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Als u een medicijn van de huisarts krijgt voorgeschreven dan is het vrijwel zeker dat u een product gaat gebruiken waarvoor dierproeven zijn gedaan. Dat geldt ook voor veel andere producten waaraan stoffen zijn toegevoegd ter conservering, smaakverbetering, kleuring of bevordering van de gezondheid. Het is voor de hedendaagse consument haast onmogelijk om producten of therapieën waaraan dierproeven ten grondslag liggen, te vermijden. De vraag of deze doeleinden dierproeven voldoende rechtvaardigen moet door zogenaamde ethische commissies, zoals een dierexperimentencommissie, worden beantwoordt. In dit boek wordt ingegaan op de ethische aspecten van die afweging. Welke ethische theorieën zijn hierbij bruikbaar, wat is ongerief en hoe weeg je dat af tegen menselijke belangen? Ook de rol van de institutionele omgeving wordt aan de orde gesteld evenals de vraag of de afweging van dierproeven wel aan deze commissie moet worden overgelaten of dat overlaten of kan de samenleving een grotere rol zou moeten spelen dan nu het geval is. De vraag of een dierproef voldoende wordt gerechtvaardigd is wat sommigen wel ongestructureerde problemen noemen. Problemen waarbij onzekerheid, verschillende levensbeschouwingen en belangen eenvoudige en eenduidige antwoorden niet makkelijk of zelfs onmogelijk maken. In dit derde boek in de serie Dierproeven wordt door ethici, wetenschaponderzoekers, onderzoekers, proefdierdeskundigen, en medici op deze vraagstukken ingegaan. Tezamen trachten zij een beeld te schetsen van de afweging van dierproeven voor een breder publiek dan alleen de direct betrokkenen. (Bron: covertekst)
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Armenia is a small landlocked mountainous country located in the Southern Caucasus. It is a typical mountainous country, having its lowest point of 375m above sea level and culminating at 4095m with an average altitude of 1850m. where the landscapes and ecosystems form a complex multi-functional system. In general, the ecosystems of Armenia are characterized by a number of peculiarities, which all together contribute to formation of rich and unique biodiversity. On the small territory of Armenia (less than 30 thousand km2) there are about 3800 species of vascular plants (about a half of the whole Caucasian flora), 428 species of soil and water algae, 399 species of mosses, 4207 species of fungi, 464 species of lichens, 549 species of vertebrates and about 17200 species of invertebrates. The biodiversity of Armenia is notable for high endemism: about 500 species of fauna (about 3% of the fauna) and 147 species of flora (3.8% of total flora) are considered endemics. Such a high level of endemism is typical only for some of the large islands. Due to the huge variety of climates (from dry subtropics to cold alpine) and soil conditions all the main Caucasian ecosystems (besides humid subtropics) are represented in Armenia – deserts and semi-deserts, steppes, meadow-steppes, forests and open woodlands, sub-alpine and alpine vegetation as well as intrazonal ecosystems. Therefore Armenia is a biodiversity hotspot both within the Caucasian ecoregion and around the globe. This book compiles, summarizes and analyzes data on flora, fauna and mycobiota of Armenia, with a special focus on the impact of forecasted climate change on biodiversity and ecosystems of the region.
Biodiversity. --- Ecology. --- Conservation biology. --- Geography. --- Zoology. --- Botany. --- Conservation Biology. --- Regional Geography. --- Plant Science. --- Biodiversity --- Ecology
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E-journals --- Zoology --- Botany --- Botanical science --- Phytobiology --- Phytography --- Phytology --- Plant biology --- Plant science --- Biology --- Natural history --- Plants --- Animals --- Floristic botany
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This book uses real-world examples from the aquaculture industry to demonstrate how deep technology is assisting farmers and vulnerable communities. Works conducted by Poseidon-AI (a deep tech company involved in the aquaculture sector) in different countries are presented as case studies to show the positive impacts of deep tech involvement in the aquaculture sector. Primary industries, such as fisheries and aquaculture, rely heavily on labor. Furthermore, the manual practices of these farming methods increase material waste and reduce yields, resulting in higher costs and lower revenues. Poikilotherms make up the majority of aquatic animals, and environmental changes have a significant impact on them. This means that, due to climate change, farming of these animals cannot continue in the same way that it has for centuries. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, image processing, sensing, and automation are approaches that can assist these farms in dealing with rapid environmental changes while also assisting farmers in growing their businesses sustainably. This book is of interest to climate change scientists, entrepreneurs, investors, civil workers, and policymakers. Furthermore, the book is a great complimentary material for graduate students of fisheries, aquaculture, ecology, soil science, water management and environmental sciences. All national and international policymakers working in implementation of UNSDGs and sustainability, will find this book a useful read.
Biological techniques --- General ecology and biosociology --- Zoology --- Biotechnology --- biologische technieken --- biotechnologie --- ecologie --- zoölogie --- Aquaculture --- Artificial intelligence --- Sustainable aquaculture --- Innovations. --- Technological innovations. --- Agricultural applications.
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Nearshore hardbottom reefs of Florida’s east coast are used by over 1100 species of fishes, invertebrates, algae, and sea turtles. These rocky reefs support reproduction, settlement, and habitat use, and are energy sources and sinks. They are also buried by beach renourishment projects in which artificial reefs are used for mitigation. This comprehensive book is for research scientists and agency personnel, yet accessible to interested laypersons including beachfront residents and water-users. An unprecedented collection of research information and often stunning color photographs are assembled including over 1250 technical citations and 127 figures. These shallow reefs are part of a mosaic of coastal shelf habitats including estuarine seagrasses and mangroves, and offshore coral reefs. These hardbottom habitats are federally designated as Essential Fish Habitats - Habitats of Particular Concern and are important feeding areas for federally-protected sea turtles. Organismal and assemblage responses to natural and man-made disturbances, including climate change, are examined in the context of new research and management opportunities for east Florida’s islands in the sand. .
Aquatic ecology . --- Wildlife. --- Fish. --- Ecosystems. --- Coasts. --- Animal systematics. --- Animal taxonomy. --- Freshwater & Marine Ecology. --- Fish & Wildlife Biology & Management. --- Coastal Sciences. --- Animal Systematics/Taxonomy/Biogeography. --- Animal classification --- Animal systematics --- Animal taxonomy --- Classification --- Systematic zoology --- Systematics (Zoology) --- Taxonomy, Animal --- Zoological classification --- Zoological systematics --- Zoological taxonomy --- Zoology --- Coastal landforms --- Coastal zones --- Coastlines --- Landforms --- Seashore --- Biocenoses --- Biocoenoses --- Biogeoecology --- Biological communities --- Biomes --- Biotic community ecology --- Communities, Biotic --- Community ecology, Biotic --- Ecological communities --- Ecosystems --- Natural communities --- Ecology --- Population biology --- Fish --- Pisces --- Aquatic animals --- Vertebrates --- Fisheries --- Fishing --- Ichthyology --- Aquatic biology --- Animals --- Biotic communities.
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The inland waters of Australia, and their largely endemic insect inhabitants, are subject to a wide and increasing variety of threats that continue to change those environments and lead to losses of insect habitats and localised taxa. Many of those changes result from human needs for water and measures to assure supply in naturally varied flood/drought regimes on which anthropogenic changes are imposed, and to which aquatic biota are increasingly susceptible. This book is a broad overview of Australian aquatic insects, the problems they face as changes to key habitats occur, and measures by which their survival may be enhanced through practical conservation. As well as summarising the current conservation interest in aquatic insects in Australia, the text draws on information and case histories from many parts of the world to augment the generally more limited information from Australian taxa and their needs, to facilitate use and perspective on conservation practice by non-specialist conservation managers, whilst also being of value to entomologists interested more directly in aquatic insect ecology and conservation .The numerous references to many taxa, regions and ecological contexts provide examples for possible emulation in Australia, and summarises many practical lessons relevant to honing effective conservation across the range from individual threatened species to the more complex protection or restoration of aquatic communities in which insects play significant functional roles.
Ecology . --- Zoology. --- Conservation biology. --- Ecology. --- Conservation Biology/Ecology. --- Ecology --- Nature conservation --- Biology --- Natural history --- Animals --- Balance of nature --- Bionomics --- Ecological processes --- Ecological science --- Ecological sciences --- Environment --- Environmental biology --- Oecology --- Environmental sciences --- Population biology
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Maisy goes to the library in search of a book about fish and a quiet place in which to read it.
Animals --- Quietude --- Mice --- Libraries --- Documentation --- Public institutions --- Librarians --- House mice --- House mouse --- Mouse --- Mus musculus --- Rodents --- Stillness --- Tranquillity --- Rest --- Silence --- Animal kingdom --- Animalia --- Beasts --- Fauna --- Native animals --- Native fauna --- Wild animals --- Wildlife --- Organisms --- Human-animal relationships --- Zoology
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In this book, Krish Seetah uses butchery as a point of departure for exploring the changing historical relationships between animal utility, symbolism, and meat consumption. Seetah brings together several bodies of literature - on meat, cut marks, craftspeople, and the role of craft in production - that have heretofore been considered in isolation from one another. Focusing on the activity inherent in butcher, he describes the history of knowledge that typifies the craft. He also provides anthropological and archaeological case studies which showcase examples of butchery practices in varied contexts that are seldom identified with zooarchaeological research. Situating the relationship between practice, practitioner, material and commodity, this imaginative study offers new insights into food production, consumption, and the craft of cuisine.
Slaughtering and slaughter-houses --- Meat industry and trade --- Meat consumption --- Packing industry --- Food industry and trade --- Abattoirs --- Butchering --- Public institutions --- History --- Animal remains (Archaeology) --- Archaeozoology --- Zooarchaeology --- Zoology in archaeology --- Archaeology --- Bones --- Animal paleopathology --- History. --- Methodology
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This contributed volume presents an analysis of the current conservation status of major faunal groups in Mexico. The chapters describe a prognosis of future challenges, and also explore the expanding threats inherent in the Anthropocene within the context of the unique physical, biological and cultural aspects of the nation. Covering 27 chapters, and written by Mexican and international authors, this book analyzes a wide range of vertebrate and invertebrate animal taxa, their ecosystems and the critical processes related to their present conservation status. This volume is an important reference material for researchers, conservationists and students interested in the biological and ecological processes shaping the Mexican fauna.
Biodiversity. --- Biotic communities. --- Conservation biology. --- Ecology. --- Vertebrates. --- Invertebrates. --- Ecosystems. --- Conservation Biology. --- Vertebrate Zoology. --- Invertebrate Zoology. --- Invertebrata --- Animals --- Vertebrata --- Chordata --- Balance of nature --- Biology --- Bionomics --- Ecological processes --- Ecological science --- Ecological sciences --- Environment --- Environmental biology --- Oecology --- Environmental sciences --- Population biology --- Ecology --- Nature conservation --- Biocenoses --- Biocoenoses --- Biogeoecology --- Biological communities --- Biomes --- Biotic community ecology --- Communities, Biotic --- Community ecology, Biotic --- Ecological communities --- Ecosystems --- Natural communities --- Biological diversification --- Biological diversity --- Biotic diversity --- Diversification, Biological --- Diversity, Biological --- Biocomplexity --- Ecological heterogeneity --- Numbers of species
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This work argues for a moral consideration of animal work relations. Paying special attention to the livestock industry, the author challenges the zootechnical denigration of animals for increased productivity awhile championing the collaborative nature of work. For Porcher, work is not merely a means to production but a means of living together unity. This unique reconsideration of work envisions animals as co-laborers with humans, rather than overwrought tools for exploitative, and often lethal, employment. Readers will learn about the disjunction between those focused on productivity and profit and those who favor a more ethical work environment for animals. Porcher's text also engages environmental and political debates concerning animal-human relations.
Business. --- Business ethics. --- Labor economics. --- Industrial sociology. --- Business and Management. --- Business Ethics. --- Sociology of Work. --- Labor Economics. --- Working animals. --- Work animals --- Animal industry --- Animals --- Domestic animals --- Zoology, Economic --- Business --- Businesspeople --- Commercial ethics --- Corporate ethics --- Corporation ethics --- Professional ethics --- Wealth --- Economics --- Sociology --- Industrial organization --- Industries --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Social aspects
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