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Our health, our income and our social networks at older ages are the consequence of what has happened to us over the course of our lives. The situation at age 50+ reflects our own decisions as well as many environmental factors, especially interventions by the welfare state such as education policies, access to health care and many types of social protection from poverty relief to housing subsidies and maternity support. This book explores the richness of 28,000 life histories in thirteen European countries ranging from Scandinavia to Central and Eastern Europe to the Mediterranean collected as part of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). Combining these data with a comprehensive account of European welfare state interventions provides a unique opportunity to answer the important public policy questions of our time how the welfare state affects peoples incomes, housing, families, retirement, volunteering and health. The overarching theme of the welfare state creates a book of genuinely interdisciplinary analyses, a valuable resource for economists, gerontologists, historians, political scientists, public health analysts, and sociologists alike.
Health --- Welfare state --- Europe --- History --- Social sciences --- HV 11 -- General works --- #SBIB:316.8H00 --- EEC / European Union - EU -Europese Unie - Union Européenne - UE --- 313 --- 330.548 --- 332.691 --- 351.2 --- 339.21 --- Sociaal beleid: algemeen --- Levenswijze en levensstandaard. Levensminimum. sociale indicatoren (Studiën). --- Nationalisatie. Privatiseringen. --- Evolutie van de arbeidsmarkt. --- Openbare gezondheid. Milieubescherming. Milieuvervuiling. --- Ongelijkheid en herverdeling van vermogens en inkomens. Inkomensbeleid. --- Levenswijze en levensstandaard. Levensminimum. sociale indicatoren (Studiën) --- Nationalisatie. Privatiseringen --- Evolutie van de arbeidsmarkt --- Openbare gezondheid. Milieubescherming. Milieuvervuiling --- Ongelijkheid en herverdeling van vermogens en inkomens. Inkomensbeleid
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Cet essai compare les performances des pays de lʹEurope des quinze avec celles des douze nouveaux membres en matière de politique sociale : inégalités sociales, santé, emploi, éducation, personnes âgées. Les pays nordiques ont les meilleurs résultats, ainsi que des pays dʹEurope de lʹEst comme la République tchèque ou la Slovénie, au contraire dʹautres comme la Roumanie ou la Bulgarie.
Health Care --- Delivery of Health Care --- Health Policy --- Europe --- Aged --- statistics and numerical data [Subheading] --- W 84 Health services. Quality of health care (General) --- Welfare state --- Etat providence --- Europe, Western --- Europe de l'Ouest --- Economic policy --- Social policy --- Politique économique --- Politique sociale --- European Union countries --- État providence --- Dumping social --- Pays de l'Union européenne --- EEC / European Union - EU -Europese Unie - Union Européenne - UE --- 334.151.50 --- 330.580 --- Sociaal beleid : algemeenheden. --- Gecontroleerde economie. Geleide economie. Welvaarststaat. Algemeenheden. --- Politique économique --- Dumping social. --- Public welfare --- Gecontroleerde economie. Geleide economie. Welvaarststaat. Algemeenheden --- Sociaal beleid : algemeenheden --- Social policy. --- Performance. --- Évaluation --- Personnes âgées --- Welfare state - European Union countries --- European Union countries - Social policy --- Etat --- Inclusion sociale --- Ue
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Toujours plus complexe, toujours plus touffue, la réglementation des marchés publics cause le désespoir des praticiens avocats, magistrats, fonctionnaires, juristes dentreprise, étudiants ... par ses modifications incessantes et une jurisprudence en forte croissance spécialement au niveau européen.Alors que de nouvelles directives européennes ont été publiées le 31 mars 2004 (et nécessitent une nouvelle adaptation de notre réglementation nationale), il était temps de brosser un tableau de la situation actuelle, de relever les solutions dégagées par le législateur et la jurisprudence mais aussi les nombreux points dombre qui subsistent.Cest le défi relevé par les auteurs. Ceux-ci sont parvenus à établir cette synthèse grâce à une connaissance «de terrain» de la matière acquise depuis de nombreuses années mais aussi grâce à une documentation qui leur permet de porter un regard tant sur les marchés publics européens que belges dans leurs multiples aspects.Quil sagisse de la notion même de marché public, des centrales dachat, de la dématérialisation programmée des marchés publics, des critères de sélection des candidats, des critères dattribution des marchés, des nouveaux mécanismes de dialogue compétitif, accord-cadre ou encore PPP, ainsi que du contentieux de la commande publique et des autres sujets dactualité, le lecteur trouvera dans cet ouvrage à chaque fois lanalyse des derniers développementsde la matière.
Administrative law --- European law --- Belgium --- Belgique --- België --- Europese Unie --- Marchés publics --- Overheidsopdrachten --- Union européenne --- K 3150 Public law --- Government purchasing --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- 408 Overheidsopdrachten --- Marchés publics Overheidsopdrachten --- Droit administratif Administratief recht --- Europe Europa --- Réglementation Reglementering --- marches publics --- belgique --- union europeenne --- EEC / European Union - EU -Europese Unie - Union Européenne - UE --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 334.154.1 --- 351.7 --- 347.751.6 --- V4 - Marchés publics - Overheidsopdrachten --- overheidsopdrachten --- belgie --- europese unie --- Verkeer van personen en goederen. vestiging van personen. Technische beperkingen. Vrijheid van beroep. Openbare markten. Europese eenheidsmarkt. --- Beheer van het openbaar domein. Openbare werken. --- Ondernemingen van openbare werken. --- Marchés publics --- Verkeer van personen en goederen. vestiging van personen. Technische beperkingen. Vrijheid van beroep. Openbare markten. Europese eenheidsmarkt --- Beheer van het openbaar domein. Openbare werken --- Ondernemingen van openbare werken --- DROIT EUROPEEN --- CONTENTIEUX ADMINISTRATIF --- DROIT ADMINISTRATIF --- MARCHES PUBLICS
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This book is about the lives of Europeans aged 50 and over. It paints a picture of theirhealth, their families and social networks, their economic situation and their happiness. Itshows the large variation of life circumstances in each country, and it reveals striking differencesas well as similarities across the European countries.Two observations form the background for this book. First, Europe has an enormouswealth in its diversity of cultures, histories and policy approaches. More than any othercontinent, Europe is blessed with large cultural, historical and political differences evenwithin small distances. Comparing countries and regions to simply observe how thesedifferences have shaped the behaviour of the European citizens is a fascinating task; understandingthe mechanisms through which culture, history and public policy affects all of us,is even more fascinating.Second, Europe is ageing. Old Europe, as an outside observer has put it, is the continentalready with the highest proportion of elderly citizens, and the population ageingprocess will continue for the better part of this century. Understanding how the ageingprocess will affect us all, and how it affects the people in the European countries differently,because their culture, their historically grown societal structures and their public policyapproaches differ, is an important task for researchers in economics, social sciences andpublic health in order to turn the challenges of population ageing in Europe into chancesfor Europe.Understanding ageing and how it affects individuals in the diverse cultural settings ofEurope is the main task of SHARE, the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement inEurope. SHARE has already collected data on the individual life circumstances of about22,000 persons aged 50 and over in 11 European countries, ranging from Scandinavia tothe Mediterranean and data collection is still going on. SHARE has made great efforts todeliver truly comparable data, so we can reliably study how differences in cultures, livingconditions and policy approaches shape the quality of life of Europeans just before andafter retirement. This book presents the first results from SHARE. It is a first step to betterunderstand where we are, where we are heading to, and how we can influence the qualityof life as we age both as individuals and as societies.Ageing affects all of us, both as individuals and as societies. Section 1 introduces whatwe can learn from SHARE about population ageing, while Section 2 shows the interactionamong health, economic and sociological issues in individual ageing. Section 3 describesthe development process of the SHARE data and presents the current data, its richnessand its limitations. Section 4 provides a summary of our first results. This introductionends with an outlook where SHARE wants to go, and a big Thank You to all our sponsorsand helpers.
HQ 1061 Aged. Gerontology (social aspects). Retirement.- General works --- EEC / European Union - EU -Europese Unie - Union Européenne - UE --- EUR / Europe - Europa --- 311.6 --- 61 --- 368.43 --- 332.832 --- 203 --- 311.94 --- 368.42 --- Gezondheidstoestand van de bevolking. --- Geneeskunde. --- Ouderdomsverzekering. Voorbarige dood. Weduwen en wezen. --- Pensioen. Brugpensioen. --- Sociografie. Algemene beschrijving van de gemeenschappen (Sociologie). --- Verdeling van de bevolking naar leeftijd. Veroudering van de bevolking. --- Ziekte- en invaliditeitsverzekering. Ziekenfondsen. --- Gezondheidstoestand van de bevolking --- Geneeskunde --- Ouderdomsverzekering. Voorbarige dood. Weduwen en wezen --- Pensioen. Brugpensioen --- Sociografie. Algemene beschrijving van de gemeenschappen (Sociologie) --- Verdeling van de bevolking naar leeftijd. Veroudering van de bevolking --- Ziekte- en invaliditeitsverzekering. Ziekenfondsen --- Age group sociology --- Social policy --- Europe --- Retraite --- Personnes âgées --- Pays de l'union européenne --- Statistiques --- Santé et hygiène
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Thirteen papers explore general trends in long-term care policy reform in Europe and their consequences. Papers discuss reforms in long-term care policies in Europe--an introduction; long-term care systems in comparative perspective--care needs, informal and formal coverage, and social impacts in European countries; long-term care in Sweden--trends, actors, and consequences; trajectories of change in Danish long term care policies--reproduction by adaptation through top-down and bottom-up reforms; long-term care reforms in the Netherlands; radical institutional change and incremental transformation--long-term care insurance in Germany; steps toward a long-term care policy in France--specificities, process, and actors; long-term care reform in Austria--emergence and development of a new welfare state pillar; long term care reform in England--a long and unfinished story; long-term care in Spain--between family care tradition and the public recognition of social risk; long-term care Italian policies--a case of inertial institutional change; long-term care reform in Central-Eastern Europe--the case of the Czech Republic; and institutional change in long-term care--actors, mechanisms, and impacts. Ranci is Professor in Economic Sociology at the Polytechnic of Milan. Pavolini is an economic sociologist and Associate Professor at the University of Macerata. Index.
EEC / European Union - EU -Europese Unie - Union Européenne - UE --- SE / Sweden - Zweden - Suede --- DK / Denmark - Denemarken - Danemark --- NL / Netherlands - Nederland - Pays Bas --- DE / Germany - Duitsland - Allemagne --- FR / France - Frankrijk --- AT / Austria - Oostenrijk - Autriche --- GB / United Kingdom - Verenigd Koninkrijk - Royaume Uni --- ES / Spain - Spanje - Espagne --- IT / Italy - Italië - Italie --- CZ / Czech Republic - Tsjechië - Tchéquie --- 202 --- 368.40 --- 336.024 --- 330.580 --- Sociale organisatie. --- Sociale voorzorg en verzekeringen. Sociale zekerheid: algemeenheden. --- Sociale begroting, rekeningen en uitgaven. Gezondheid. --- Gecontroleerde economie. Geleide economie. Welvaarststaat. Algemeenheden. --- Long-Term Care --- WT 31 Long-Term Care --- Long-term care facilities --- Extended care facilities --- Health facilities --- Hospitals --- Long-term care of the sick --- Administration --- Sociale organisatie --- Gecontroleerde economie. Geleide economie. Welvaarststaat. Algemeenheden --- Sociale begroting, rekeningen en uitgaven. Gezondheid --- Sociale voorzorg en verzekeringen. Sociale zekerheid: algemeenheden --- After care --- Europe --- Organization and Administration --- Health Care Reform --- Economics --- Policy
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Une réflexion originale sur l'impact du droit européen dans le secteur des soins de santé.Une problématique au coeur des préoccupations des Etats-membresGarantir à tous des soins de santé de qualité constitue, dans nos États européens, un objectif majeur. A lheure actuelle, les systèmes de santé sont organisés au niveau national. Cette organisation traditionnelle ne doit-elle pas être repensée eu égard à lintégration européenne ?Une étude pluridisciplinaire, exhaustive et pratiqueLobjet du présent ouvrage est de mener une réflexion originale sur limpact du droit européen dans le secteur des soins de santé. Il aborde les différentes facettes de cette question, à savoir la circulation des patients, des prestataires de soins, des produits de santé ou encore la gestion de lassurance maladie au regard des règles européennes du marché intérieur, de la sécurité sociale et de la concurrence. Puisant dans les disciplines du droit, de la science politique et de léconomie, il clarifie les enjeux que soulève « leuropéanisation » des soins de santé.Une référence pour les juristes et les professionnels de la santéLouvrage intéressera les scientifiques et les praticiens du droit avocats, magistrats, fonctionnaires de même que les entreprises - organismes d'assurances et mutuelles, institutions de soins de santé - souhaitant comprendre et de tirer profit de louverture des frontières en Europe dans le secteur des soins de santé.
Social security law --- European Union --- Economie de marché --- Europese Unie ; politiek --- Gezondheidszorg --- Markteconomie --- Sociale zekerheid --- Soins de santé --- Sécurité sociale --- Union européenne ; politique --- WA 530 International health administration --- Public health --- Medical care --- Medical policy --- Santé publique --- Soins médicaux --- Politique sanitaire --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- Sante publique--Droit europeen. --- BPB0606 --- 614.2 <4> --- 351.77 <4> --- 361.1 --- 337.9 UE --- 614.253.01 --- 368.42 --- 381.81 --- EEC / European Union - EU -Europese Unie - Union Européenne - UE --- 334.151.50 --- 334.154.6 --- 349.1 --- 09.11. --- Organisatie van de openbare gezondheidszorg--Europa --- Openbare gezondheidszorg.--zie ook {?614.1/7} en {628}.--Europa --- gezondheidszorg - volksgezondheid - gezondheidsbeleid - gezondheidsvoorzieningen - gezondheidsbescherming --- Union Européenne - UE --- medisch recht - patiëntenrecht - gezondheidszorg, recht op - gezondheidszorg, plichten van de staatsburger --- ziekte- en invaliditeitsverzekering (zie ook 368.382) --- concurrentie --- Sociaal beleid : algemeenheden. --- Sociaal recht in de Europese Gemeenschappen. --- Sociale wetgeving. --- Ziekte- en invaliditeitsverzekering. Ziekenfondsen. --- Sociale verzekering ; Meerdere landen --- 351.77 <4> Openbare gezondheidszorg.--zie ook {?614.1/7} en {628}.--Europa --- Santé publique --- Soins médicaux --- 09.11 --- Sociaal beleid : algemeenheden --- Sociaal recht in de Europese Gemeenschappen --- Sociale wetgeving --- Ziekte- en invaliditeitsverzekering. Ziekenfondsen --- SANTE PUBLIQUE --- SECURITE SOCIALE --- SOINS DE SANTE --- SECTEUR PHARMACEUTIQUE --- UNION EUROPEENNE --- MARCHE INTERIEUR --- EUROPE --- LIBRE CIRCULATION DES MEDICAMENTS --- LIBRE PRESTATION DE SERVICES --- ASSURANCE-MALADIE
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There is a fundamental contradiction at the core of health policy in the EU that makes it difficult to draw a line between EU and Member State responsibilities. This raises a number of difficult questions for policy makers and practitioners as they struggle to interpret both 'hard' and 'soft' laws at EU and Member State level and to reconcile tensions between economic and social imperatives in health care. The book addresses these complex questions by combining analysis of the underlying issues with carefully chosen case studies that illustrate how broader principles are played out in practice. Each chapter addresses a topical area in which there is considerable debate and potential uncertainty. The book thus offers a comprehensive discussion of a number of current and emerging governance issues in EU health policy, including regulatory, legal, 'new governance' and policy-making dynamics, and the application of the legal framework in these areas.
Medical law --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- European law --- European Union --- Legislation, Medical --- Europe --- Public Health --- Health Care --- KJE Europe -- Regional organization and integration. Comparative law --- Health Policy --- Electronic books --- Medical policy --- Medical laws and legislation --- Public health --- Politique sanitaire --- Médecine --- Santé publique --- Droit --- Medical care --- Law and legislation --- Delivery of Health Care --- Health Policy. --- #SBIB:316.334.3M50 --- 361.1 --- 361.1.004 --- P4 --- EEC / European Union - EU -Europese Unie - Union Européenne - UE --- 351.2 --- 61 --- 368.42 --- 338.754.12 --- #SBIB:35H436 --- #SBIB:327.7H231 --- Community health --- Health services --- Hygiene, Public --- Hygiene, Social --- Public health services --- Public hygiene --- Sanitary affairs --- Social hygiene --- Health --- Human services --- Biosecurity --- Health literacy --- Medicine, Preventive --- National health services --- Sanitation --- Delivery of health care --- Delivery of medical care --- Health care --- Health care delivery --- Healthcare --- Medical and health care industry --- Medical services --- Personal health services --- Law, Medical --- Medical personnel --- Medical registration and examination --- Medicine --- Physicians --- Surgeons --- Medical jurisprudence --- Health care policy --- Health policy --- Medicine and state --- Policy, Medical --- Public health policy --- State and medicine --- Science and state --- Social policy --- National Health Policy --- Health Policies --- Health Policies, National --- Health Policy, National --- National Health Policies --- Policies, Health --- Policies, National Health --- Policy, Health --- Policy, National Health --- Policy Making --- legislation & jurisprudence. --- Organisatie van de gezondheidszorg: algemeen, beleid --- gezondheidszorg - volksgezondheid - gezondheidsbeleid - gezondheidsvoorzieningen - gezondheidsbescherming --- gezondsheidszorg, structuur --- Europa --- Openbare gezondheid. Milieubescherming. Milieuvervuiling. --- Geneeskunde. --- Ziekte- en invaliditeitsverzekering. Ziekenfondsen. --- Farmaceutische producten en parfumerie. --- Beleidssectoren: welzijn, volksgezondheid en cultuur --- Europese Unie: sociaal-economisch beleid, landbouw-, milieu-, cultuur- en communicatiebeleid --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Government policy --- Europe. --- Northern Europe --- Southern Europe --- Western Europe --- gezondheidszorg, structuur --- Médecine --- Santé publique --- legislation & jurisprudence --- Farmaceutische producten en parfumerie --- Openbare gezondheid. Milieubescherming. Milieuvervuiling --- Ziekte- en invaliditeitsverzekering. Ziekenfondsen --- Geneeskunde --- European Union countries --- Healthcare Policy --- Healthcare Policies --- Policy, Healthcare --- Social Sciences --- Political Science --- Health Care Policies --- Care Policies, Health --- Health Care Policy --- Policies, Health Care --- Policies, Healthcare --- Policy, Health Care --- Medical policy - European Union countries --- Medical laws and legislation - European Union countries --- Medical care - Law and legislation - European Union countries --- Public health - European Union countries
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Het Consortium Vergrijzing in Vlaanderen en Europa (CoViVE) voert beleidsgericht onderzoek naar de socio-economische impact van de vergrijzing in Vlaanderen en Europa. Centraal staan de verdeling van de economische last van de veroudering tussen en binnen generaties, de kwaliteit, betaalbaarheiden toegankelijkheid van de zorg en de participatie van ouderen in het arbeidsbestel en het maatschappelijke leven. Dit boek beschrijft de socio-economische en demografische levensomstandigheden van Vlaamse ouderen aan de hand van de recentste gegevens, en bekijkt hoe de Vlaamse oudere zich verhoudt tot leeftijdsgenoten in andere delen van België en Europa. Centraal staat de vraag wat deze positiebepaling betekent voor het Vlaamse beleid. Deze uitgave laat de Vlaamse wetenschappelijke experten reflecteren over de socio-economische, demografische en beleidsmatige uitdagingen voor de toekomstige vergrijzingsproblematiek in Vlaanderen en België
Ouderen. --- Age group sociology --- armoede --- levensstandaard --- sociale participatie --- bejaarden --- Social policy and particular groups --- Flanders --- Aged --- Belgium --- Europe --- Social Conditions --- HQ 1061 Aged. Gerontology (social aspects). Retirement.- General works --- Older people --- Flanders (Belgium) --- Population aging --- 362.6 --- 368.43 --- 368.4 --- P493VL --- BPB0905 --- Vieillissement démographique --- Beleid --- Levenswijzen --- Ouderen --- Vergrijzing --- Bejaarden / ouderen (bejaardenzorg, ouderen) --- Bejaarden (ouderen) --- Bevolkingsonderzoek --- Demografie (bevolking, wereldbevolking) --- Pensioen (brugpensioen) --- Sociale zekerheid --- -053.9 ouderen --- 314.8 vergrijzing --- 314 demografie --- 351.83/.84 sociaal beleid --- (493.1) Vlaanderen --- (4) Europa --- bejaardenbeleid --- demografie --- S20090462.JPG --- vergrijzing --- 308.6 --- sociaal wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- Vlaanderen --- Academic collection --- #SBIB:314H320 --- #SBIB:316.8H14 --- #SBIB:316.8H40 --- 311.6 --- 311.94 --- 368.42 --- EEC / European Union - EU -Europese Unie - Union Européenne - UE --- VL / Flanders - Vlaams Gewest - Région Flamande --- Bejaardenproblematiek 312-053.8 --- EG / Europese Unie 339.543EC/EU --- Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap 353.11 --- 265 Europese sociale politiek --- 665 Bejaarden --- 666 Armoede --- mantelzorg --- P4 --- Aging of population --- Aging population --- Aging society --- Demographic aging --- Graying (Demography) --- Greying (Demography) --- Age distribution (Demography) --- Aging people --- Elderly people --- Old people --- Older adults --- Older persons --- Senior citizens --- Seniors (Older people) --- Age groups --- Persons --- Gerontocracy --- Gerontology --- Old age --- Social conditions --- bejaarden - bejaardenzorg (zie ook 331.626-053.9, 365-053.9, 362.3-053.9) --- pensioenen --- sociale zekerheid - sociale verzekering --- Vergrijzing van de bevolking --- 312 --- Middelbare leeftijd en ouderdom --- Bevolkingsstudies: leeftijdsgroepen: ouderen: algemeen --- Welzijns- en sociale problemen: bejaarden --- Sociaal beleid: social policy, sociale zekerheid, verzorgingsstaat --- Gezondheidstoestand van de bevolking --- Verdeling van de bevolking naar leeftijd. Veroudering van de bevolking --- Ziekte- en invaliditeitsverzekering. Ziekenfondsen --- Europa --- Bejaarden --- Wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- rahvastiku vananemine --- väestön ikääntyminen --- befolkningsaldring --- population ageing --- стареење на населението --- åldrande befolkning --- starenje stanovništva --- gyventojų senėjimas --- starnutie obyvateľstva --- îmbătrânirea populației --- a népesség elöregedése --- застаряване на населението --- старење становништва --- Überalterung der Bevölkerung --- envejecimiento de la población --- staranje prebivalstva --- starzenie się społeczeństwa --- stárnutí obyvatelstva --- invecchiamento della popolazione --- envelhecimento da população --- δημογραφική γήρανση --- plakje e popullsisë --- tixjiħ tal-popolazzjoni --- vergrijzing van de bevolking --- visuomenės senėjimas --- aosú an daonra --- демографско стареење на населението --- demografické starnutie --- starzenie się ludności --- demograafiline vananemine --- застаряващо население --- ageing of the population --- befolkningens stigende gennemsnitsalder --- elanikkonna vananemine --- aldrende befolkning --- demografische vergrijzing --- idősödő népesség --- senėjanti visuomenė --- befolkningens aldring --- demographic ageing --- befolkningsåldring --- demogrāfiskā novecošana --- starenje populacije --- ökande andel äldre --- envejecimiento demográfico --- стареене на населението --- demografinis senėjimas --- demografisk aldring --- väestön iän kasvu --- envelhecimento demográfico --- iedzīvotāju novecošana --- îmbătrânire demografică --- πληθυσμιακή γήρανση --- aldrende samfund --- demografické stárnutí --- grijze druk --- tixjiħ demografiku --- γήρανση του πληθυσμού --- Demografische Alterung --- starenje stanovnika --- růst průměrné délky života --- népességelöregedés --- väestön vanheneminen --- stárnutí populace --- väestön iän nousu --- invecchiamento demografico --- demografsko starenje --- iedzīvotāju populācijas novecošana --- vieillissement démographique --- Alterung der Bevölkerung --- starnutie populácie --- Oudere --- Crisis --- Cultuur --- Natuurwetenschappen --- Gemeenschap --- School --- Buurt --- Emigratie --- Onderzoek (wetenschap) --- Vieillissement démographique
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