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Sufism in the West
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0415274087 9780415274081 0415274079 9780415274074 1134479824 9786610518234 1280518235 0203087208 9780203087206 9781134479771 9781134479818 9781134479825 Year: 2017 Publisher: Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge,

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With the increasing Muslim diaspora in post-modern Western societies, Sufism - intellectually as well as sociologically - may eventually become Islam itself due to its versatile potential. Although Sufism has always provoked considerable interest in the West, no volume has so far been written which discusses this aspect of Islam in terms of how it is practised in Western societies. Bringing together leading international authorities to survey the history of Islamic mysticism in North America and Europe, this book elaborates the ideas and institutions which organize Sufism and folk-re

Political Islam : religion and politics in the Arab world
ISBN: 9780415103855 0415103851 0415054427 9780415054423 9780203401521 9781134849659 9781134849697 9781134849703 9781138136861 Year: 1991 Publisher: London New York Routledge

De samenwerking tussen de lidstaten van de Europese Unie bij de bestrijding van het internationale islamitisch terrorisme
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9058674177 Year: 2004 Publisher: Leuven Universitaire Pers Leuven

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Europese Unie --- Islam --- Terrorisme --- Union européenne --- 343.9 --- Academic collection --- #RBIB:gift.2004 --- #SBIB:327.7H232 --- #SBIB:343.9H0 --- Criminologie --(algemeen) --- Europese Unie: binnenlands beleid en justitie --- Criminologie --- 343.9 Criminologie --(algemeen) --- Islamic fundamentalism --- Terrorism --- Acts of terrorism --- Attacks, Terrorist --- Global terrorism --- International terrorism --- Political terrorism --- Terror attacks --- Terrorist acts --- Terrorist attacks --- World terrorism --- Direct action --- Insurgency --- Political crimes and offenses --- Subversive activities --- Political violence --- Terror --- Fundamentalism, Islamic --- Islamism --- Religious fundamentalism --- Government policy --- Religious aspects&delete& --- Prevention --- BPB --- terrorisme --- lutte contre le crime --- Europska unija --- União Europeia --- Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση --- Európska únia --- Európai Unió --- Europäische Union --- Europos Sąjunga --- Evropská unie --- Европска унија --- Unjoni Ewropea --- Европейски съюз --- Europeiska unionen --- European Union --- Euroopan unioni --- Eiropas Savienība --- Unión Europea --- Evropska unija --- Unia Europejska --- Unione europea --- Uniunea Europeană --- Den Europæiske Union --- Европска Унија --- Euroopa Liit --- an tAontas Eorpach --- Bashkimi Europian --- Sąjungos institucija --- Sąjungos teisė --- právo Únie --- νόμος της Ένωσης --- Savienības tiesības --- wet van de Unie --- legge dell'Unione --- Europæisk Union --- unionslagstiftning --- atto dell'Unione --- AE --- loi de l'Union --- EU --- e drejta e Bashkimit --- ЕУ --- lege a Uniunii Europene --- Union law --- τρομοκρατία --- terroriżmu --- terorisms --- terrorismo --- terrorism --- terrorizmus --- terorizam --- terorismus --- terorizem --- тероризам --- Terrorismus --- terorism --- terorizmus --- terrorizëm --- тероризъм --- terorizmas --- terroryzm --- terrorismi --- καταστολή της τρομοκρατίας --- terrorismo nero --- Bekämpfung des Terrorismus --- terrorista szervezet --- lucha contra el terrorismo --- терористичка група --- répression du terrorisme --- eliminim i terrorizmit --- lucha antiterrorista --- terorizmo išnaikinimas --- bekæmpelse af terrorisme --- grupo terrorista --- terrorszervezet --- potlačování terorismu --- elimination of terrorism --- brigate rosse --- bekämpande av terrorism --- combate contra o terrorismo --- antiterorizam --- kamp mot terrorism --- lupta împotriva terorismului --- terroristacsoport --- terrorismo di Stato --- πάταξη της τρομοκρατίας --- bestrijding van het terrorisme --- repressão do terrorismo --- борба против тероризам --- boj proti terorismu --- terrorizmus elleni küzdelem --- lotta al terrorismo --- terrorismo rosso --- zničenie terorizmu --- strage di Stato --- represión del terrorismo --- borba protiv terorizma --- repressione del terrorismo --- euroterrorismo --- terrorismin torjunta --- lutte contre le terrorisme --- антитероризам --- terorisma apkarošana --- terrorismivastane võitlus --- banda armada --- lupta împotriva criminalității --- bűnüldözés --- walka z przestępczością --- borba protiv kriminala --- misdaadbestrijding --- lotta contro la criminalità --- ġlieda kontra l-kriminalità --- boj proti zločinu --- rikollisuuden torjunta --- fight against crime --- lufta kundër krimit --- bekämpning av grov brottslighet --- cīņa pret noziedzību --- καταπολέμηση του εγκλήματος --- Verbrechensbekämpfung --- kuritegevusevastane võitlus --- bekæmpelse af grov kriminalitet --- lucha contra el crimen --- boj proti kriminalu --- combate ao crime --- борба против криминал --- борба против криминала --- kova su nusikalstamumu --- борба срещу престъпността --- rikosten ehkäisy --- kriminaalpreventsioon --- prevencia pred zločinom --- crime prevention --- lutte contre la criminalité --- noziegumu novēršana --- спречување криминал --- prevenirea infracțiunilor --- lotta anticrimine --- apsauga nuo nusikaltimų --- nusikaltimų prevencija --- kamp mot kriminalitet --- boj proti kriminalitě --- sprečavanje kriminala --- bűnmegelőzés --- parandalim i krimit --- islam politique --- politinis islamas --- Islamul politic --- politieke islam --- politični islam --- politisk islam --- Islão político --- islam político --- islam polityczny --- poliittinen islam --- politický islam --- πολιτικό Ισλάμ --- politiskais islāms --- Islam politico --- politický islám --- politički islam --- political Islam --- poliitiline islam --- politikai iszlám --- политически ислям --- l-Iżlam politiku --- politischer Islam --- muslimanska politika --- muslimská politika --- política do mundo muçulmano --- islamska politika --- Muslim politics --- muslimsk politik --- polityka krajów muzułmańskich --- política muçulmana --- moslimská politika --- il-politika Musulmana --- islamo politika --- Politica musulmană --- мюсулманска политика --- Μουσουλμανική πολιτική --- iszlám mozgalmak --- muslimipolitiikka --- Comité P --- comhrac i gcoinne na coireachta --- sceimhlitheoireacht --- Ioslam polaitiúil --- Religious aspects --- Islam and terrorism --- Comité permanent de Contrôle des services de renseignement et de sécurité (Comité permanent R) --- Vast Comité van Toezicht op de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten (Vast Comité I) --- Union européenne

Journal of religion in Africa
Authors: ---
ISSN: 00224200 15700666 Volume: 29/4 Publisher: Leiden

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The Journal of Religion in Africa was founded in 1967 by Andrew Walls. In 1985 the editorship was taken over by Adrian Hastings, who retired in 1999. It is interested in all religious traditions and all their forms, in every part of Africa, and it is open to every methodology. Its contributors include scholars working in history, anthropology, sociology, political science, missiology, literature and related disciplines. It occasionally publishes religious texts in their original African language. Presenting a unique forum for the debate of theoretical issues in the analysis of African religion past and present, it also encourages the development of new methodologies. It reviews a very wide range of books and regularly publishes longer review articles on works of special interest. The Journal of Religion in Africa prides itself on being highly international and is the only English-language journal dedicated to the study of religion and ritual throughout Africa.


Philosophy, African --- Philosophy, African. --- Religion. --- Africa --- Afrique --- Africa. --- Afrique. --- Religion --- 266 <05> --- 291 <05> --- 299.6 --- Missies. Evangelisatie. Zending--Tijdschriften --- Godsdienstwetenschap: vergelijkend--Tijdschriften --- Godsdiensten van Bantoes, Niloten, Soedannegers, Pygmeeën, Kaffers, Hottentotten, Bosjesmannen, Galla's, Bassuto's, Zoeloes --- Periodicals --- Arts and Humanities --- History --- Religious studies --- Arts and Humanities. --- History. --- 299.6 Godsdiensten van Afrikaanse zwarte volkeren --- 299.6 Godsdiensten van Bantoes, Niloten, Soedannegers, Pygmeeën, Kaffers, Hottentotten, Bosjesmannen, Galla's, Bassuto's, Zoeloes --- Godsdiensten van Afrikaanse zwarte volkeren --- Afrika --- Philosophy --- Philosophie africaine --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Religion, Primitive --- African philosophy --- Pseudoreligion --- Atheism --- God --- Irreligion --- Religions --- Theology --- Afrikaner --- Eastern Hemisphere --- Afryka --- Afryka. --- African Christianities --- West African Charismatic Christians --- the South African Ibandla lamaNazaretha --- Church of the Nazaretha --- gender --- Congo --- religious texts --- African church history --- Ogbu Kalu --- anthropology of Christianity --- African Independent Churches --- inculturation --- Pentecostalism --- African Christianity --- West African migrants --- diaspora --- immanence --- charismatic Christianity --- Anthropology of Religion --- Religious Studies --- African Studies --- Sociology of Religion --- History of Religion --- the Scottish Catholic mission stations --- Nigeria --- Christian prophecies --- South Africa --- Shari'a --- Salafism --- music --- the African Church --- Muslims --- Tanzania --- ; African Christianity --- Gordon Joseph Gray --- Bauchi (Nigeria) --- missionaries --- correspondence --- religious conversion --- political revolt --- rumors and prophecies --- Islamic criminal law --- Sharia --- Tijaniyya Sufi shaykh Ibrahim Salih --- Islamisation --- Islamic law --- Muslim-Christian relations --- Ibrahim Salih --- Northern Nigeria --- Islamic reform --- Islamic education --- book reviews --- born-again Christianity --- mission work --- the Upper Guinea Coast --- Apolo Kivebulaya --- medical pluralism --- generational antagonisms --- cursing --- ritual --- blessing --- African Pentecostalism --- Keswick spirituality --- Uganda --- adventure stories --- missionary heroism --- biography --- African independent churches (AIC) --- development --- modernity --- empirical research --- analysis --- American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) --- Umbundu Christians --- Angola --- pageant --- mission --- protestant --- Three Crosses (Angola) --- Sufism --- gender issues --- Senegal --- the Fifohazana --- healing --- the colonial mission legacy --- African Christian missionization --- migration --- Ghana --- London --- Islamic revival --- West Africa --- anticolonial prophecy --- Christian identity in Congo --- Pentecostal Church --- Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (1900-1975) --- muqaddam --- Taalibe Baay (disciples of Niasse) --- Taalibe Baay movement --- feminism --- women --- islam --- evangelism --- Madagascar --- Lutherans --- colonial legacy --- African diasporas --- Fifohazana movement (Madagascar) --- American Lutherans --- Malagasy Lutherans --- Pentecostal Christianity (Ghana) --- Church of Pentecost (CoP) --- Pentecostal transformation --- witchcraft --- witch-hunting --- the People's Republic of Bénin --- Hijab --- modern Islam in Tunisia --- Ndau spirit possession practices in Zimbabwe --- Muslim women --- personal reform in Mali --- AIDS and religious practice in Africa --- rural Uganda --- Brazil --- Candomblé --- Vodun --- North Africa --- Ndau --- spirit possession --- ethnomusicology --- semiotics --- religious subjectivity --- gender relations --- moral agency --- African christianities --- prophetic selves --- spirit others --- Central Mozambique --- the charismatic dividual --- the sacred self --- apostolic prayers --- well-being --- Botswana --- Islam --- ethno-religious boundaries --- the Kenya Coast --- abolitionism --- imperialism --- Britain --- the Atlantic --- demonic conspiracy --- satanic abuse --- selfhood and otherness --- Christian conversion --- Gahuku-Gama (New Guinea) --- prophets --- Apostolics --- faith healing --- charismatics --- Apostolic churches --- Catholic Charismatics (New England) --- Eloyi --- Connolius --- hymns --- Mauss’s theory --- Apostolic Christians (Botswana) --- personhood in African Christianities --- confession --- deliverance --- Pentecostals in Ghana --- Kinshasa's Born-Again Christians --- Western civilization --- colonial Northern Nigeria --- sex --- salvation --- social sciences --- the ASC in Leiden --- Daswani (Ghana ) --- Pype (Congo) --- dividuality --- individuality --- Christian personhood --- born-again Christians --- newborn Christians --- the library of the ASC in Leiden, the Netherlands --- spiritist mediumship --- African-Americans --- black ancestral presence --- Afro-Cuban religions --- possession trance --- female power --- the Punu of Congo-Brazzaville --- the predynastic dancing Egyptian figurine --- Islamic authority --- Swahili weddings --- history writing --- political work --- Muslim associations --- the resurgence of Islam in Zambia --- divination baskets --- African Diaspora --- Black North American religion --- historiography --- Santería --- Espiritismo --- water spirits --- receptivity --- mother goddess --- predynastic Egypt --- Sudanese religion --- prehistoric religion --- neolithic --- ancient Egypt --- prehistoric Nilotic rituals --- Swahili --- sex instruction --- weddings --- Swahili Islam --- musical mediation --- Yoruba Christian diaspora --- religious transnationalism --- Zimbabwean Catholics in Britain --- the Murid Order --- the 'Doctrine of Work' --- Asaphs of Seraph --- mediation --- Yoruba --- reverse evangelization --- secularism --- integration --- Zimbabwean migrants --- Aḥmad Bamba --- conversion to Islam in Southern Côte d'Ivoire --- double identity --- Salafi radicalism --- Salafi counter-radicalism --- Boko Haram --- Pentecostal appropriation of public space --- tribalism --- the Hutu-Tutsi question --- Catholic rhetoric --- colonial Rwanda --- Côte d’Ivoire --- conversion --- nativism --- autochthony --- nationalism --- Wahhabism --- radicalism --- counter-radicalism --- religion and violence --- Islamic state --- modern education --- Islamic learning --- public spaces --- Rwanda --- genocide --- Hutu --- Tutsi --- Hamitic Hypothesis --- ethnic violence --- Colonial Rwanda --- conversion narratives --- Born-Again masculinity in Zambia --- Christianity --- the religion of pouring --- non-linear conversion --- Gambia --- Casamance Borderland --- Albert Schweitzer and Africa --- AIDS (HIV) --- Zambia --- men --- masculinities --- reference group theory --- multiethnic communities --- masculinity --- Muslim-Mandinka model --- Jola --- Mandinka --- Gabon --- Paris Missionary Society --- medical missionary --- colonialism --- sexuality --- reproduction --- relationships --- faith --- religious heterotopia --- neoliberal globalization --- Charismatic Churches --- Southwestern Nigeria --- singleness --- marriage --- Jesus --- female personhood --- urban Madagascar --- Northwestern Namibia --- Mozambique --- charismatic life --- Afro-Brazilian Pentecostal Re-Formation --- social mobility --- Identity --- Charismatic identity --- globalization --- emotion training --- monogamy --- femininity --- Pentecostal Charismatic Churches --- personhood --- stigmatization --- illegitimacy --- Namibia --- sin child --- extramarital affairs --- Afro-Brazilian Pentecostalism --- heterotopia --- Zaire --- Ford Philpot's Avengelical crusades in the Democratic Republic of Congo --- use of rings --- Bata drummers --- caravan guards --- muslim insurgents --- Ahmed Deedat --- internationalisation --- transformations of Islamic polemic --- churches --- development projects --- violence --- Eastern Uganda --- Ford Philpot --- crusade --- Democratic Republic of Congo --- Mobutu Sese Seko --- Jean-Perce Makanzu --- John Wesley Shungu --- Cuba --- orisha --- smithing --- christianism --- polemics --- proselytism --- NGOs --- Development Projects --- Satan --- political economy of neo-pentecostalism in Kenya --- the Protestant Church in Congo --- Mobutu --- Eritrean Pentecostalism --- Pentecostalism in Nigeria --- Stambeli --- trance --- alterity --- Tunisia --- Medina Gounass --- village Sufism in Senegal --- Faith Tabernacle Congregation --- Neo-Pentecostalism --- political legitimacy --- social exclusion --- spiritual uncertainty --- Kibera --- Nairobi --- Bokeleale --- asylum seekers --- refugees --- Ethiopia --- Eritrea --- Faith Tabernacle --- law --- public religion --- queer activism --- judicial politics in South Africa --- anti-mission churches --- colonial politics --- the African Orthodox Church in Kenya --- corporeality --- transgression in Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity --- oracles --- transnational religious and social dynamics in Africa --- the New African Diaspora --- British missionaries --- same-sex relationships --- same-sex marriage --- social movements --- same-sex rights --- lesbian and gay --- Orthodox Church in Kenya --- African Orthodox Church --- Archbishop Daniel William Alexander --- Kikuyu Karing’a Education Association --- Arthur Gathuna --- Reuben Mukasa Spartas --- obstetric fistula --- Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity --- Kenya --- occult --- politics of religious schooling --- Christian and Muslim engagements with education in Africa --- children --- Chagga Trust --- a New American Orphanage on Mount Kilimanjaro --- gendering Muslim self-assertiveness --- Muslim schooling and female elite formation in Uganda --- conversion to Islam --- religion and the formation of an urban educational market --- transnational reform processes and social inequalities in Christian and Muslim schooling --- Dar es Salaam --- Islamic schools in Ghana --- religious schooling --- Christian and Muslim revival --- Christian-Muslim relations --- American evangelical missionaries --- Muslim education --- minority politics --- makaranta --- education --- urban anthropology --- transnational reforms --- educational market --- history of education in Tanzania --- social inequality --- Christian-Muslim encounters --- identity --- Zanzibar --- Islamic liberation theology in South Africa --- modernization --- decolonization in Northern Nigeria --- the moral economy of Mbororo pilgrimage --- Osogbo --- faith in schools --- religion --- American Evangelicals in East Africa --- ethnic patriotism and the East African revival --- Journal of Religion in Africa --- predictability --- masheitani --- majinni --- Islamic liberation theology --- Farid Esack --- apartheid --- Islamism --- political Islam --- liberation theology --- shari’a --- sharia --- pastoralism --- pilgrimage --- moral economy --- ethnic relations --- repression --- human rights --- the diaspora --- Christian Revivalism and political imagination in Madagascar --- Hinduism --- Hindu religious instruction in Indian schools in South Africa during the 1950s --- salvation in urban Kenya --- myth --- religion and AIDS in Africa --- the politics of dress in Somali culture --- Ga ritual --- transnationalism --- political imagination --- exorcism --- Christian revival movements --- South African Hindu Maha Sabha --- Hindu identity --- Hindu diaspora --- salvation narratives --- Christian salvation --- linguistic analysis --- the East African Revival in Southern Uganda --- Ugandan Born-Again Christians and the moral politics of gender equality --- ontological transformation --- tradition --- girls' puberty rituals --- sacrifice and syncretism in South Sudan --- the black Jews of Africa --- history --- religion and identity --- Jews of Nigeria --- African pilgrimage --- ritual travel in South Africa's Christianity of Zion --- Catholic Pentecostalism --- Catholic Charismatic movements in Cameroon --- the Church and AIDS in Africa --- witchraft --- ghosts of Kanungu fertility --- the Great Lakes of East Africa --- African traditions in the study of religion in Africa --- indigenous spirituality --- world religions --- Evangelical Christians in the Muslim Sahel --- tolerance --- democracy --- Sufis in Senegal --- Balokole revival --- Ankole --- equality --- Kgatla puberty ritual --- mothei ritual --- Tswapong puberty ritual (mothei) --- ontological change --- invention of tradition --- Tswana --- seriti --- South Sudan --- People-to-People Peacemaking --- syncretism --- Babu wa Loliondo --- religious authority --- Sufi women in Ethiopia and Eritrea --- Basutoland --- 'Muslims and new media in West Africa' --- 'Cultural conversions' --- Christian missionaries --- Yoruba myth --- human consciousness --- the Catholic Church --- witch-hunts --- Pagans --- Western Uganda --- herbalism --- pluralistic medicine --- Northeast Africa --- Adolph Mabille (1836-1894) --- French missions --- transmission of religion --- Jonathan Edwards --- intertextuality --- Christian texts in nineteenth-century missionary correspondence from Yorubaland --- Baraji --- Southern Mali, West Africa --- the creative layering of belief in Southern Bénin --- the Devil --- Kenya's Born-Again election --- voleurs de sexe --- Pentecostal melodrama --- dynamics of religious expansion in a globalizing world --- Church Missionary Society --- discursive space --- Yorùbá mission --- ancestral relations --- Bambara --- Mali --- tourism --- spiritual tourism --- personal responsibility --- elections --- early modern demonology --- the Atlantic world --- the White Fathers --- colonial rule --- the Bahemba --- Sola, Northern Katanga --- preaching self-worth and succes --- single young women --- Nigerian Pentecostal Church --- the invention of God in indigenous societies --- the African Christian Diaspora --- world Christianity --- Islamic criminal law in Northern Nigeria --- politics --- judicial practice --- communication and conversion in Northern Cameroon --- the Dii people and Norwegian missionaries --- the inculturation of human rights in Ghana --- educating Muslim women --- Nana Asmu'u --- Hindu Gods in West Africa --- Shiva --- Krishna --- West Central Africa --- Katanga --- Catholicism --- Báhêmbá --- self-management --- religious practice --- doctrine of Zoe --- religious Mahbar in Ethiopia --- Pentecostal representations --- the Tayyibat --- halal consumption in South Africa --- Kenyan politics --- marginalization --- minority status --- slavery --- post-Apartheid --- the Evangelical Movement in Ethiopia --- Mulid festivals in contemporary Egypt --- the Tablighi Jama'at --- Afrika-Studiecentrum Leiden --- T.B. Joshua --- Emmanuel tv --- socioeconomic mobility --- breakthrough --- Cameroon --- halal --- Islamic dietary law --- cross-contamination --- taqwa --- religion and masculinities in Africa --- political masculinity --- citizenship --- patriarchal masculinity in recent Swahili-language Muslim sermons --- Muslim masculinity in Mali --- new forms of religion --- the production of social order in Kaduna City, Nigeria --- Christian Association Centres in Gambia --- the Baha'i faith --- new religious movements --- Liberia --- Aladura Church --- the South African Nazaretha Church --- the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God --- pneumatic Christianity in postcolonial societies --- Sierra Leone --- the United Brethren in Christ --- prophecy --- ideologies of time and space --- Afrika-Studiecentrum in Leiden --- masculinity politics --- sermons --- gender and Islam --- Islamic activism --- preaching --- preachers --- The Gambia --- Tabligh --- reform Islam --- Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) --- nonproselytizing Faith-Based Organisations (FBOS) --- the limits of Pentecostal political power in Nigeria --- Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity and the(im-)moralization of urban femininities in contemporary Kinshasa --- Salafism in Côte d'Ivoire --- radicalization of Ivoirian Islam --- spiritual insecurity --- religious importation --- Benin --- social change --- post-abolition Zanzibar --- Judaism --- Sub-Saharan Africa --- the politics of contradictory discourses --- Islamic reform in twentieth-century Africa --- ASCL --- political theology --- Pentecostalism (Nigeria) --- Christian femininities --- technology --- Kinshasa (Congo) --- terrorism --- Ivory Coast --- Voodoo --- Christian and Islamic Preaching in West Africa --- Salafi aesthetics --- the Sunnance in Niamey, Nigeria --- Zongos --- Asante, Ghana --- pedagogies of preaching --- Pentecostal Bible School --- oral transmission of the sacred --- Christ Embassy and NASFAT in Abuja --- Niamey --- Niger --- Sunnance --- wazu --- aesthetics --- charisma --- mimesis --- Pentecostal preaching --- history of religions --- ritual theory --- Abrahamic Traditions --- Fiasidi --- Southeastern Ghana --- 'Water Babies' (Zaza Rano) --- 'Real Human Beings' (Vrai Humains) --- rituals of blessing for the newly born in Diégo Suarez, Madagascar --- religious diversity --- 'ulama --- Mecca --- Medina --- Jawab al-Ifriqi --- Christian origins in Muslim Northern Nigeria --- divination --- ethnographic research --- interdenominational relations --- religious mobility --- Neo-Pentecostal Christianity --- Anlo-Ewe --- trokosi --- African religions --- ancestors --- birth rituals --- African Traditional Religion --- manifestation of spirit --- mysticism and metaphysics in West African religions --- the Second Coming --- successful life --- Guinea --- Evangelicalism --- Guinea-Bissau --- Edmond Perregaux --- the Akan --- African Hindus in Ghana --- religious space and identity --- spirit children --- modern Muslims --- Sudan --- South African Ngoma tradition --- Islamic education in Africa --- initiation --- living tradition --- oral tradition --- African metaphysics --- African mysticism --- Amadou Hampaté Bâ --- African indigenous religions --- evangelical Christianity --- Basel Mission --- identity formation --- Akan-Ashanti --- Gold Coast (Ghana) --- pluralism --- African Hindus --- hijab --- economic change --- legislation --- religious scandals --- religious regulation --- fundamentalism --- Vatican Missionary Exhibition (1925) --- exhibitions --- Vatican --- Spiritans --- missions --- Rwandan Genocide --- White Fathers --- autobiography --- ontological alterity --- occult economies --- gift exchange --- Evangelical Christianity --- Acholi --- relationality --- materiality --- entanglement --- translation --- African Association for the Study of Religions (ASSR) --- theological reductionism --- Covid-19 --- African Christian practice --- enduring covenant --- African Spirituality --- traditional religions --- African Ontology --- Cultural Appreciation Movement --- Vodún --- Vodu --- Togo --- Togolese politics --- Mawu Lisa --- Vodún Rituals --- African sexuality --- homosexuality --- homophobia --- spiritual warfare --- gay rights --- gay-conversion therapies --- Mountain of Fire and Miracles (MFM) --- LGBT+ rights --- LGBT+ --- Prayer-Warriors --- militarisation --- social justice --- ethnographic theology --- xenophobia --- traditional leaders --- festivals --- Fetu Afahye festival --- pandemic --- Coastal Kenya --- Religious Coexistence --- Interfaith --- Indigenous African Religious Traditions --- referral --- African healing shrines --- Christian prayerhouses --- East Africa --- material culture --- miraculous medal --- youth --- spirituality --- values education --- concordat --- empire --- Holy See --- Portugal --- Credo Mutwa --- sangoma --- Zulu mythology --- Zulu religion --- African communitarianism --- collectivism --- communitarian liberalism --- liberal communitarianism --- presidential speeches --- Believers --- Greater Accra --- religious extremism --- interfaith relations --- Christians --- sususma --- kla --- spiritual world and spiritual cause --- rituals of affliction --- affliction --- black cat (alͻnte diŋ) --- Pentecostal Faith Movement --- African traditional religious practices --- Ulo Ubu --- prayer camps --- mental health --- Shona religion --- christian women --- Zimbabwe --- hate speech --- Nyaminyami (Water Spirit) --- BaTonga people --- religious pluralism --- extremist christian movements --- extremism --- prestidigitation --- sorcery --- trickery --- majini --- wachawi --- faith movements --- Pentecost --- charismatic movements --- African traditional religion --- social control --- beliefs --- gender studies --- cultural studies --- mental illnesses --- ecology --- climate change --- attitudes --- ethical practical bridge --- mutuality model --- interreligious dialogue --- christianity --- patriarchal --- media --- second Republic of Zimbabwe --- christian response --- traditional beliefs --- diffusion --- Kariba Gorge --- civic pluralism --- Mombassa --- methodology --- methodologies --- axioms --- definitions --- propositions --- theory of religion --- jihadism --- Central Africa Republic --- morality --- belief --- Kongo --- Nzambi --- earth spirits --- bisimbi --- chthonic beings --- Mabel Shaw (1889-1973) --- community of saints --- ancestor veneration --- polygamy --- fulfilment theology --- culture brokers --- demonisation --- Banamè Church --- Morocco --- Spanish Guinea --- catholicism --- transnational networks --- culture --- Wollo --- peaceful co-existence --- togetherness --- Born-again Christianity --- United Kingdom (UK) --- neo-prophetic Christianity --- Tchamba cults --- Ifá --- Odù Ifá --- Ifá corpus --- Yorùbá religion --- Òrìṣà logics --- cultural reconstruction --- cultural revival --- Igbo-Ukwu --- ọzọ title taking --- corona --- foreign relations --- Israel --- Akan --- Kwame --- Twereduampon --- decolonisation --- Twereduampon Kwame --- Akan religion --- Adventism in Africa --- early missionaries --- indigenous contributions --- global Christianity --- Seventh-day Adventist Church in Africa --- Seventh-day Adventism --- religiousness --- early career professionals --- religious coping --- Ghana’s public universities --- subjective well-being --- life satisfaction --- accommodation theory --- Yorùbá --- conceptual categories --- Jaime Pedro Gonçalves (1936-2016) --- religion and politics --- history of Mozambique --- official narratives --- emancipation --- Pokot --- Karimojong --- Asis --- Tororot

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Each issue contains the International bibliography of sociology of religions


Sociology of religion --- Périodiques --- Tijdschriften --- Religion and sociology --- Sociologie religieuse --- Periodicals --- Arts and Humanities. --- Religion --- Society and Culture --- General and Others. --- Social Sciences. --- Religion and sociology. --- 316:2 <05> --- Godsdienstsociologie--Tijdschriften --- Arts and Humanities --- General and Others --- Social Sciences --- 316:2 <05> Godsdienstsociologie--Tijdschriften --- Périodiques --- EJRELIG EJSOCIA EPUB-ALPHA-S EPUB-PER-FT SAGE-E --- Religion and society --- Religious sociology --- Society and religion --- Sociology, Religious --- Sociology and religion --- Sociology --- Religion and sociology - Periodicals --- Pays-Bas --- nouvelles religions --- sociologie de la religion --- sociology of religion --- new religions --- new religious movements (NRM) --- nouveaus mouvements religieux (NMR) --- Suisse --- Mahikari (真光) --- Japanese new religious movements --- Japan --- new new religions (shinshinshukyo) --- shinshinshukyo (新新宗教) --- God Light Association (GLA) --- Kofuku no Kagaku (幸福の科学) --- Institute for Research in Human Happiness (IHR) --- nouveaux mouvements religieux japonais --- France --- Soka Gakkai (創価学会) --- Reiyukai (霊友会) --- United States (US) --- anti-cultism --- American anti-cult movement (ACM) --- anti-sectes --- minority religions --- sociologie religieuse --- International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) --- Hare Krishna movement --- United Kingdom (UK) --- Brésil --- Hongrie --- yukta-vairagya --- asrama --- cults --- sects --- sectes --- cultes --- North America --- religion védique --- Niklas Luhmann (1927-1998) --- pluralisation --- fondamentalisme --- Baptisme --- évangélisme --- Pèlerins d'Arès --- pèlerinages --- Nossa Senhora do Rosário (Brésil) --- catholicisme brésilien --- Denmark --- Baha'i --- Baháʼí Faith --- religious community --- Islamic Sociology of Religion --- spirituality --- homosexuality --- liberation theology --- queer theology --- Opus Dei --- christianisme --- Christianity --- Catholic religious orders --- Catholicism --- Catholicisme --- ordres religieux catholiques --- vie religieuse --- Espagne --- religious life --- Brazil --- Belgique --- sociologie des ordres religieux --- Europe --- Union Européenne --- Indian Catholic Church --- India --- African religiosity --- Afrique --- Africa --- syncretism --- trance culture --- divine healing --- African Christian Church --- Celestial Christianity --- faith healing --- faith-healers --- Assemblies of God Church (Burkina Faso) --- Christianisme Céleste --- Gontran Marcos --- Ivory Coast --- post-prophetism --- post-houphouëtism --- Congo --- Ayelesili (Congo) --- kimbanguism --- guérison divine --- mouridisme --- Medjugorje (Bosnia–Herzegovina) --- Marian apparitions --- Virgin Mary --- Christian consecrated life --- African Christianity --- Igbo-Africa --- Vicariat de Reyes (Bolivie) --- sociability --- Fire festival --- psychology --- psychological development --- Catholic ritual practices --- rituels catholiques --- Charleroi (Belgique) --- Montreal (Canada) --- Latin America --- Amérique latine --- protestantisme --- évangélisation --- religious affiliation --- Mexico --- Indian communities --- Indian Mexico --- Chiapas (Mexico) --- indigenous population --- pentecôtisme indigène --- Argentine --- Chaco (Argentine) --- population aborigène --- indigenous movement --- shamanism --- Wales --- anglican church --- clergy --- Italy --- Iran --- islam --- religiosité de la jeunesse --- musulmans --- théorie de la sécularisation --- philosophie des religions --- philosophie et religion --- néo-magie-religion --- nouvelles formes de religion --- syncrétisme --- Nouvel Age --- Ireland --- Northern Ireland --- fundamentalist protestantism --- religion and violence --- religion et violence --- mass suicide --- suicide cults --- anticult movement (ACM) --- anti-cult movement (ACM) --- new religious movements and violence --- human rights --- Poland --- Roman Catholic Church --- Catholic Church in Poland --- globalization --- globalization processes --- collective identities --- social research --- neo-hinduism --- neo-hindu movements --- mysticism --- charisma --- mysticisme --- mystique --- post-modernité --- mystique et illuminisme --- philosophy of religion --- Pays Basque (Espagne) --- Europe de l'Est --- Eastern Europe --- Orthodoxy --- religious transformations --- Russia --- Belarus --- Ukraine --- Islam --- religion and politics --- controversial religious groups --- Jehovah's Witnesses --- satanism --- Muslim Brotherhood --- Gramscian theory --- Scientology --- Lafayette Ronald Hubbard --- L. Ron Hubbard --- Asia --- China --- epistemic community --- New Age --- rationalization --- rationalisation --- traditional religion --- exceptionalism --- modernism --- postmodernism --- multiple modernities --- changement social et religion --- dynamique religieuse --- futur de la religion --- globalisation et religion --- tendances religieuses --- ordres religieux --- observation participante --- minorité cognitive --- interdisciplinarité --- histoire de la pensée sociologique --- méthode des sciences sociales --- Social Compass --- sociography of Catholicism --- sociology of Catholicism --- sociology of the sociology of religion --- analyse marxiste --- Asie --- Etats-Unis --- pays socialistes --- generation --- history --- charismatics --- Caraïbe --- commerce des esclaves --- traite des noirs --- religious movements --- intellectuals --- journalists --- jeunesse --- recompositions religieuses --- religions et générations --- sécularisation --- atheism --- communism --- social change --- Central Europe --- transmission --- bouddhisme --- Chine --- communisme chinois --- daoisme --- taoisme --- loi religieuse --- Chinese religion --- religious policy --- spiritual-religious groups --- Chinese Communist Party (CCP) --- controverses religieuses --- religious controversies --- Greece --- Grèce --- pluralism --- liberalism --- modernity --- Christodoulos (1939-2008) --- Orthodoxie --- école et religion --- Grèce et Orthodoxie --- éducation grecque --- pluralisme --- gender --- Greek Orthodoxy --- Mount Athos --- national identity --- tradition --- women --- Maroc --- Morocco --- religious expression --- islamisme --- enseignement --- Slovenia --- Moroccan society --- age and generation --- enseignement de l'islam --- terrorisme islamiste --- Hungary --- post-communist countries --- ethics --- religious practices --- socio-economic changes --- religious beliefs --- support pédagogique --- plaisirs --- transition --- denominational educational institutions --- religion and ethnicity --- Iranian women --- religion and generations --- ethno-religious identities --- boundaries --- interreligieux --- islamo-chrétien --- pluralité --- musulmans et non-musulmans --- Palestine --- collective memory --- Islamism --- political identity --- religious revitalization --- secular-nationalism --- Norway --- Nordic societies --- late modernity --- secularization --- religion and gender --- evangelicalism --- Switzerland --- Scandinavia --- morality --- moral principles --- surveys --- philosophie --- psychologie --- spiritualité --- individu --- immanence --- Christian profile --- church policy --- individualization --- Netherlands --- religious market --- organizational renewal --- civil union --- marriage --- Vermont (US) --- same-sex marriage --- guérison --- Lourdes --- miracles --- pentecôtisme --- sociologie des religions --- sociologie française --- théorie sociologique --- Marcel Mauss (1872-1950) --- syncretisme --- Burkina Faso --- Assembly of God Church of Burkina Faso (ADBF) --- Assemblies of God --- bricolage --- conversion --- healing --- identity --- Pentecostalism --- Mossi (people) --- symbolic systems --- après-mort --- croyances --- mort --- systèmes symboliques --- transactions symboliques --- Canada --- Anishinaabeg (peuple) --- Anichinabés --- nations autochtones --- Ojibwas (peuple) --- ojibwe --- résistance --- public religion --- bibliographie --- bibliography --- hybridity --- orthodoxy --- Christian identity --- Jewish identity --- Jews and Christians --- post-colonial theory --- German Reformation --- religious diversity --- identité religieuse --- heresiology --- patristics --- postcolonial --- rabbinics --- ars moriendi --- confessionalization --- Reformation --- Martin Luther (1483-1546) --- Kongo --- Haïti --- Pierre Bourdieu --- religion afro-catholique --- constructivism --- fundamentalism --- positivism --- syncretism and fundamentalism --- Indonesia --- religious pluralism --- Salamullah Movement --- Anand Ashram --- Brahma Kumaris Movement --- Falun Gong --- Falun Dafa --- Malaysia --- cosmology --- liminality --- migration --- transnationalism --- Belgium --- Igbo immigrants --- immigration --- religious markets --- marché religieux --- salvation goods --- religious bricolage --- religious goods --- rational choice --- religious field --- Max Weber (1864-1920) --- capital religieux --- changement religieux --- choix rationnel --- charismatic movement --- Pentecostal movement --- Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (Brazil) --- Catholic Neo-Pentecostal Movement (Italy) --- rationalité économique --- pilgrimage --- yoga --- Pattabhi Jois (1915-2009) --- Ashtanga Yoga --- cultic milieu --- rites --- développement personnel --- Erich von Däniken --- Mystery Park --- foire de l'ésotérisme --- creativity --- emotional instability --- religious identity --- post-formal thinking --- law --- religious freedom --- state law --- Bryan R. Wilson (1927-2004) --- typologie --- societalization --- sectarianism --- mutations sociales --- privatisation --- identité --- modernité --- privatization --- post-communist society --- violence --- violence d'Etat --- violence privatisée --- crainte de Dieu --- imaginaire social --- société civile --- national religions --- religious location --- Yugoslavia --- politique --- borders --- frontiers --- Eastern Orthodoxy --- Croatia --- post-communism --- social roles of religion --- American Catholics --- civic engagement --- civil society --- production of culture --- religion et politique --- Christian Right --- Church-State --- Bill of Rights (US) --- constitution --- disestablishment --- ideology --- nationalism --- postmodern America --- religious fundamentalism --- avortement --- homosexualité --- moralité --- aliénation --- émancipation --- idéologie --- paradigme symbolique --- democracy and citizenship --- solidarity --- professional ethics --- morals --- Émile Durkheim (1858-1917) --- Afrique sub-saharienne --- démocratisation --- Église catholique --- social theory --- theoretical sociology of religion --- compromis --- communautarisme --- mimétisme --- processus de guerre civile --- Liban --- national church --- state regulation --- ethno-cultural distinction --- Orthodox Christian Churches --- church-type --- Roumanie --- post-socialisme --- Église gréco-catholique --- youth religiosity --- Chinese youth --- religious re-composition --- qigong (氣功) --- Chan --- christianisme européen --- Michel de Certeau (1925-1986) --- appartenance --- croyance --- beliefs --- denominations --- doctrine --- post-denominationalism --- enseignement religieux --- programme scolaire --- socialisation --- ethnic groups --- fitra --- Islamic identity --- Antwerp (Belgium) --- Orthodox Jewish community --- gender conservatism --- Antwerp Jewry --- haredim --- Haredi women --- orthodox Jews --- socialization processes --- vodou --- Église de l'Armée Céleste --- maladie et guérison --- Ba-Plato (Haïti) --- Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland --- Finland --- Muslim Council of Britain --- laïcité --- Bosnia-Herzegovina --- pluralisation religieuse --- établissement religieux --- privatisation de la religion --- clergé --- liturgie --- vocation --- church employees --- narratives of faith --- narrative research --- religious authority --- religious change --- organizational secularization --- content analysis --- mobilité --- football --- inter-religious dialogue --- ritual --- phenomenology --- dissonance cognitive --- Judaïsme --- Beit Haverim --- Juifs homosexuels --- religious orientation --- femininity --- extrinsicness --- intrinsicness --- islam in Britain --- muslim organizations --- secularization theory --- frame analysis --- rural development --- rural parishes --- structural functionalism --- market theory conversion --- re-affliliation --- Rodney Stark (1934-2022) --- Roger Finke --- catholicisme concentrique --- catholicisme populaire --- exclusivism --- inclusivism --- religious attitudes --- islamism --- Muslim women --- democracy --- consumerism --- diversity --- post-modernism --- education --- feminism --- women and islamic laws --- code vestimentaire islamique --- hijab --- Shi'ite Islam --- individualized islam --- islam and music --- religion and music --- Moharrem --- tension psychologique --- délinquance juvénile --- art islamiste --- transcendance --- politics and religion --- European institutions --- Côte d’Ivoire --- totalitarisme --- Chile --- devil --- supernatural --- evil --- new religiosity --- néo-évangélisme --- évolution liturgique --- Neo-Shamanic divination --- neo-shamanism --- death --- philosophy --- Limburg (Netherlands) --- post-secularization --- moral orientation --- jeunesse néerlandaise --- subjectivisation --- culture jeune --- soutien psychologique --- symbolic healing --- divination --- charisme --- dédifférenciation --- réenchantement --- Serbian Orthodoxy --- extrinsic religiosity --- quest religiosity --- religious experiences --- Germany --- popular religion --- gendering secularization theory --- vitalité religieuse --- post-communist transformation --- East Germany --- secularization processes --- transcendence --- phenomenological sociology --- religious communication --- privatized religion --- non-religion --- Albert Piette --- Thomas Luckmann (1927-2016) --- Georg Simmel (1858-1918) --- economic market model --- women's employment --- individualisation --- perspective de genre --- territoriality --- bio-politics --- différenciation --- globalisation --- régulation --- Orthodox Church --- multiculturalisme --- religiosité populaire --- interculturality --- religious healing --- Australia --- Thailand --- African Brazilian religions --- religion and culture --- evangelical religions --- religiosité alternative --- théories du religieux --- culture populaire --- multiculturality --- esotericism --- healing practice --- intergenerational change --- judaïsme --- church attendance --- political engagement --- social capital --- voluntary religious organizations --- capital social --- Europe centrale --- éducation --- inégalité --- deprivation --- community cohesion --- muslims --- crime --- tolerance --- social attitudes survey --- antinomie --- identité culturelle --- infériorisation --- marginalisation --- voile --- port du voile --- Holiday of Holidays Festival --- Cyprus --- Chypre --- Church-state relations --- European Union --- intolerance --- religiosity --- christianisme orthodoxe --- Turkish Cypriots --- religious plurality --- ethno-religious minorities --- Turquie --- institutionnalisation --- zakat --- charity --- religious symbols --- religion and state --- neutrality --- Polynésie --- Market theory of religion --- sacralization --- rhetoric --- civil religion --- gender values --- enquêtes européennes --- European Social Survey (ESS) --- appartenance religieuse --- methodologie des enquêtes --- International Social Survey Program (ISSP) --- European Values Survey (EVS) --- témoignage --- souffrance --- théodicée --- stigmate --- asceticism --- religion and spirituality --- wellbeing --- health and salvation --- religion et langue --- langue et religion --- églises protestantes --- religion and economic phenomena --- market theory --- presidential rhetoric --- American myths --- Chinese religions --- Chinese legal history --- désécularisation --- resacralisation --- Églises africaines --- religious policies --- judicial rituals --- judicial practices --- bouddhisme chinois --- philanthropie --- religion et travail social --- religion and nation --- theory construction --- langue liturgique --- evangelical Christianity --- moralization --- obesity --- weight loss --- religion and health --- satanisme --- Nordic Satanism --- Italie --- heavy metal music --- Czech Republic --- religiosity and spirituality --- post-communist religion --- anti-religion --- anti-religious memory --- Abrahamic faiths --- islamic theology --- muslim world --- Satan --- Satanic metal --- Black metal --- moral panic --- popular culture --- social constructionism --- Bambini di Satana --- Bestie di Satana --- Bêtes de Satan --- Enfants de Satan --- Marco Dimitri --- sataniste --- imaginaire satanique --- Nordic countries --- welfare state --- Lutheranism --- Sweden --- pluralité religieuse --- Catholic youth --- extra-church spirituality --- Britain --- bisexuality --- Budapest --- religious education --- Bulgaria --- Bulgarian Orthodox Church --- capitalism --- thérapies alternatives --- candomblé --- conflit religieux --- cultes afro-brésiliens --- diabolisation --- néopentecôtisme --- hierarchical linear modeling --- racial homogeneity --- United States Congregational Life Survey --- religion and sexuality --- Vietnam --- Protestantism --- Hmong --- Protestant conversion --- Caodaism --- Bouddhisme Hòa Hảo --- monotheism --- polytheism --- Vietnamese religions --- transnationalisme --- colonization --- religious sectarianism --- spirit-mediumship --- doi mori --- Parti communiste vietnamien --- religious transnationalism --- soufisme --- soufism --- sufism --- rites soufis --- sufi rites --- Syria --- Lubavitcher Messianism --- Chabad messianism --- Hasidic Judaism --- cognitive dissonance --- rebbe --- messiah --- Hasidic movements --- Lubavitch Hasidism --- orthodox judaism --- pluralisme religieux --- quakerism --- quakers --- nonviolent political activism --- religion et musique --- espression soufie --- world music --- sama --- anthropology --- mystical experiences --- Sub-Saharan Africa --- Afrique Subsaharienne --- christianisation --- Cameroun --- Senegal --- Islamic teaching --- Afrique centrale --- mythic patterns --- Estonia --- Irish nationalism --- dehoniens --- Sacré-Coeur de Jésus (SCJ) --- Sufism --- Tijaniyya --- capitalisme --- colonisation --- fétichisme --- magie --- sociologie urbaine --- millénarisme --- groupes religieux minoritaires --- École de Chicago --- désorganisation sociale --- Tanzanie --- Iraquois --- différences religieuses --- genre --- myths --- paradigm shifts --- religious life stories --- Dominican order --- avant-garde --- student groups --- Turkey --- popular music --- Progressive Islam --- Paranaguá-mirim (Brazil) --- Danish civil religion --- Tunisie --- système scolaire français --- mouvements évangéliques --- prosélytisme --- souffrances sociales --- éthique du devoir --- dualisation --- Guatemala --- Maya --- political Islam --- Collège pour l'Amérique latine de Louvain (COPAL) --- Islam in Europe --- German Democratic Republic (GDR) --- consumer society --- société de consommation --- Irlande --- new spirituality --- téléprédication --- religious branding --- Islamic missionary movement --- Dawat-e Islami --- religious socialization --- Celtic Tiger --- Britney Spears --- celebrity --- celebrities --- religious marketing --- United Methodist Church (UMC) --- Barelwi --- Pakistan --- lay preachers --- South Asia --- Tablighi Jamaat (Propagators of the Faith) --- Buddhism --- Bouddhisme --- Buddhist revival --- renouveau bouddhique --- Tibetan Buddhism --- religious economics --- syncretic sects --- religious ecology --- commercialization of religion --- tourism --- Temples bouddhistes --- Chinese muslims --- islam in China --- Église Universelle du Royaume de Dieu (EURD) --- Cap-Vert --- dissidence --- Temple de la Restauration --- Gandhian economics --- sufficiency economy --- pélerinages --- pilgrimages --- Taiwan --- Dajia pilgrimage --- sociologie des pèlerinages --- pèlerinages et économie --- pèlerinage touristique --- Lourdes pilgrimage --- Éthiopie --- Korea --- Korean capitalism --- cult of saints --- franc-maçonnerie --- social Catholicism --- Ethiopian Orthodox Täwahedo Church (EOTC) --- antirétroviraux (ARV) --- South Korea --- ethnography --- Korean Protestantism --- Vatican --- biopolitics --- religious dualism --- Albania --- Naim Frashëri (1846-1900) --- Christianisme --- Kenya --- Wallonie --- Bruxelles --- individualism --- religion and individualism --- privatized religiosity --- grounded theory --- social structure --- congregations --- transformations symboliques --- analyse structurale --- élections --- developing countries --- Bektashi --- heterodoxy --- Catholic doctrine --- contraception --- religious organizations --- Lutheran Church --- Lutheran communities --- religion and community --- organisations laïques --- religious sociality --- religious collectivities --- diaspora --- diasporic communities --- functional differentiation --- meaning systems --- paradigms --- televangelism --- new religious forms --- ummah --- évènementisation --- spectacularisation --- event-structured religion --- social forms --- social differentiation --- Toldos Aharon --- anti-zionism --- Haredi Judaism --- Korean protestantism --- Pérou --- Spain --- religiosity and politics --- Islamist music --- Ultra-Orthodox Judaism --- social contract --- legal rationality --- Andes --- prophéties apocalyptiques --- Francoism --- Kemalism --- Atatürkism --- political ideology --- revue de littérature --- études électorales --- Emerging Church Movement --- Protestant movements --- secularisation --- prisons --- demonopolisation --- cremation --- burial customs --- African Americans --- qualitative research --- mixed couples --- inter-faith marriage --- Christian-Muslim couples --- disenchantment --- technology --- interreligious encounters --- networked religion --- internet --- internet communication --- cyber-balkanization --- congregational studies --- subcultural identity --- Cuba --- transnationalization of religion --- monasteries --- monastic economies --- West Africa --- bible school --- gypsies --- Roma church --- religious conversion --- Lutheran Church of Finland --- essentialisme --- islam en Europe --- islam en Suisse --- religion and homosexuality --- Pierre Bourdieu (1930-2002) --- neo-liberalism --- multiculturalism --- European Islam --- Twelver Shiism --- hawzas --- transnational education --- Argentina --- Argentine society --- Changement climatique --- Climate change --- Tzu-Chi movement --- Buddhist movements --- sustainability --- Amérique du Sud --- videogames --- ethnicisation --- radicalization --- European Muslim communities --- Chinese protestants --- ecology --- environmentalism --- transition énergétique --- online religion --- cyber funerals --- World of Warcraft --- Chinese evangelists --- Chinese Protestant Christianity --- missionisation --- organised crime --- São Paulo --- political violence --- islam in America --- England --- organisations islamiques --- Islamic schools --- Islamic education --- Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (1900-1986) --- Scotland --- Christian heavy metal --- religious heterogeneity --- suicide --- masculinity --- masculinities --- work ethic --- World Values Survey --- multilevel analysis --- consumer culture --- États-Unis --- American Muslims --- British Muslims --- food charity --- Norvège --- Ecuador --- congrégations --- maison de retraite --- religieuses --- vieillesse --- poststructuralism --- self-narratives --- urban rituals --- religious globalization --- Emmanuel Todd --- mouvement laïc luthérien --- systèmes familiaux --- tongue-speaking --- ethnographic research --- religion online --- Naqshbandi Haqqani --- Toronto blessing --- Christian revival --- religious imaginary --- Islamic religious education --- Tattoos --- cosmodicies --- cosmodicy --- Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) --- religious imagination --- visions --- deradicalization --- secularism --- Greater Seattle (US) --- homelessness --- faith-based organizations --- sacralization practices --- predestination --- neoliberalism --- Charismatic Evangelicalism --- mondialisation --- Amazonie --- champ religieux --- Minas Gerais (Brazil) --- muslim minorities --- traditionalism --- Christian Zionism --- Neo-Pentecostalism --- Judaizing groups --- spirit mediumship --- Vale do Amanhecer --- Valley of the Dawn --- UFO religions --- spiritualism --- Brazilian Pentecostalism --- megachurches --- Hillsong (megachurch) --- freedom of religion --- liberté religieuse --- discrimination --- religious minorities --- judicialization --- dejudicialization --- headscarves --- islam in Europe --- evangelical organizations --- state and religion --- political secularism --- social inclusion --- religious discrimination --- religious equality --- post-secularism --- European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) --- US Supreme Court --- cultural heritage --- de-secularization --- headscarf --- postcolonialism --- drugs --- Christianity in China --- ecologie --- hybridation --- céréales --- plantes --- ignames --- Kanaky Nouvelle-Calédonie (Océanie) --- cérémonies --- Arama --- rituals plants --- indigenous people --- Pangcah (Taiwan) --- ethnoecology --- Micronesia --- Serianthes --- traditional knowledge --- conservation --- Arctic Tundra --- mushrooms --- Chukotka (Russia) --- plant intelligence --- plants in rituals --- religious symbolism --- Afro-Cuban religion --- exorcism --- Guatemalan Pentecostalism --- ethnic churches --- Haitian Catholicism --- économie monastique --- monachisme --- République Tchèque --- nonreligion --- Polal-Katolik --- religious congruence --- Israeli–Arab conflict --- Judaism --- interreligious rituals --- Jaffa (Israel) --- Jews and Muslims --- Evangelical Christianity --- Evangelical Protestantism --- field theory --- Hayovel --- Israel --- Catholic women --- growth ethics --- premarital sexuality --- islamophobia --- islam in Spain --- microaggressions --- islamic conversion --- converts to Islam --- gender and family --- marital relations --- marital conflicts --- transnationalization --- Orisha religion --- Afro-Atlantic religions --- Yoruba --- hybrid transnational social protection --- religious institutions --- social networks --- Philippines --- corona --- coronavirus --- Covid-19 --- pandemic --- digital religion --- digital capitalism --- worldviews --- religious complexity --- worldview complexity --- prayer wheel --- Quebec --- biography --- islam et homosexualité --- interfaith families --- mixed marriages --- mixed families --- Muslim–Christian --- family transmission --- identity construction --- intergenerational transmission --- identity transmission --- female converts to Islam --- intermarriage --- Jewish-Muslim families --- Muslim and non-Muslims --- interreligious --- convivencia --- interreligious family --- marital norms --- Muslim minorities --- mixed unions --- ethnicity --- mixed-faith families --- interfaith couples --- ethnic identity --- exorcisme --- Burmese Buddhism --- music --- Gnawa --- exorcisme catholique --- Mali --- Uttarakhand (India) --- interreligious dialogue --- athéisme --- sécularisme --- transreligiosity --- multifaith movement --- activism --- adorcism --- spirit possession --- possession cults --- Bruno Latour (1947-2022) --- chaplaincy --- healthcare --- Shia lamentation rituals --- evangelical identity --- prophecy belief --- nouveaux mouvements religieux catholiques --- Ukrainian immigrants --- evangelical Protestantism --- prophetologists --- Israëlophilie --- culte des montagnes --- guerre spirituelle --- religion et guerre --- refus des vaccins --- antivax --- anti-vaccination --- pédagogies de conversion --- mouvement Jean XXIII --- photography --- Kerala (India) --- actant --- congregation --- freedom --- prayer --- subject formation --- monastic life --- transgender --- nonbinary --- god concept --- abortion --- family planning --- pastoral --- Catholic Conjugal Centres (CCC) --- bhaktiyoga --- sociology of prayer --- Anthony Paul Moo-Young (Mooji) --- spirituality in Australia --- covid-19 --- buddhism --- Japanese Buddhism --- Shingon Buddhism --- priesthood --- Koyasan (高野山) --- buddhist priests --- First Nations --- indigenous peoples --- Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg --- Kitigan Zibi (Quebec) --- intergenerational transmission of religion

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