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Bois --- Hout --- Wood --- Wood. --- Chemistry. --- Anatomy. --- Chemistry --- Anatomy --- Wood - Chemistry. --- Wood - Anatomy. --- Wood - Chemistry --- Wood - Anatomy
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La Roumanie compte aujourd'hui près de 400 000 hectares de forêts vierges et quasi vierges réparties principalement sur la chaîne des Carpates. Bien plus qu'une fierté, ces forêts constituent pour les forestiers et chercheurs roumains un patrimoine mondial qu'ils souhaitent conserver et faire connaître. L'édition du présent livre est l'une des étapes de cette quête. L’ouvrage se compose de quatre parties, les deux premières présentent la Roumanie à travers son territoire, son histoire et ses forêts. La troisième partie, plus particulièrement consacrée aux forêts vierges, débute par une intéressante mise au point sur la terminologie avec, entre autres, l’introduction de la notion de forêt quasi vierge. Cette section de l’ouvrage s’attache ensuite à caractériser les forêts vierges de Roumanie (histoire, biodiversité, statut…). Des pistes de politique à long terme sont également exposées. Enfin, la quatrième partie de l’ouvrage décrit quelques forêts vierges parmi les plus représentatives du territoire roumain.
Bosbouw --- Sylviculture --- Wallonie --- Wallonië --- Picea --- Picea abies --- Peuplement forestier --- forest stands --- Facteur lié au site --- site factors --- Production forestière --- Forestry production --- Anatomie du bois --- wood anatomy --- Qualité --- Quality --- Roumanie --- Forêt vierge --- Virgin forests --- Romania --- Bossen --- Roemenië
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An introduction to this family, the fourth largest of the Angiosperms (some 630 genera and 11,000 species). A survey of the characteristics of tropical woody Rubiaceae, and a new classification of the family in four subfamilies. Valuable indices to the genera of the entire family.
Botan. systematics, taxonomy, nomencl. --- Dicotyledons --- Subtropical and Tropical Countries --- Botanique --- Plantkunde --- Rubiaceae --- Zone tropicale --- Tropical zones --- trees --- Taxonomie --- taxonomy --- Anatomie du bois --- wood anatomy --- Plante ligneuse --- woody plants --- Développement biologique --- biological development --- Écologie --- ecology --- #WPLT:syst --- BR Staff Publications --- NBGB shoplist --- monographs --- out of print --- systematics --- tropical plants --- Tropics --- Classification --- Plantensystematiek, -taxonomie, -nomenclatuur --- Dicotylen --- Subtropische en Tropische Streken --- DISTRIBUTION --- BIOLOGY --- ANATOMY --- MORPHOLOGY --- TAXONOMY --- RUBIACEAE --- TROPICAL REGIONS
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Europa --- Europe --- Industries de transformation --- Verwerkende industrie --- Forest products industry --- Produits forestiers --- Industrie --- Bois --- Wood --- Anatomie du bois --- wood anatomy --- Propriété mécanique --- Mechanical properties --- Propriété physicochimique --- chemicophysical properties --- Propriété technologique --- technical properties --- Scierie --- Sawmills --- Industrie du bois --- Wood industry --- Panneau dérivé du bois --- Wood panels --- Bois à pâte --- Pulpwood --- Produit dérivé du bois --- Wood products --- 630*81 --- 630*81 Wood and bark. Their structure and properties --- Wood and bark. Their structure and properties --- Filiere
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630*81 --- 674.03 <569.4> --- 57.082.13 --- RBINS-OTHER --- Wood and bark. Their structure and properties --- Species of wood--Israël --- Identification and marking of specimens --- DEN Dendrology & Forestry --- Israel --- dendrology --- identification --- shrubs --- trees --- wood anatomy --- 57.082.13 Identification and marking of specimens --- 674.03 <569.4> Species of wood--Israël --- 630*81 Wood and bark. Their structure and properties --- Shrubs --- Trees --- Wood --- Dendrology --- Nursery stock --- Woody plants --- Arboriculture --- Forests and forestry --- Timber --- Bushes --- Hedges --- Building materials --- Forest products --- Identification --- Anatomy --- Middle East --- Paléobotanique
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Proefschriften --- Thèses --- Fagus sylvatica --- Quercus robur --- Relation plante eau --- Plant water relations --- Physiologie végétale --- Plant physiology --- Teneur en eau --- moisture content --- Utilisation de l'eau --- Water use --- Organe de réserve --- Storage organs --- Rythme biologique --- Biological rhythms --- Modèle de simulation --- Simulation models --- Tronc --- Trunks --- Anatomie du bois --- wood anatomy --- Conductivité électrique --- Electrical conductivity --- 635.055 --- 581.112 --- Trees (woody plants with trunks) --- Circulation of liquids. Rising of sap --- Theses --- Sciences and engineering --- biological sciences --- biology --- plant physiology --- 581.112 Circulation of liquids. Rising of sap --- 635.055 Trees (woody plants with trunks) --- plant physiology. --- Pression hydraulique --- Biological sciences --- Biology --- Plant physiology.
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630*81 --- 581.824 --- 561.4 --- 581.6 --- #WPLT:syst --- 581.6 Applied botany. Use of plants. Technobotany. Economic botany --- Applied botany. Use of plants. Technobotany. Economic botany --- 561.4 Seed plants (flowering plants) in general. Siphonogamous embryophyta. Phanerogams. Spermatophyta --- Seed plants (flowering plants) in general. Siphonogamous embryophyta. Phanerogams. Spermatophyta --- 581.824 Vascular tissues. Xylem. Phloem --- Vascular tissues. Xylem. Phloem --- 630*81 Wood and bark. Their structure and properties --- Wood and bark. Their structure and properties --- Reaction wood --- forest trees --- Tropical forests --- Hardwood --- Acer pseudoplatanus --- Dendrochronology --- Broadleaved forests --- Quercus robur --- Populus --- wood anatomy --- Wood technology --- woodworking --- Collection --- Collections --- Argania spinosa --- Africa --- South America --- Europe --- Xylotheque --- Xylotomie --- Bois fossilise --- Goudron vegetal --- Plantago mauritanica --- Viola arborescens --- Elaeophorbia --- Instrument de musique --- Osyridicarpos schimperianus --- Bois --- Forets et sylviculture --- Anatomie --- Chimie --- Economic and applied botany --- Forestry --- Wood --- Wood. --- Anatomy. --- Dechamps, Roger. --- Dechamps, Roger
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Dioxyde de carbone --- carbon dioxide --- Effet de serre --- greenhouse effect --- Photosynthèse --- Photosynthesis --- Acer pseudoplatanus --- Populus --- Salix viminalis --- Betula pendula --- Rotation culturale --- Crop rotation --- Biomasse --- biomass --- Surface foliaire --- leaf area --- Anatomie du bois --- wood anatomy --- Carbone --- Carbon --- Sol de forêt --- Forest soils --- Litière forestière --- Forest litter --- Belgium --- 630*524 --- 630*228.7 --- 630*11 <493> --- 574.36 --- Determination of the volume of trees and stands --- Artificial stands. Plantations --- Site factors. Climate, situation, soil in forestry. Forest hydrology and meteorology--België --- Biomass and energetics of population. --- Theses --- Sciences and engineering --- biological sciences --- biology --- general --- ecology --- agriculture --- forestry and wildlife --- 574.36 Biomass and energetics of population. --- 630*11 <493> Site factors. Climate, situation, soil in forestry. Forest hydrology and meteorology--België --- 630*228.7 Artificial stands. Plantations --- 630*524 Determination of the volume of trees and stands --- general. --- ecology. --- forestry and wildlife. --- Biological sciences --- Agriculture --- Forestry and wildlife. --- Biology --- Ecology. --- General.
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