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Geontologies : a requiem to late liberalism
ISBN: 9780822373810 Year: 2016 Publisher: Durham Duke University Press Books

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In *Geontologies* Elizabeth A. Povinelli continues her project of mapping the current conditions of late liberalism by offering a bold retheorization of power. Finding Foucauldian biopolitics unable to adequately reveal contemporary mechanisms of power and governance, Povinelli describes a mode of power she calls geontopower, which operates through the regulation of the distinction between Life and Nonlife and the figures of the Desert, the Animist, and the Virus. Geontologies examines this formation of power from the perspective of Indigenous Australian maneuvers against the settler state. And it probes how our contemporary critical languages — anthropogenic climate change, plasticity, new materialism, antinormativity — often unwittingly transform their struggles against geontopower into a deeper entwinement within it. A woman who became a river, a snakelike entity who spawns the fog, plesiosaurus fossils and vast networks of rock weirs: in asking how these different forms of existence refuse incorporation into the vocabularies of Western theory Povinelli provides a revelatory new way to understand a form of power long self-evident in certain regimes of settler late liberalism but now becoming visible much further beyond.

Between Gaia and ground : four axioms of existence and the ancestral catastrophe of late liberalism
ISBN: 9781478021872 Year: 2021 Publisher: Durham Duke University Press Books

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*Between Gaia and Ground* examines four axioms of existence that have emerged in recent years across a significant segment of critical theory: the entanglement of existence; the unequal distribution of power to affect the local and transversal terrains of this entanglement; the multiplicity and collapse of the event as the sine qua non of political thought; and the racial and colonial history that informed modern western ontologies and epistemologies and the concept of the west as such. Beyond these axioms, *Between Gaia and Ground* is interested in the broader anticolonial struggles from which they emerged and a reactionary formation, late liberalism, which has attempted to remold, blunt, and redirect these struggles in the context of contemporary climatic, environmental, viral and social collapse. Elizabeth Povinelli treats these axioms as distinct theoretical statements, demonstrating that they are part of much broader discursive surfaces reflecting opposing currents in the direction of political thought and action in the wake of geontopower. Between Gaia and Ground seeks to show how a seemingly casual syntactic arrangement of theoretical statements results in dramatically differing paradigms for figuring the present as a coming catastrophe (l'catastrophe à venir) and as an ancestral one (l'catastrophe ancestral/histoire).

Art after liberalism
ISBN: 9781941332689 Year: 2021 Publisher: New York, N.Y. Columbia Books on Architecture and the City

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This is an account of creative practice at a moment of converging social crises. It is also an inquiry into emergent ways of living, acting, and making art in the company of others. &#13;&#13;The apparent failures of liberal thinking mark its starting point. No longer can the framework of the nation-state, the figure of the enterprising individual, and the premise of limitless development be counted on to produce a world worth living in. No longer can talk of inclusion, representation, or a neutral public sphere pass for something like equality.&#13;&#13;It is increasingly clear that these common-place liberal conceptions have failed to improve life in any lasting way. In fact, they conceal fundamental connections to enslavement, conscription, colonization, moral debt, and ecological devastation. Now we must decide what comes after.

De strijd om de stad.
ISBN: 9789089246714 9789089246721 Year: 2018 Publisher: Antwerpen Houtekiet

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Onze samenleving verandert razendsnel en dat maakt mensen onzeker en angstig. Populisten spelen daarop in. In De strijd om de stad neemt Bart Somers de handschoen op. Met een verhaal van hoop en met een project dat stoelt op het mooiste wat de mens bezit: de vrijheid.Populisten willen die vrijheid opheffen. Ze doen dat op een perverse manier. Ze vernietigen onze identiteit, terwijl ze beweren die te beschermen. Door veiligheid te beloven, maar met recepten die polariseren en zo alleen meer onveiligheid creëren. En door waarden te misbruiken om mensen uit te sluiten, terwijl ze net dienen om mensen te emanciperen.

The intimacies of four continents
ISBN: 9780822358756 9780822358633 9780822375647 0822375648 Year: 2015 Publisher: Durham : Duke University Press,

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"In this uniquely interdisciplinary work, Lisa Lowe examines the relationships between Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas in the late eighteenth- and early nineteenth- centuries, exploring the links between colonialism, slavery, imperial trades and Western liberalism. Reading across archives, canons, and continents, Lowe connects the liberal narrative of freedom overcoming slavery to the expansion of Anglo-American empire, observing that abstract promises of freedom often obscure their embeddedness within colonial conditions. Race and social difference, Lowe contends, are enduring remainders of colonial processes through which "the human" is universalized and "freed" by liberal forms, while the peoples who create the conditions of possibility for that freedom are assimilated or forgotten. Analyzing the archive of liberalism alongside the colonial state archives from which it has been separated, Lowe offers new methods for interpreting the past, examining events well documented in archives, and those matters absent, whether actively suppressed or merely deemed insignificant. Lowe invents a mode of reading intimately, which defies accepted national boundaries and disrupts given chronologies, complicating our conceptions of history, politics, economics, and culture, and ultimately, knowledge itself."--Provided by publisher.

Politics and the Life Sciences

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Politics and the Life Sciences is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal with a global audience. PLS is owned and published by the Association for Politics and the Life Sciences, the APLS, which is both an American Political Science Association (APSA) Related Group and an American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) Member Society. The PLS topic range is exceptionally broad: evolutionary and laboratory insights into political behavior, including political violence, from group conflict to war, terrorism, and torture; political analysis of life-sciences research, health policy, environmental policy, and biosecurity policy; and philosophical analysis of life-sciences problems, such as bioethical controversies. Typical contributors include political scientists and political behaviorists; biosecurity and international-security experts; life scientists, clinicians, health-policy scholars, and bioethicists; moral and evolutionary philosophers; environmental scientists and ecological economists; political-behavioral and environmental historians; science-policy scholars and historians of science; and legal scholars.

De utopie van de vrije markt
ISBN: 9789047702573 Year: 2010 Publisher: Rotterdam Lemniscaat

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Op het hoogtepunt van de kredietcrisis gaf voormalig topbankier Alan Greenspan publiekelijk toe dat er kennelijk 'een fout' zat in zijn diepe overtuiging dat vrije markten geen behoefte zouden hebben aan regulering. De man die 18 jaar lang op monetair gebied de belangrijkste figuur ter wereld was geweest, toonde zich 'zeer bedroefd' over de ontdekking dat het neo-liberalisme tekort schoot. Deze spijtbetuiging vormt de achtergrond van een scherp getoonzet essay van de auteur. Voor Greenspan was de vrije markt niet alleen een ideologische overtuiging, maar ook een regelrechte utopie. Zij hield een belofte in die hij ontleende aan zijn belangrijkste leermeesteres in maatschappelijk-filosofische kwesties: de schrijfster Ayn Rand. Haar utopische romans waren onder het Amerikaanse publiek - volgens een enquête van de Times - na de Bijbel de invloedrijkste boeken van de 20ste eeuw. Achterhuis onderzoekt de vrije-marktutopie van Ayn Rand in lijn met zijn eerdere publicaties over utopieën. Hij situeert deze utopie in het bredere historische verband van de opkomst van de markteconomie. De markt, die in traditionele economieën werd begrensd en ingebed in religieuze en maatschappelijke structuren, kreeg een zelfstandige en belangrijke rol in de opkomende moderne kapitalistische economie. Dit culmineerde in het neoliberalisme van Rand en Friedman dat, zoals dat gaat met alle utopieën, is uitgedraaid op een debacle


Vrije markteconomie. --- Economie --- Filosofie. --- Free enterprise. --- Neoliberalism. --- Rand, Ayn. --- Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- sociale filosofie --- Economic order --- filosofie --- neoliberalisme --- Economic policy and planning (general) --- economisch denken --- economie --- Politieke filosofie. Sociale filosofie --- Economische orde --- Economische politiek en planning (algemeen) --- Free enterprise --- Neoliberalism --- 340.8 --- kredietcrisis --- vrije markt --- 141.7 --- 330.342 --- 338.2 --- Neo-liberalism --- Liberalism --- Free markets --- Laissez-faire --- Markets, Free --- Private enterprise --- Economic policy --- filosofie van de economie --- Economische politiek en planning (alg.) --- 304.9 --- Financiële crisis --- Kapitalisme --- PXL-Central Office 2014 --- 330.148 --- 330.172 --- 330.191.6 --- 338.974 --- BPB1009 --- Économie internationale --- Libéralisme --- kapitalisme --- #GGSB: Economie --- 460.1 Markteconomie, Kapitalisme --- kapitalisme - antikapitalisme --- vrije economie - economisch liberalisme (zie ook 301.152.301) --- wereldeconomie - internationale economie --- economische crisis - economische depressie - economische recessie --- Internationale economie --- Liberalisme --- Filosofie der economie --- Neoliberalisme --- Marktwerking --- Consumptiemaatschappij --- Zorgverlening --- Economische crisis --- Cultuurfilosofie --- liberalizam --- liberalisme --- либерализъм --- liberalizem --- liberalismus --- либерализам --- liberalismi --- φιλελευθερισμός --- liberalism --- liberalizm --- Liberalismus --- liberalismo --- liberalizmus --- liberālisms --- liberalizmas --- Liberaliżmu --- liberalizëm --- neoliberalismo --- neoliberalizam --- neoliberalizëm --- uusliberalismi --- νεοφιλελευθερισμός --- svobodomyslnost --- neoliberalizmas --- ultraliberalismo --- neoliberalizmus --- nyliberalism --- neo-liberalism --- nyliberalisme --- neoliberalismus --- neoliberalism --- uusliberalism --- неолиберализам --- néolibéralisme --- neoliberālisms --- Neoliberalismus --- international økonomi --- maailmamajandus --- svjetska ekonomija --- svetovno gospodarstvo --- ekonomi botërore --- internationell ekonomi --- internationale Wirtschaft --- διεθνής οικονομία --- svetové hospodárstvo --- economía internacional --- pasaules ekonomika --- ekonomija dinjija --- economie mondială --- internationale economie --- světová ekonomika --- международна икономика --- светска економија --- economia internazionale --- világgazdaság --- world economy --- kansainvälinen talous --- pasaulio ekonomika --- светска привреда --- gospodarka światowa --- economia internacional --- economía mundial --- economia mundial --- economie internațională --- παγκόσμια οικονομία --- économie mondiale --- wereldeconomie --- global ekonomi --- globalna ekonomija --- ekonomi ndërkombëtare --- světové hospodářství --- глобална економија --- rahvusvaheline majandus --- starptautiskā ekonomika --- svjetsko gospodarstvo --- nemzetközi gazdaság --- mezinárodní hospodářství --- verdensøkonomi --- globální ekonomika --- economia mondiale --- tarptautinė ekonomika --- Weltwirtschaft --- världsekonomi --- medzinárodné hospodárstvo --- international economy --- меѓународна економија --- liobrálachas --- geilleagar an domhain --- 141.7 Stelsels met betrekking tot de menselijke gemeenschap --- Stelsels met betrekking tot de menselijke gemeenschap --- Rand, Ayn --- O'Connor, Ayn Rand, --- Rand, Ain, --- Rosenbaum, Alice, --- Rosenbaum, Alissa Zinovievna, --- Rosenbaum, Alisa Zinovievna, --- ראנד, איין, --- 兰德.安, --- O'Connor, Ayn Rand --- Rand, Ain --- Rosenbaum, Alice --- Rosenbaum, Alissa Zinovievna --- Rosenbaum, Alisa Zinovievna --- Libéralisme --- Économie internationale

De geschiedenis van het liberalisme
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ISBN: 9789089246028 9089246029 Year: 2017 Publisher: Antwerpen Houtekiet

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Het liberalisme is de eerste ideologische stroming in de moderne geschiedenis. Dirk Verhofstadt beschrijft het ontstaan van de eerste liberale partijen in de wereld, de gestage opmars van het liberale denken in de negentiende eeuw met de afschaffing van de slavernij als hoogtepunt, maar ook de ondergang van de liberale democratieën tijdens de eerste helft van de twintigste eeuw door het communisme, fascisme en nazisme.00In 1947 kwamen liberale vertegenwoordigers uit de hele wereld bijeen in Oxford en stichtten er de Liberale Internationale. In datzelfde jaar werd ook de Mont Pèlerin Society opgericht. Ze zorgden voor een heropleving van het liberalisme tijdens de periode van de Koude Oorlog, de dekolonisatie en de golden sixties. Vanaf de jaren tachtig was het liberalisme bijzonder succesvol met de val van de Berlijnse Muur en de ineenstorting van het communisme als hoogtepunt. Rond het jaar 2000 waren er een record aantal liberale democratieën en leek de strijd tussen de ideologieën voorbij. Het0voorbije decennium staat het liberalisme echter weer onder druk door de opkomst van extreemrechtse, nationalistische en populistische politici.00De ideologische strijd van de eenentwintigste eeuw wordt er weer een tussen de open en de gesloten samenleving, tussen het liberalisme enerzijds en het nationalisme, het collectivisme en het populisme anderzijds. Dirk Verhofstadt beschrijft twaalf strijdpunten die bepalend zullen zijn voor de toekomst van het liberalisme.


#SBIB:949.3H3 --- #SBIB:93H3 --- #SBIB:321H50 --- Politieke geschiedenis van België --- Thematische geschiedenis --- Westerse politieke en sociale theorieën vanaf de 19e eeuw: liberalisme --- Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- World history --- liberalisme (algemeen) --- liberalisme (1941 - heden) --- 383 Liberalisme --- nationaal-socialisme --- liberalisme --- communisme --- 92 |x Geschiedenis. |y Histoire. |z History --- 331 --- geschiedenis --- politieke stromingen --- politieke richtingen, stelsels en stromingen --- 903.9 --- algemene geschiedenis - overige onderwerpen --- BPB9999 --- histoire moderne --- libéralisme --- BPB2107 --- liberalizam --- либерализъм --- liberalizem --- liberalismus --- либерализам --- liberalismi --- Liberalism --- φιλελευθερισμός --- liberalism --- liberalizm --- Liberalismus --- liberalismo --- liberalizmus --- liberālisms --- liberalizmas --- Liberaliżmu --- liberalizëm --- neoliberalismo --- neoliberalisme --- neoliberalizam --- neoliberalizëm --- uusliberalismi --- νεοφιλελευθερισμός --- svobodomyslnost --- neoliberalizmas --- ultraliberalismo --- neoliberalizmus --- nyliberalism --- neo-liberalism --- nyliberalisme --- neoliberalismus --- neoliberalism --- uusliberalism --- неолиберализам --- néolibéralisme --- neoliberālisms --- Neoliberalismus --- moderne historie --- jaunāko laiku vēsture --- moderne geschiedenis --- modern history --- modern historia --- naujųjų amžių istorija --- модерна история --- uuden ajan historia --- istorie modernă --- storia moderna --- histori moderne --- νεώτερη ιστορία --- Geschichte der Neuzeit --- historia moderna --- storja moderna --- povijest novoga vijeka --- historia nowożytna --- újkortörténet --- moderné dejiny --- модерна историја --- História Moderna --- novejša zgodovina --- uusaja ajalugu --- novější historie --- uusi aika --- историја на новиот век --- modern kor --- età moderna --- uusaeg --- epoka moderne --- Idade Moderna --- νεώτερη εποχή --- moderna tiden --- модерна ера --- súčasná éra --- доцен модерен период --- ран модерен период --- модерна епоха --- moderne tijd --- neuzeitliche Epoche --- moderne tidsalder --- âge moderne --- újkor --- Edad Moderna --- naujoji era --- modern era --- νεώτερα χρόνια --- époque moderne --- moderna povijest --- liobrálachas --- an nua-stair --- libéralisme

Internationale rechtvaardigheid : over politiek en ethiek in een mondiaal tijdperk
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9028936386 9077070729 9789028936386 Year: 2005 Publisher: Kapellen Pelckmans

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