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"Anthill Economics puts forth an innovative and cross-disciplinary approach, asserting that the laws of nature and physics global economy as they are to animal ecosystems. This clearly written book full of illuminating ecological analogies gives readers an informed and engaging introduction to the cutting-edge field of biophysical economics that seeks to provide a more complete understanding of the global economy"--
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"Globally, nearly 70 billion animals are farmed annually for meat, milk and eggs. Two-thirds of these are farmed intensively. The views held by food companies on animal stewardship, and the management practices and processes that they adopt are, therefore, of critical importance in determining the welfare of these animals.Yet, despite the scale of the food industry's impact, farm animal welfare remains a relatively immature management issue. There is a lack of consensus around the specific responsibilities companies have for farm animal welfare, and around how companies should treat the animals in their or in their suppliers' care.This book, The Business of Farm Animal Welfare, provides an extensive, authoritative analysis of current corporate practice on farm animal welfare. It critically reviews and assesses the ethical and business case for action. Through a series of practitioner case-studies, it describes how companies have addressed farm animal welfare in their operations and supply chains. It analyses the key barriers to companies adopting higher standards of farm animal welfare, and offers a series of practical recommendations to companies, consumers and policy makers on the role that they might play in raising farm animal welfare standards across the food industry. As the first comprehensive account of business and farm animal welfare, this book is an essential resource for researchers, practitioners and general readers looking to understand and influence corporate practice on farm animal welfare."--Provided by publisher.
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Karl Christian Führer examines the origins of modern, high-performance agriculture in West Germany. As he clearly demonstrates, "intensive animal farming" was primarily a response from farmers to the new demands being placed on them by consumers, retail, and processing operations. By looking at the product "meat," he thus presents a fascinating economic and social history of the Federal Republic. Karl Christian Führer untersucht erstmals die Entstehung der modernen, auf Höchstleistungen ausgerichteten Landwirtschaft in Westdeutschland von 1950–1990. Sein Buch beschreibt eingehend, dass die Entwicklung hoch effizienter Produktionsmethoden eine Reaktion der Bauern auf sich stark verändernde Anforderungen war. Gerade bei dem Produkt „Fleisch" vollzogen sich seit den 1950er Jahren ganz grundlegende Wandlungen bei den Konsumenten, im Einzelhandel und bei den Verarbeitungsbetrieben. Die landwirtschaftliche Produktion musste sich, um auf die neue Nachfrage reagieren zu können, massiv verändern. Die so entstehende „intensive" Tierhaltung, die von Nicht-Landwirten und auch von einem kleinen Teil der Bauern schon frühzeitig scharf kritisiert wurde, entsprang weder landwirtschaftlicher Initiative noch diente sie der „Profitmaxierung" der Tiermäster (wie die Kritiker vielfach meinten). Als Ursprung und als zentraler Motor des Wandels lassen sich vielmehr die Entscheidungen der Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten beim Einkauf ihrer Lebensmittel identifizieren. Eine aufschlussreiche Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftsgeschichte der Bundesrepublik.
Consumerism. --- animal breeding. --- animal husbandry. --- retail.
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Als u een medicijn van de huisarts krijgt voorgeschreven dan is het vrijwel zeker dat u een product gaat gebruiken waarvoor dierproeven zijn gedaan. Dat geldt ook voor veel andere producten waaraan stoffen zijn toegevoegd ter conservering, smaakverbetering, kleuring of bevordering van de gezondheid. Het is voor de hedendaagse consument haast onmogelijk om producten of therapieën waaraan dierproeven ten grondslag liggen, te vermijden. De vraag of deze doeleinden dierproeven voldoende rechtvaardigen moet door zogenaamde ethische commissies, zoals een dierexperimentencommissie, worden beantwoordt. In dit boek wordt ingegaan op de ethische aspecten van die afweging. Welke ethische theorieën zijn hierbij bruikbaar, wat is ongerief en hoe weeg je dat af tegen menselijke belangen? Ook de rol van de institutionele omgeving wordt aan de orde gesteld evenals de vraag of de afweging van dierproeven wel aan deze commissie moet worden overgelaten of dat overlaten of kan de samenleving een grotere rol zou moeten spelen dan nu het geval is. De vraag of een dierproef voldoende wordt gerechtvaardigd is wat sommigen wel ongestructureerde problemen noemen. Problemen waarbij onzekerheid, verschillende levensbeschouwingen en belangen eenvoudige en eenduidige antwoorden niet makkelijk of zelfs onmogelijk maken. In dit derde boek in de serie Dierproeven wordt door ethici, wetenschaponderzoekers, onderzoekers, proefdierdeskundigen, en medici op deze vraagstukken ingegaan. Tezamen trachten zij een beeld te schetsen van de afweging van dierproeven voor een breder publiek dan alleen de direct betrokkenen. (Bron: covertekst)
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The book 'Leadership ohne Leine' by Melanie Ebert explores the concept of leadership through the lens of human-canine relationships. Drawing parallels between dog training and leadership, the author emphasizes the importance of empathy, communication, and trust in effective leadership. Ebert, an expert in leadership and canine-assisted learning, advocates for a leadership style that values collaboration over competition and promotes a healthy work-life balance. The book is intended for leaders, managers, and anyone interested in personal development, providing insights into how lessons learned from dogs can be applied to human leadership. It encourages readers to adopt a more empathetic and mindful approach to leadership, fostering an environment where both leaders and their teams can thrive.
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"From a pioneer of the regenerative agriculture movement, a memoir-meets-manifesto on betting the farm on a better future for our food, animals, land, local communities, and our climate. Featured in Food and Country, premiering at Sundance 2023. Raised as a fourth-generation farmer, when Will Harris inherited White Oak Pastures he was a full-time commodity cowboy who played hard and fast with every tool the system offered - chemicals, antibiotics, steroids, and more. His ancestors had built a highly profitable, conventionally-run machine, but over time he found himself disgusted with the excess, cruelty, and smalltown devastation this system entailed. So he bet the farm on forging a different way of doing things. One that works with nature not against it, and bridges the quickly widening delta between consumers and their food. Armed with tenacity, conviction and an outsized tolerance for risk, Harris called his approach "radical traditional" and it made him the pioneer of regenerative agriculture long before the phrase existed. At once an intimate, multi-generational memoir and a microcosm of American agriculture at large, A BOLD RETURN TO GIVING A DAMN offers a pathway back to producing food the right way. At a time when food supply chains are straining, climate-induced catastrophes are playing havoc with harvests, and concern around who owns America's farmland are more prescient than ever, Will Harris urges us to consider where the food we eat really comes from, and to re-connect to the places and people who raise what we eat each day. With keen storytelling, a good dose of irreverence, and an unflinching willingness to speak truth to power, Harris shows us why it's never been more important to know your farmer than now"--
Farms. --- Agriculture. --- Animal welfare.
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It seems an irrefutable truth that raising animals for meat has become unsustainable. Land is being eroded and destroyed, water resources overdrawn, greenhouse gases over-emitted, and energy and crops unnecessarily diverted - all to satiate a growing and inequitable global overconsumption of meat. But is all meat unsustainable? Sustainable food systems are multiple and varied and represent the diversity and complexity we see in the world. Green Meat? teases out some of that complexity in order to consider what roles animals and their products might play in the future as the world works towards new ways of living.
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"In Plantation Worlds, Maan Barua interrogates debates on planetary transformations through the histories and ecologies of plantations. Drawing on long-term research spanning fifteen years, Barua presents a unique ethnography attentive to the lives of both people and elephants amidst tea plantations in the Indian state of Assam. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, nearly three million people were brought in to Assam's plantations to work under conditions of indenture. Plantations dramatically altered the region's landscape, plundered resources, and created fraught worlds for elephants and people. Their extractive logics and colonial legacies prevail as durations, forging the ambit of infrastructures, labor, habitability, and conservation in the present. And yet, as the perspectives of the Adivasi plantation worker community and lifeworlds of elephants show, possibilities for enacting a decolonial imaginary of landscape remain present amid immiseration. From the margins of the global South, Barua offers an alternative grammar for articulating environmental change. In so doing, he prompts a rethinking of multispecies ecologies and how they are structured by colonialism and race"--
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Animal industry. --- Animal products industry --- Livestock industry --- Agricultural industries
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Wildlife conservation. --- Wildlife management. --- Animal ecology.
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