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The practice of industrial policy : government-business coordination in Africa and East Asia
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0192517287 0191838608 0192517279 0198796951 Year: 2017 Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press,

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This work examines how African policy makers might develop better coordination between the public and private sectors to identify the constraints to faster structural transformation, and to design, implement, and monitor policies to remove them.

Economic integration in Africa : the East African community in comparative perspective
ISBN: 1316952150 1316953041 1316953939 1316957497 1316888894 131695482X 1107186269 1316637123 1316946819 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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In this work, Richard E. Mshomba offers an in-depth analysis of economic integration in Africa with a focus on the East African Community (EAC), arguably the most ambitious of all the regional economic blocs currently in existence in Africa. Economic Integration in Africa provides more than just an overview of regional economic blocs in Africa; it also offers a rich historical discussion on the birth and death of the first EAC starting with the onset of colonialism in the 1890s, and a systematic analysis of the birth, growth, and aspirations of the current EAC. Those objectives include forming a monetary union and eventually an East African political federation. This book also examines the African Union's aspirations for continent-wide integration as envisioned by the Abuja Treaty. Mshomba carefully argues that maturity of democracy and good governance in each country are prerequisites for the formation of a viable and sustainable East African federation and genuine continent-wide integration.


Africa --- economic region --- economic growth --- East African Community --- economic integration --- history --- contemporary history --- monetary union --- Federal government --- História --- ιστορία --- storja --- histori --- historie --- historia --- história --- история --- stair --- geschiedenis --- történettudomány --- povijest --- zgodovina --- histoire --- историја --- Geschichtswissenschaft --- storia --- istorija --- ajalugu --- vēsture --- istorie --- Geschichte --- historiografie --- storiografia --- dějiny národů --- historiador --- dějepis --- historická věda --- történelem --- ekonomická integrace --- majandusintegratsioon --- integración económica --- ekonomska integracija --- wirtschaftliche Integration --- lánpháirtíocht eacnamaíoch --- економска интеграција --- ekonominė integracija --- integração económica --- hospodárska integrácia --- gazdasági integráció --- economische integratie --- integrim ekonomik --- integrazione economica --- integrare economică --- økonomisk integration --- integrazzjoni ekonomika --- taloudellinen yhdentyminen --- intégration économique --- ekonomikas integrācija --- integracja gospodarcza --- οικονομική ολοκλήρωση --- икономическа интеграция --- gospodarsko povezovanje --- ekonomisk integration --- економско интегрирање --- sjednocovací postupy --- sjednocovací procesy --- hospodářská integrace --- začlenění do společné ekonomiky --- gospodarska integracija --- Istočnoafrička zajednica --- Ida-Aafrika Ühendus --- Κοινότητα Ανατολικής Αφρικής --- Det Østafrikanske Fællesskab --- Источноафричка заједница --- Comunitatea Africii Orientale --- Communauté d'Afrique de l'Est --- CAO --- Kelet-afrikai Közösség --- Austrumāfrikas Kopiena --- Comunidad del África Oriental --- Oost-Afrikaanse Gemeenschap --- Wspólnota Wschodnioafrykańska --- Východoafrické spoločenstvo --- Comunità dell'Africa orientale --- Il-Komunità ta’ l-Afrika tal-Lvant --- Comunidade da África Oriental --- Östafrikanska gemenskapen --- Komuniteti Afrikano-Lindor --- Источноафриканска заедница --- Ostafrikanische Gemeinschaft --- Itä-Afrikan yhteisö --- Източноафриканска общност --- Vzhodnoafriška skupnost --- Rytų Afrikos bendrija --- Východoafrické společenství --- Comunitatea Africii de Est --- ØAF --- RAB --- Comunitatea Est-Africană --- ÖAG --- ИАЗ --- EAC --- Communauté économique de l'Afrique de l'Est --- KAL --- CAE --- EAC (Východoafrické společenství) --- ЕАЦ --- Comunidad de África del Este --- Communauté est-africaine --- KAA --- ИАО --- Gemeenschap van Oost-Afrika --- EAC (Východoafrické spoločenstvo) --- CEAE --- OAG --- Společenství východní Afriky --- Communauté de l'Afrique orientale --- Wirtschaftswachstum --- ekonomisk tillväxt --- ūkio augimas --- gospodarska rast --- crescimento económico --- taloudellinen kasvu --- wzrost gospodarczy --- hospodářský růst --- majanduskasv --- croissance économique --- tkabbir ekonomiku --- rritje ekonomike --- economische groei --- creștere economică --- crescita economica --- икономически растеж --- привредни раст --- fás eacnamaíoch --- hospodársky rast --- crecimiento económico --- ekonomski rast --- økonomisk vækst --- економски раст --- ekonomikas pieaugums --- οικονομική μεγέθυνση --- gazdasági növekedés --- vækstrate --- zero growth --- miera rastu --- expansiune economică --- prieaugis --- pieauguma temps --- creștere zero --- nulový rast --- boom economico --- нулти раст --- crecimiento cero --- espansione economica --- talouden laajentuminen --- növekedés üteme --- nullkasv --- nulvækst --- kasvuvauhti --- ekonomisk expansion --- οικονομική επέκταση --- nulgroei --- nollakasvu --- nulti rast --- Nullwachstum --- ritmo de crecimiento --- növekedés mértéke --- μηδενική μεγέθυνση --- hospodársky vzostup --- tillväxttakt --- ρυθμός οικονομικής μεγέθυνσης --- kasvumäär --- nulles pieaugums --- míra hospodářského růstu --- nolltillväxt --- taxa de crescimento --- ekonomický růst --- nulinis augimas --- growth rate --- crescita zero --- gospodarski rast --- економска експанзија --- expansão económica --- stopa rasta --- økonomisk ekspansion --- rată de creștere economică --- croissance zéro --- majanduse laienemine --- expansion économique --- tasa de crecimiento --- zgjerim ekonomik --- economische expansie --- ekonomická expanze --- rritje zero --- augimo norma --- taux de croissance --- economic expansion --- nulový růst --- crescimento zero --- Wachstumsrate --- οικονομική αύξηση --- Wirtschaftsexpansion --- tasso di crescita --- zéró növekedés --- стапка на раст --- région économique --- rajon ekonomik --- regiune economică --- ekonomisk region --- икономически регион --- hospodársky región --- economisch gebied --- привредна област --- reġjun ekonomiku --- οικονομική περιφέρεια --- økonomisk region --- gazdasági régió --- Wirtschaftsraum --- ekonominis regionas --- región económica --- region gospodarczy --- ekonomska regija --- regione economica --- talousalue --- hospodářská oblast --- ekonomiskais reģions --- região económica --- gospodarska regija --- majanduspiirkond --- економски регион --- gospodarsko područje --- οικονομική ζώνη --- hospodářské území --- hospodářský prostor --- area economica --- ekonominė sritis --- zona económica --- Wirtschaftszone --- økonomisk zone --- Wirtschaftsregion --- gazdasági térség --- ekonomiskā zona --- fushë ekonomike --- hospodářská zóna --- ekonomiskt område --- økonomisk område --- Wirtschaftsgebiet --- zonë ekonomike --- majandusregioon --- zonă economică --- majandustsoon --- економска зона --- hospodárska oblasť --- zona economica --- ekonominė zona --- espacio económico --- ekonomický region --- ekonomisk zon --- οικονομικός χώρος --- zone économique --- economische zone --- espaço económico --- espace économique --- ekonomiskais apgabals --- economic area --- ekonomické pásmo --- economic zone --- gazdasági övezet --- hospodárska zóna --- стопанска зона --- Aafrika --- Африка --- África --- Afrique --- Afrikka --- Afryka --- Afrika --- Āfrika --- Αφρική --- africké krajiny --- χώρες της Αφρικής --- африкански држави --- africké země --- país da África --- afrikanske lande --- Afrika országai --- African countries --- afrikanska länder --- vendet Afrikane --- país de África --- afričke zemlje --- paesi dell'Africa --- země Afriky --- Afrikas länder --- africké státy --- státy Afriky --- Afrikan maat --- afrikai országok --- Afrikos šalys --- pays africains --- paesi africani --- Aafrika riigid --- pays d'Afrique --- Länder Afrikas --- país africano --- Afrikaanse landen --- țări africane --- Afrikaans land --- afrikanische Länder --- afrikai államok --- αφρικανικές χώρες --- monetārā savienība --- монетарна унија --- monetaire unie --- měnová unie --- unjoni monetarja --- menová únia --- unione monetaria --- bashkim monetar --- rahaliit --- valutaunion --- паричен съюз --- monetær union --- união monetária --- monetáris unió --- union monétaire --- νομισματική ένωση --- rahaunioni --- unia walutowa --- monetarna unija --- aontas airgeadaíochta --- pinigų sąjunga --- uniune monetară --- Währungsunion --- unión monetaria --- unica zona monetaria --- suvremena povijest --- historia contemporánea --- samtidshistoria --- sodobna zgodovina --- Geschichte der Gegenwart --- istorie contemporană --- storia contemporanea --- hedendaagse geschiedenis --- soudobá historie --- nykyhistoria --- súčasné dejiny --- lähiajalugu --- šiuolaikinė istorija --- História Contemporânea --- samtidshistorie --- legújabb kori történelem --- σύγχρονη ιστορία --- histori bashkëkohore --- storja kontemporanja --- съвременна история --- jauno laiku vēsture --- histoire contemporaine --- historia współczesna --- современа историја --- савремена историја --- tegenwoordige tijd --- età contemporanea --- gegenwärtige Epoche --- современа епоха --- историја на новата ера --- nutidshistoria --- historie současnosti --- nykyaika --- σύγχρονη εποχή --- nutidshistorie --- современа ера --- Gegenwartsgeschichte --- σύγχρονα χρόνια --- nutid --- nieuwste geschiedenis --- epoka bashkëkohore --- jelenkor --- Idade Contemporânea --- актуелна историја --- âge contemporain --- contemporary era --- suvremena era --- Edad Contemporánea --- nüüdisaeg --- současná historie --- samtid --- époque contemporaine --- šiuolaikinė era --- Division of powers --- Federal-provincial relations --- Federal-state relations --- Federal systems --- Federalism --- Powers, Division of --- Provincial-federal relations --- State-federal relations --- Political science --- Central-local government relations --- Decentralization in government --- Law and legislation --- East African Community |x History. --- Africa, Eastern --- Africa, East --- Africa, British East --- British East Africa --- East Africa --- Eastern Africa --- Economic integration --- History. --- Economic integration. --- An Afraic --- E.A.C. --- Østafrikanske fellesskap --- Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki --- East African Common Services Organization --- East African Co-operation

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