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Content analysis : an introduction to its methodology
ISBN: 9781412983150 1412983150 Year: 2013 Publisher: Los Angeles ; : SAGE,

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Transformation - namely, the ongoing information revolution. Two decades ago, content analysis was largely known in journalism and communication research, and, to a lesser extent, in the social and psychological sciences. Today, content analysis has become an efficient alternative to public opinion research - a method of tracking markets, political leanings, and emerging ideas, a way to settle legal disputes, and an approach to explore individual human minds. The Third Edition of Content Analysis remains the definitive sourcebook of the history and core principles of content analysis as well as an essential resource for present and future studies. The book introduces readers to ways of analyzing meaningful matter such as texts, images, voices - that is, data whose physical manifestations are secondary to the meanings that a particular population of people brings to them.Organized into three parts, the book examines the conceptual and methodological aspects of content analysis and also traces several paths through content analysis protocols. The author has completely revised and updated the Third Edition, integrating new information on computer-aided text analysis and social media. The book also includes a practical guide that incorporates experiences in teaching and how to advise academic and commercial researchers. In addition, Krippendorff clarifies the epistemology and logic of content analysis as well as the methods for achieving its aims.

Klare taal : afkicken van ambtenarees
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782509025272 Year: 2015 Volume: *7 Publisher: Brussel Politeia

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Even vooraf - Begrijpelijk schrijven kunt u leren - Voordelen van klare taal - Eerst afkicken van ambtenarees - Begrijpelijk overheid - Tips voor klare taal in overheidsteksten - Voor u begint - Uw teksten in klare taal - Extra tips voor brieven en e-mails - Afkicken van ambtenarees - Woordenlijst - Hartelijk dank aan - Andere inspiratiebronnen


Communication --- Health Communication --- Methods --- WZ 345 Medical writing and publishing. Historiography --- BPB1511 --- Linguistique --- Taalwetenschap --- 808.1 --- Auteurschap. Literaire activiteit en techniek --- Communication (administration) Communicatie (overheidsdiensten) --- Langage administratif Administratief taalgebruik --- Communication écrite Schriftelijke communicatie --- Lisibilité Leesbaarheid --- #KVHA:Taalkunde; Nederlands --- #KVHA:Schrijfvaardigheid; Nederlands --- Sprachwissenschaft --- lingüística --- lingvistika --- lingwistika --- taalwetenschap --- keeleteadus --- linguística --- kielitiede --- nyelvészet --- teangeolaíocht --- językoznawstwo --- linguistikë --- лингвистика --- kalbotyra --- lingvistică --- jazykověda --- γλωσσολογία --- jezikoslovje --- lingvistik --- linguistica --- linguistics --- граматика --- etümoloogia --- nyelvtan --- spelluta --- γραμματική --- mondattan --- етимология --- lexicologia --- spraakkunst --- pronunciation --- pragmatika --- angewandte Sprachwissenschaft --- nauka o původu slov --- phonetics --- fonetiikka --- наука за јазикот --- morfologie --- правопис --- Etymologie --- pravopis --- Sprechtechnik --- prononciation --- fonētika --- etimologija --- grammatik --- Pragmalinguistik --- dějiny jazyka --- sprogvidenskab --- uttalslära --- ordboksvetenskap --- etymologia --- pisownia --- leksikologija --- leksikologji --- лексикологија --- gramatika --- fonetică --- προφορά --- etimología --- fonética --- λεξικολογία --- fonologie --- litriú --- betydelselära --- filologie --- sémantique --- Rechtschreibung --- Phonetik --- gramatică --- helyesírás --- gramática --- etimoloģija --- tartis --- Grammatik --- grammatika --- etymológia --- etymology --- grammar --- orthographe --- ääntäminen --- etymologi --- alaktan --- etimológia --- lexikológia --- hangtan --- ortografia --- Lexikologie --- syntax --- etimoloġija --- Sprachforschung --- lexicology --- kirjakuju --- Semantik --- szemantika --- semantik --- ortogrāfija --- grammatica --- φωνητική --- valodniecība --- semantiikka --- kielioppi --- leksikoloģija --- σημαντική --- ετυμολογία --- szókincstan --- oikeinkirjoitus --- fonetiek --- semantika --- sémantika --- keeletehnika --- Morphologie --- fonetikë --- lexikologi --- lexicología --- uttal --- beszédtechnika --- uitspraak --- jezikoslovlje --- spelling --- fonetik --- leksikoloogia --- mluvnice --- pronuncia --- semántica --- izgovor --- ljudlära --- semantica --- pronunciação --- semântica --- shqiptim --- pronúncia --- semantikë --- ορθογραφία --- phonétique --- matematická lingvistika --- étymologie --- stavemåde --- pronunciación --- výslovnosť --- etymologie --- taalkunde --- jazykozpyt --- udtale --- ortografía --- ortografie --- allmän språkvetenskap --- semantics --- semantiek --- fonetica --- etimologie --- linguïstiek --- rašyba --- Linguistik --- lessicologia --- leksikologi --- foneetika --- fonetika --- stavning --- gramatikë --- sanasto-oppi --- etimologia --- sanasaíocht --- semantică --- grammaire --- jelentéstan --- семантика --- morfológia --- aplikovaná lingvistika --- lexicologie --- Communicatie : Leesbaarheid --- Communication : Lisibilité

Initiation à la rédaction des textes législatifs, réglementaires et administratifs
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782802740766 2802740768 2802742817 Year: 2013 Volume: *3 Publisher: Bruxelles: Bruylant,

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[3e éd.] Quoiqu’il s’agisse d’un impératif de démocratie, trop peu de textes législatifs ou réglementaires sont réellement compréhensibles par l’ensemble des administrés, non seulement en raison de la complexité technique des matières, mais aussi parce que leur rédaction, structure du texte, choix des termes, respect des formes, etc., est critiquable. De grands auteurs, comme Bentham et Montesquieu, ont pourtant souligné l’importance de pouvoir disposer de textes législatifs bien rédigés, qui s’insèrent harmonieusement dans l’ordonnancement juridique. - Quelle est la structure d’une loi, d’un décret ou d’une ordonnance, ou celle d’un arrêté réglementaire de l’État fédéral, d’une entité fédérée, d’une commune ou d’une province ? - Qu’est-ce qu’un préambule ou un exécutoire ? - Que contient le dispositif d’un arrêté ? - Comment transposer une directive européenne ? - La loi (le décret et l’ordonnance) et le règlement (arrêté royal, arrêté ministériel, règlement communal) doivent satisfaire, d’une part, à des conditions précises, de manière à ne pas porter atteinte à la sécurité juridique (respect des règles de compétence, application dans le temps, accomplissement de formalités obligatoires, etc.) et, d’autre part, aux exigences de la langue. - Afin d’améliorer la lisibilité des textes législatifs et réglementaires, quels mots et quelles structures de phrases convient-il de privilégier ou, au contraire, d’éviter (apocope, ellipse, métonymie, métaphore, etc.) ? - Quelles sont les règles relatives à l’emploi des langues et à la publicité des lois et règlements (conditions, force exécutoire, force obligatoire, etc.) ? L’ouvrage, riche de nombreux exemples et illustrations puisés dans la pratique, examine toutes ces questions et conditions. Il expose également les obligations législatives essentielles (motivation, publicité, etc.) qui s’imposent à l’Administration depuis une vingtaine d’années, en ce qui concerne les décisions administratives individuelles et les documents administratifs. Il décrit par ailleurs les exigences et les étapes essentielles auxquelles il convient d’être attentif pour réaliser une bonne coordination ou codification.


Public law. Constitutional law --- Legal theory and methods. Philosophy of law --- 340.134 <493> --- wetgeving --- taalkunde --- Legal composition --- -Bill drafting --- -BPB1408 --- Législation --- Légistique --- Linguistique --- Drafting of bills --- Legislation drafting --- Legislative drafting --- Authorship --- Law --- Communication in law --- Practice of law --- Forms (Law) --- 340.134 <493> Wetgevingstechniek. Decreet met kracht van wet. Besluit-wet--België --- Wetgevingstechniek. Decreet met kracht van wet. Besluit-wet--België --- legislation --- linguistique --- Wetgeving --- Wetgevingstechniek --- Taalwetenschap --- Language --- Editing --- 101 Wetgevingstheorie --- Redaction juridique --- Projets de loi --- Droit --- Reglements (Droit administratif) --- Redaction --- Langage --- Rédaction législative --- Belgium --- Handbooks --- KJK 1 Law of Belgium --- Legislation --- Bill drafting --- Législation --- Rédaction --- EPUB-ALPHA-I EPUB-LIV-FT LIVDROIT STRADA-B --- E-books --- Sprachwissenschaft --- lingüística --- lingvistika --- lingwistika --- taalwetenschap --- keeleteadus --- linguística --- kielitiede --- nyelvészet --- teangeolaíocht --- językoznawstwo --- linguistikë --- лингвистика --- kalbotyra --- lingvistică --- jazykověda --- γλωσσολογία --- jezikoslovje --- lingvistik --- linguistica --- linguistics --- граматика --- etümoloogia --- nyelvtan --- spelluta --- γραμματική --- mondattan --- етимология --- lexicologia --- spraakkunst --- pronunciation --- pragmatika --- angewandte Sprachwissenschaft --- nauka o původu slov --- phonetics --- fonetiikka --- наука за јазикот --- morfologie --- правопис --- Etymologie --- pravopis --- Sprechtechnik --- prononciation --- fonētika --- etimologija --- grammatik --- Pragmalinguistik --- dějiny jazyka --- sprogvidenskab --- uttalslära --- ordboksvetenskap --- etymologia --- pisownia --- leksikologija --- leksikologji --- лексикологија --- gramatika --- fonetică --- προφορά --- etimología --- fonética --- λεξικολογία --- fonologie --- litriú --- betydelselära --- filologie --- sémantique --- Rechtschreibung --- Phonetik --- gramatică --- helyesírás --- gramática --- etimoloģija --- tartis --- Grammatik --- grammatika --- etymológia --- etymology --- grammar --- orthographe --- ääntäminen --- etymologi --- alaktan --- etimológia --- lexikológia --- hangtan --- ortografia --- Lexikologie --- syntax --- etimoloġija --- Sprachforschung --- lexicology --- kirjakuju --- Semantik --- szemantika --- semantik --- ortogrāfija --- grammatica --- φωνητική --- valodniecība --- semantiikka --- kielioppi --- leksikoloģija --- σημαντική --- ετυμολογία --- szókincstan --- oikeinkirjoitus --- fonetiek --- semantika --- sémantika --- keeletehnika --- Morphologie --- fonetikë --- lexikologi --- lexicología --- uttal --- beszédtechnika --- uitspraak --- jezikoslovlje --- spelling --- fonetik --- leksikoloogia --- mluvnice --- pronuncia --- semántica --- izgovor --- ljudlära --- semantica --- pronunciação --- semântica --- shqiptim --- pronúncia --- semantikë --- ορθογραφία --- phonétique --- matematická lingvistika --- étymologie --- stavemåde --- pronunciación --- výslovnosť --- etymologie --- jazykozpyt --- udtale --- ortografía --- ortografie --- allmän språkvetenskap --- semantics --- semantiek --- fonetica --- etimologie --- linguïstiek --- rašyba --- Linguistik --- lessicologia --- leksikologi --- foneetika --- fonetika --- stavning --- gramatikë --- sanasto-oppi --- etimologia --- sanasaíocht --- semantică --- grammaire --- jelentéstan --- семантика --- morfológia --- aplikovaná lingvistika --- lexicologie --- legislação --- Gesetzgebung --- achtú --- legislación --- legjislacion --- seadusandlus --- teisėkūra --- legislazione --- νομοθεσία --- законодавство --- lainsäädäntö --- lovgivning --- leġiżlazzjoni --- законодателство --- törvényalkotás --- ustawodawstwo --- lagstiftning --- zakonodavstvo --- legislație --- legislativa --- legislatíva --- zakonodaja --- likumdošana --- koncepcija --- právní normy --- aspetto giuridico --- законска одредба --- rättslig aspekt --- disposição legislativa --- zakonodavni akt --- dimensión jurídica --- legislative provision --- правна норма --- νομοθετική πράξη --- právní předpisy --- juridische aspecten --- lovbestemmelse --- programa --- teisės nuostata --- disposition législative --- dispozitë legjislative --- juridisk aspekt --- õiguslik aspekt --- likumi --- disposizione legislativa --- disposizione di legge --- legislatívny akt --- õigustloov akt --- atto legislativo --- legislatívne ustanovenie --- õigusakt --- aspeto jurídico --- rättsregler --- tiesību normas --- zakonska odredba --- правни прашања --- disposición legislativa --- legislative act --- seadusandlik akt --- νομική πλευρά --- wetgevende handeling --- juridisk dimension --- Gesetzesbestimmung --- Gesetzesvorschrift --- vertiente jurídica --- törvény rendelkezése --- teisės aktų leidimas --- säädös --- punto de vista jurídico --- teisinis aspektas --- zákonodárství --- lagbestämmelse --- tiesību aspekts --- jogalkotási aktus --- νομοθετική διάταξη --- rechtlicher Aspekt --- Gesetzgebungsakt --- teisės aktas --- törvényi rendelkezés --- akt legjislativ --- jogszabály --- säännös --- легислатива --- act legislativ --- wettelijke bepaling --- oikeudellinen näkökohta --- likumdošanas akti --- gesetzliche Vorschrift --- prevederi legislative --- правен акт --- ato legislativo --- jogszabályi rendelkezés --- lagstiftningshandling --- törvényhozás --- acte législatif --- tiesību akti --- gesetzliche Bestimmung --- reachtaíocht --- -Rédaction législative --- Belgique --- -Belgium --- -Legislation

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