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The G-20, a pathway to effective multilateralism?
ISBN: 9789291981793 9291981796 Year: 2011 Publisher: Paris Institute for Security Studies

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This Chaillot Paper focuses on the emergence of the G-20 and its role in forging global governance amidst the changing dynamics of multilateralism. In the current international system, it is clear that global problems and crises require global solutions. But concerted global action has often proven difficult to achieve, partly because of the advent of a more complex world order with a multiplicity of stakeholders. The birth of the G-20 is therefore a significant development in world politics. It reflects the emergence of new powerful states and a multipolar order as well as the recognition of increasing interdependence among the key actors. The paper explores three key dimensions of the G-20: its origins and development, its role with respect to the development of multilateralism and the way in which both old and new key actors engage with this new forum. It also emphasises how the G-20 is clearly of central importance for the EU's aim to build an international order based on effective multilateralism.

Booze, cigarettes, and constitutional dust-ups : Canada's quest for interprovincial free trade
ISBN: 0228015480 0228015499 Year: 2022 Publisher: Montreal, Quebec : McGill-Queen's University Press,

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In 2012, after Gerard Comeau had driven to Quebec to purchase cheaper beer and crossed back into New Brunswick, police officers tailed and detained him, confiscated his haul, and levied a fine. With Comeau's story as his starting point, Ryan Manucha tells the fascinating tale of Canadian interprovincial trade.

Commitments and flexibilities in the WTO agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures : an economically informed analysis
ISBN: 1108565158 110864709X 1108474322 1108699901 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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The ability of countries to promote and protect their domestic industries in the face of stiff global competition is an important consideration in any trading agreement. Member states of the World Trade Organization are expected to adhere to the WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, but to what extent do the WTO Members have policy space to subsidize their industries? Using an economically informed framework, Caiado examines the flexibilities countries may find at the WTO to grant subsidies and impose tariffs to protect designated industries. By testing the Treaty system of entitlements and enforcement mechanisms against the theory of incomplete contract, this work offers a comprehensive analysis of the capacity of the SCM Agreement to achieve its goal: the concomitant regulation of opportunistic behavior and assurance of ex post flexibility.

Narrowing the Channel : The Politics of Regulatory Protection in International Trade
ISBN: 022666953X 9780226669229 022666922X 9780226669366 022666936X Year: 2020 Publisher: Chicago : University of Chicago Press,

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While large, multinational corporations have supported the removal of tariffs, behind the scenes these firms have fought for protection in the form of product regulations, including testing, labeling, and registration requirements. Unlike tariffs, these regulations can raise fixed costs, excluding smaller firms from the market and shifting profits toward global giants. Narrowing the Channel demonstrates that globalization and globalized firms can paradoxically hinder rather than foster economic cooperation as larger firms seek to protect their markets through often unnecessarily strict product regulations. To illustrate the problem of regulatory protectionism, Robert Gulotty offers an in-depth analysis of contemporary rulemaking in the United States and the European Union in the areas of health, safety, and environmental standards. He shows how large firms seek regulatory schemes that disproportionately disadvantage small firms. When multinationals are embedded in the local economy, governments too have an incentive to use these regulations to shift profits back home. Today, the key challenge to governing global trade is not how much trade occurs but who is allowed to participate, and this book shows that new rules will be needed to allow governments to widen the benefits of global commerce and avoid further inequality and market concentration.

L'organisation mondiale du commerce et l'évolution du droit international public
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782802762027 2802762028 Year: 2020 Publisher: Bruylant

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La mondialisation a progressivement vide la souverainete de sa substance, plongeant l'Etat dans une profonde crise d?identite. Parallelement, on assiste a la montee en puissance de concurrents de l?Etat, revendiquant, au nom de la gouvernance, la levee de sa mainmise sur un droit international public dont les paradigmes sont en pleine evolution. D'un droit jadis centre sur l'Etat, il se transforme progressivement en un droit commun ? de la mondialisation. Premiere organisation internationale a vocation universelle creee apres la fin de la Guerre froide, l?Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC), dotee d?un mecanisme de reglement des differends inedit, est venue bousculer la configuration de la matrice institutionnelle internationale, articulee autour de l?Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU). Si le droit de l?OMC est un exemple phare des avancees qui sont possibles quand les Etats acceptent de se plier aux regles du multilateralisme, l?enthousiasme des premieres annees a desormais fait place aux realites politiques d?un monde marque par le retour de reflexes unilateralistes. Les grilles de lecture convenues ne permettent plus de saisir l?evolution d?un droit international qui oscille entre des poles contradictoires. La comprehension des changements induits par la mondialisation exige une approche holistique du droit et de la gouvernance. Dans un tel contexte, l?OMC se presente comme un point de repere ideal.


International law --- World Trade Organization --- Commerce international --- Droit international. --- Organisations internationales. --- Réglementation. --- Organisation mondiale du commerce. --- International trade --- Foreign trade regulation --- International economic relations --- Commerce extérieur --- Relations économiques internationales --- Droit international --- Réglementation --- World Trade Organization. --- STRADALEX --- BPB2011 --- Organisation mondiale du commerce --- droit international public --- Δίκαιο των εθνών --- dlí idirnáisiúnta --- право на самоопределување на народите --- viešoji tarptautinė teisė --- diritto delle genti --- Völkergewohnheitsrecht --- меѓународна заедница --- суверена еднаквост на државите --- меѓународен правен поредок --- überstaatliches Recht --- volkenrecht --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare publike --- Völkerrecht --- međunarodno javno pravo --- mednarodno javno pravo --- dlí idirnáisiúnta poiblí --- folkeret --- Derecho internacional público --- международно публично право --- direito internacional público --- internationaal publiekrecht --- public international law --- diritto internazionale pubblico --- folkrätt --- rahvusvaheline avalik õigus --- międzynarodowe prawo publiczne --- δημόσιο διεθνές δίκαιο --- tarptautinė viešoji teisė --- dritt internazzjonali pubbliku --- starptautiskās publiskās tiesības --- mezinárodní právo veřejné --- меѓународно јавно право --- nemzetközi közjog --- drept internațional public --- medzinárodné verejné právo --- kansainvälinen julkisoikeus --- међународно јавно право --- EDT --- STO --- OBT --- PTO (starptautiskā tirdzniecība) --- СТО --- WTO (l-Organizzazzjoni Dinjija tal-Kummerċ) --- Wereld-handelsorganisatie --- OMC --- Světová organizace obchodu --- WTO --- PPO --- ΠΟΕ --- Παγκόσμιος Οργανισμός Εμπορίου --- Wereldhandelsorganisatie --- Welthandelsorganisation --- Organizația Mondială a Comerțului --- Maailma Kaubandusorganisatsioon --- Organizata Botërore e Tregëtisë --- Organizzazione mondiale del commercio --- Światowa Organizacja Handlu --- Светска трговинска организација --- Organización Mundial del Comercio --- Kereskedelmi Világszervezet --- Pasaulio prekybos organizacija --- Verdenshandelsorganisationen --- Světová obchodní organizace --- Svjetska trgovinska organizacija --- Световна търговска организация --- Organização Mundial do Comércio --- Pasaules Tirdzniecības organizācija --- l-OrganizzazzjoniDinjija tal-Kummerċ --- Светска трговска организација --- Världshandelsorganisationen --- World Trade Organisation --- An Eagraíocht Dhomhanda Trádála --- Maailman kauppajärjestö --- Svetová obchodná organizácia --- Svetovna trgovinska organizacija

Transparency in the WTO SPS and TBT agreements : the real jewel in the WTO's crown
ISBN: 1108805841 1108762948 1108800130 1108486452 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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Transparency of trade regulations by all WTO Members is essential for open, fair and predictable trade relations. A myriad of different regulations apply in all WTO Members and have the potential for affecting international trade. The Agreements on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures and on Technical Barriers to Trade provide the most comprehensive frameworks in the WTO to address the costs arising from such regulatory diversity, through obligations on regulatory transparency and co-operation. This book gives a detailed account of the legal disciplines of the two Agreements, an in-depth presentation of discussions between WTO Members, and an overview of the few cases that end up in formal dispute settlement. It shows that the strength of the WTO legal and institutional system goes well beyond its dispute settlement system, with transparency enabling implementation of WTO obligations through better information sharing and co-operation among Members themselves, through non-judicial means.

Valeurs non marchandes et droit de l'OMC
ISSN: 13792512 ISBN: 9782802742043 2802742043 280274268X Year: 2013 Volume: 27 Publisher: Bruylant

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L'OMC exerce son influence dans un univers au sein duquel se côtoient des modes de pensées et des échelles de valeurs hétérogènes. Ses règles multilatéralement agréées se heurtent à l'expression de valeurs non marchandes aussi nombreuses que variées. Il en résulte une tension qui menace la poursuite des processus d'intégration des économies.L'ouvrage met en évidence les forces et les faiblesses des divers mécanismes d'articulation des valeurs non marchandes avec les engagements commerciaux des Membres de l'OMC.Ces mécanismes concernent les dispositions relatives aux exceptions générales, don


Commercial law. Economic law (general) --- Law of international organizations --- Social values --- Sociale waarden --- Valeurs sociales --- Foreign trade regulation --- Nonprofit organizations --- International economic relations --- Social rights --- Culture and law --- Commerce extérieur --- Associations sans but lucratif --- Relations économiques internationales --- Droits économiques et sociaux --- Culture et droit --- Law and legislation --- Réglementation --- Droit --- World Trade Organization --- Droit commercial (droit international) --- Organisation mondiale du commerce --- BPB1403 --- Secteur non marchand --- Wereldhandelsorganisatie --- Non-profitsector --- E-books --- Commerce extérieur --- Relations économiques internationales --- Droits économiques et sociaux --- Réglementation --- EPUB-ALPHA-V EPUB-LIV-FT LIVDROIT STRADA-B --- Conflict of laws --- Commercial law --- Valeurs sociales. --- nem kereskedelmi ágazat --- non-commercial sector --- sector noncomercial --- voittoa tuottamaton ala --- некомерцијален сектор --- nonprofitsektor --- nekomerčný sektor --- negospodarski sektor --- sektor jo komercial --- некомерцијални сектор --- nekomerciāla nozare --- settore non commerciale --- μη εμπορικός τομέας --- setor não comercial --- non-profitsector --- nevýdělečný sektor --- sektor nierynkowy --- mittetulundussektor --- нестопански сектор --- netrgovinski sektor --- settur nonkummerċjali --- sector no comercial --- Nichtmarktsektor --- nekomercinis sektorius --- icke-vinstdrivande sektor --- nekomerční sféra --- sector não comercial --- nekomerční sektor --- non-profit-sektor --- непрофитен сектор --- nevýdělečná sféra --- neziskový sektor --- niet-commerciële sector --- Παγκόσμιος Οργανισμός Εμπορίου --- Welthandelsorganisation --- Organizația Mondială a Comerțului --- Maailma Kaubandusorganisatsioon --- Organizata Botërore e Tregëtisë --- Organizzazione mondiale del commercio --- Światowa Organizacja Handlu --- Светска трговинска организација --- Organización Mundial del Comercio --- Kereskedelmi Világszervezet --- Pasaulio prekybos organizacija --- Verdenshandelsorganisationen --- Světová obchodní organizace --- Svjetska trgovinska organizacija --- Eagraíocht Dhomhanda Trádála --- Световна търговска организация --- Organização Mundial do Comércio --- Pasaules Tirdzniecības organizācija --- l-OrganizzazzjoniDinjija tal-Kummerċ --- Светска трговска организација --- Världshandelsorganisationen --- World Trade Organisation --- Maailman kauppajärjestö --- Svetová obchodná organizácia --- Svetovna trgovinska organizacija --- EDT --- STO --- OBT --- PTO (starptautiskā tirdzniecība) --- СТО --- WTO (l-Organizzazzjoni Dinjija tal-Kummerċ) --- Wereld-handelsorganisatie --- OMC --- Světová organizace obchodu --- WTO --- PPO --- ΠΟΕ --- World Trade Organization. --- earnáil neamhthráchtála --- An Eagraíocht Dhomhanda Trádála

L'Union européenne et la juridictionnalisation du système de règlement des différends de l'OMC
Authors: ---
ISSN: 17827841 ISBN: 9782802739777 2802739778 Year: 2015 Volume: 43 Publisher: Bruxelles Bruylant

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Cet ouvrage étudie la réaction d’un acteur majeur de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) à l’évolution du mécanisme de règlement des différends de cette organisation. L’Union européenne est l’un des participants les plus actifs au système de règlement des différends de l’OMC. Celui-ci n’a cessé, depuis ses quinze années de fonctionnement, de se juridictionnaliser au point d’être considéré aujourd’hui comme l’une des manifestations les plus emblématiques de la juridictionnalisation du droit international contemporain.Se pose dès lors la question de la contribution et de l’adaptation de l’Union européenne à cette évolution. La thèse tend à démontrer que l’Union européenne, dont l’attitude est guidée par la défense et la promotion de ses intérêts, a parfaitement pris la mesure de la juridictionnalisation du mécanisme de règlement des différends de l’OMC. Son système décisionnel a ainsi surmonté ses propres pesanteurs et fait preuve d’efficacité pour relever le défi de la participation à l’activité contentieuse de l’OMC. Parallèlement, l’Union sait aussi préserver l’autonomie de son ordre juridique en dépit des contraintes normatives renforcées qui dérivent de la juridictionnalisation. L’Union adapte enfin sa stratégie contentieuse aux évolutions et à la nature nouvelle du système, en tirant partie du phénomène de juridictionnalisation, tout en sachant en exploiter les limites.Cet ouvrage s’adresse aux praticiens en droit du commerce international ainsi qu’aux professeurs, chercheurs et universitaires


Law of civil procedure --- Economic law --- World Trade Organization --- European Union --- E-books --- Droit international économique. --- Politique agricole --- Judiciarisation. --- Règlement de conflits. --- Organisation mondiale du commerce --- Pays de l'Union européenne --- Relations extérieures --- BPB1508 --- Règlement des différends --- Παγκόσμιος Οργανισμός Εμπορίου --- Wereldhandelsorganisatie --- Welthandelsorganisation --- Organizația Mondială a Comerțului --- Maailma Kaubandusorganisatsioon --- Organizata Botërore e Tregëtisë --- Organizzazione mondiale del commercio --- Światowa Organizacja Handlu --- Светска трговинска организација --- Organización Mundial del Comercio --- Kereskedelmi Világszervezet --- Pasaulio prekybos organizacija --- Verdenshandelsorganisationen --- Světová obchodní organizace --- Svjetska trgovinska organizacija --- Eagraíocht Dhomhanda Trádála --- Световна търговска организация --- Organização Mundial do Comércio --- Pasaules Tirdzniecības organizācija --- l-OrganizzazzjoniDinjija tal-Kummerċ --- Светска трговска организација --- Världshandelsorganisationen --- World Trade Organisation --- Maailman kauppajärjestö --- Svetová obchodná organizácia --- Svetovna trgovinska organizacija --- EDT --- STO --- OBT --- PTO (starptautiskā tirdzniecība) --- СТО --- WTO (l-Organizzazzjoni Dinjija tal-Kummerċ) --- Wereld-handelsorganisatie --- OMC --- Světová organizace obchodu --- WTO --- PPO --- ΠΟΕ --- riżoluzzjoni ta' tilwimiet --- διευθέτηση των διαφορών --- domstarpību izšķiršana --- решавање спорова --- riitojen ratkaiseminen --- regulowanie sporów --- composizione delle controversie --- settlement of disputes --- zgjidhje e mosmarrëveshjeve --- solución de conflictos --- ginčų sprendimas --- Beilegung der Streitigkeiten --- vaidluste lahendamine --- beslechting van geschillen --- řešení sporů --- bilæggelse af tvister --- reševanje sporov --- vitarendezés --- urovnávanie sporov --- решавање спорови --- soluționarea conflictelor --- rješavanje sporova --- tvistlösning --- уреждане на спорове --- resolução de diferendos --- διευθέτηση διενέξεων --- dispute settlement --- уреждане на конфликти --- arreglo de controversias --- konflikta atrisināšana --- soluzione dei conflitti --- mirovna pogajanja --- negocieri de pace --- reglementarea conflictelor --- mírová jednání --- selkkausten ratkaiseminen --- conflict resolution --- résolution des conflits --- resolução de conflitos --- konfliktlösning --- решавање спорови по вонсудски пат --- мировни преговори --- risoluzione delle controversie --- мирни преговори --- reševanje konfliktov --- mirovni pregovori --- vredesonderhandeling --- konfliktide lahendamine --- rešitev sporov --- konfliktbilæggelse --- fredsförhandlingar --- rozstrzyganie sporów --- miera sarunas --- tvistbilæggelse --- riżoluzzjoni ta' kunflitti --- mírové řešení sporů --- peace negotiations --- risoluzione dei conflitti --- resolución de litigios --- urovnávanie konfliktov --- Lösung der Konflikte --- разрешаване на конфликти --- решавање спорови по судски пат --- mírové urovnání sporů --- rahuläbirääkimised --- reglementarea diferendelor --- conflict settlement --- urovnání sporů --- negocjacje pokojowe --- решавање конфликти --- oplossing van conflicten --- mierové rokovania --- Friedensverhandlung --- negoziato di pace --- Beilegung der Konflikte --- rauhanneuvottelut --- konfliktusrendezés --- konfliktuskezelés --- konflikta izlīdzināšana --- béketárgyalások --- negozjati ta' paċi --- negociação de paz --- negociación de paz --- erimielisyyksien ratkaiseminen --- konfliktų sprendimas --- règlement des conflits --- taikos derybos --- επίλυση διαμάχης --- riešenie konfliktov --- ειρηνευτικές διαπραγματεύσεις --- zgjidhje e mosmarrëveshjes --- negociata për paqe --- fredsforhandling --- rozwiązywanie konfliktów --- zgjidhje e konfliktit --- négociation de paix --- European Union countries --- Union européenne --- Foreign economic relations --- Courts --- Judicial power --- International economic relations --- Jurisdiction --- International commercial arbitration --- Juridiction --- Arbitrage commercial international --- Relations économiques internationales --- Droit international économique --- European Union. --- Pays de l'Union européenne --- Relations économiques extérieures --- EPUB-ALPHA-U EPUB-LIV-FT LIVDROIT STRADA-B --- World Trade Organization. --- An Eagraíocht Dhomhanda Trádála --- réiteach díospóidí --- Règlement des différends --- Droit international économique. --- Règlement de conflits. --- Relations extérieures --- Organisation mondiale du commerce -- Pays de l'Union européenne --- Droit commercial (droit international) --- Judiciarisation --- Droit international et droit interne -- Pays de l'Union européenne

The WTO and the new generation EU FTA dispute settlement mechanisms : interacting in a fragmented and changing international trade law regime
ISBN: 3030831183 3030831175 9783030831189 9783030831202 9783030831172 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

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Free trade --- Foreign trade regulation --- World Trade Organisation. --- trade agreement (EU) --- international commercial arbitration. --- Παγκόσμιος Οργανισμός Εμπορίου --- Wereldhandelsorganisatie --- Welthandelsorganisation --- Organizația Mondială a Comerțului --- Maailma Kaubandusorganisatsioon --- Organisation mondiale du commerce --- Organizata Botërore e Tregëtisë --- Organizzazione mondiale del commercio --- Światowa Organizacja Handlu --- Светска трговинска организација --- Organización Mundial del Comercio --- Kereskedelmi Világszervezet --- Pasaulio prekybos organizacija --- Verdenshandelsorganisationen --- Světová obchodní organizace --- Svjetska trgovinska organizacija --- Световна търговска организация --- Organização Mundial do Comércio --- Pasaules Tirdzniecības organizācija --- l-OrganizzazzjoniDinjija tal-Kummerċ --- Светска трговска организација --- Världshandelsorganisationen --- An Eagraíocht Dhomhanda Trádála --- Maailman kauppajärjestö --- Svetová obchodná organizácia --- Svetovna trgovinska organizacija --- EDT --- STO --- OBT --- PTO (starptautiskā tirdzniecība) --- СТО --- WTO (l-Organizzazzjoni Dinjija tal-Kummerċ) --- Wereld-handelsorganisatie --- OMC --- Světová organizace obchodu --- World Trade Organization --- WTO --- PPO --- ΠΟΕ --- starptautiskā tirdzniecības arbitrāža --- eadráin tráchtála idirnáisiúnta --- меѓународна трговска арбитража --- internationale Handelschiedsgerichtsbarkeit --- mednarodna trgovinska arbitraža --- διεθνής εμπορική διαιτησία --- arbitrazh tregtar ndërkombëtar --- arbitraj comercial internațional --- kansainvälinen kaupan välitysmenettely --- подсъдност на международен търговски съд --- rahvusvaheline kaubanduslik vahekohtumenetlus --- internationale arbitrage in handelsgeschillen --- međunarodna trgovačka arbitraža --- nemzetközi kereskedelmi választottbíráskodás --- arbitrage commercial international --- arbitragem comercial internacional --- arbitraje comercial internacional --- międzynarodowy arbitraż handlowy --- arbitrato commerciale internazionale --- international handelsvoldgift --- medzinárodná obchodná arbitráž --- mezinárodní obchodní arbitráž --- internationellt skiljedomsförfarande i handelstvister --- arbitraġġ kummerċjali internazzjonali --- међународна трговинска арбитража --- tarptautinis komercinis arbitražas --- mezinárodní obchodní smírčí řízení --- mezinárodní obchodní rozhodčí řízení --- handelsovereenkomst (EU) --- handelsavtal (EU) --- трговска спогодба (ЕУ) --- kauppasopimus (EU) --- kereskedelmi megállapodás (EU) --- dohoda o obchode (EÚ) --- accord commercial (UE) --- comhaontú trádála (AE) --- εμπορική συμφωνία (ΕE) --- Handelsabkommen (EU) --- acuerdo comercial (UE) --- kaubanduskokkulepe (EL) --- acordo comercial (UE) --- ftehim kummerċjali (UE) --- trgovinski sporazum (EU) --- трговински споразум ЕУ --- acord comercial (UE) --- tirdzniecības nolīgums (ES) --- sporazum EU-a o trgovini --- obchodní dohoda (EU) --- marrëveshje tregtare (BE) --- accordo commerciale (UE) --- EU-handelsaftale --- търговско споразумение (ЕС) --- umowa handlowa (UE) --- prekybos susitarimas (ES) --- trgovinski sporazum ES --- EG-Handelsabkommen --- трговински споразум ЕЗ --- accord commercial (CE) --- obchodná dohoda (EÚ) --- търговски договор на ЕО --- handelsavtal (EG) --- трговски договор на ЕЗ --- acuerdo comercial CE --- εμπορική συμφωνία ΕΚ --- acorduri comerciale Comunitatea Europeană --- EB prekybos susitarimas --- obchodní smlouva ES --- accordo commerciale CE --- EG-handelsakkoord --- sporazum Europske unije o trgovini --- obchodná dohoda ES --- договор на ЕЗ за трговија --- EF-handelsaftale --- EC trade agreement --- umowa handlowa WE --- спогодба на ЕЗ за трговија --- EY:n tekemä kauppasopimus --- трговска спогодба на ЕЗ --- EK tirdzniecības nolīgums --- EÜ kaubanduskokkulepe --- EK kereskedelmi megállapodás --- acordo comercial CE --- trgovinski sporazum Europske unije --- sporazum EZ-a o trgovini

Assessing the World Trade Organization
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781107193222 9781108147644 9781316643990 1107193222 110814957X 1108148921 1108148794 1108148018 1108149057 1108149707 1108149189 110814764X 1316643999 9781108149181 9781108149709 9781108149570 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press

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The World Trade Organization (WTO) recently celebrated twenty years of existence. The general wisdom is that its dispute settlement institutions work well and its negotiation machinery goes through a phase of prolonged crises. Assessing the World Trade Organization overcomes this myopic view and takes stock of the WTO's achievements whilst going beyond existing disciplinary narratives. With chapters written by scholars who have closely observed the development of the WTO in recent years, this book presents the state of the art in thinking about WTO performance. It also considers important issues such as the origins of the multilateral system, the accession process and the WTO's interaction with other international organisations. The contributions shed new light on untold stories, critically review and present existing scholarship, and sketch new research avenues for a future generation of trade scholars. This book will appeal to a wide audience that aims to better understand the drivers and obstacles of WTO performance.

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