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Raoul Hausmann: Dada und Neodada
ISBN: 3852181801 Year: 1994 Publisher: Innsbruck Haymon

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Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783836514019 Year: 2009 Publisher: Köln Taschen

Kurt Schwitters
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2858507996 2711832309 9782858507993 Year: 1994 Publisher: Paris Réunion des musées nationaux

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Collage und Assemblage als neue Kunstgattungen DADAS
ISBN: 388375210X Year: 1995 Publisher: Köln Verlag der Buchhandlung Walter König

Dadaglobe reconstructed
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9783858817754 3858817759 9783858814999 3858814997 9783906269054 3906269051 Year: 2016 Publisher: (Zürich) : Scheidegger & Spiess,

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Dada --- Art styles --- dadaïsme --- Dadaglobe --- Tzara, Tristan --- kunst --- twintigste eeuw --- kunst en politiek --- performances --- Worm Fried-Hardy --- Fischer Emil Walter Kurt --- Vischer Melchior --- Varèse Edgar --- Vagts Alfred --- de Torme Guillermo --- Taeuber Sophie --- Taeuber-Arp Sophie --- Stieglitz Alfred --- Stella Joseph --- Soupault Philippe --- Seligmann Walter Eduard --- Serner Walter --- Schwitters Kurt --- Schad Christian --- Ribemont-Dessaignes Georges --- 7.037 --- Péret Benjamin --- Pansaers Clémant --- Ray Man --- Man Ray --- Tzara Tristan --- Robber Mac --- Lecoeur Donna --- Lacroix Adon --- Huelsenbeck Richard --- Höch Hannah --- Heartfield John --- Hausmann Raoul --- Haubrich Job --- Grosz George --- Griebl Otto --- von Freytag-Loringhoven Elsa --- Fiozzi Aldo --- Fatagaga --- Evola Julius --- Ernst Max --- Edwards Bello Joaquin --- Edwards Jacques --- Straus-Ernst Luise --- von Duldgedalzen Armada --- Duchamp Suzanne --- Duchamp Marcel --- Janssen Camille --- Dermée Paul --- Crotti Jean --- Cocteau Jean --- Citroen Paul --- Eluard Paul --- Chemla Albert --- Charchoune Serge --- Buffet Marguerite --- Cantarelli Gino --- Buffet-Picabia Gabrielle --- Breton André --- Brancusi Constantin --- Van Doesburg Theo --- Bonset I.K. --- Blumenfeld Erwin --- Bacchi Egidio --- Baargeld Johannes --- Baader Johannes --- Arp Jean --- Arp Hans --- Aragon Louis --- Exhibitions --- Dadaism --- Bonset I.K --- dadaïsme. --- Dadaglobe. --- Tzara, Tristan.

ISBN: 2844262775 9782844262776 Year: 2005 Publisher: Parijs Centre Pompidou

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Conçu comme un "annuaire dada", à la façon d'un bottin ou d'un abécédaire, imprimé sur papier fin et en parfaite adéquation graphique avec le sujet traité, l'ouvrage réunit l'ensemble le plus complet à ce jour de documents, correspondances, oeuvres participant de l'esprit dada, dont un grand nombre d'inédits.Il représente une somme documentaire majeure sur ces années 1915-1924 durant lesquelles - de Zurich à New York en passant par Berlin, Hanovre, Paris et Cologne - quelques-unes des figures essentielles de l'histoire de l'art - Marcel Duchamp, Picabia, Man Ray, Kurt Schwitters, Hannach Höch, Jean Arp, Hans Richter ...- ont défini les grandes lignes de leur pratique artistique. L 'ouvrage est complété par de courtes synthèses sur des lieux, oeuvres, thèmes et événements dada, par la chronologie la plus documentée à ce jour sur le dadaïsme établie par Matthew S. Witkovsky et par une bibliographie qui en font l'outil de référence indispensable sur le mouvement Dada.


dadaïsme --- bibliografieën --- Dadaïsme --- Dadaism --- Arts, Modern --- History of art and literature - Dadaism - 20th century. --- Art --- anno 1910-1919 --- Dada --- anno 1900-1999 --- Dadaïsme --- Arts modernes --- Exhibitions. --- Expositions --- Van Rees Adya --- Van Rees Otto --- Wood Beatrice --- 7.037 --- 291 --- 391 --- 75 HP --- Apollinaire Guillaume --- Aragon Louis --- Arnauld Céline --- Arp Jean --- assemblages --- Baader Johannes --- Baargeld Johannes --- Ball Hugo --- Blumenfeld Erwin --- Breton André --- Cabaret Voltaire --- Catalogue publié sous la direction de Laurent Le Bon --- Charchoune Serge --- Citroën Paul --- Clair René --- collages --- Covert John --- Cravan Arthur --- Crotti Jean --- dada --- de Massot Pierre --- Dermée Paul --- de Zayas Marius --- Dix Otto --- Duchamp Marcel --- Duchamp Suzanne --- Eggeling Viking --- Einstein Carl --- Eluard Paul --- Ernst Max --- experimentele film --- film --- fotografie --- Fraenkel Theodore --- grafische vormgeving --- Grosz George --- Hausmann Raoul --- Heartfield John --- Hennings Emmy --- Höch Hannah --- Huelsenbeck Richard --- interbellum --- Janco Marcel --- Jarry Alfred --- Joostens Paul --- kunst --- Lissitzky El --- literatuur --- Man Ray --- Merz --- Moholy-Nagy Laszlo --- Péret Benjamin --- Picabia Francis --- Ray Man --- Richter Hans --- Rigaut Jacques --- Roche Juliette --- Satie Erik --- Schad Christian --- Schlichter Rudolf --- Scholz Georg --- Schwitters Kurt --- Segal Arthur --- Serner Walter --- Soupault Philippe --- Steegemann Paul --- Stella Joseph --- Stirner Max --- Taeuber-Arp Sophie --- twintigste eeuw --- typografie --- Tzara Tristan --- Vaché Jacques --- Van Doesburg Theo --- kunstgeschiedenis - constructivisme, dadaïsme, fauvisme, futurisme, kubisme, surrealisme, moderne kunst (overgang expres. naar abstr. kunst) --- Exhibitions --- 20e eeuw --- Dadaism - Exhibitions --- Arts, Modern - 20th century - Exhibitions --- dadaïsme. --- bibliografieën.

Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780854881611 9780262550703 0854881611 0262550709 Year: 2009 Publisher: Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, Whitechapel Gallery,

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Important documents and appraisals of appropriation art from Duchamp's readymades to feminist and postcolonial critique. Scavenging, replicating, or remixing, many influential artists today reinvent a legacy of “stealing” images and forms from other makers. Among the diverse, often contestatory strategies included under the heading “appropriation” are the readymade, détournement, pastiche, rephotography, recombination, simulation and parody. Although appropropriation is often associated with the 1980s practice of such artists as Peter Halley, Sherrie Levine, Richard Prince, and Cindy Sherman, as well as the critical discourse of postmodernism and the simulacral theory of Jean Baudrillard, appropriation's significance for art is not limited by that cultural and political moment. In an expanded art-historical frame, this book recontextualizes avant-garde photomontage, the Duchampian readymade, and the Pop image among such alternative precursors as Francis Picabia, Bertolt Brecht, Guy Debord, Akasegawa Genpei, Dan Graham, Cildo Meireles, and Martha Rosler. In the recent work of many artists, including Mike Kelley, Glenn Ligon, Pierre Huyghe, and Aleksandra Mir, among others, appropriation is central to their critique of the contemporary world and vision for alternative futures. Artists surveyed include Akasegawa Genpei, Santiago Álvarez, Art Workers Coalition, Ross Bleckner, Marcel Broodthaers, Victor Burgin, Maurizio Cattelan, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Douglas Gordon, Johan Grimonprez, Peter Halley, Hank Herron, Pierre Huyghe, Mike Kelley, Idris Khan, Barbara Kruger, Sherrie Levine, Glenn Ligon, Steve McQueen, Alexandra Mir, Keith Piper, Richard Prince, Jorma Puranen, Cindy Sherman, John Stezaker, Retort, Martha Rosler, Philip Taaffe. Writers include Malek Alloula, Jean Baudrillard, Walter Benjamin, Nicolas Bourriaud, Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, Johanna Burton, Douglas Crimp, Thomas Crow, Guy Debord, Georges Didi-Huberman, Marcel Duchamp, Okwui Enwezor, Jean-Luc Godard, Isabelle Graw, Boris Groys, Raoul Hausmann, Sven Lütticken, Cildo Meireles, Kobena Mercer, Slobodan Mijuskovic, Laura Mulvey, Jo Spence, Elisabeth Sussman, Lisa Tickner, Reiko Tomii, Andy Warhol.


Appropriation (Art) --- Art, Modern --- kunst --- appropriation art --- appropriation --- eenentwintigste eeuw --- twintigste eeuw --- Alvarez Santiago --- Genpei Akasegawa --- Art Workers Coalition --- Broodthaers Marcel --- Burgin Victor --- Cattelan Maurizio --- Gordon Douglas --- Grimonprez Johan --- Halley Peter --- Huyghe Pierre --- Kelley Mike --- Khan Idris --- Kruger Barbara --- Levine Sherrie --- Ligon Glenn --- McQueen Steve --- Mir Aleksandra --- Piper Keith --- Prince Richard --- Puranen Jorma --- Retort --- Rosler Martha --- Sherman Cindy --- Stezaker John --- Taaffe Philip --- Alloula Malek --- Baudrillard Jean --- Benjamin Walter --- Bourriaud Nicolas --- Buchloh Benjamin H.D. --- Burton Johanna --- Crimp Douglas --- Crow Thomas --- Debord Guy --- Didi-Huberman Georges --- Duchamp Marcel --- Enwezor Okui --- Godard Jean-Luc --- Graw Isabelle --- Groys Boris --- Hausmann Raoul --- Lüttiken Sven --- Meireles Cildo --- Mercer Kobena --- Mijuskovic Slobodan --- Mulvey laura --- Spence Jo --- Sussman Elisabeth --- Tickner Lisa --- Tomii Reiko --- Warhol Andy --- Welchman John C. --- 7.01 --- Kunst ; theorie, filosofie, esthetica --- Kunsttheorie ; 21ste eeuw --- Appropriaton Art --- hedendaagse kunst --- Contemporary [style of art] --- Art --- appropriation [imagery] --- anno 1900-1999 --- Appropriation (Art). --- Buchloh Benjamin H.D --- Welchman John C --- Affichistes (Group of artists) --- Fluxus (Group of artists) --- Modernism (Art) --- Schule der Neuen Prächtigkeit (Group of artists) --- Zero (Group of artists) --- Appropriated imagery --- Appropriated images --- Appropriationism (Art) --- Postmodernism --- Imitation in art --- Iconographie --- Art contemporain --- Processus de création --- Création artistique --- Objet de récupération --- Ready made --- Dadaïsme --- Situationnisme --- Kunst --- pastiche [ontlening] --- Appropriation (art) --- Simulationnisme. --- Art, Modern - 20th century --- Psychosociologie --- Imitation --- Pop art --- Analyse de l'art

Sons & lumières : une histoire du son dans l'art du XXe siècle : catalogue d'exposition au Centre Pompidou, Galerie 1 du 22 septembre 2004 au 3 janvier 2005.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2844262449 9782844262448 Year: 2004 Publisher: Paris : Centre Georges Pompidou,

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Cet ouvrage est édité à l'occasion de la grande exposition thématique du Centre Pompidou " Sons & Lumières " consacrée aux relations entre la musique/le son et les arts plastiques au XXe siècle. Le XXe siècle est souvent considéré comme un moment de convergence et de dialogue des arts. Tandis qu'avec l'essor de l'abstraction, autour de 1910, la peinture cherche une correspondance avec cet art abstrait par excellence qu'est la musique, les nouveaux médias nés du développement de l'électricité prennent le relais de ce mythe ancestral. Les arts de la lumière, le cinéma et la vidéo offrent tout au long du siècle un terrain d'investigation particulièrement fertile aux confrontations entre l'image et le son. Parallèlement, les pratiques créatrices se nourrissent d'une réflexion critique sur les possibles équivalences entre la vue et l'ouïe : à partir de processus artistiques incluant des notions telles que le hasard, le bruit non hiérarchisé et le silence, les nouvelles approches de la musique liées à la performance mettent en doute l'idéal des " correspondances ". À la question posée par l'esthétique romantique puis par la génération symboliste : " Peut-on traduire les images en son et réciproquement ? ", l'art du XXe siècle offre des réponses multiples et contrastées, suivant tantôt le fil de l'utopie, tantôt celui d'une pure jouissance des sens. Le catalogue rend compte de la richesse et de la diversité de ces expériences singulières avec un abondant corpus d'œuvres, de documents et un ensemble de textes présentant une lecture scientifique et critique de ces affinités entre le sonore et le visuel, qui ont construit la sensibilité audiovisuelle de notre temps. (Quatrième de couverture)


color [perceived attribute] --- Vibrations --- thema's in de kunst --- hedendaagse kunst --- art [fine art] --- music [discipline] --- Optics. Quantum optics --- light [energy] --- sound art --- light art --- sound [acoustics] --- Art --- anno 1900-1999 --- Histoire de la peinture --- Musique --- Peinture --- Son --- Sound in art --- Sound installations (Art) --- Art and music --- Arts, Modern --- Couleur --- Espace sensoriel --- Futurisme --- Jazz --- Lumière --- Musicien --- Musique contemporaine --- Peintre --- Peinture abstraite --- Vidéo --- History --- Bach, Jean-Sébastien --- Cage, John --- Davis, Stuart --- Duchamp, Marcel --- Eggeling, Viking --- Marclay, Christian --- Pfenninger, Rudolf --- Schönberg, Arnold --- Viola, Bill --- 20e siècle --- Tentoonstellingscatalogi ; Parijs ; Centre Georges Pompidou --- 7.049 --- kunst --- (069) --- twintigste eeuw --- muziek --- geluid --- kunst en muziek --- film --- video --- videokunst --- synesthesie --- Bach Johann Sebastian --- jazz --- Davis Stuart --- Pfenninger R --- Cage John --- Schönberg Arnold --- Eggeling Viking --- Viola Bill --- Duchamp Marcel --- Marclay Christian --- Kupka Frantisek --- Kandinsky Wassily --- Giacometti Alberto --- Matiouchine Mikhaïl --- Scriabin Alexander --- Ginanni-Corradini Arnaldo --- Ginanni-Corradini Bruno --- Russel Morgan --- Macdonald-Wright Stanton --- O'Keeffe Georgia --- Hartley Harsden --- Braque Georges --- Grant Duncan --- Survage Léopold --- Baranov-Rossiné Vladimir --- Janco Marcel --- Picabia Francis --- Taeuber-Arp Sophie --- Richter Hans --- van Doesburg Theo --- Itten Johannes --- Hauer Josef Matthias --- Klee Paul --- Nouveau Henri --- Albers Josef --- Hirschfeld-Mack Ludwig --- Schwerdtfeger Kurt --- Pesanek Zdenek --- Ponc Miroslav --- Laszlo Alexander --- Bilinsky Boris --- Fischinger Oskar --- Disney Walt --- Wilfred Thomas --- Mondriaan Piet --- Mondrian Piet --- Dove Arthur --- Pollock Jackson --- Lye Len --- Smith Harry --- Whitney John --- Moholy-Nagy Laszlo --- Hausmann Raoul --- Keene Peter --- Pfenninger Rudolf --- Whitney James --- Laposky Ben --- Gysin Brion --- La Monte Young --- Young La Monte --- Zazeela Marian --- Sharits Paul --- Paik Nam June --- Beck Stephen --- Vasulka Steina --- Vasulka Woody --- futurisme --- Rauschenberg John --- Fluxus --- Beuys Joseph --- Nauman Bruce --- Graham Rodney --- Huyghe Pierre --- 7.036 --- Iconografie ; verschillende onderwerpen --- (Musea. Collecties) --- Exhibitions --- music [performing arts] --- Environmental sound installations (Art) --- Sound environments (Art) --- Sound sculpture (Art installations) --- Installations (Art) --- 78.04.3 Paris --- Cage, John, 1912-1992 --- History. --- Sound in art - Exhibitions --- Sound installations (Art) - History - Exhibitions --- Art and music - Exhibitions --- Arts, Modern - 20th century - Exhibitions --- art [discipline] --- music [performing arts genre]

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