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This book analyses the economic and environmental aspects of installing photovoltaic facilities for residential electricity users and determines whether the installation of photovoltaic units “behind the meter” makes sense, and if so, the best economic size to install. It explores the use of photovoltaic capacity to meet electricity requirements by generating enough for immediate use without feeding surplus electricity into the grid and without using storage. The authors illustrate this approach by examining various power photovoltaic capacities in locations such as Marseille, Madrid and Seville, which use hourly demand data provided by smart meters. They also show the possibility of developing energy self-consumption compatible with the operation of the network, making use of information from smart meters. Discussing how photovoltaic facilities are profitable from both an economic and an environmental point of view, this book is a valuable resource for researchers and private investors. It is also of interest to practitioners and academics, as the results presented are of importance for the near future.
Meteorology. Climatology --- Relation between energy and economics --- Production management --- energiebeheer (technologie) --- energiemanagement (economie) --- energiebeleid --- energie-economie --- hernieuwbare energie --- duurzame ontwikkeling --- klimaatverandering --- broeikaseffect --- zonne-energie
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Documenting the latest research in the field of different pathogenic organisms, this book presents the current scenario about promising antimicrobials in the following areas: Part I. Plants as source of antibacterials, Part II. Naturally occurring antifungal natural products, Part III. Antiparasitic natural products, Part IV. Antiviral natural products. Renowned scientists from the globe have been selected as authors to contribute chapters. Use of plants for various ailments is as old as human civilization and continuous efforts are being made to improve medicinal plants or to product their bioactive secondary metabolites in high amounts through various technologies. About 200,000 natural products of plant origin are known and many more are being identified from higher plants and micro-organisms. Some plants based drugs are used since centuries and there is no alternative medicine for many such drugs as cardiac glycosides. Drug discovery from medicinal plants or marine micro-organisms continues to provide an important source of new drug leads. Research on new antibacterials represents a real and timely challenge of this century, particularly for the treatment of infections caused by clinical isolates that show multidrug resistance. The main microorganisms involved in the resistance process have been identified and given the acronym ESKAPE for Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumanii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterobacteriaceae. Multidrug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis including highly drug-resistant strains (XDR-TB) has also emerged as one of the most important clinical challenges of this century. Plants of diverse taxa and marine micro-organisms are rich source of these antimicrobials. An attempt has been made to compile the recent information about natural sources of antibacterials and their sustainable utilization. Increased panic of these pathogens warrants a growing demand for research to undertake the threat of multidrug resistance. The search for new antifungal, antiparasitic and antiviral natural products is far from devoid of interest. According to the WHO report in 2013, malaria still represents some 207 million cases worldwide and more than 3 billion of people are still exposed to this risk. Similarly, about 350 million people are considered at risk of contracting leishmaniasis. The fight against some viruses also requires that the research on natural products continue. For example, even if an antiretroviral with direct action was recently approved in Europe in 2013, its high cost does not allow to offer it to an exposed population in countries where the cost of drugs remains a problem for a large part of the population. These books are useful to researchers and students in microbiology, biotechnology, pharmacology, chemistry and biology as well as medical professionals.
Histology. Cytology --- General biochemistry --- General ecology and biosociology --- Plant physiology. Plant biophysics --- Botany --- Clinical chemistry --- Staphylococcus --- systematische plantkunde --- Pseudomonas --- Enterococcus --- klinische chemie --- biodiversiteit --- medische chemie --- farmacologie --- biochemie --- bacteriologie --- biotechnologie --- malaria --- botanie
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This open access book describes and illustrates the surgical techniques, implants, and technologies used for the purpose of personalized implantation of hip and knee components. This new and flourishing treatment philosophy offers important benefits over conventional systematic techniques, including component positioning appropriate to individual anatomy, improved surgical reproducibility and prosthetic performance, and a reduction in complications. The techniques described in the book aim to reproduce patients’ native anatomy and physiological joint laxity, thereby improving the prosthetic hip/knee kinematics and functional outcomes in the quest of the forgotten joint. They include kinematically aligned total knee/total hip arthroplasty, partial knee replacement, and hip resurfacing. The relevance of available and emerging technological tools for these personalized approaches is also explained, with coverage of, for example, robotics, computer-assisted surgery, and augmented reality. Contributions from surgeons who are considered world leaders in diverse fields of this novel surgical philosophy make this open access book will invaluable to a wide readership, from trainees at all levels to consultants practicing lower limb surgery.
Orthopaedics. Traumatology. Plastic surgery --- orthopedie --- Total hip replacement. --- Total knee replacement. --- Orthopedics. --- Surgical Orthopedics. --- Cirurgia ortopèdica --- Genolls artificials --- Pròtesis de maluc
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Ouvrage publié à l'occasion de l'exposition "Camille Claudel au miroir d'un art nouveau" présentée à La Piscine, Roubaix, du 8 novembre 2014 au 8 février 2015. Camille Claudel est née le 8 décembre 1864, il y a cent cinquante ans. Cet anniversaire a suscité une ambitieuse exposition à La Piscine de Roubaix du 8 novembre 2014 au 8 février 2015. Cette artiste attachante, au destin tragique, méritait une nouvelle réflexion sur son oeuvre, dirigée par deux grands spécialistes auteurs de son catalogue raisonné : Bruno Gaudichon et Anne Rivière. Avec de prestigieux prêts, consentis par d'importantes collections publiques et privées, françaises et internationales et notamment grâce à un partenariat exceptionnel avec le musée Rodin et les musées de Nogent et Poitiers, l'exposition regroupe un ensemble remarquable d'oeuvres. Le parcours suit un chemin moins traditionnel que celui qui est généralement proposé.
sculpting --- Sculpture --- heads [representations] --- hands [animal components] --- Homo sapiens [species] --- nudes [representations] --- Claudel, Camille --- Women sculptors --- Sculpture, Modern --- Sculpture, French --- Sculptrices --- Sculpture française --- Exhibitions --- Expositions --- Claudel, Camille, --- Japonisme --- art nouveau --- renaissance --- Galerie Eugène Blot (Parijs) --- Gauchez, Léon --- Rodin, Auguste --- Blot, Eugène --- Claudel, Paul --- Sculpture française --- human figures [visual works] --- stijlen in beeldende kunst (Japonisme) --- renaissance (historisch tijdvak, doorheen de 16e eeuw) --- Japonisme. --- art nouveau. --- Galerie Eugène Blot (Parijs). --- Claudel, Camille. --- Gauchez, Léon. --- Rodin, Auguste. --- Blot, Eugène. --- Claudel, Paul. --- Sculpture, French. --- 1800-1999. --- Maillol, Aristide. --- sculpture [visual works]
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