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Étude d’un petit recueil de certaines idylles et épigrammes de Théocrite récemment découvert avec l’édition critique des idylles XXIV-XXVII du même auteur. Depuis quelques années on connaît l’existence d’un petit recueil de certaines idylles et épigrammes de Théocrite. Ce recueil, étudié pour la première fois dans le livre, est important à double titre, d’abord parce qu’il a été copié par l’un des plus grands philologues grecs de la Renaissance, Marc Mousouros, ensuite parce qu’il offre l’occasion d’étudier à nouveaux frais l’histoire du manuscrit Patauinus perdu de Théocrite, enfin parce qu’il permet d’établir une nouvelle édition critique des idylles XXIV-XXVII de Théocrite. En effet, ce manuscrit perdu est la source de certaines idylles et des épigrammes dans leur ensemble, publiées pour la première fois dans les deux éditions de Théocrite parues en 1516, à quelques jours d’intervalle, celle de Frosino Bonino et celle de Zacharie Calliergis. L’étude de Luigi Ferreri se compose de deux parties. La première partie se compose de quatre chapitres. Après un premier chapitre présentant le recueil de Mousouros, le deuxième chapitre analyse l’ensemble des témoignages sur le Patauinus. Le troisième chapitre rend compte des études sur ce manuscrit perdu depuis la moitié du XIXe siècle jusqu’à nos jours ; le quatrième et dernier chapitre prend en considération certains problèmes posés par l’établissement du texte de Théocrite par Mousouros, en formulant, d’autre part, des hypothèses sur les relations de ce texte avec le Patauinus. La seconde partie est consacrée à l’édition critique des idylles XXIV-XXVII avec un commentaire.
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Pastoral poetry, Greek --- Manuscripts, Greek (Papyri) --- Poésie pastorale grecque --- Papyrus grecs --- History and criticism --- Histoire et critique --- Papyrus Vindobonensis Greek inv. 29456+29828 verso. --- Translations into German. --- Manuscripts --- History and criticism. --- -Pastoral poetry, Greek --- -Greek pastoral poetry --- Greek poetry --- Greek papyri --- Papyri, Greek --- Manuscripts, Classical (Papyri) --- Manuscripts (Papyri) --- Translations into German --- Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek. Papyrussammlung --- -History and criticism --- Poésie pastorale grecque --- Greek pastoral poetry --- Österreichische Nationalbibliothek. --- Pastoral poetry [Greek ] --- Facsimiles --- Manuscripts [Greek ] (Papyri) --- Pastoral poetry, Greek - Translations into German. --- Pastoral poetry, Greek - Manuscripts - Facsimiles. --- Pastoral poetry, Greek - History and criticism. --- Manuscripts, Greek (Papyri) - Austria - Vienna. --- Manuscripts, Greek (Papyri) - Facsimiles.
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Dioscuri (Greek mythology) in literature --- Greek poetry, Hellenistic --- Hymns, Greek --- Dioscuri (Mythologie grecque) dans la littérature --- Poésie grecque hellénistique --- Hymnes grecs --- History and criticism. --- History and criticism --- Histoire et critique --- Theocritus, --- Criticism and interpretation --- Critique et interprétation --- Pastoral poetry, Greek --- Pastoral poetry,Greek --- -Criticism, Textual --- Theocritus --- Teócrito --- Teokryt --- Theókritos --- Feokrit --- Theokrit --- Θεόκριτος --- Théocrite --- Theokritos --- Dioscuri (Mythologie grecque) dans la littérature --- Poésie grecque hellénistique --- Critique et interprétation --- Criticism, Textual --- Theocritus. --- Pastoral poetry, Greek - Criticism, Textual
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Pastoral poetry [Greek ] --- Pastorale poëzie [Griekse ] --- Poésie pastorale [Grecque ] --- Country life --- Adonis (Greek deity) --- Pastoral poetry, Greek. --- Lost literature --- Vie rurale --- Adonis (Divinité grecque) --- Poésie pastorale grecque --- Oeuvres perdues (Littérature) --- Poetry --- Poetry. --- Poésie --- -Adonis (Greek deity) --- -Poetry --- -Lost literature --- -Pastoral poetry, Greek --- Greek pastoral poetry --- Greek poetry --- Literature --- Rural life --- Manners and customs --- History and criticism --- Adonis (Divinité grecque) --- Poésie pastorale grecque --- Oeuvres perdues (Littérature) --- Poésie --- Pastoral poetry, Greek --- Greece --- Country life - - Poetry - Greece --- -Adonis (Greek deity) - Poetry --- Lost literature - - Greece --- -Country life --- Lost literature -
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Country life in literature --- Greek poetry, Hellenistic --- Pastoral poetry, Greek --- Vie rurale dans la littérature --- Poésie pastorale grecque --- History and Criticism --- History and criticism --- Histoire et critique --- Theocritus. --- Greek poetry --- Theocritus --- Criticism and interpretation --- -Pastoral poetry, Greek --- -Greek pastoral poetry --- Hellenistic Greek poetry --- Greek literature, Hellenistic --- Teócrito --- Teokryt --- Theókritos --- Feokrit --- Theokrit --- Θεόκριτος --- Country life in literature. --- History and criticism. --- -History and criticism --- Théocrite --- Theokritos --- Vie rurale dans la littérature --- Poésie pastorale grecque --- Greek poetry - History and criticism --- Pastoral poetry, Greek - History and criticism --- Theocritus - Criticism and interpretation
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The bucolic Idylls of Theocritus are the first literature to invent a fully fictional world that is not an image of reality but an alternative to it. It is thereby distinguished from the other Idylls and from Hellenistic poetry as a whole. This book examines these poems in the light of ancient and modern conceptions of fictionality. It explores how access to this fictional world is mediated by form and how this world appears as an object of desire for the characters within it. The argument culminates in a fresh reading of Idyll 7, where Professor Payne discusses the encounter between author and fictional creation in the poem and its importance for the later pastoral tradition. Close readings of Theocritus, Callimachus, Hermesianax and the Lament for Bion are supplemented with parallels from modern contemporary fiction and an extended discussion of the heteronymic poetry of Fernando Pessoa.
Pastoral poetry, Greek --- Poésie pastorale grecque --- History and criticism --- Histoire et critique --- Theocritus --- Criticism and interpretation --- History and criticism. --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Poésie pastorale grecque --- Théocrite --- Theokritos --- Arts and Humanities --- History
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Poetry --- Classical Greek literature --- Theocritus --- Pastoral poetry, Greek --- Poésie pastorale grecque --- History and criticism --- Histoire et critique --- Criticism and interpretation --- -Greek pastoral poetry --- Greek poetry --- Teócrito --- Teokryt --- Theókritos --- Feokrit --- Theokrit --- Θεόκριτος --- History and criticism. --- Theocritus. --- -History and criticism --- Théocrite --- Theokritos --- Poésie pastorale grecque --- Griekse bucolische poëzie. (Versch. onderwerpen) --- Théocrite. (Mélanges) --- Poésie pastorale grecque. (Mélanges) --- Theocritus. (Versch. onderwerpen) --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Pastoral poetry, Greek - History and criticism --- Theocritus - Idylls
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Theocritus (early third century BCE) was the inventor of the bucolic genre, also known as pastoral. The present edition of his work, along with that of his successors Moschus (fl. mid-second century BCE) and Bion (fl. around 100 BCE), replaces the earlier Loeb Classical Library volume of Greek Bucolic Poets by J. M. Edmonds (1912).
Greek poetry --- Pastoral poetry, Greek. --- Country life --- Greek poetry. --- Greek poetry, Hellenistic. --- Translations into English. --- Greece --- Country life. --- Greece. --- Poetry --- Greek poetry, Hellenistic --- Pastoral poetry, Greek --- Vie rurale --- Poésie grecque hellénistique --- Poésie pastorale grecque --- Poésie --- Traductions anglaises --- Greek pastoral poetry --- Hellenistic Greek poetry --- Rural life --- Ancient Greece --- Ellada --- Ellas --- Ellēnikē Dēmokratia --- Elliniki Dimokratia --- Grčija --- Grèce --- Grecia --- Griechenland --- Hellas --- Hellenic Republic --- Hellēnikē Dēmokratia --- Kingdom of Greece --- République hellénique --- Royaume de Grèce --- Vasileion tēs Hellados --- Yaṿan --- Greek literature, Hellenistic --- Greek literature --- Manners and customs --- Hellada --- al-Yūnān --- Gret͡sii͡ --- Xila --- Yūnān --- Theocritus. --- Teócrito --- Teokryt --- Theókritos --- Feokrit --- Theokrit --- Country life - Greece - Poetry - Early works to 1800
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The poems of Theocritus are our best witness to a brilliant poetic culture that flourished in the first half of the third century BC. This book considers the context from which these poems grew and, in particular, the manner in which they engage with and recreate the poetic forms of the Greek archaic age. The focus is not on the familiar bucolic poems of Theocritus, but on the hymns, mimes and erotic poems of the second half of the corpus. Recent papyri have greatly increased our understanding of how Theocritus read archaic poetry, and these discoveries are fully exploited in a set of readings which will change the way we look at Hellenistic poetry.
Genres [Letterkundige ] --- Genres [Literaire ] --- Genres littéraires --- Letterkundige genres --- Literaire genres --- Literary form --- Poetics --- Poétique --- Poëtica --- Greek poetry, Hellenistic --- Poésie grecque hellénistique --- History and criticism --- Histoire et critique --- Theocritus --- Greek influences --- -Theocritus --- Literature --- Knowledge --- -Greek poetry, Hellenistic --- Pastoral poetry, Greek --- Greek influences. --- History and criticism. --- History --- Theocritus. --- Literature. --- Poésie grecque hellénistique --- Greek poetry [Hellenistic ] --- Egypt --- Alexandria (Egypt) --- Theocritus. - Idylls. --- Greek poetry, Hellenistic - Egypt - Alexandria - History and criticism. --- Greek poetry, Hellenistic - Greek influences. --- Arts and Humanities --- Greek poetry, Hellenistic - Greek influences --- Greek poetry, Hellenistic - History and criticism - Egypt - - Alexandria --- -Poetics --- Theocritus - - Literature - Knowledge --- Hellenistic Greek poetry --- Greek literature, Hellenistic --- Théocrite --- Theokritos
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Inscriptions, Latin --- -Latin inscriptions --- Latin language --- Latin philology --- Concordances --- Alexandria (Egypt) --- -Iskandarīyah (Egypt) --- Alexandrie (Egypt) --- Aleksandriyah (Egypt) --- Alessandria (Egypt) --- Alexandreia (Egypt) --- Aleksandria (Egypt) --- Alexantreia (Egypt) --- Alesandriʼa (Egypt) --- الإسكندرية (Egypt) --- الإسكندرية (مصر) --- اسكندرية (Egypt) --- Intellectual life --- Epigrams, Latin --- -Latin epigrams --- History and criticism --- Aeschylus --- -Aischylos --- Eschilo --- Eschyle --- Eschylus --- Plots --- Classical Greek language --- Lucian, --- Lucianus Samosatensis, --- Criticism and interpretation --- Critique et interprétation --- Dialogues, Greek --- Satire, Greek --- Greek dialogues --- Greek literature --- Loekianos, --- Loukianos, --- Lucià, --- Luciano, --- Lucianus Samosatensis --- Lucien, --- Lukian, --- Lúkiános, --- Lūkiyān al-Sumaysāṭī --- Lūqiyān al-Samīsāṭī --- Lūqyānūs al-Samīsāṭī --- Samosata, Lucian of --- Λουκιανóς, --- לוציאן --- לוציאן, --- لوقيان السميساطي --- لوقيانوس --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Greek language --- -Pastoral poetry, Greek --- -Greek pastoral poetry --- Greek poetry --- Classical languages --- Indo-European languages --- Classical philology --- Greek philology --- Style --- Aeschylus. --- Theocritus --- Théocrite --- Theokritos --- Aischylos --- Epic poetry, Greek --- -Greek epic poetry --- Epic poetry, Classical --- Criticism, Textual --- Aristoteles. --- Homer --- -Aristoteles --- Aristote --- Aristotle --- Aristotile --- Homeros --- Homère --- 871 LUCANUS, MARCUS ANNAEUS --- Salamis, Battle of, 480 B.C., in literature --- Greek poetry, Hellenistic --- -Hellenistic Greek poetry --- Greek literature, Hellenistic --- 871 LUCANUS, MARCUS ANNAEUS Latijnse literatuur--LUCANUS, MARCUS ANNAEUS --- Latijnse literatuur--LUCANUS, MARCUS ANNAEUS --- Plots. --- Pastoral poetry, Greek --- -875 --- 875 Griekse literatuur --- Griekse literatuur --- Greek pastoral poetry --- Zarker, J. W. --- Zarker, John William --- Poésie épique grecque --- Critique textuelle --- Aristotle. --- Knowledge --- Homer. --- Connaissances --- Homère --- Orestes (Greek mythology) in literature --- Iuvenalis, Decimus Iunius --- Giovenale, D. Giunio --- Juvenalis, Decimus Junius --- Juvénal --- -Literature. --- Theocritus. --- Homerus --- Aristoteles --- Criticism, Textual. --- -Inscriptions, Latin --- Latin inscriptions --- Figures of speech --- -Classical languages --- Grammar --- Verse satire, Latin --- -Greek drama (Tragedy) --- -Greek drama --- Latin verse satire --- Latin poetry --- Stories, plots, etc --- Greek drama (Tragedy) --- -Greek language --- Photius --- Orthodox Eastern Church --- Catholic Church --- Relations --- Bulgaria --- Church history --- Iconoclasm --- Historiography --- Theophanes Continuatus --- Byzantine Empire --- History --- Concordances. --- Epic poetry, Latin --- History and criticism. --- Lucan, --- Rome --- Literature and the war. --- Fables, Latin --- Mythology, Classical, in literature. --- Metamorphosis in literature. --- Ovid, --- Argonauts (Greek mythology) in literature. --- Apollonius, --- Intellectual life. --- Greek language, Hellenistic (300 B.C.-600 A.D.) --- Syntax. --- Herodas --- Language. --- Epigrams, Greek --- Epigrams, Greek. --- Griechisch. --- Hellenismus. --- Humor. --- Versdichtung. --- Épigrammes grecques --- Histoire et critique. --- Geschichte 336 v. Chr.-30 v. Chr. --- Epigrammes grecques --- Histoire et critique --- Latin drama (Tragedy) --- Trojan War --- Alcmene (Greek mythology) --- Tragédie latine --- Guerre de Troie --- Alcmène (Mythologie grecque) --- Littérature et guerre --- Ennius, Quintus --- Poésie latine --- Philologie latine --- Catullus, Gaius Valerius --- Nicander, --- Poésie grecque --- Timotheus, --- Inscriptions, Greek --- Inscriptions grecques --- Grec (Langue) --- Grammaire --- Neoplatonism --- Angels --- Demonology --- Heroes. --- Néo-platonisme --- Anges --- Démonologie --- Héros --- Pre-Socratic philosophers. --- Language and languages --- Présocratiques --- Langage et langues --- Article --- Philosophy. --- Philosophie --- Religion in literature. --- Free will and determinism in literature. --- Philosophy, Ancient --- Littérature grecque --- Religion dans la littérature --- Libre arbitre et déterminisme dans la littérature --- Philosophie ancienne --- Literature and the war --- Histoire --- Hermesianax, --- Eglise orthodoxe --- Eglise catholique --- Bulgarie --- Eglise --- Stories, plots, etc. --- Histoires, intrigues, etc --- History, Ancient --- Histoire ancienne --- Grammar, Historical --- Grammaire historique --- Historiographie --- Herodotus --- Language --- Sidonius Apollinaris, --- Comedy --- Comédie --- Interjections --- Aristophanes --- Poésie pastorale grecque --- Glossaries, etc --- Langue --- Glossaires, etc --- Taboo --- Language and culture --- Latin (Langue) --- Tabou --- Langage et culture --- Euphemism. --- Vocabulary. --- Périphrases --- Vocabulaire --- Rhetoric, Ancient. --- Literary style. --- Rhétorique ancienne --- Style littéraire --- Theory, etc. --- Théorie, etc --- Hermogenes, --- Language and languages. --- Greek wit and humor --- Humour grec --- Congresses. --- Congrès --- Hexameter --- Hexamètre --- Metrics and rhythmics --- Métrique et rythmique --- Oracula sibyllina --- Inscriptions latines --- Doric Greek dialect --- Dorien (Dialecte) --- Phonetics --- Morphology --- Phonétique --- Morphologie --- Corpus Bucolicorum --- Mythology, Greek, in literature --- Tragédie grecque --- Mythologie grecque dans la littérature --- Themes, motives --- Thèmes, motifs --- Sophocles --- Attic Greek dialect --- Attique (Langue) --- Rhetoric, Ancient --- History. --- Theocritus, --- Commentaries --- Commentaires --- Elegiac poetry, Greek --- Greek language (Koinē) --- Hellenistic Greek --- Koinē (Greek language) --- Article.
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