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« PD, sale gouine, fiotte ! » Des insultes courantes, taguées, criées dans les couloirs des écoles, entendues dans les médias, des ados jetés à la rue par leurs parents, des personnes virées de leur emploi, des agressions physiques, des thérapies de conversion pour changer d'orientation sexuelle, autant de rappels que l'homophobie reste bien ancrée dans notre société. L'homophobie peut revêtir différents habits. Dès lors, comment l'identifier, la comprendre, la désamorcer ? Pourquoi la question de l'homosexualité, de la bisexualité, provoque-t-elle autant de réactions de peur, de rejet, que remet-elle réellement en question ? Toutes ces questions touchent à certains fondements de notre société basée sur un modèle centré sur l'hétérosexualité. La différence continue à effrayer alors essayons, via cet ouvrage, de comprendre les réelles raisons de l'homophobie.
Homophobie --- Homophobia
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Schools should offer a safe and secure environment for all young people to develop, to learn, and to thrive. Sadly, for many, they fall short. Homophobic and transphobic behaviour is still painfully common in schools across Europe. A significant number of LGBT pupils experience homophobic and transphobic bullying, and they are more likely to experience violence than heterosexual peers. This publication explores the underlying attitudes towards homosexuality in eight European countries: Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Spain, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Turkey. It is the product of a strategic partnership (KA2) between fifteen European secondary and higher education institutions, launched in 2016 under the auspices of the European Commission's ERASMUS+ programme. The project supported by this partnership, Homo'poly, promotes greater understanding and acceptance of homosexuality with the explicit aim of improving the school life of LGB pupils. Somewhere over the rainbow: Discussions on homosexuality in education across Europe stellt einen informativen Überblicksband dar. Er macht deutlich, welche Bedeutung europäische Zusammenarbeit für Forschungsprojekte und für Sexuelle Bildung haben kann - und er lädt dazu ein, ausgehend von den landesspezifischen Einzelbeiträgen, weiterzulesen und sich für das jeweilige Land ausführlich kundig zu machen. - Heinz-Jürgen Voß auf socialnet
Homophobia --- Homophobie --- LGBT --- Homosexualtität --- vergleichende Analyse --- Comparative analysis --- Gender --- Homosexuality in Germany --- Homosexuality in Spain --- Homosexuality in the UK --- Homosexuality in the Netherlands --- Homosexuality in Turkey --- Homosexuality in Hungary --- Homosexuality in Belgium --- Homosexuality in Poland --- being gay in and outside school --- homosexual rights --- Interkulturelle und International Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft --- Homophobia; Homophobie; LGBT; Homosexualtität; vergleichende Analyse; Comparative analysis; Gender; Homosexuality in Germany; Homosexuality in Spain; Homosexuality in the UK; Homosexuality in the Netherlands; Homosexuality in Turkey; Homosexuality in Hungary; Homosexuality in Belgium; Homosexuality in Poland; being gay in and outside school; homosexual rights
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