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Case studies on human rights and fundamental freedoms : a world survey
ISBN: 9024719550 9024717795 9024717809 9024717817 9024719569 9024719577 9789024719570 9789024717804 9789024717811 9789024719556 9789024719563 9789024717798 Year: 1975 Publisher: The Hague Nijhoff

A systematic guide to the case law of the European court of human rights. 4 : 1997-1998
ISBN: 0792332814 9789041103987 9041103988 9041112235 Year: 2000 Publisher: The Hague Kluwer law international

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Human rights --- Droits de l'homme (Droit international) --- Cases --- Jurisprudence --- Digests. --- Human rightsDigests. --- 342.72/.73 <4> <094.9> --- Mensenrechten. Amnesty International. Euthanasie----Europa--Verzameling van jurisprudentie --- Digests --- -Mensenrechten. Amnesty International. Euthanasie----Europa--Verzameling van jurisprudentie --- -342.72/.73 <4> <094.9> Mensenrechten. Amnesty International. Euthanasie----Europa--Verzameling van jurisprudentie --- 342.72/.73 <4> <094.9> Mensenrechten. Amnesty International. Euthanasie----Europa--Verzameling van jurisprudentie --- 342.7 --- Droits de l'homme --- Rechten van de mens --- mensenrechten --- Europe --- Human rights - Europe - Digests. --- človekove pravice --- derechos humanos --- ľudské práva --- prawa człowieka --- ljudska prava --- δικαιώματα του ανθρώπου --- човешки права --- human rights --- inimõigused --- cilvēktiesības --- rechten van de mens --- lidská práva --- cearta an duine --- ihmisoikeudet --- direitos humanos --- људска права --- emberi jogok --- menneskerettigheder --- човекови права --- drittijiet tal-bniedem --- mänskliga rättigheter --- žmogaus teisės --- të drejtat e njeriut --- diritti umani --- drepturile omului --- Menschenrechte --- kršenje ljudskih prava --- Verletzung der Menschenrechte --- diritti fondamentali dell'uomo --- Verteidigung der Menschenrechte --- nezadatelná práva --- ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα --- nepromlčitelná práva --- pasikėsinimas į žmogaus teises --- фундаментални слободи и права на човекот и граѓанинот --- zaštita ljudskih prava --- porušování lidských práv --- atentado a los derechos humanos --- Schutz der Menschenrechte --- mbrojtje e të drejtave të njeriut --- krænkelse af menneskerettighederne --- cilvēktiesību apdraudējums --- παραβίαση των δικαιωμάτων του ανθρώπου --- violarea drepturilor omului --- aantasting van de rechten van de mens --- porušenie ľudských práv --- Beeinträchtigung der Menschenrechte --- emberi jogok védelme --- emberi jogok megsértése --- kränkning av mänskliga rättigheter --- atteinte aux droits de l'homme --- útok na ľudské práva --- ihmisoikeusloukkaus --- προσβολή των δικαιωμάτων του ανθρώπου --- attack on human rights --- protección de los derechos humanos --- cilvēktiesību aizsardzība --- bescherming van de rechten van de mens --- salvaguardia dei diritti dell'uomo --- proteção dos direitos humanos --- tilsidesættelse af menneskerettighederne --- ihmisoikeuksien suojelu --- protezione dei diritti umani --- Конвенција за заштита на човековите права и основните слободи --- skydd av mänskliga rättigheter --- violación de los derechos humanos --- cilvēktiesību pārkāpums --- ochrana ľudských práv --- žmogaus teisių apsauga --- ihmisoikeuksien uhkaaminen --- prava čovjeka --- derechos del hombre --- rispetto dei diritti dell'uomo --- schending van de rechten van de mens --- inimõiguste kaitse --- protecția drepturilor omului --- shkelje e të drejtave të njeriut --- violação dos direitos humanos --- brott mot mänskliga rättigheter --- beskyttelse af menneskerettigheder --- ochrana lidských práv --- inimõiguste ohustamine --- violation des droits de l'homme --- повреда на граѓанските права --- cenim i të drejtave të njeriut --- žmogaus teisių pažeidimas --- cilvēka pamattiesības --- граѓански слободи и права --- προστασία των δικαιωμάτων του ανθρώπου --- ofensa aos direitos humanos --- заштита на правата и слободите на граѓаните --- кршење на човековите права --- human rights violation --- violazione dei diritti umani --- protection of human rights --- inimõiguste rikkumine --- reato contro i diritti dell'uomo --- protection des droits de l'homme

Extraterritorial application of human rights treaties
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9050953948 9789050953948 Year: 2004 Volume: 2 Publisher: Antwerpen Intersentia

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Be as it is the result of the war on terrorism, foreign military intervention, economic globalisation or otherwise, state conduct increasingly affects the human rights of individuals beyond its own borders. This book provides a comprehensive answer to the question whether existing human rights treaties are applicable in such circumstances. The principal treaties on civil and political rights require states to guarantee certain human rights to persons ‘within their jurisdiction’. What is the meaning of these terms? Are states able to evade the application of these treaties by detaining their opponents on foreign soil rather than within their own borders? Does it make a difference to the applicability of these treaties, whether a victim of an extraterritorial assassination by state agents, was a detainee, who had not been arrested? By contrast, treaties on economic, social and cultural rights tend to specifically to provide that states must strive for the full realisation of these rights through international co-operation. The problem here is that the precise nature and content of this obligation is unclear. For example, what is the extent of states' obligations to contribute to sustainable development in other states? What are their obligations as members of the executive bodies of international financial institutions such as the World Bank and the IMF? This book focuses on the extraterritorial application of four key human rights treaties: the two UN Covenants on Human Rights and the American and European Conventions on Human Rights. It reveals that supervisory bodies are inconsistent in their implementation of these treaties and discusses the pros and cons of both a restrictive and a non-restrictive approach.

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