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Epidemics : Models and Data Using R
ISBN: 9783031120565 9783031120558 9783031120572 Year: 2023 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing

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This book is designed to be a practical study in infectious disease dynamics. It offers an easy-to-follow implementation and analysis of mathematical epidemiology. It focuses on recent case studies in order to explore various conceptual, mathematical, and statistical issues. The dynamics of infectious diseases shows a wide diversity of pattern. Some have locally persistent chains-of-transmission, others persist spatially in consumer-resource metapopulations. Some infections are prevalent among the young, some among the old and some are age-invariant. Temporally, some diseases have little variation in prevalence, some have predictable seasonal shifts and others exhibit violent epidemics that may be regular or irregular in their timing. Models and 'models-with-data' have proved invaluable for understanding and predicting this diversity, and thence help improve intervention and control. Using mathematical models to understand infectious disease, dynamics has a very rich history in epidemiology. The field has seen broad expansions of theories as well as a surge in real-life application of mathematics to dynamics and control of infectious disease. The chapters of Epidemics: Models and Data Using R have been organized as follows: chapters 1-10 is a mix and match of models, data and statistics pertaining to local disease dynamics; chapters 11-13 pertains to spatial and spatiotemporal dynamics; chapter 14 highlights similarities between the dynamics of infectious disease and parasitoid-host dynamics; Finally, chapters 15 and 16 overview additional statistical methodology useful in studies of infectious disease dynamics. This book can be used as a guide for working with data, models and 'models-and-data' to understand epidemics and infectious disease dynamics in space and time. All the code and data sets are distributed in the epimdr2 R package to facilitate the hands-on philosophy of the text.

The Ethical, Legal and Social Issues of Pandemics : An Analysis from the EU Perspective
ISBN: 9783031038181 9783031038174 9783031038198 9783031038204 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing

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This book proposes an ethical and legal framework to improve the responses to social issues related not only to the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, but also to future pandemics. Its contents cover the issues that are likely to be most controversial in any public health crisis. It starts by discussing non-pharmacological measures, such as the appropriateness of confinement, how to control compliance with public health measures and the ethical, legal and social acceptability of health certificates. Then it turns to issues related to the production, distribution and administration of vaccines, with a particular focus on the design and implementation of vaccination policies. Finally, it analyses the most appropriate criteria to develop a triage, when the situation brings us to this terrible scenario. The analyses presented in this book are based on the ethical and legal frameworks, as well as the social context, of the European Union, and aims to address the main dilemmas faced by any liberal democracy dealing with a pandemic: how to reconcile the defense against a public health crisis together with a respect for fundamental rights and freedoms. The European legal systems have developed a number of conceptual tools designed to ensure that there is no room for arbitrariness in the restrictions introduced by the political power in emergency situations, and this book builds upon these tools. The Ethical, Legal and Social Issues of Pandemics: An Analysis from the EU Perspective is a predominantly practice-oriented book, which will help policy makers to adopt policies that effectively combine public health needs with individual rights and freedoms. It will also help health care givers to understand better the ethical and legal issues involved in their work and citizens, in general, to participate in public decision making in an informed manner. Finally, it will help to design tools that faithfully comply with existing fundamental rights standards.

Writing Plague : Language and Violence from the Black Death to COVID-19
ISBN: 9783030948504 9783030948498 9783030948511 9783030948528 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing, Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan

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Writing Plague: Language and Violence from the Black Death to COVID-19 brings a holistic and comparative perspective to “plague writing” from the later Middle Ages to the twenty-first century. It argues that while the human “hardware” has changed enormously between the medieval past and the present the human “software” has remained remarkably similar across time. Through close readings of works by medieval writers like Guillaume de Machaut, Giovanni Boccaccio, and Geoffrey Chaucer in the fourteenth century, select plays by Shakespeare, and modern “plague” fiction and film, Alfred Thomas convincingly demonstrates psychological continuities between the Black Death and COVID-19. Thomas highlights the danger of scapegoating vulnerable minority groups such as Asian Americans and Jews in today’s America. This wide-ranging study will thus be of interest not only to medievalists but also to students of modernity as well as the general reader.

ISSN: 17554365 18780067 Year: 2009 Publisher: [Amsterdam] : Elsevier,

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Communicable Diseases --- Disease Outbreaks --- Infection --- Communicable diseases --- Epidemics --- Epidemiology --- Maladies infectieuses --- Epidémies --- Epidémiologie --- Periodicals. --- Periodicals --- Périodiques --- Communicable Diseases. --- Disease Outbreaks. --- Infection. --- Communicable diseases. --- Epidemics. --- Health Sciences --- Public health --- infectious disease --- infectious agents --- public health --- epidemics --- Infectious Disease Outbreaks --- Outbreaks --- Disease Outbreak --- Disease Outbreak, Infectious --- Disease Outbreaks, Infectious --- Infectious Disease Outbreak --- Outbreak, Disease --- Outbreak, Infectious Disease --- Outbreaks, Disease --- Outbreaks, Infectious Disease --- Space-Time Clustering --- Infectious diseases --- Diseases --- Medical microbiology --- Disease outbreaks --- Outbreaks of disease --- Pestilences --- Contagion and contagious diseases --- Contagious diseases --- Microbial diseases in human beings --- Zymotic diseases --- Quarantine --- Causes and theories of causation --- Infectious diseases. Communicable diseases --- besmettelijke ziekten --- Infection and Infestation --- Infections and Infestations --- Infestation and Infection --- Infestations and Infections --- Infectious Diseases --- Communicable Disease --- Disease, Communicable --- Disease, Infectious --- Diseases, Communicable --- Diseases, Infectious --- Infectious Disease --- Disease Transmission, Infectious --- Infections. --- Pandemics --- Infections

Weekly epidemiological record
ISSN: 00498114 Publisher: Genève

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epidemiologie --- medische virologie --- parasitologie --- bacteriologie --- Epidemiology --- General parasitology --- Communicable diseases --- Epidemics --- Maladies infectieuses --- Epidémies --- Epidémiologie --- Communicable Diseases --- Quarantine --- Vaccination --- Transmission --- Periodicals --- Périodiques --- occurrence --- Epidemiology. --- Quarantine. --- Vaccination. --- Epidemics. --- epidemiology. --- Transmission. --- Immunization, Active --- Active Immunization --- Active Immunizations --- Immunizations, Active --- Vaccinations --- Quarantines --- Disease --- epidemiology --- Health Sciences --- General and Others --- Immunology --- Virology --- Life Sciences --- Public health --- Health Sciences. --- Virology. --- Life Sciences. --- Epidémies --- Epidémiologie --- Périodiques --- DOAJ-E EBSCOASP-E EJSANTE EPUB-ALPHA-R EPUB-PER-FT MDEPIDEM MDSTATIS WORHEAORG-E --- Periodicals. --- occurrence. --- Algemene parasitologie --- Epidemiologie --- Cordon Sanitaire --- Self-Quarantine --- Self Quarantine --- Social Epidemiology --- Epidemiologies, Social --- Epidemiology, Social --- Social Epidemiologies --- Border Closing, Health-Related --- Border Travel Restrictions, Health-Related --- Health-Related Border Travel Restrictions --- Health-Related Travel Restriction --- Health-Related Travel Restrictions --- Lockdown, Health --- Stay at Home Orders --- Travel Restriction, Health --- Travel Restrictions, Health-Related --- Border Closing, Health Related --- Border Closings, Health-Related --- Border Travel Restrictions, Health Related --- Health Lockdown --- Health Lockdowns --- Health Related Border Travel Restrictions --- Health Related Travel Restriction --- Health Related Travel Restrictions --- Health Travel Restriction --- Health Travel Restrictions --- Health-Related Border Closing --- Health-Related Border Closings --- Travel Restriction, Health-Related --- Travel Restrictions, Health --- Travel Restrictions, Health Related --- Communicable diseases - Transmission - Periodicals --- Epidemics - Periodicals --- Epidemiology - Periodicals --- Communicable Diseases - epidemiology

Journal of cancer epidemiology.
ISSN: 16878558 16878566 Year: 2008 Publisher: New York : Hindawi Pub.,

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Neoplasms --- Cancer --- epidemiology --- Epidemiology --- Periodicals --- Epidémiologie --- Périodiques --- Cancer. --- epidemiology. --- Epidemiology. --- cancer --- epidemiology --- leukemia --- lymphoma --- sarcoma --- oncology --- Cancers --- Carcinoma --- Malignancy (Cancer) --- Malignant tumors --- Tumors --- Benign Neoplasms --- Malignancy --- Malignant Neoplasms --- Neoplasia --- Neoplasm --- Neoplasms, Benign --- Benign Neoplasm --- Malignancies --- Malignant Neoplasm --- Neoplasias --- Neoplasm, Benign --- Neoplasm, Malignant --- Neoplasms, Malignant --- Tumor --- Medical Oncology --- leukaemia --- Human medicine --- Oncology --- Càncer. --- Tumors. --- Epidemiologia. --- Salut pública --- Comorbiditat --- Epidèmies --- Epidemiologia molecular --- Farmacoepidemiologia --- Morbiditat --- Malalties --- Carcinomes --- Malalties neoplàstiques --- Neoplàsies --- Neoplasmes --- Patologia --- Càncer --- Feocromocitoma --- Fibromes --- Marcadors tumorals --- Mesotelioma --- Miomes --- Pòlips (Patologia) --- Sarcoïdosi --- Teratoma --- Tumors de parts toves --- Tumors en els animals --- Classificació de tumors --- Oncologia --- Quistos --- Carcinosi --- Càncer d'ossos --- Càncer de cap --- Càncer de coll --- Càncer de bufeta --- Càncer de fetge --- Càncer de laringe --- Càncer de mama --- Càncer de pàncrees --- Càncer de pell --- Càncer de pròstata --- Càncer de pulmó --- Càncer de ronyó --- Càncer de tiroide --- Càncer d'ovari --- Càncer gastrointestinal --- Càncer ginecològic --- Càncer en els adolescents --- Càncer en els infants --- Medicaments antineoplàstics --- Melanoma --- Leucèmia --- Sarcoma --- Carcinògens --- Cèl·lules canceroses --- Cirurgia oncològica --- Infermeria oncològica --- Malalts de càncer --- Metàstasi

Infectious diseases of poverty.
ISSN: 20499957 20955162 Year: 2012 Publisher: London : BioMed Central,

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Communicable Diseases, Emerging --- Communicable Disease Control --- Disease Outbreaks --- Healthcare Disparities --- Poverty --- Socioeconomic Factors --- Communicable diseases --- Epidemics --- Maladies infectieuses --- Pauvreté --- Epidémies --- epidemiology --- economics --- Prevention --- Periodicals. --- Health aspects --- Periodicals --- Social aspects --- Prévention --- Périodiques --- Aspect sanitaire --- Aspect social --- Healthcare Disparities. --- Poverty. --- Socioeconomic Factors. --- epidemiology. --- economics. --- Prevention. --- Social aspects. --- Health aspects. --- Factors, Socioeconomic --- High-Income Population --- Inequalities --- Land Tenure --- Standard of Living --- Factor, Socioeconomic --- High Income Population --- High-Income Populations --- Inequality --- Living Standard --- Living Standards --- Population, High-Income --- Populations, High-Income --- Socioeconomic Factor --- Tenure, Land --- Indigents --- Low Income Population --- Indigency --- Low-Income Population --- Indigent --- Low Income Populations --- Low-Income Populations --- Population, Low Income --- Population, Low-Income --- Populations, Low Income --- Populations, Low-Income --- Health Care Disparities --- Health Care Inequalities --- Healthcare Disparity --- Healthcare Inequalities --- Disparities, Healthcare --- Disparities, Health Care --- Disparity, Health Care --- Disparity, Healthcare --- Health Care Disparity --- Health Care Inequality --- Healthcare Inequality --- Inequalities, Health Care --- Inequalities, Healthcare --- Inequality, Health Care --- Inequality, Healthcare --- Disease outbreaks --- Diseases --- Outbreaks of disease --- Pestilences --- Destitution --- Contagion and contagious diseases --- Contagious diseases --- Infectious diseases --- Microbial diseases in human beings --- Zymotic diseases --- Outbreaks --- Biosecurity --- Economics --- Working Poor --- Wealth --- Basic needs --- Begging --- Poor --- Subsistence economy --- Infection --- Infectious diseases. Communicable diseases --- Human medicine --- Absolute Poverty --- Extreme Poverty --- Poverty, Absolute --- Poverty, Extreme --- besmettelijke ziekten --- armoede --- Communicable Diseases --- Social Inequalities --- Social Inequality --- Inequalities, Social --- Inequality, Social --- Pandemics --- Federal Poverty Threshold --- Poverty Threshold, Federal --- Poverty Thresholds, Federal --- Thresholds, Federal Poverty --- Malalties infeccioses. --- Pobresa. --- Indigència --- Lluita contra la pobresa --- Misèria --- Pauperisme --- Precarietat econòmica i social --- Mendicitat --- Pobres en el mitjà urbà --- Assistència social --- Barraquisme --- Economia de subsistència --- Escassetat --- Marginació social --- Pobres --- Contagi --- Malalties contagioses --- Malalties encomanadisses --- Malalties transmissibles --- Microbiologia mèdica --- Salut pública --- Abscessos --- Desinfecció --- Malalties bacterianes --- Malalties emergents --- Malalties infeccioses en els infants --- Malalties d'origen alimentari --- Malalties parasitàries --- Malalties per prions --- Malalties víriques --- Micosi --- Zoonosi --- Economic and Social Factors --- Social and Economic Factors --- Socioeconomic Characteristics --- Characteristic, Socioeconomic --- Socioeconomic Characteristic --- Federal Poverty Level --- Federal Poverty Levels --- Level, Federal Poverty --- Poverty Level, Federal --- Malalties infeccioses --- Pobresa

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