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Interventie - Ploegleden
Year: 2010 Publisher: Louvain-l-Neuve ANPI

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A Primer For Benefit–Cost Analysis
Authors: ---
Year: 2006 Publisher: Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA Edward Elgar

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Benefit–cost analysis (BCA) is the best technique for analyzing proposed or previously enacted projects to determine whether undertaking them is in the public interest, or for choosing between two or more mutually exclusive projects. An introduction to BCA for students as well as practitioners, this accessible volume describes the underlying economic theory and legal and philosophical foundations of BCA.BCA provides an objective framework around which discussion, correction and amendment can take place. Stated simply, it is the calculation of values for all the inputs into and outputs from a project and then the subtraction of the first from the second. The authors’ goal here is to take the mystery out of the process. They discuss practical issues of market-based valuation and aggregation, non-market valuation, practical applications of general equilibrium models, issues in discounting, and the impacts of risk and uncertainty in BCA. They also provide a list of resources and case studies looking at ethanol and the use of cellular phones by drivers.Straightforward in style and cutting-edge in coverage, this volume will be highly usable both as a text and a reference. Advanced undergraduates and masters students in public policy, public administration, economics and health care administration programs will find this a valuable resource. It will also be of great use to agencies that perform benefit–cost analyses.

Applied Cost–Benefit Analysis
Year: 2006 Publisher: Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA Edward Elgar

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‘The author succeeds in bringing together many interesting real-life applications of CBA in various areas (including among others health, environment and transportation). The examples are well chosen to illustrate the basic issues and show clearly the crucial importance of theoretical and methodological assumptions. Moreover, they are presented in an accessible and attractive way. For those who know already the principles of CBA, these applications are stimulating and enjoyable reading.’– Erik Schokkaert, Tijdschrift voor Economie en ManagementThis fully updated new edition continues in the vein of its predecessor by viewing cost–benefit analysis as applied welfare economics, while at the same time building on the earlier framework by extending the theory and providing further applications in each chapter.New for this edition are analyses of theory related applications in mental health, condom social marketing programs, female primary education as a means of preventing HIV/AIDS and the pricing of natural gas. Presented in an integrated manner, the theoretical concepts are constructed around the main building blocks of CBA, such as shadow pricing, distribution weights, the social discount rate and the marginal cost of public funds.This edition will cement the book’s place as a major and accessible text in the field and will be of great interest to graduate and undergraduate students of welfare economics and microeconomic theory, as well as government economists involved with any area of public policy.

Evacuatie - Oefeningen
Year: 2011 Publisher: Louvain-l-Neuve ANPI

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Transmettre son savoir : Boîte à ouils Seniors-Juniors
ISBN: 2010773707 Year: 2010 Publisher: FOD P&O = SPF P&O

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Le Guide méthodologique SENIORS-JUNIORS, publié en 2006 par le SPF Personnel et Organisation, propose une méthode et des outils pour organiser la transmission des savoirs entre collaborateurs expérimentés (seniors) et collaborateurs moins expérimentés (juniors). Il répond à la question suivante: comment faire en sorte que des connaissances importantes pour atteindre les objectifs stratégiques et sauvegarder la continuité des services ne se perdent pas ? Le Guide propose une approche pour l’ensemble d’une organisation. Il s’adresse aux responsables KM.

Guide méthodologique : Seniors-Juniors
ISBN: 2006773736 Year: 2006 Publisher: FOD P&O = SPF P&O

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Ce guide méthodologique est destiné aux services KM des organisations fédérales, chargés de mettre en place la gestion des connaissances. Il propose une méthode pas à pas pour organiser la transmission des savoirs au sein d’une organisation.La méthode comprend cinq étapes successives:•identifier les domaines de connaissances à risque dans l’organisation•préparer le projet et sensibiliser les futurs intervenants•constituer le portfolio des connaissances à transférer•initier le transfert des connaissances•évaluer le processus et les résultats.

PRINCE2® 7 Réussir le management de projet
ISBN: 9789925344352 Year: 2024 Publisher: PeopleCert

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PRINCE2 7 est une approche pratique et structurée conçue pour faciliter une gestion de projet efficace. Il offre une méthode claire aux organisations pour gérer avec succès des projets, introduire de nouveaux produits ou services et conduire un changement transformateur. La méthode PRINCE2 est polyvalente et universellement applicable. Flexible et adaptable aux besoins de toute organisation, il peut être adapté à n'importe quel projet, quelle que soit sa taille, son objectif ou son secteur d'activité. PRINCE2 7 répond aux changements dans le secteur de la gestion de projet et s'adapte à l'évolution des pratiques et des technologies de travail. En mettant l'accent sur la gestion des personnes, il adopte également la gestion du numérique et des données et intègre des pratiques durables.

Enterprise Content Management : what you need to know.
ISBN: 9780973066258 Year: 2004 Publisher: Waterloo Open Text

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Studies have shown that most organizations already house much of the content they need to make key business decisions, faster. Consider the following: - The number of e-mails sent every day in North America has tripled to 11.9 billion since 1999- Employees in today's hi-tech world spend 2.2 hours each day reading, managing and organizing their e-mail.The challenge lies in effectively finding, organizing, storing and managing growing amounts of information. The effective management of content is good for business. Companies that manage content are able to better leverage information to respond quickly to opportunities, achieve high rates of return on investment and gain competitive edge. Enterprise Content Management: What you need to know tells you how ECM can help to transform your organization into a more knowledgeable and agile enterprise. It also focuses on another topical area of concern — corporate governance and regulatory compliance. Recent legislation (such as Sarbanes-Oxley, the Patriot Act and Basel II compliance) will impact many organizations throughout the world and has moved governance to the top of the management agenda. From a business perspective, the book explores the quality controls and productivity enhancements realized when an organization uses the latest in secure Internet technology to deploy an ECM solution. Each chapter in the book focuses on a component technology of ECM, tracing their origins from the early search technologies to ubiquitous computing, real-time collaboration and rich media. Over 60 user stories are featured throughout the book to illustrate effective ECM applications in action and paint the picture of an industry in the making.

Beknopt overzicht van de sociale zekerheid in België
Year: 2001 Publisher: Brussel Ministerie van Sociale Voorzorg. Secretariaat-Generaal Juridische Studièen

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Strategisch rapport voor de sociale bescherming en insluiting 2006-2008 : België
ISBN: 2006973710 Year: 2006 Publisher: Brussels FOD Sociale Zekerheid = SPF Sécurité sociale

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In de context van de Lissabonstrategie, en meer bepaald in de open coördinatiemethode die ingevoerd is voor sociale materies, heeft de Raad van de Europese Unie de Lidstaten gevraagd om in september 2006 “nationale rapporten inzake de sociale bescherming en de sociale inclusie voor de periode 2006-2008” voor te leggen.Het Belgische strategisch rapport, dat u op deze website kunt raadplegen, bevat vier hoofdstukken.Hoofdstuk I is een Algemene inleiding die de stand van zaken van de sociale situatie in België opmaakt met informatie over welzijn, sociale bescherming, armoede, gezondheid, huisvesting … enz. Het vat ook de algemene beleidsbenadering van België op sociaal vlak samen ; die heeft als hoofddoel om een sterke, leefbare, rechtvaardige en solidaire sociale zekerheid te behouden.Hoofdstuk II, gewijd aan het “Nationaal Actieplan Sociale Inclusie”, analyseert 3 sleuteluitdagingen : iedereen de garantie bieden op betaalbare en degelijke huisvesting, de activering en de verscheidenheid in werk en maatschappelijke integratie meer ontwikkelen, en het bestrijden van armoede die kinderen treft.Hoofdstuk III over de pensioenen werkt het “Belgisch Nationaal Strategisch Pensioen-rapport 2005” bij met behandeling respectievelijk van de drie gemeenschappelijke Europese doelstellingen, zijnde: toereikende pensioenen, de leefbaarheid van het pensioenstelsel en de modernisering van de pensioenstelsels.Hoofdstuk IV betreft de gezondheidszorg en de langdurige zorg. Het behandelt de voornaamste uitdagingen waarmee het land wordt geconfronteerd inzake gezondheidszorg en langdurige zorg, waarbij het zich concentreert op de drie gemeenschappelijke doelstellingen op Europees vlak : de toegang tot de gezondheidszorg en de langdurige zorg verzekeren; de kwaliteit van de zorg bevorderen ; de financiële leefbaarheid verzekeren van de systemen van gezondheidszorg en langdurige zorg.Voorts verduidelijken verschillende bijlagen het rapport, waaronder voorbeelden van « Good practice ».Tenslotte, dient opgewerkt te worden dat de Europese Commissie, op basis van deze nationale strategische rapporten, een ontwerp van gemeenschappelijk rapport inzake sociale bescherming en sociale inclusie zal voorstellen met het oog op de Raad van maart 2007.

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