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"Call center employees once blended skill and emotional intelligence to solve customer problems while the workplace itself encouraged camaraderie and job satisfaction. Ten years after telecom industry deregulation, management had isolated the largely female workforce in cubicles, imposed quotas to sell products, and installed surveillance systems that tracked every call and keystroke. Debbie J. Goldman explores how call center employees and their union fought for good, humane jobs in the face of degraded working conditions and lowered wages. As the workforce coalesced to resist the changes, it demanded the Communications Workers of America (CWA) fight for safe and secure good-paying jobs. But trends in technology, capitalism, and corporate governance-combined with the decline of unions-narrowed the negotiating options for workers. Goldman describes how the actions of workers, management, and policymakers shaped the social impact of the new digital technologies and gave new form to the telecommunications industry in a time of momentous change"--
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Dial just about any toll-free number and chances are you'll be talking to a Filipino. In fact, around the year 2005, the country overtook India as the world's 'voice capital.' 'Lives on the Line' argues that this has nothing to do with wages or accents. Rather, as Jeffrey J. Sallaz shows, there is a perfect match between offshored call centres and educated young Filipinos. For Filipina women and gay Filipinos in particular, call centres are veritable lifelines, and their lives tell us much about contemporary capitalism and the future of work.
Call center agents --- Labor market --- Philippines --- Social conditions --- Call center agents - Philippines --- Labor market - Philippines --- Philippines - Social conditions - 21st century --- Call centers --- Call center customer service agents --- Call center operators --- Call center representatives --- Customer service agents, Call center --- Operators, Call center --- Representatives, Call center --- Employees --- Telephone stations --- Commonwealth of the Philippines --- Feilübin --- Filipinas --- Filippine --- Filippiny --- Firipin --- Philippine Islands --- Pilipinas --- Pʻillipʻin --- Republic of the Philippines --- Republika ng Pilipinas --- RP --- Филиппины --- フィリピン --- فلبين --- Filibbīn --- 菲律宾 --- Philippinen
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This text introduces the concept of disciplined agency as a valuable explanatory tool vis-à-vis new forms of labour exploitation in service realms of production and the material and moral insecurities of capitalism under neoliberal governance.
Call centers --- Call center agents --- Agent (Philosophy) --- Neoliberalism --- Capitalism --- Quality of work life --- Social conditions. --- Portugal. --- agency. --- call centres. --- dispossession. --- embeddedness. --- generation. --- morality. --- neoliberalism. --- precarity. --- value.
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Katja Lohmann entwickelt Wirkungsmodelle, die den Einfluss von Smileys auf die Emotionen der Kunden in den neuen Servicekanälen der computervermittelten Kommunikation und der Self-Service Technologies vor dem Hintergrund des Prozesses der emotionalen Ansteckung betrachten. Mit Hilfe von zwei experimentellen Untersuchungen werden die theoretischen Annahmen geprüft und die Bedeutung emotionaler Ersatzinformationen wie der Smileys für die technologiebasierten Serviceinteraktionen aufgezeigt. Die Arbeit leistet somit einen Beitrag zur Fragestellung, wie Unternehmen in Zeiten der Digitalisierung ihre Kunden weiterhin sozial und emotional ansprechen und damit die menschliche Wärme im Kundenkontakt aufrechterhalten können. Der Inhalt Serviceinteraktionen als Berührungspunkt zwischen Kunden und Unternehmen Bedeutung der nonverbalen Kommunikation in der Serviceinteraktion Einfluss der technischen Entwicklung auf die Serviceinteraktionen Emotionale Ansteckung über emotionale Ersatzinformationen Die Zielgruppen Dozierende und Studierende der Wirtschaftswissenschaften mit dem Schwerpunkt Marketing- und Dienstleistungsmanagement Fach- und Führungskräfte in den Bereichen Marketing-, Service- und Vertriebsmanagement Die Autorin Dr. Katja Lohmann promovierte an der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Technischen Universität Chemnitz und ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Professur für Marketing und Handelsbetriebslehre.
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This practice- and research-based book caters to the needs of executive managers who see customer satisfaction as their primary goal. The authors identify the need for an effective complaint management strategy that prevents the loss of dissatisfied customers. Dissatisfied customers are at risk of migrating; accordingly, neglecting professional complaint management poses a considerable threat to customer relationships, sales and profits. The book offers a comprehensive management concept, which emphasizes direct contact with the complainant by employing complaint stimulation, acceptance, processing and reaction. Further, it discusses the relevant ‘backstage’ tasks involved in using complaint information to achieve quality improvements and cost reductions through complaint analysis, controlling and reporting. .
Consumer complaints. --- Customer relations-Management. --- Call centers. --- Leadership. --- Customer Relationship Management. --- Call Center/Customer Service. --- Business Strategy/Leadership. --- Ability --- Command of troops --- Followership --- Telephone stations --- Customer relations—Management.
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Auf Basis theoretischer Ansätze leitet Jana Wies Hypothesen zu dem Sender-Empfänger-Vergleich von Weiterempfehlungen mit Service-Recovery her. Sie überprüft die Hypothesen mithilfe einer Befragung mit realen Weiterempfehlungen und zwei experimentellen Studien empirisch. Die Autorin zeigt, dass Empfänger die Weiterempfehlungen negativer wahrnehmen als Sender, wenn diese Service-Recoverys enthalten. Dieser Effekt wird verstärkt durch die Schwere des Dienstleistungsfehlers und verringert durch die Beziehungsstärke zwischen dem Sender und dem Unternehmen. Der Inhalt Konzeptionelle Grundlagen zu Weiterempfehlungen und Service-Recoverys Theoretischer und empirischer Sender-Empfänger-Vergleich von Weiterempfehlungen, die eine Service-Recovery enthalten Implikationen für die Marketingforschung und -praxis Die Zielgruppen Dozierende und Studierende der Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Schwerpunkt Marketing und Dienstleistungsmanagement Führungskräfte der Bereiche Marketing, Dienstleistungs- und Beschwerdemanagement Die Autorin Jana Wies promovierte bei Prof. Dr. Ina Garnefeld am Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Dienstleistungsmanagement, an der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal.
Consumer behavior. --- Customer services. --- Consumer Behavior . --- Customer Service and Call Center.
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“Nuanced Account Management is a ‘how to’ book. Born out of insights gained over two decades in the B2B industry, the book presents a comprehensive and practical approach to delighting customers and driving profitability. Powerful thoughts expressed in a simple and easy to read style.” — Nitin Paranjpe, President, Homecare, Unilever “Nuanced Account Management is a must read for any B2B salesperson. It provides detailed, specific advice on how to become a more customer-centered advisor in the complex world of business to business transactions.” —Bernie Jaworski, The Peter Drucker Chair in Management, Drucker School of Management, Claremont Graduate University, USA “The art of selling and building a partnership with your client is often undervalued. “Nuanced”, as Bala Shankar describes, is a perfect word that continues the process of building a lasting trust with another business with an existing customer, trust based on all the factors he describes in detail, highs and lows you will face. Experience and differentiation are increasingly keys today and I fully recommend this profound and very practical guide.” —Roger Schmid, Global Innovation Advisor, The Natura Group, USA & Brazil This book is a comprehensive practical guide for account managers, sales teams and account leaders operating in the B2B space. It provides knowledge to excel in developing, growing and retaining top accounts in local and global environments. With a nuanced version of ‘account management’ that will potentially be a game changer, the book offers a personnel-and-process based agenda that can create a ‘competitive advantage’ on its own. Bala Shankar is a consultant and has been an adjunct marketing faculty at the Singapore Management University (SMU) for nearly a decade. He has had 25 years of corporate experience in Asia, Europe, and North America in various sales and account management capacities as a regional and global leader. Bala has also been associated with executive development programs and is a contributing writer to The Business Times, Singapore. He received his MBA from the renowned Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad.
Business. --- Marketing. --- Management. --- Call centers. --- Business and Management. --- Call Center/Customer Service. --- Administration --- Industrial relations --- Organization --- Consumer goods --- Domestic marketing --- Retail marketing --- Retail trade --- Industrial management --- Aftermarkets --- Selling --- Trade --- Economics --- Management --- Commerce --- Marketing --- Telephone stations
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Foreign exchange options. --- Options (Finance) --- Financial risk management. --- Prices. --- Risk management --- Call options --- Calls (Finance) --- Listed options --- Options exchange --- Options market --- Options trading --- Put and call transactions --- Put options --- Puts (Finance) --- Derivative securities --- Investments
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Long description: Texte im Internet orientieren sich nach wie vor häufig an Texten in traditionellen Publikationsformaten. Dabei sind zahlreiche Parameter wie Alter, Leseverhalten, Erwartung der Leser, aber auch technische Rahmenbedingen und Möglichkeiten zu beachten. Online-Texte müssen völlig anders konzipiert, geschrieben und umgesetzt werden, wenn die beabsichtigte Botschaft erfolgreich transportiert werden soll. Die Toolbox zeigt alle wesentlichen Aspekte auf, die beim Online-Texten beachtet werden müssen. Umsetzungsstark aufbereitet bietet das Buch allen Online-Textern und Texterinnen eine verlässliche Hilfestellung für die erfolgreiche Arbeit. Der Autor stellt sowohl Grundlagen als auch spezifische Informationen zu den unterschiedlichen Formaten bereit. Ein gesondertes Kapitel widmet sich der Suchmaschinenoptimierung. Biographical note: Dominik Ruisinger Dominik Ruisinger (Dipl.-Pol.) ist gelernter Journalist, ausgebildeter PR-Berater und zertifizierter Stiftungsmanager. Seit den 1990er-Jahren beschäftigt er sich mit den Veränderungen in der Medien- und Kommunikationsbranche mit Fokus auf Digitale Kommunikation, Strategien und moderne Medienarbeit. Heute coacht er Unternehmen und Institutionen in Fragen strategischer Kommunikation und leitet Workshops an Hochschulen und privaten Ausbildungsinstitutionen. Zudem ist er Autor zahlreicher Buch-, Magazin-, Zeitungs- und Online-Beiträge.
Social Media --- SEO --- Suchmaschinenoptimierung --- Blogs --- Texten --- Keywords --- Webseiten --- Call-to-Action --- Keyword-Recherche --- E-Mail-Newsletter --- Microsites --- Landing Pages --- Social-Media-Kanäle
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This book introduces readers to Activision Blizzard. Readers will explore the company's history, its merger, and how the company continues to innovate today. Features include infographics, a glossary, references, websites, source notes, and an index. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards.
Video games industry. --- Adventure video games. --- Call of Duty (Game). --- Video games industry --- Adventure video games --- Video games --- Design --- Activision Blizzard, Inc.
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