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Bringing together the ideas of many philosophers, this book aims to give a coherent synthesis of ideas about change and aims to see how one can take a process view of various features of humanity, such as knowledge, relations between people, language and morality, and how, vice versa, that might contribute to process philosophy. Beginning with evolution and moving on to consider knowledge in its dynamic aspect of learning, the book takes a process view of the individual and society.
Generalised Darwinism is discussed not only in terms of biology but also in economics, organisation, language and science in terms of interactors and replicators. The key processes of variety generation, selection and transmission are fundamentally different from those in biology. Therefore, a theory of knowledge and its change is presented that in some ways is similar to evolution but also different in important ways. The discussion explains and applies the notions of entropy and organisational focus. Recognising that absolute, objective truth is problematic, it discusses the notion of warranted assertion. The notions of sense and reference are discussed in an explanation of meaning, and the notions of order and variety in terms of langue and parole, and the role of parole in poetry. The change of meaning is further developed in terms of the hermeneutic circle to deal with order and change of meaning.
Ethics and morality are explored by how the individual constructs their identity and develops in their tension between authenticity and conformity in society. Aristotle's multiple causality of action is employed to discuss power and sources of dependence and ways to deal with them. Networks as a source of identity and the decentralisation of governance to communities are discussed along with the notion of restorative justice.
Process philosophy. --- Change --- Philosophy
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Des conseils pratiques pour venir à bout de l'injustice en entreprise afin de mieux comprendre les dynamiques liées au bien-être en entreprise.Précarité, inégalités, manque de reconnaissance, favoritisme. . . l'injustice et la perception d'injustice est présente à tous les niveaux de l'entreprise et peut toucher les ouvriers, mais aussi les cadres ou les dirigeants. Et le sentiment qu'elle induit impacte l'entreprise de manière globale puisqu'il a des conséquences sur le bien-être, l'engagement et la performance des collaborateurs. Placer la justice organisationnelle au cœur de sa gestion est donc primordial pour toute entreprise ! Comment identifier le sentiment d'injustice ? Comment l'anticiper ? Comment devenir une organisation ou un manager juste ? Comment générer un sentiment de justice ? Dans Le sentiment d'injustice en entreprise, les auteurs analysent les conséquences de ce sentiment dans les comportements humains. Faisant appel à des courants de recherche aussi variés que la biologie et la psychologie sociale, ils démontrent que les sentiments de justice et d'injustice sont intrinsèquement liés à l'engagement et la performance. Ils proposent une grille d'analyse, étayée de conseils concrets et de fiches pratiques, qui accompagne chaque entreprise vers un nouveau modèle plus juste et plus équitable. Les clés pour une vision de management bénéfique à chaque acteur de l'entreprise !À PROPOS DES AUTEURSJean-François Bertholet est enseignant à HEC Montréal, conférencier, intervenant à l'APM et consultant auprès des entreprises en développement du leadership et diagnostic du climat de travail. Marie-Claude Gaudet est professeure à HEC Montréal et experte en leadership et justice des organisations. Enfin, Christopher Robert est coach et spécialisé dans la gestion de crise en entreprise.
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Emergence (Philosophy) --- Science --- Philosophy.
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"A philosophical consideration of Soviet Socialism that reveals the hidden desire for capitalism in contemporary anticapitalist discourse and theory"--
Socialism --- Capitalism --- Philosophy --- Philosophy.
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"The Platonic tradition affords extraordinary resources for thinking about the meaning and value of work. In this historical survey of the tradition, Jeff Hanson draws on the work of its major thinkers to explain why our contemporary vocabulary for appraising labor and its rewards is too narrow and cramped. By tracing out the Platonic lineage of work Hanson is able to argue why we should be explaining its value for appraising it as an element of a happy and flourishing human life, quite apart from its financial rewards. Beginning with Plato's extensive thinking about work's relationship to wisdom, Hanson covers the singularly powerful arguments of Augustine, who wrote the ancient world's only treatise dedicated to the topic of manual labor. He discusses Hugh of St. Victor' Didascalicon , the first text to enshrine the mechanical arts as having a place in an overall scheme of wisdom and provides a study of work in the Renaissance, a frequently overlooked but fascinating era. Alongside Martin Luther, who, finally made of work a fully mundane reality while still encircling that world with a theological horizon, Hanson discusses Ruskin and Weil: two thinkers profoundly disturbed by the conditions of the working class in the rapidly industrializing economies of Europe. For Plato and his inheritors. successful and satisfying work must be situated in a just and harmonious social order. This original study of their ideas provides practical suggestions of how to approach work in a socially responsible manner in the 21st century and reveals the benefits of linking work and morality."--
Ancient philosophy --- Work --- Philosophy.
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This book is a curated collection of over 800 quotes from various thinkers and philosophers, focusing on themes of strategy, decision-making, success, and human behavior. It is designed to provide insights and provoke thought on these subjects. The purpose of the book is to offer readers a resource for reflection and inspiration in both personal and professional contexts. With contributions from renowned figures like Cicero, Nietzsche, Kant, and others, it targets readers interested in philosophy, business strategy, and personal development. The quotes are organized thematically, allowing for easy navigation and exploration of ideas.
Quotations. --- Philosophy. --- Quotations --- Philosophy
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Die Erzeugung, Verknüpfung und Auswertung von großen Datenmengen (oft als „Big Data“ bezeichnet) gewinnt in nahezu allen Lebensbereichen rasant an Bedeutung. Mit dieser Entwicklung sind Fragen von erheblicher gesellschaftlicher Relevanz verbunden. Die Diskussionen über eine neue Balance zwischen der Ausschöpfung von Innovationspotentialen einerseits und der Realisierung individueller und gesellschaftlicher Werte andererseits haben erst begonnen. Der Band nähert sich denen mit Big Data verbundenen gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen aus einer multidisziplinären Perspektive. Der Inhalt Ethische und anthropologische Aspekte der Anwendung von Big-Data-Technologien.- Big Data in soziologischer Perspektive.- Dimensionen von Big Data: Eine politikwissenschaftliche Systematisierung.- Big Data: Eine informationsrechtliche Annäherung.- Big Data aus ökonomischer Sicht: Potenziale und Handlungsbedarf Die Zielgruppen Wissenschaftler Praktiker in den entsprechenden Berufsfeldern Politische Entscheidungsträger Die Herausgeber Dr. Barbara Kolany-Raiser ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Informations-, Telekommunikations- und Medienrecht (ITM) der Universität Münster. Reinhard Heil ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS) des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie. Dr. Carsten Orwat ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS) des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie. Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren, Direktor des Instituts für Informations-, Telekommunikations- und Medienrecht (ITM), ist Professor für Bürgerliches Recht, Wirtschaftsrecht, Zivilverfahrensrecht und Rechtsinformatik an der Universität Münster und ehemaliger Richter des Oberlandesgerichts Düsseldorf.
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Economists do more than merely describe an external economic world. They shape it in the image of their theories and models. This idea, following the philosophy of language, puts forward that economic theories are performative, and not only descriptive. This idea has become a powerful critique of the scientificity of economics since it removes the idea of an external world against which our description could be evaluated as truth. If any theory can become true, there are no true theories per se because there is no such thing as a pre-existing economy to describe. Is such a relativist stance a fatality? This is the question at stake in this book. Furthermore, the author asks if any theory is able to ‘perform’ the social reality, or are there actually some limits to performativity? For philosophers, a performative statement is a statement that cannot fail to mean something, but can fail to do what it calls for. The state of the world may or may not be changed; the performative statement may be happy or unhappy. In economic terms, this can be interpreted as: some theories change the world while some do not. This book argues that this possibility of failure, a perspective previously missing from discussions on the subject, should be at the heart of any definition of failure.Taking on the question of why some theories change the world while others do not, this volume will be of interest to those studying advances courses on the philosophy of economics as well as those studying and researching in the areas of the philosophy of sciences and sociology of science and economics.
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Das Handbuch bietet einen Überblick über die technischen, historischen, sozialen, medialen, kulturwissenschaftlichen und technikphilosophischen Dimensionen verschiedener Typen von Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion sowie über deren ethische Implikationen. Dabei werden zum einen wissenshistorische Analysen der Diskurse in Philosophie, Literatur und Technik sowie ihrer medialen, apparativen und literalen Praktiken von ca. 1870 bis in die Gegenwart verfolgt (Historischer Teil). Zum anderen wird das komplexe Verhältnis von Menschen und Maschinen anhand von zentralen Begriffs- und Problemfeldern dargestellt und kritisch befragt (Systematischer Teil).
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