukken: natuurkunde --- Vraagstukkenverzamelingen Algemene natuurkunde --- (zie ook: vering) --- polarisatie --- fotonen --- warmteleer --- Basic Sciences. Physics --- Physics (General). --- trillingen --- Physics --- fysica --- Vraagstukken ; fysica
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In bevattelijke taal belichten topwetenschappers in onder meer biologie, fysica, astronomie en geneeskunde 250 cruciale ontdekkingen die ons leven nog altijd beïnvloeden.
exacte wetenschappen --- Pure sciences. Natural sciences (general) --- Science --- Geschiedenis van de wetenschappen --- Histoire des sciences --- 5/6 <09> --- geschiedenis --- wetenschappen --- 506 --- Algebra --- Anatomie --- Archimedes --- Aristoteles --- Astronomie --- Atoomtheorie --- Biologie --- Bloedsomloop --- Broeikaseffect --- Darwin, Charles --- Dopplereffect --- Elektromagnetisme --- Euclides --- Fossielen --- Fysica --- Geneeskunde --- Hiërogliefen --- Kansrekening --- Logaritmen --- Magnetisme --- Neanderthaler --- Newton --- Plantkunde --- Pythagoras --- Regenboog --- Rekenen --- Sterrenkunde --- Thermodynamica --- Vaccinatie --- Wetenschap --- Zonnestelsel --- Geschiedenis van de exacte en toegepaste wetenschappen --- geschiedenis der natuurwetenschappen, natuurwetenschappers --- Geschiedenis der natuurwetenschappen ; algemeen --- (zie ook: onderwijs (wetenschap)) --- wetenschapsgeschiedenis --- klonen --- 500 --- exacte en natuurwetenschappen algemeen --- sciences exactes et naturelles généralités
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