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Father's Touch.Second Edition
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0974304824 Year: 2004 Publisher: Huntersville, NC LTI Publishing, Inc.

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Kindermisbruik bij Jehovah Getuigen.Kleine kinderen lijden.Lammetjes als symbool voor de slachtoffers
Authors: ---
Year: 0000 Publisher: Studie- en Adviesgroep Sekten vzw

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Hoax. A Woman's Journey to Reveal the Indoctrination of the Jehovah's Witness Cult, Addiction, and Mental Health Diagnoses
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781956906363 Year: 2023 Publisher: Nashville W. Brand Publishing

Morgen is van mij : een antwoord op seksueel misbruik in de Kerk
ISBN: 9789020995046 Year: 2010 Publisher: Tielt : Lannoo,

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Ecclesiology --- Ethics of family. Ethics of sexuality --- Abus sexuels à l'égard des enfants --- Victimes d'abus sexuels --- Aspect religieux --- Église catholique --- #GGSB: Pastoraal gesprek - begeleiding --- 616.89-008.442.38 --- 241.64*33 --- Seksueel misbruik --- Kerk --- Pédophilie --- Église --- BPB1010 --- Incest. Seksueel misbruik van kinderen. Pedofilie --- Theologische ethiek: andere varianten van sexueel gedrag --- Pedofilie --- Victimes d'abus sexuels. --- Église catholique. --- εκκλησία --- igreja --- knisja --- chiesa --- kirke --- church --- църква --- kishë --- kościół --- cirkev --- Kirche --- cerkev --- bažnyčia --- biserică --- kyrka --- iglesia --- kerk --- crkva --- církev --- kirik --- црква --- templom --- kirkko --- baznīca --- црковна служба --- црковен обред --- církevní liturgie --- соборен храм --- црковен храм --- církevní obřad --- pedofīlija --- pædofili --- pedofelija --- педофилия --- pedofilie --- Pädophilie --- pedofili --- pedofiilia --- παιδεραστία --- paedophilia --- pedofilija --- pedofilia --- педофилија --- pedofília --- обљуба врз малолетник --- полов напад врз малолетно лице --- pedofílie --- Регистар на педофили --- lapse seksuaalne väärkohtlemine --- niegodziwe traktowanie dzieci w celach seksualnych --- abuso sessuale su bambini --- abus sexuel commis contre des enfants --- σεξουαλική κακοποίηση παιδιών --- lapsen seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö --- seksualno zlostavljanje djece --- sexuálne zneužívanie detí --- сексуално насилие над деца --- abuso sexual de crianças --- seksuelt misbrug af børn --- seksualinė prievarta prieš vaikus --- spolna zloraba otrok --- abuz sexual asupra copiilor --- gyermek szexuális zaklatása --- seksuāla vardarbība pret bērnu --- sexueller Missbrauch von Kindern --- seksueel misbruik van kinderen --- abuso sexual de menores --- child sexual abuse --- pohlavní zneužívání dětí --- sexuella övergrepp mot barn --- abbuż sesswali tat-tfal --- eaglais --- péidifilia --- Pastoraal gesprek - begeleiding --- Église --- Pédophilie --- Bisschop Roger Vangheluwe --- seksueel misbruik --- de Kerk --- de Rechten van de Mens

International Journal of Cultic Studies. Volume 7, 2016
ISSN: 21547270 Year: 2016 Publisher: International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA)

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new religious movements (NRM) --- influence --- cults --- sects --- social constructionism --- social psychology --- discursive psychology --- terrorism --- harmful cults --- dangerous cults --- thought reform --- mind control --- milieu control --- group speak --- language --- manipulation --- mystical manipulation --- sacred science --- purity --- confession --- psychological processes --- Social Identity Theory --- Self-Categorization Theory --- social categorisation --- social influence --- Totalistic Identity Theory --- Group Psychological Abuse (GPA) --- Extent of Group Identity Scale (EGIS) --- abuse --- sexual abuse --- Kabalarian Philosophy --- Kabalarians --- Ivon Shearing --- charismatic leadership --- charisma --- Canada --- dissension --- trials --- deconversion --- narcissism --- authoritarianism --- child abuse --- Peoples Temple --- People's Temple --- Jonestown --- Jim Jones --- suicide cults --- mass suicide --- mass murder --- Black Hebrew Israelite movement --- Black Hebrew Israelite Jews --- House of Judah (Michigan) --- Black Hebrews --- Northeast Kingdom Community Action (NEKCA) --- Northeast Kingdom Community (Vermont) --- terrorist groups --- psychological abuse --- violence --- collective suicides --- terrorist cults --- isolation --- emotional abuse --- persuasión coercitiva --- sectas destructivas --- Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal --- cult members --- cult identity --- pseudo-identity --- narrative identity --- traumatic experiences --- Scientology --- Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS) --- Warren Jeffs --- book reviews --- charismatic cults --- Spartiates --- Spartan society --- Sparta (Ancient Greece) --- Lacedaemon --- Lacedaemonians --- Spartiate Cult --- Lycurgus --- Helots --- Seventh-day Adventist organization (SDA) --- Seventh-day Adventist Church --- William Miller --- cognitive dissonance theory --- failed predictions --- Millerite movement --- adventists --- Ellen White --- dissidence --- identity --- play therapy --- therapy --- talk therapy --- sleep deprivation --- terrorismo psicológico --- Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA) --- violencia --- violencia psicológica --- consecuencias psicosociales --- psychologically manipulative groups (PMGs) --- terminology --- Group Psychological Abuse Scale (GPA) --- Individual Cult Experience Index (ICE) --- Across Groups Psychological Abuse and Control Scale (AGPAC) --- Psychological Maltreatment of Women Inventory (PMWI) --- Ken Wilber --- spiritual abuse --- China --- Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS) --- Assumption University of Thailand (ABAC) --- Chinese Communist Party (CCP) --- policy --- People's Republic of China (PRC) --- governments --- legislation --- Church of Scientology --- Australia --- France --- United States (US) --- religion and politics --- fundamental laws --- psychotherapy --- criminal behavior --- antisocial behavior --- suicide bombers --- jihad --- Pakistan --- psychodynamic processes --- extremist Muslims --- suicide bombings --- islam --- personality profiles --- identity foreclosure --- idealizing transference --- mirroring transference --- Muslim extremists --- psychodynamics --- Abuso --- Escala de Abuso Psicológico en Grupo (GPA-S) --- grupos de manipulación psicológica (GMP) --- child sexual abuse --- justifications --- incest --- patriarchalism --- polygamy --- child brides --- millenarianism --- antinomianism --- alternative religions --- clergy abuse --- Wilbert Thomas Sr. --- Christian Alliance Holiness Church --- Children of God (COG) --- Children of God (The Family) --- David Berg --- John Humphrey Noyes --- Oneida Community --- David Koresh --- Branch Davidians --- Waco --- Doukhobor Sons of Freedom --- Benjamin Purnell --- House of David (Michigan) --- Swami Muktananda --- sex magick --- erotic rituals --- Charles Leadbeater --- Ralph Nicholas Chubb --- Aleister Crowley --- Theosophical Society --- pederasty --- pedophilia --- Work of Great Mercy (Mariavites) --- (Mother Kozlowska --- schismatic Catholicism --- excommunication --- George Feigley --- Neo-American Church --- Kenneth James McMurray --- Deviant Wicca --- Barry A. Briskman --- Religion From Outer Space --- Community Chapel and Bible Training Center (Washington) --- Kirtanananda Swami Bhaktipada --- International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) --- Hare Krishna movement --- ritual abuse --- Christian Science --- evangelism --- prévention --- taxonomy --- manipulative groups --- categorization --- partner abuse --- workplace bullying --- mobbing --- coercive cults --- psychological aggression --- maltreatment --- psychological-abuse strategies --- reeducation --- Stockholm Syndrome --- verbal aggression --- undervaluing --- isolation-exclusion --- coercion --- assessment --- measurement --- Luong Minh Dang --- Human Universal Energy (HUE) --- Spiritual Human Yoga (SHY) --- Mankind Enlightenment Love Inc. (MEL) --- biofield energy medicine --- International Human Universal Research Institute (IHUERI) --- New Age --- alternative medicines --- New Age philosophy --- life energy --- New Age groups --- New Age cults --- content analysis --- methodology --- écoles privées --- Commission d’accès aux documents administratifs (CADA) --- écoles Steiner --- rapports d’inspection --- Marxism --- religion --- revisionists --- communalism --- communal groups --- Essenes (Qumran) --- Anabaptists (Munster) --- anabaptism --- Concerned Relatives --- socialism and religion --- reification --- communal religious movements --- psychoanalysis --- narcissistic cult leaders --- traumatic narcissism --- trauma --- postcult trauma --- National Institute for the Psychotherapies (NIP) --- International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) --- pathological narcissists --- traumatizing narcissists --- post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) --- complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) --- cult involvement --- National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCSR) --- Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) --- Cognitive Distortions Scale (CDS) --- Tension Reduction Activities (TRA) --- Tension Reduction Behavior (TRB) --- Traumatic Attachment Belief Scale (TABS) --- scales --- Somatic Experiencing (SE) --- Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (SPI) --- eye movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR) --- exposure therapy --- cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) --- emotionally focused therapy (EFT) --- bilateral stimulation (BLS) --- testimonials --- testimony --- EnlightenNext --- Andrew Cohen --- Aesthetic Realism --- Eli Siegel --- Sullivan Institute-Fourth Wall community --- Harry Stack Sullivan --- Gurumayi --- Siddha Yoga --- Siddha Yoga Dham (SYDA) --- faith healing --- Brief Intermittent Developmental Therapy (BIDT) --- high-demandgroup (HDG) --- high-demand-relationships (HDR) --- motivational enhancement therapy (MET) --- stages-of-change model --- therapies --- cult-hopping --- second-generation adults (SGA) --- First Amendment --- human rights --- Freedom of Religion --- Cult-watch groups --- Bill of Rights (US) --- experiential services --- club goods --- neotribal enclaves --- membership reach --- problem cults --- membership-based --- targeting --- induction --- socialization --- rational-choice model --- signaling --- face-to-face --- model stabilization --- abuso psicológico --- control interpersonal --- grupos --- severidad --- taxonomía --- Abuso Psicológico en Grupos (APG) --- Análisis de datos --- investigaciones --- Jim Roberts Group (JRG)

Cultic Studies Journal. Psychological Manipulation and Society. Volume 18, 2001
ISSN: 07406499 Year: 2001 Publisher: American Family Foundation (A.F.F.)

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American Family Foundation (AFF) --- new religious movements (NRM) --- extremist cults --- definitions --- cults --- mental health professionals --- training --- countertransference --- treatments --- cult members --- therapy --- abuse --- child abuse --- mistreatment --- neglect --- Neo-oriental groups --- Neo-Christian groups --- Bible cult --- Cultic Child Abuse --- narcissism --- dependency --- mental health --- pseudotherapy --- Re-Entry Therapy, Information and Referral Network (RETIRN) --- interventions --- post-cult syndromes --- deprogramming --- exit counseling --- prevention --- education --- cult preventive education programs --- data analysis --- manipulation --- manipulative processes --- counseling --- surveys --- The Missing Student Project (1979-1981) --- cult involvement --- social influence --- mind control --- social psychological research --- compliance --- detachment --- discontinuities --- Jim Jones --- Jonestown --- Peoples Temple --- People's Temple --- semantic distortion --- false analogies --- metacomprehension --- reactance principle --- persuasion --- groupthink --- resistance --- proselytizing --- evangelical groups --- proselytization --- Maranatha --- evangelicals --- code of ethics --- religious pluralism --- Shepherding movement (New Covenant) --- absolute obedience --- tithing --- recruitment --- love-bombing --- Maranatha Campus Ministries international --- Crossroads (Shepherding movement) --- Christian Growth Ministries --- youth ministries for secondary schools --- youth ministers --- Unification Church (UC) --- Sun Myung Moon --- moonies --- testimonials --- testimony --- recruitment process --- group sharing --- preaching --- Second Vatican Council --- Declaration on Religious Freedom --- European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms --- Maranatha Christian Ministries (MCM) --- doctrine --- theological methodology --- Opus Dei --- jews --- United American Hebrew Congregations (UAHC) --- disciple abuse --- discipling --- proselytism --- evangelism --- secular schools --- religious freedom --- anti-religion --- religious diversity --- role theory --- Catholic Church --- Decree on Missionary Activity --- Christian evangelizers --- Judaism --- Jewry --- Hebrew Christians --- Christian Fundamentalist groups --- deception --- Emotional Manipulation --- pluralism --- criticism --- book reviews --- charisma --- charismatic leadership --- Charismatic Covenant Community --- sects --- Transcendental Meditation (TM) --- Israel --- behavior control --- thought reform --- influence techniques --- control programs --- self-concept --- coercive techniques --- brainwashing --- Mental Manipulation --- milieu control --- coercive influence --- physical abuse --- women --- battering --- victim blaming --- pathological attachment --- cultic relationships --- physical violence --- marital mind control --- treatment --- People of Praise Charismatic Community --- Catholic charismatic renewal --- covenant community --- The People of Praise --- obedience --- Theodore Ratisbonne --- Mallet-Bluth Affair --- Linneweil Affair --- Notre Dame de Sion --- spiritualism --- spiritual seekers --- gurus --- Vatican report --- cultism --- TM-Sidhi Program --- social research --- hypnosis --- therapeutic relationship --- American culture --- psychological perspective --- moral concepts --- freedom --- psychological integration --- tolerance --- pragmatism --- social conditioning --- cultural change --- cultural legacy --- high-control --- cult development --- sexual rituals --- induction --- ex-cult members --- children --- children and cults --- parental reactions --- parental actions --- family therapy --- Youth With a Mission (YWAM) --- Christian missionary groups --- intercession --- confessions --- suppression of individuality --- control mechanisms --- psychotherapy --- cult therapists --- therapeutic process --- non-verbal communications --- hypnotizability --- hypnotic behavior --- transference --- interspersal --- metaphors --- hypnotic techniques --- First Amendment (US) --- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) --- Bill of Rights (US) --- Fay Stender --- law --- legislation --- psychoanalysis --- psychiatric interventions --- psychiatric sessions --- missionary children --- vulnerability --- doctrines --- dogmatism --- dogmatic fundamentalism --- pedagogy --- epistemological relativism --- church-related schools --- fundamentalism --- psychological research --- Jewish families --- Family Environment Scale (FES) --- Cult Hot-line and Clinic --- ethnic identity --- statistical analysis --- psychosocial functioning --- cult-involved families --- adolescence --- Cult Awareness Network of Citizens Freedom Foundation --- assessment --- Cult Awareness Network (CAN) --- Family Questionnaire --- psychopathology --- Wilks' lambda (Λ) --- methodology --- statistics --- self-transformation --- mind reading --- extrasensory perception (ESP) --- mentalism --- mentalists --- social-psychological influence --- cognitive dissonance --- pseudoscience --- coercive persuasion --- loyalty-betrayal funnel --- bicameral systems --- excommunication --- Plymouth Brethren --- utopia --- OASIS --- sin-potential --- expulsion --- psychological mechanisms --- shunning --- deviance --- litigation --- child custody --- Sullivan Institute for Research in Psychoanalysis --- Fourth Wall Repertory Company --- New Age --- New Age groups --- systematic manipulation of psychological and social influence (SMPSI) --- Re-Entry Therapy, Information & Referral Network (RETIRN) --- New Age movements --- spiritual technologies --- therapist-client --- Systematic Manipulation of Experience (SME) --- Dabblers --- out-of-body experience (OBE) --- Hoppers --- therapists --- cultists --- New Age cults --- symptomatology --- depersonalization --- physical disability --- psychosis --- mind manipulation --- isolation --- nutritional deficiencies --- dietary restrictions --- voluntary deprogramming --- Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) --- Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) --- Bender Gestalt Test --- Rorschach Inkblot Test --- Holtzman Ink Blot Test --- Thematic Apperception Test --- Forer Structured Sentence Completion Tests --- mental disorders --- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders --- ritual abuse --- ritualistic abuse --- child sexual abuse --- sexual abuse --- Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) --- child maltreatment --- false confessions --- coerced confessions --- polygraph --- ethics --- manipulative psychological techniques --- psychotherapists --- American Psychological Association (APA) --- legal system --- continuum model --- intent --- liability --- exculpability --- coercive psychological influence --- social values --- psychological problems --- research --- Cults in Israel --- Church of Scientology --- dianetics --- guilt --- parents --- parents and cults --- case study --- group process --- behavior change processes --- International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) --- Hare Krishna movement --- cult conversion --- mystical manipulation --- purity --- language --- newspeak --- doubling --- social-psychological models --- persuasive conversion --- Information Processing Models --- snapping --- kidnapping --- deprogramming process --- European Parliament --- reintegration --- Voluntary Code of Conduct --- Cottrell Report --- human rights --- European Parliament’s Resolution (1984) --- Church Universal and Triumphant (CUT) --- lawsuits --- twelve-point model --- family --- family intervention --- Fishbowl Phenomenon --- totalist groups --- college students --- college campuses --- Chickering's Theory --- Psychosocial Development --- Cognitive Development --- Perry's Theory --- Moral Development --- Kohlberg's Theory --- sociocentristic reasoning --- cult recruitment --- recruitment methods --- Student Religious Organizations --- educational programs --- Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) --- Likert scales --- Delphi procedure --- analysis --- Psychotherapy Cults --- persuasive techniques --- Bible-Based Cults --- violence --- cult violence --- indoctrination --- behavior changes --- thought reform programs --- Sullivanians --- Center for Feeling Therapy --- psychological cults --- totalist cults --- Wingspread Conference Report --- Identity Movement --- white supremacy --- conspiracy theories --- Richard Brothers (1757- 1824) --- Aryan Nations --- Ku Klux Klan --- Posse Comitatus --- Christian Conservative Church of America --- far-right --- extreme right --- The Covenant, the Sword, the Arm of the Lord (C.S.A.) --- Michael Ryan --- psychological dynamics --- Experiencing Scale --- Focus of Attention (FoA) --- Deprogramming Statements Checklist (DSC) --- speaker within a speaking turn (SWST) --- statement coding unit (SCU) --- ideological totalism --- Armageddon --- confession --- loading the language --- literalism --- historical dislocation --- mainstream religions --- cults and mainstream religions --- characteristics --- Jewish people --- Jewish community --- Jews --- Protestant Fundamentalist movement --- cult membership --- Freedom of Religion --- Covenant Community groups --- cult phenomenon --- International Conference for the Unity of Sciences (ICUS) --- conversion techniques --- control techniques --- commitment --- therapeutic groups --- cult indoctrination --- cultic evolution --- cultic residential treatment centers --- environmental control --- supervisor-supervisee relationship --- recommendations --- Holy Spirit Association --- coercive influence programs --- behavioral science --- conversion --- ritual child abuse --- ritual crimes --- terminology --- Pacific paradigm --- religious change --- cosmology --- pseudoreligions --- nazism --- fascism --- communism --- New Age Movement --- neo-hinduism --- Neo-Buddhism --- Theosophy --- Anthroposophy --- Gnosis --- Tree of Knowledge --- Neo-Gnosticism --- East-West spirituality --- recoding --- anti-cult movement (ACM) --- Fundamentalist Christianity --- Pentecostal movement --- fundamentalist religions --- socio-political communes --- Communes --- Communal organization --- millenarianism --- Native Americans --- Black Americans --- cult of Mary --- Pentecostal sects --- millenarian movements --- contemporary cults --- modern cults --- psychological intimidation --- questionnaires --- Committee for the Scientific Examination of Religion (CSER) --- satanism --- wicca --- witchcraft --- neo-paganism --- heavy metal music --- Church of Satan --- neo-nazis --- Nazi occultism --- necronomicon --- H.P. Lovecraft --- Ockham's razor --- interviews --- Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) --- political cults --- psychiatric problems --- Workers Democratic Union (WDU) --- Doreen Baxter --- Marxism --- Marxism-Leninism --- leadership --- psychological effects --- deception, dependency, and dread syndrome (DDD) --- modified DDD syndrome --- self-criticism --- Word of Life Bible School --- faith movements --- Word of Life (Sweden) --- hallucinations --- psychosomatic problems --- psychiatric care --- floating --- Council of Europe --- Legal Status of Sects --- Belgium --- Council of Europe Member States --- case-law --- laws --- freedom of religion --- psychotherapy cults --- occultism --- cults and occultism --- psychological abuse --- post-cult --- ethical conduct --- thought-reform --- indoctrinee syndrome --- group dynamics --- therapeutic cults --- categories of conduct --- Synanon --- Compulsions Analysis --- standards of conduct --- group therapy --- individual therapy --- physiology of emotions --- physiological reactions --- Louis Jolyon West --- exploitative cults --- psychological coercion --- cult-related myths --- contumely --- defamation --- magick --- Aleister Crowley --- Order of the Golden Dawn --- Arthur Machen --- Inklings --- aestheticism of evil --- Films of the Occult --- suicide --- literature --- Howard Phillips Lovecraft --- H. P. Lovecraft --- gothic novel --- gothic fiction --- Cthulhu --- Old Race --- Necronomicon --- Abdul Alhazred --- lovecraftian --- blavatsky --- Cthulhu mythos --- Marion Zimmer Bradley --- neopaganism --- Wicca --- Stephen King --- the occult in literature --- mind, autonomy, identity, dignity (MAID) --- Post-cult distress --- psychological tests --- Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI) --- ex-cultists --- Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) --- Hopkins Symptom Checklist (HSCL) --- Staff Burnout Scale (SBS-HP) --- Multiple analysis of variance (MANOVA) --- Contract and Probate Law --- psychiatry --- undue influence --- contract law --- legal concepts --- probate law --- Stockholm Syndrome --- law cases --- cultic misappropriation --- quasitherapeutic techniques --- psychotherapeutic techniques --- Neopsychoanalytic Groups --- Sullivanian Institute (Fourth Wall Theater) --- William Alanson White Institute (WAW) --- psychopolitical groups --- New Alliance Party --- Institute for Social Therapy and Research (NAP) --- Lyndon LaRouche organization --- substance abuse groups --- Special Illness Groups --- triune brain --- Carl Sagan --- triune model --- reptilian brain (R-complex) --- neocortex --- mammalian brain --- limbic system --- love bombing --- deconversion process --- research projects --- New Age characteristics --- Johannes Aagaard --- ethnicity --- essence of religion --- Atlantic paradigm --- Mediterranean paradigm --- Dwight Eisenhower syndrome --- symposium --- countercult organizations --- secularism --- libertarianism --- phenomenology --- atheistic existentialism --- logical positivism --- relativism --- political correctness movement (PC) --- Exit Counselor’s Guidelines Study Group --- thought reform model --- Cults in Latin America --- Group Psychological Abuse Scale (GPA) --- New Age movement --- Committee for the Scientific Investigation of the Paranormal (CSICOP) --- New Age ethics --- Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) --- Eternal Flame (CBJ) --- cellular awakening --- immortality --- Charles Paul Brown --- BernaDeane --- James Russell Strole --- Servicio Para el Esclarecimiento en Sectas (SPES) --- SPES Foundation (Argentina) --- Argentina --- Cults in Argentina --- Pentecostal Groups (Argentina) --- Afro-Brazilian Cults --- Argentinian Foundation for the Study of Cults (FAPES) --- destructive cults --- controversial groups --- Electronic Church --- televangelists --- Umbandanism --- Umbanda --- evil spirits --- demonology --- covenant communities --- Satan --- exorcism --- Social Manipulation --- Group Intensity --- trauma --- measurement --- scale development --- Cincinnati Church of Christ (CCC) --- InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) --- David Berg --- Children of God (COG) --- Children of God (The Family) --- psychohistorical studies --- Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion (RSSSR) --- psychohistory --- Methodism --- sexual problems --- sexuality --- sexual experimentation --- psychosexual history --- sexual liberation movement --- incest --- sexual child abuse --- personality analysis --- fundamentalists --- ex-fundamentalists --- Christian fundamentalism --- Shattered Faith Syndrome --- following orders --- psychological experiments --- communication technology --- sleep deprivation --- sleep cycles --- physiology of sleep --- sleep disturbances --- Cults in America --- American jurisprudence --- legal principles --- Case Law Developments --- psychologically manipulative cults --- Janis’s Groupthink Model --- groupthink phenomenon --- Unification Church (Japan) --- Fukuoka District Court (Japan) --- Japanese legislation --- women and cults --- qualitative research --- experimental method --- quantitative method --- research strategies --- experiment --- archival analysis --- history --- cult research --- clinical case study --- research methods --- research methodology --- research standards --- child assessment --- child development --- child psychopathology --- sociometry --- case studies --- consent forms --- form templates --- Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ-R) --- fantasy role-playing games --- Belief in the Paranormal Scale (BPS) --- Satanic and Fantasy Envelopment (SAFE) --- one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) --- fantasy gamers --- paranormal beliefs --- satanic practices --- Satanic and Fantasy Envelopment Survey (SAFE) --- Scheffe Test --- psychoticism --- extraversion --- neuroticism --- cult critics --- Massimo Introvigne --- Cult Watching Organizations --- anti-cult --- classification schemes --- typology --- gender --- New York Church of Christ --- satanic ritual abuse --- hypnotically refreshed testimony --- therapeutic hypnosis --- case law --- hypnotically enhanced testimony --- hypnosis and legislation --- post-hypnotic testimony --- hypnotically retrieved memories --- admissibility --- United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit --- repressed memories --- forensic hypnosis --- multiple personality disorder (MPD) --- Dissociative identity disorder (DID) --- incestuous child abuse (ICA) --- false memories --- iatrogenic consequences --- Recovered memory therapy --- fantasy induction --- delusions --- American Medical Association Council on Scientific Affairs (AMA) --- History of Forensic Hypnosis --- hypnotic age regression --- unreliable memories --- amnesia --- psychogenic amnesia --- ethical standards --- Thought Reform Consultants --- pseudo-identity --- personality change --- dissociation --- psychiatric disorders --- post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) --- Patricia Hearst --- identity problem --- Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) --- Jeffrey Lundgren --- dissociative phenomenon --- regression --- dissociative symptoms --- cult victims --- personality disorders --- Dependency, Avoidant, Schizoid, Anxiety, Dysthymia scales --- psychological maltreatment --- psychosocial assessments --- forensic assessments --- informed consent --- emotional disturbance --- assessment techniques --- Re-evaluation Counselling (RC) --- co-counselling --- innovative therapies --- theory of restimulation --- group manipulation --- Lafayette Ronald Hubbard --- L. Ron Hubbard --- Dianetics Institute --- Harvey Jackins --- New Age Management Training Programs --- New Age training methods --- self-help --- ownership of women --- sexual exploitation --- cultic sexual abuse --- psychoeducation --- character disorders --- cult leaders --- cult leadership --- psychosexual abuse --- Thematic Aptitude Tests (TAT) --- interpersonal process --- mothers in cults --- mother-child bond --- pregnancy --- Cult parents --- recovery --- psychological captivity --- coercive control --- fear induction --- destruction of autonomy --- breaking of personality --- sexism --- closed groups --- courtship process --- anger --- passive aggression --- intuition --- Jehovah‟s Witnesses --- Watchtower Society --- Charles Taze Russell --- submission --- non-Witnesses --- blood transfusions --- disfellowshipping --- patriarchy --- locus of control --- high-control groups --- Control Scale (CS) --- former Witnesses --- Symptoms Scale (SS) --- Patriarchal Egalitarian Scale (PE) --- empowerment model --- female survivors of cults --- pseudopersonality --- counseling relationship --- Jehovah's Witness women --- postcult distress --- hypnotically influenced testimony --- borderline personality disorder (BPD) --- hypnotic testimony --- recovered memories --- Buridan‟s Ass dilemma --- confirmatory bias --- American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) --- false memory syndrome (FMS) --- False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) --- recall --- dissociative amnesia --- childhood sexual abuse --- iatrogenesis --- forensic rules --- United States Supreme Court --- polygraph evidence --- American Medical Association (AMA) --- Individual Cult Experience Index (ICE) --- Los Angeles Symptom Checklist (LASC) --- Group Psychological Abuse Scale (GPAS) --- antistalking --- state rape laws --- Violence Against Women Act (VAWA 1994) --- stalking --- rapists --- rape victims --- Rape Shield Laws --- Marital Rape --- cult-rape --- statutory rape --- acquaintance rape --- domestic violence --- domestic partnership --- left-wing organizations --- political cultism --- Committee for a Workers' International (CWI) --- Revolutionary Socialist League --- Militant Tendency --- Trotskyist political parties --- entrism --- Democratic Workers Party (DWP) --- left-wing cults --- left-wing political cults --- extreme left --- catastrophism --- Trotskyism --- ritual of confession --- Trotskyist organizations --- students and cults --- residence hall (dormitory) systems --- university campus --- Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE) --- InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IV) --- Emissaries of Divine Light --- ex-members --- dysfunctional system --- recovery process --- dysfunctional behavior --- Self-Realization Fellowship --- Siddha Yoga --- Church of the Living Word (The Walk) --- Restoration Movement --- Latter Rain Movement --- Jesus Movement --- Group for the Advancement of Psychotherapy (GAP) --- pseudo-identity syndrome --- Symptom Checklist 90, Revised (SCL-90-R) --- Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, Revised (EPQ-R) --- psychiatric symptomatology --- Global Severity Index (GSI) --- psychological distress --- emancipation laws --- jurisprudence (US) --- cultic children --- minors and cults --- medical treatment --- International Church of Christ (ICC) --- InterVarsity Christian Fellowship graduates (IVCF) --- Boston Church of Christ --- stress disorders --- Sweden --- Swedish government --- Center for the Study of Questions of Belief (Sweden) --- Roman Catholic movements --- new Catholic movements --- Focolare Movement --- Neocatechumenate (NC) --- Communion and Liberation (CL) --- Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Covenant Communities and Fellowships --- Catholic new religious movements --- Charismatic Renewal movement --- France --- Catholic Charismatic Renewal movement --- Béatitudes --- Pain de Vie --- Verbe de Vie --- Emmanuel --- Fondations du Monde Nouveau --- Chemin Neuf --- American Catholic charismatic covenant communities --- Sword of the Spirit (SOS) --- Lamb of God (LOG) --- Word of God (WOG) --- Mother of God (MOG) --- People of Praise (POP) --- Servants of Christ the King (SOCK) --- Opus Dei Awareness Network (ODAN) --- Belgian government --- Parishioners Against a Secret Church (PASCH) --- Intentional communities --- role-playing games (RPG) --- medical neglect --- Re-Indoctrination Programs --- mystification --- Group Philosophy --- Falun Gong --- Falun Dafa --- faith healing --- child mortality --- child fatalities --- faith-healing sects --- Christian Identity Movement --- neo-nazism --- right wing militias --- Identity theology --- The Armageddon Paradigm --- Survivalism --- British Israelism --- cult dynamics --- relational violence --- Teen Training Camps (TTC) --- Victor program --- pro-cultists --- anti-cultists --- harm --- anti-cult movements (ACM) --- apostates --- Belgian Parliament --- mental manipulation --- Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR) --- philosophy of separation --- membership --- social organization --- philosophy of purity --- segregation --- philosophy of indulgence --- Chinese government --- Li Hongzhi (李洪志) --- psychological manipulation --- pro-cult --- Italy --- Gruppo di Ricerca ed Informazione sulle Sette (GRIS) --- Italian Law --- psychological movements --- pastoral memorandum --- pseudo-Catholic cults --- Fringe Catholic Movements --- behavior, information, thought, and emotional control (BITE) --- freedom of belief --- Aum Shinrikyo (オウム真理教) --- Shoko Asahara (麻原彰晃) --- Aleph --- sarin --- Poa (Buddhism) --- Sarin gas attack --- cults in Japan --- Live Space movement --- Kofuku no Kagaku (幸福の科学) --- Soka Gakkai (創価学会) --- Buddhist religion --- Nichiren Seishu Sect --- Millennium --- preventive programs --- unhealthy spiritual community (USC) --- recruitment techniques --- folk tales --- myths --- vampires --- Baha‘i Faith --- Mirza Husayn ‘Ali Baha‘u‘llah --- National Spiritual Assemblies (NSA) --- Baha‘i cyberspace --- indoctrination process --- intense indoctrination --- Happy Science (幸福の科学, Kōfuku-no-Kagaku)

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