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Long description: Mit durchdachtem Softwaredesign zu besserem Code US-Bestseller des renommierten Stanford-Professors John Ousterhout kombiniert eingängige Codebespiele (v.a. Java & C++) und High-Level-Konzepte, durch die Sie Ihr Verständnis von Softwaredesign deutlich vertiefen werden Bewährte Didaktik: Die Inhalte wurden im Rahmen eines Kurses an der Standford University mehrfach mit Studierenden durchgespielt. John Ousterhout, Erfinder von Tcl und seit 2008 Professor am Department of Computer Science der Stanford University, sieht Softwaredesign als zentrale Kompetenz, die großartige von normalen Programmierern und Programmiererinnen unterscheidet - eine Kompetenz, die aber kaum gelehrt und vermittelt wird. In seinem Buch gibt er persönliche Erfahrungen weiter, die er durch das Schreiben und Lesen von mehr als 250.000 Zeilen Code gewonnen hat. Seine nahezu philosophischen Überlegungen, bewährten Prinzipien und eingängigen Codebeispiele sind Ergebnis eines Kurses, den er an der Stanford University mehrfach gehalten hat. Biographical note: John Ousterhout ist Professor für Informatik an der Stanford University. Er hat die Entwicklung weit verbreiteter Softwaresysteme wie Raft, Tcl/Tk, Sprite und Magic geleitet und eigene Unternehmen gegründet. Er ist Mitglied der National Academy of Engineering und erhielt zahlreiche Auszeichnungen wie den U.C. Berkeley Distinguished Teaching Award.
Softwareentwicklung --- Java --- Programmierung --- C++ --- objektorientierte Programmierung --- programmieren --- Softwarearchitektur --- Code --- clean code --- Redesign --- better code --- Code Review --- Code-Smell
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AWS Cloud Automation allows organizations to effortlessly organize and handle their cloud resources. Terraform, an open-source provisioning tool, transforms the old manual way of doing things by allowing users to define, deploy, and maintain infrastructure as code, ensuring consistency, scalability, and efficiency.
Cloud computing. --- Source code (Computer science) --- Cloud computing
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Every German student of business administration needs to have a basic understanding of accounting according to German GAAP. Thanks to globalization, many courses in German accounting are nowadays conducted in English. In addition, many foreign subsidiaries of German companies have to prepare their part of consolidated financial statements according to German GAAP. So far students taking these accounting courses and professionals preparing these financial statements have had to rely on German literature only and did not have an English textbook to refer to that covers German GAAP accounting topics in detail. To fill this gap, the first edition of this book offered a compact introduction to financial statements according to German GAAP, and exercises on individual topics with solutions and case studies for in-depth and effective learning. The revised and extended second edition with updated references and text, adds a complete translation of the parts of the German Commercial Code that are directly relevant for accounting. Students and professionals can now go back to the original source when working out accounting problems. It provides ideal support for German-speaking students and is furthermore valuable for professionals looking for explanations when preparing the data for consolidated financial statements. Includes exercises and case studies for practice Ideal textbook for students of German universities attending English-speaking lectures in financial management Ideal introduction for professionals with succinct explanations and additional support in the form of a glossary and list of vocabulary terms This book provides the only introduction to accounting according to German GAAP in English. This is helpful for students attending courses taught in English as well as for professionals in foreign subsidiaries of German companies. The 2nd edition provides a new translation of relevant parts of the German Commercial Code, updates the legal references and extends the exercises and case studies offered.
Accounting --- Standards --- Accounting. --- Finance. --- Financial Accounting. --- GAAP. --- German Commercial Code.
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Gerechtelijk privaatrecht --- België --- Ebooks --- E-books --- Procédure (droit) --- Justice -- Administration --- Code annoté --- Belgique --- Justice --- Administration --- Procédure (droit) --- Code annoté
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Malware (Computer software) --- Computer security --- Prevention. --- Standards. --- Computer code, Malicious --- Malevolent software --- Malicious computer code --- Malicious software --- Software, Malevolent --- Software, Malicious --- Computer software
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In dit boek becommentariëren de auteurs op een heldere, doch kernachtige wijze de wetsartikelen over de lening vervat in Titel X van het Burgerlijk Wetboek. Zo wordt getracht om de lening als bijzondere overeenkomst te kaderen binnen het gemeen verbintenissenrecht, wordt zowel voor de bruiklening als voor de verbruiklening de aard van de overeenkomst behandeld en wordt de meest bekende toepassing van de verbruiklening besproken: de lening op interest. 00Dit boek is vooral voor de rechtspractici een belangrijk instrument om een eerste inzicht in de materie te verwerven, doch ook voor de academicus verschaft deze bijdrage een overzichtelijke artikelsgewijze bespreking met verwijzingen naar de relevante rechtspraak en rechtsleer.
Financial law --- rechtsleer --- burgerlijk wetboek --- verbintenissenrecht --- interest --- jurisprudence --- doctrine --- code civil --- droit des contrats --- interet --- rechtspraak
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The definitive reference work with comprehensive analysis and review of peer productionPeer production is no longer the sole domain of small groups of technical or academic elites. The internet has enabled millions of people to collectively produce, revise, and distribute everything from computer operating systems and applications to encyclopedia articles and film and television databases. Today, peer production has branched out to include wireless networks, online currencies, biohacking, and peer-to-peer urbanism, amongst others. The Handbook of Peer Production outlines central concepts, examines current and emerging areas of application, and analyzes the forms and principles of cooperation that continue to impact multiple areas of production and sociality.Featuring contributions from an international team of experts in the field, this landmark work maps the origins and manifestations of peer production, discusses the factors and conditions that are enabling, advancing, and co-opting peer production, and considers its current impact and potential consequences for the social order. Detailed chapters address the governance, political economy, and cultures of peer production, user motivations, social rules and norms, the role of peer production in social change and activism, and much more. Filling a gap in available literature as the only extensive overview of peer production's modes of generating informational goods and services, this groundbreaking volume:Offers accessible, up-to-date information to both specialists and non-specialists across academia, industry, journalism, and public advocacyIncludes interviews with leading practitioners discussing the future of peer production Discusses the history, traditions, key debates, and pioneers of peer productionExplores technologies for peer production, openness and licensing, peer learning, open design and manufacturing, and free and open-source softwareThe Handbook of Peer Production is an indispensable resource for students, instructors, researchers, and professionals working in fields including communication studies, science and technology studies, sociology, and management studies, as well as those interested in the network information economy, the public domain, and new forms of organization and networking.
Open source software. --- Free software (Open source software) --- Open code software --- Opensource software --- Computer software --- Mathematics
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Open source software. --- Free software (Open source software) --- Open code software --- Opensource software --- Computer software
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Deze driedelige Duiding bevat een uitgebreide artikelsgewijze commentaar op het Gerechtelijk Wetboek, en bijzondere wetgeving (o.a. rechtsplegingvergoeding) met kruisverwijzingen, rechtspraak en rechtsleer en overzichtscommentaren.
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