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Humane genetica is een vakgebied voor hoogopgeleide geleerden, veel te technisch-wetenschappelijk om zelfs maar te proberen begrijpen." Ho, stop! Schrappen wat hierboven staat, en wel meteen. Humane genetica heeft ALLES te maken met IEDEREEN. We hebben allemaal DNA, genen, chromosomen, een genoom. Meer nog, die dingen bepalen hoe we eruit zien en hebben een grote invloed op ons gedrag en onze gezondheid. De auteurs van Iedereen gen...iaal brengen ons in zo gewoon mogelijke mensentaal op de hoogte van humane genetica, met voorbeelden en anekdotes uit de dagelijkse praktijk. Ook de ethische consequenties van de nieuwste ontwikkelingen komen aan bod. Aan het boek hebben 9 bekende Vlaamse cartoonisten een bijdrage geleverd. Meer dan wie ook slagen ze erin om via spitse tekeningen en verrassende standpunten een complex thema als de genetica tegelijk te relativeren en te verhelderen. (Bron: covertekst)
genetica --- genetics --- Human genetics --- Genetics --- Genetics, Medical --- Reference Books --- QU 450 Genetics - - General Works --- Genetica (erfelijkheidsleer) --- Genetic Processes --- Genetic Structures --- Genetic Phenomena --- 61 --- Genetics. --- moleculaire biologie --- Molecular biology --- 575 --- gentherapie --- Neanderthalers
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QH 452.7 Quantitative Genetics --- Quantitative genetics --- Quantitative genetics. --- Génétique quantitative --- Expression des gènes --- gene expression --- Variation génétique --- genetic variation --- Germplasm --- Carte génétique --- genetic maps --- Gène dominant --- dominant genes --- Génotype --- genotypes --- Polymorphisme génétique --- Genetic polymorphism --- Paramètre génétique --- genetic parameters --- Évaluation --- evaluation --- 575.21 --- #WDIR:wbse --- #ABIB:CHGS --- 575.2 --- Genetica (erfelijkheidsleer) --- Quantitative inheritance --- Phenotypic variation. Phenotype --- 575.21 Phenotypic variation. Phenotype --- Genetics --- Biomathematics. Biometry. Biostatistics --- Basic Sciences. Genetics -- Population and Quantitative Genetics. --- Genetic Phenomena. --- Genetic Phenomena --- Gene frequency --- Quantitative trait loci
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Il y a un demi siècle seulement, l'ADN livrait le secret de sa structure en double hélice. Depuis, il est devenu possible d'accéder aux mécanismes moléculaires de l'hérédité, de modifier les formes naturelles du vivant, et de créer des "OGM", des organismes génétiquement modifiés, bactéries, plantes ou animaux - sans que les processus biologiques mis en jeu soient toujours parfaitement compris, ni parfaitement maîtrisés. Les utilisations de la génétique réveillent dès lors des craintes anciennes, et en activent de nouvelles, qui touchent les unes et les autres aux conséquences de la manipulation du vivant, en général et de la modification de l'humain, en particulier. Ce livre analyse la manière dont notre société a accueilli ces techniques, et restitue les termes du débat qui en est résulté, pour aboutir à un constat implacable : jamais ce débat n'a été à la hauteur des enjeux. Fondé sur des recherches systématiques et précises, conjuguant clarté et rigueur scientifique, toujours très documenté, cet ouvrage mobilise sociologie, politologie et sciences juridiques de manière intégrée, refuse les facilités de la simple juxtaposition des perspectives offertes et dénonce la confiscation de thèmes scientifiques et techniques par les "experts". Par les analyses qu'il développe, ce livre constitue un plaidoyer argumenté pour une démocratie scientifique.
WB 60 Bioethics. Clinical ethics. Clinical ethics committees --- Genetic Engineering --- Social Values --- France --- Biotechnology
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QH - NATURAL HISTORY - BIOLOGY --- Genetics. --- Génétique --- Investigative Techniques --- Biology --- Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment --- Biological Science Disciplines --- Natural Science Disciplines --- Disciplines and Occupations --- Genetics --- Genetic Techniques --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Genetica --- 577.21 --- 575.113 --- -Molecular genetics --- Molecular biology --- Embryology --- Mendel's law --- Adaptation (Biology) --- Breeding --- Chromosomes --- Heredity --- Mutation (Biology) --- Variation (Biology) --- Genetic Processes --- Genetic Structures --- Genetic Phenomena --- Molecular mechanism of coding, storage and realization of inheritance information. Molecular genetics. Molecular biology of the gene --- Gene. Genetic apparatus. Genome --- Methodology --- 575.113 Gene. Genetic apparatus. Genome --- 577.21 Molecular mechanism of coding, storage and realization of inheritance information. Molecular genetics. Molecular biology of the gene --- Génétique --- Moleculaire biologie --- Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures. --- Investigative Techniques. --- Biology. --- Biological Science Disciplines. --- Natural Science Disciplines. --- Genetic Techniques.
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In the last decade health care has witnessed a host of technological novelties in the field of diagnostic and therapeutic practices, as well as in the supportive information and communication technology and in various applications of genetics, microbiology and informatics. As a result a few questions need to be answered: -Is health care ethics due dor a splitting up into an ethics of technology (focusing on the ethical implications of new technologies) and an ethics of care (focusing on the ethical problems concerning chronic diseases, decay, disability, end of life)? -How to cope with dependence, limitation, finiteness, suffering, ... in spite of technological progress? -Could a better integration of technology and care preclude situations where patients are being dehumanised? Starting with a philosophical ethical reflection about the possibilities and dangers of technologies in health care, this book highlights both the relation between technology and care, and the normative aspects of economic analyses in health care. Finally, a series of concrete examples from various clinical fields (prenatal diagnosis, genetic tests, digital imaging in psychiatry, tube feeding in care for the elderly, and palliative sedation) will help the authors to consider how to integrate these technologies in a care context aimed upon humaneness. Since each topic is analysed by leading European clinicians and health care ethicists, this book clearly stands for the interdisciplinary approach in health care ethics. This book may be a rich source of material for reflection on the role, meaning and ends of technology and care, as harmonious aspects of clinical health care practice. However, the authors main concern is to show what such a reflection may consist of and how it can contribute to the inquiry into the experience of technology, the needs of humanity and the development of appropriate health care. This book highlights both the relation between technology and care, and the normative aspects of economic analyses in health care. A series of concrete examples from various clinical fields (prenatal diagnosis, genetic tests, digital imaging in psychiatry, tube feeding in care for the elderly, and palliative sedation) helps the authors to consider how to integrate these technologies in a care context aimed upon humaneness. Each topic is analysed by leading European clinicians and health care ethicists.
Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Professional ethics. Deontology --- Ethique médicale --- Medische ethiek --- Medische technologie --- Technologie médicale --- Medical care --- Medical ethics --- Soins médicaux --- Technological innovations --- Congresses --- Innovations --- Congrès --- Medical technology --- Medical ethics. --- Nursing ethics. --- Genetic screening. --- Biomedical Technology --- Bioethical Issues --- Nursing ethics --- Genetic screening --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- bejaarden (ouderen) --- 670 Gezondheid --- Biomedical Technology. --- Health Care Rationing. --- Bioethics. --- Ethics, Medical. --- Bioethical Issues. --- 241.63*2 --- 61 --- 174.2 --- -Nursing ethics --- bio-ethiek --- gezondheidszorg --- #GGSB: Bio-ethiek --- #GBIB:CBMER --- #gsdb5 --- Caritas Catholica Vlaanderen (1982-heden) --- gezondheidszorg [verplegend] --- technologie --- abortus --- psychiatrie --- euthanasie --- christelijke ethiek --- C5 --- sociaal beleid --- 17.023.33 --- #A0301A --- 061 Ethische problemen --- biomedische technologie --- ethiek van de technologie (technologiekritiek, technologiemisbruik) --- zorgethiek (ethiek van de zorg, zorgrelatie) --- prenatale diagnostiek (prenatale test) --- genetische screening --- ouderenzorg --- palliatieve zorgen, (terminale, continue) sedatie, pijnbestrijding met levensverkortend effect, stervensbegeleiding --- Medische uitrusting --- Geneeskundige beeldvorming --- Genetica --- Psychiatrie --- Palliatieve zorgen --- Academic collection --- 603.1 --- aangeboren afwijkingen (congenitale afwijkingen, hartafwijkingen) --- abortus provocatus (vruchtafdrijving, zwangerschapsafbreking) --- dementie (dementia, dementia senilis) --- eetstoornissen --- ethiek (moraal) --- genetica --- genetisch advies --- gezondheidseconomie --- medische technologie --- palliatieve zorgen --- parenterale voeding (TPN) --- prenatale diagnose --- psychodiagnostiek --- stervensbegeleiding --- Nurses --- Nursing --- Professional ethics --- Biomedical ethics --- Clinical ethics --- Ethics, Medical --- Health care ethics --- Medicine --- Bioethics --- Social medicine --- Human chromosome abnormalities --- Medical screening --- Bioethical Issue --- Issue, Bioethical --- Issues, Bioethical --- Euthanasia --- Human Experimentation --- Patient Rights --- Animal Experimentation --- Medical Ethics --- Professionalism --- Biomedical Ethics --- Health Care Ethics --- Ethics, Biomedical --- Ethics, Health Care --- Ethicists --- Healthcare Rationing --- Rationing, Health Care --- Rationing, Healthcare --- Health Resources --- Patient Selection --- Biomedical Technologies --- Technology, Biomedical --- Technology, Health --- Technology, Health Care --- Health Care Technology --- Health Technology --- Biomedical Engineering --- Medical Informatics --- Health care technology --- Health technology --- Technology --- Theologische ethiek: medische ethiek: dokter; verpleegster; ziekenhuis --- Geneeskunde. Hygiëne. Farmacie --- Beroepsmoraal van de artsen. Medische beroepsethiek --- Moral and ethical aspects --- soins de santé --- Maatschappelijke organisaties en maatschappelijk leven --- technologie biomédicale --- éthique de la technologie (critique de la technologie, abus de la technologie) --- éthique des soins --- diagnostic prénatal (test prénatal, DPN) --- dépistage génétique --- soins des personnes âgées --- soins palliatifs, lutte contre la douleur ayant pour effet d'abréger la vie, sédation palliative (terminale, continue), accompagnement de fin de vie --- Equipement médical --- Imagerie médicale --- Génétique --- Soins palliatifs --- (zie ook: orthopedie, seksuele ontwikkelingsstoornissen, vaatziekten) --- (zie ook: genetisch advies) --- (zie ook: dood, euthanasie, palliatieve zorgen, rouw, terminale zorgen) --- Diagnosis --- ethics --- 174.2 Beroepsmoraal van de artsen. Medische beroepsethiek --- 241.63*2 Theologische ethiek: medische ethiek: dokter; verpleegster; ziekenhuis --- Soins médicaux --- Ethique médicale --- Congrès --- Health Care Rationing --- medische ethiek --- Bio-ethiek --- WB 60 Bioethics. Clinical ethics. Clinical ethics committees --- Medical Laboratory Science --- Ethics, Nursing --- Genetic Screening
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