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History --- History, Modern --- Histoire moderne et contemporaine --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- History, Modern. --- Geschiedenis. --- #TS:KOHU --- Periodicals --- Arts and Humanities --- Society and Culture --- Geschichte 1450-1789 --- Europa --- Early Modern History. --- Modern history --- World history, Modern --- World history --- Abendland --- Okzident --- Europäer --- Europäer --- Europa.
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Early Modern Low Countries (EMLC) is a multidisciplinary, international, and open access journal dedicated to the study of the early modern Low Countries. The journal publishes state-of-the-art scholarship on any aspect of the turbulent history of this region between 1500 and 1830. Rigorously peer-reviewed, the journal aims to provide a common venue for scholars around the world.
early modern history --- low countries --- cultural history --- social history --- art history --- History of the Netherlands --- History of Belgium and Luxembourg --- Benelux countries --- Benelux countries. --- History --- Low countries --- Netherlands, Belgium & Luxembourg --- History of the Low Countries --- anno 1500-1599 --- anno 1600-1699 --- anno 1700-1799 --- Art --- Hollandse school --- Vlaamse school --- Netherlandish --- Netherlands --- Flanders --- Belgium
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Occultism --- Hermetism --- Occultisme --- Hermétisme --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Hermetism. --- Occultism. --- Arts and Humanities --- General and Others --- Regional and International Studies --- Social Sciences --- Health Sciences --- Religion --- Psychiatry & Psychology --- Arts and Humanities. --- Regional and International Studies. --- Social Sciences. --- Hermétisme --- Périodiques --- BRILL-E EBSCOASP-E EJPHILO EJRELIG EPUB-ALPHA-A EPUB-PER-FT --- Art, Black (Magic) --- Arts, Black (Magic) --- Black art (Magic) --- Black arts (Magic) --- Occult sciences --- Occult, The --- Hermeticism --- Religions --- Supernatural --- New Age movement --- Parapsychology --- Loagaeth --- Cosening --- John Dee --- Traité sur la reintegration des êtres --- gnostic science --- John Murray Spear --- yogic traditions --- sexual magick --- Aleister Crowley --- Anthroposophie --- Deutschland --- magic --- mysticism --- Western Esotericism --- Goldkreuzer --- Rosenkreuzer --- sexuality --- Aleksander Blok --- la philosophie naturelle --- Hermès --- Martinès de Pasqualy --- Aries --- Pythagoras --- number symbolism --- alchemy --- Disciplina Noua --- John Dec --- Monas Hieroglyphica --- Cabala --- music --- Protestantism --- Esoterik --- Jésus --- théosophie chrétienne --- le Traité de deux Natures --- Jean-Baptiste Willermoz --- book reviews --- Ben Kadosh --- Giovanni Giovano Pontano --- astrology --- religious morphology --- hermeneutics --- initiation --- Andrei Scrima --- Il Padre Spirituale --- occultism --- late classical physics --- esoterismo --- New Age --- mistica cristiana --- la dottrine del 'Cherchio Firenze 77' --- 'Magisterium eumantice artis sive scientiae magicalis' --- Berengario Ganello --- the Kabbalah --- the Philosophie Cosmique --- the Integral Yoga --- cross-cultural influence --- 'Fraulein Sprengel' --- modern Western magic --- theosophy --- Julius Evola --- the UR Group --- Satan --- contemporary Satanism --- locations of knowledge --- Medieval Europe --- early Modern Europe --- Esoteric discourse --- Western identities --- Frances Yates --- left-hand path magic --- Neopaganism --- Federico Gualdi --- Venise --- alchimie --- the Hermetic tradition --- contemporary religious Satanism --- les alchimistes grecs --- recettes alchimiques --- Holkhamikus --- Cosmas le Hiéromoine --- Chrysopée --- Aufklärung und Esoterik --- Andrei Vilnius --- early modern Russia --- pietism --- Gustav Merink --- Heather Wolffram --- June Leavitt --- Claire Nally --- Nevill Drury --- Andreas B. Kilcher --- the late nineteenth-century spirit cabinet --- Diane Long Hoeveler --- occulture and modern art --- the study of art --- science --- the visual culture of spiritualism --- surrealism --- gender --- spiritualism --- Gurdjieff --- contemporary Kabbalah --- Kabbalah in America --- R. Levi Isaac Krakovsky --- the occult underground of late Soviet Russia --- iconology --- gnostic mythmaking --- Sethianism --- Athanasius Kircher --- Arnaud de Villeneuve --- music and esotericism --- freemasonry --- Rosicrucianism --- spiritual regeneration --- collective reformation --- Christoph Besold --- Johannes Valentin Andreae --- the Farma Fraternitatis --- De Furore Britannico --- the Rosicrucian Manifestos in Britain --- Sendivogius in Sweden --- Elias Artista --- Fratres roris cocti --- AMORC --- Chaldaean Oracles and Theurgy --- Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi --- Ancient literature --- Einar Thomassen --- Béoralde de Verville --- Esotericism --- rejected knowledge in Western culture --- Magie --- Michel Tardieu --- scrittura ad occhi --- Liber misteriorum venerabilium --- Reginald W. Machell --- Blavatsky --- British symbolism --- American art --- Antoine Faivre --- the study of fairy tales --- Copernican Cosmotheism --- Johann Jacob Zimmermann --- the mystical light --- religion --- politics --- contemporary Esotericism --- magia ebraica medievale --- Solomon's secret arts --- the occult --- enlightenment --- Vril --- Theosophie --- esoterischen Neonazismus --- modern esoterica --- Shimmushei Torah --- Antiquity --- concealment --- pseudepigraphy --- the study of Esotericism in Antiquity --- secrets --- mystery --- Esotericism in early Jewish Mysticism --- Ancient Esotericism --- Esotericism in classical Rabbinic culture --- Esoteric discourse and the Jerusalem Temple in the Gospel of Philip --- Alchemy --- the Paraphrase of Shem --- Ancient Hermetism and Esotericism --- Theurgy --- Hermetic rebirth --- Renaissance Hermetism --- Madame Théon --- Alta Una --- Mother Superior --- Mary Ware --- the subliminal mind --- Aldous Huxley --- social reform --- theology --- science and religion --- religious revolutionaries and spiritualism in Germany --- global religious history --- superstition in Late Medieval Europe --- Laus Platonici Philosophi --- Marsilio Ficino --- Hermetik --- Mystik --- das Werden der Aufklärung --- spiritualistischer Literatur der frühen Neuzeit --- Margaret Alice Murray --- archaeology --- New Age spirituality --- discourse theory and enlightenment --- 'Western learned magic' --- Aurora --- concealment and revelation in Western, Gnostic, Esoteric, and Mystical traditions --- Eranos --- alternative intellectual history --- Esotericism and the cognitive science of religion --- the esoteric imagination --- theory of kataphatic practice --- cognitive semiotics of Western Esotericism --- Crowley's 'Liber Al' --- soul flights --- cognitive ratcheting --- the occult world --- Satanism --- Dämonologie --- Unbewussten --- Anthropologie --- 1800 --- natural geneoristy --- Naples --- Tommaso Campanella --- Adolf Hitler --- practical Kabbalah in WW2 --- Fidus --- Germany --- art --- Theosophy and Nazism --- Aufklärung --- Illuminismus --- Franz Josef Thun --- Francis Mercury van Helmont --- Christian Kabbalism --- India and the occult --- South Asian spirituality --- modern Western Occultism --- Anthroposohy and the politics of race in the fascist era --- practical Kabbalah --- Jewish magic --- the Jewish tradition of magic --- Kabbalistic practices in Early Modern East-Central Europe --- the magic of Kabbalistic trees --- Oracles, Platonists, and Esotericism in Late Antiquity --- Georgian England --- Satanic Feminism --- woman in nineteenth-century culture --- William Burroughs --- Brion Gysin --- geometry --- accessing intermediary beings --- Meister Crowley --- Buddhism --- the doctrine of Thelema --- hermetic Symbolism --- Andrei Bely --- the self-conscious soul --- Guillaume Postel --- the Zohar --- Hitler --- Jean Delville --- British Freemasonry --- the visual and the symbolic in Western Esotericism --- the Occult in Modernist art, literature, and cinema --- pictography --- Iranian Metaphysics --- the Enneagram --- G.I. Gurdjieff --- esoteric symbols --- the music and art of Franco Battiato --- Gurdjieff's Law of Three --- J.G. Bennett's Six Triads --- the Gospel Studies of RD. Ouspensky and Maurice Nicoll --- supernatural history of the Third Reich --- the Occult Revival --- alternative spiritual performance --- from 1875 to the Present' --- Esotericism and Narrative --- Occult fiction --- Charles Williams --- music and demonology --- Divine mania --- alterations of consciousness in Ancient Greece --- philosophic silence --- Plotinus --- magic and magicians in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Time --- pre-modern sciences, medicine, literature, religion and astrology --- Christian Cabbala Gematria --- divination --- honorific poetry --- the German lands of the 18th Century --- the 'Great Invisibles' --- Surrealism --- myth --- modern esoteric imagination --- Hermes Trismegistus --- Egypt --- Hellenized wisdom --- transformations of ancient religion in the New Age --- reincarnation --- Blavatsky's Theosophy --- drugs --- esoterica --- visionary experience in the Seventies --- New Age in Norway --- Manuskriptologie --- Sufism --- near-death experience --- Christianity --- the Occult --- Thelema --- Brazil --- tai chi --- chiromancy --- Fernando Pessoa --- Austin Osman Spare --- Psychochirology --- Mantic Art --- Constantinople --- traditionalism --- personality fragmentation --- alternative selves --- occult and artistic circles --- Traditionalist movement --- René Guénon --- Maryamiyya Order --- Olavo de Carvalho --- rightist philosophy --- George Gurdjieff (1866–1949) --- Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man --- Vasily Shulgin (1878–1976) --- Gurdjieff movement --- Julius Spier --- hand-reading --- hand divination --- Casimir S. d’ Arpentigny --- chirognomy --- Adolphe Desbarrolles --- chirology --- chirosophy --- scientific naturalism --- Victorian Spirit Investigations --- William Fletcher Barrett --- psychical research --- vegetarianism --- dietetics --- British Paganism --- yoga --- orientalism --- harmonialism --- John Tyndall --- science and spiritualism --- Victorian spiritualism --- physics and psychics --- Anna Kingsford --- nutrition --- spiritualist movement --- esotericism --- spiritual belief --- disenchantment --- intuition --- women in medicine --- feminist epistemology of science --- scientific women --- animal cruelty --- vivisections --- diet --- body --- vegetarian movement --- Antoine Faivre (1934–2021) --- Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) --- film and literature --- biography --- religionism --- Christian Theosophy --- Martinism --- Rite Écossais Rectifié --- The Land of Mist (1925-1926) --- literature and esotericism studies --- biographical interpretation --- Professor Challenger --- afterlife writing --- textual amulets --- rolls --- scrolls --- compilation --- scribes --- Paracelsian --- Adamic magic --- pseudo-Solomonic --- Hebrew names of God --- Seven Olympian Spirits --- planets --- ritual magic --- seals --- sigils --- christian iconography --- prayers --- apotropaic text --- numerology --- medieval --- Renaissance --- early modern Germany --- Aratron --- indigenous esotericism --- sangoma --- shamanism --- Botswana --- colonialism
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Journal of religion in Africa publishes studies of the forms and history of religion on the African continent, with particular emphasis on sub-Saharan Africa and the relationships between christianity and Islam in the region.
Philosophy, African --- Philosophy, African. --- Religion. --- Africa --- Afrique --- Africa. --- Afrique. --- Religion --- 266 <05> --- 291 <05> --- 299.6 --- Missies. Evangelisatie. Zending--Tijdschriften --- Godsdienstwetenschap: vergelijkend--Tijdschriften --- Godsdiensten van Bantoes, Niloten, Soedannegers, Pygmeeën, Kaffers, Hottentotten, Bosjesmannen, Galla's, Bassuto's, Zoeloes --- Periodicals --- Arts and Humanities --- History --- Religious studies --- Arts and Humanities. --- History. --- 299.6 Godsdiensten van Afrikaanse zwarte volkeren --- 299.6 Godsdiensten van Bantoes, Niloten, Soedannegers, Pygmeeën, Kaffers, Hottentotten, Bosjesmannen, Galla's, Bassuto's, Zoeloes --- Godsdiensten van Afrikaanse zwarte volkeren --- Afrika --- Philosophy --- Philosophie africaine --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Religion, Primitive --- African philosophy --- Pseudoreligion --- Atheism --- God --- Irreligion --- Religions --- Theology --- Afrikaner --- Eastern Hemisphere --- Afryka --- Afryka. --- African Christianities --- West African Charismatic Christians --- the South African Ibandla lamaNazaretha --- Church of the Nazaretha --- gender --- Congo --- religious texts --- African church history --- Ogbu Kalu --- anthropology of Christianity --- African Independent Churches --- inculturation --- Pentecostalism --- African Christianity --- West African migrants --- diaspora --- immanence --- charismatic Christianity --- Anthropology of Religion --- Religious Studies --- African Studies --- Sociology of Religion --- History of Religion --- the Scottish Catholic mission stations --- Nigeria --- Christian prophecies --- South Africa --- Shari'a --- Salafism --- music --- the African Church --- Muslims --- Tanzania --- ; African Christianity --- Gordon Joseph Gray --- Bauchi (Nigeria) --- missionaries --- correspondence --- religious conversion --- political revolt --- rumors and prophecies --- Islamic criminal law --- Sharia --- Tijaniyya Sufi shaykh Ibrahim Salih --- Islamisation --- Islamic law --- Muslim-Christian relations --- Ibrahim Salih --- Northern Nigeria --- Islamic reform --- Islamic education --- book reviews --- born-again Christianity --- mission work --- the Upper Guinea Coast --- Apolo Kivebulaya --- medical pluralism --- generational antagonisms --- cursing --- ritual --- blessing --- African Pentecostalism --- Keswick spirituality --- Uganda --- adventure stories --- missionary heroism --- biography --- African independent churches (AIC) --- development --- modernity --- empirical research --- analysis --- American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) --- Umbundu Christians --- Angola --- pageant --- mission --- protestant --- Three Crosses (Angola) --- Sufism --- gender issues --- Senegal --- the Fifohazana --- healing --- the colonial mission legacy --- African Christian missionization --- migration --- Ghana --- London --- Islamic revival --- West Africa --- anticolonial prophecy --- Christian identity in Congo --- Pentecostal Church --- Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (1900-1975) --- muqaddam --- Taalibe Baay (disciples of Niasse) --- Taalibe Baay movement --- feminism --- women --- islam --- evangelism --- Madagascar --- Lutherans --- colonial legacy --- African diasporas --- Fifohazana movement (Madagascar) --- American Lutherans --- Malagasy Lutherans --- Pentecostal Christianity (Ghana) --- Church of Pentecost (CoP) --- Pentecostal transformation --- witchcraft --- witch-hunting --- the People's Republic of Bénin --- Hijab --- modern Islam in Tunisia --- Ndau spirit possession practices in Zimbabwe --- Muslim women --- personal reform in Mali --- AIDS and religious practice in Africa --- rural Uganda --- Brazil --- Candomblé --- Vodun --- North Africa --- Ndau --- spirit possession --- ethnomusicology --- semiotics --- religious subjectivity --- gender relations --- moral agency --- African christianities --- prophetic selves --- spirit others --- Central Mozambique --- the charismatic dividual --- the sacred self --- apostolic prayers --- well-being --- Botswana --- Islam --- ethno-religious boundaries --- the Kenya Coast --- abolitionism --- imperialism --- Britain --- the Atlantic --- demonic conspiracy --- satanic abuse --- selfhood and otherness --- Christian conversion --- Gahuku-Gama (New Guinea) --- prophets --- Apostolics --- faith healing --- charismatics --- Apostolic churches --- Catholic Charismatics (New England) --- Eloyi --- Connolius --- hymns --- Mauss’s theory --- Apostolic Christians (Botswana) --- personhood in African Christianities --- confession --- deliverance --- Pentecostals in Ghana --- Kinshasa's Born-Again Christians --- Western civilization --- colonial Northern Nigeria --- sex --- salvation --- social sciences --- the ASC in Leiden --- Daswani (Ghana ) --- Pype (Congo) --- dividuality --- individuality --- Christian personhood --- born-again Christians --- newborn Christians --- the library of the ASC in Leiden, the Netherlands --- spiritist mediumship --- African-Americans --- black ancestral presence --- Afro-Cuban religions --- possession trance --- female power --- the Punu of Congo-Brazzaville --- the predynastic dancing Egyptian figurine --- Islamic authority --- Swahili weddings --- history writing --- political work --- Muslim associations --- the resurgence of Islam in Zambia --- divination baskets --- African Diaspora --- Black North American religion --- historiography --- Santería --- Espiritismo --- water spirits --- receptivity --- mother goddess --- predynastic Egypt --- Sudanese religion --- prehistoric religion --- neolithic --- ancient Egypt --- prehistoric Nilotic rituals --- Swahili --- sex instruction --- weddings --- Swahili Islam --- musical mediation --- Yoruba Christian diaspora --- religious transnationalism --- Zimbabwean Catholics in Britain --- the Murid Order --- the 'Doctrine of Work' --- Asaphs of Seraph --- mediation --- Yoruba --- reverse evangelization --- secularism --- integration --- Zimbabwean migrants --- Aḥmad Bamba --- conversion to Islam in Southern Côte d'Ivoire --- double identity --- Salafi radicalism --- Salafi counter-radicalism --- Boko Haram --- Pentecostal appropriation of public space --- tribalism --- the Hutu-Tutsi question --- Catholic rhetoric --- colonial Rwanda --- Côte d’Ivoire --- conversion --- nativism --- autochthony --- nationalism --- Wahhabism --- radicalism --- counter-radicalism --- religion and violence --- Islamic state --- modern education --- Islamic learning --- public spaces --- Rwanda --- genocide --- Hutu --- Tutsi --- Hamitic Hypothesis --- ethnic violence --- Colonial Rwanda --- conversion narratives --- Born-Again masculinity in Zambia --- Christianity --- the religion of pouring --- non-linear conversion --- Gambia --- Casamance Borderland --- Albert Schweitzer and Africa --- AIDS (HIV) --- Zambia --- men --- masculinities --- reference group theory --- multiethnic communities --- masculinity --- Muslim-Mandinka model --- Jola --- Mandinka --- Gabon --- Paris Missionary Society --- medical missionary --- colonialism --- sexuality --- reproduction --- relationships --- faith --- religious heterotopia --- neoliberal globalization --- Charismatic Churches --- Southwestern Nigeria --- singleness --- marriage --- Jesus --- female personhood --- urban Madagascar --- Northwestern Namibia --- Mozambique --- charismatic life --- Afro-Brazilian Pentecostal Re-Formation --- social mobility --- Identity --- Charismatic identity --- globalization --- emotion training --- monogamy --- femininity --- Pentecostal Charismatic Churches --- personhood --- stigmatization --- illegitimacy --- Namibia --- sin child --- extramarital affairs --- Afro-Brazilian Pentecostalism --- heterotopia --- Zaire --- Ford Philpot's Avengelical crusades in the Democratic Republic of Congo --- use of rings --- Bata drummers --- caravan guards --- muslim insurgents --- Ahmed Deedat --- internationalisation --- transformations of Islamic polemic --- churches --- development projects --- violence --- Eastern Uganda --- Ford Philpot --- crusade --- Democratic Republic of Congo --- Mobutu Sese Seko --- Jean-Perce Makanzu --- John Wesley Shungu --- Cuba --- orisha --- smithing --- christianism --- polemics --- proselytism --- NGOs --- Development Projects --- Satan --- political economy of neo-pentecostalism in Kenya --- the Protestant Church in Congo --- Mobutu --- Eritrean Pentecostalism --- Pentecostalism in Nigeria --- Stambeli --- trance --- alterity --- Tunisia --- Medina Gounass --- village Sufism in Senegal --- Faith Tabernacle Congregation --- Neo-Pentecostalism --- political legitimacy --- social exclusion --- spiritual uncertainty --- Kibera --- Nairobi --- Bokeleale --- asylum seekers --- refugees --- Ethiopia --- Eritrea --- Faith Tabernacle --- law --- public religion --- queer activism --- judicial politics in South Africa --- anti-mission churches --- colonial politics --- the African Orthodox Church in Kenya --- corporeality --- transgression in Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity --- oracles --- transnational religious and social dynamics in Africa --- the New African Diaspora --- British missionaries --- same-sex relationships --- same-sex marriage --- social movements --- same-sex rights --- lesbian and gay --- Orthodox Church in Kenya --- African Orthodox Church --- Archbishop Daniel William Alexander --- Kikuyu Karing’a Education Association --- Arthur Gathuna --- Reuben Mukasa Spartas --- obstetric fistula --- Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity --- Kenya --- occult --- politics of religious schooling --- Christian and Muslim engagements with education in Africa --- children --- Chagga Trust --- a New American Orphanage on Mount Kilimanjaro --- gendering Muslim self-assertiveness --- Muslim schooling and female elite formation in Uganda --- conversion to Islam --- religion and the formation of an urban educational market --- transnational reform processes and social inequalities in Christian and Muslim schooling --- Dar es Salaam --- Islamic schools in Ghana --- religious schooling --- Christian and Muslim revival --- Christian-Muslim relations --- American evangelical missionaries --- Muslim education --- minority politics --- makaranta --- education --- urban anthropology --- transnational reforms --- educational market --- history of education in Tanzania --- social inequality --- Christian-Muslim encounters --- identity --- Zanzibar --- Islamic liberation theology in South Africa --- modernization --- decolonization in Northern Nigeria --- the moral economy of Mbororo pilgrimage --- Osogbo --- faith in schools --- religion --- American Evangelicals in East Africa --- ethnic patriotism and the East African revival --- Journal of Religion in Africa --- predictability --- masheitani --- majinni --- Islamic liberation theology --- Farid Esack --- apartheid --- Islamism --- political Islam --- liberation theology --- shari’a --- sharia --- pastoralism --- pilgrimage --- moral economy --- ethnic relations --- repression --- human rights --- the diaspora --- Christian Revivalism and political imagination in Madagascar --- Hinduism --- Hindu religious instruction in Indian schools in South Africa during the 1950s --- salvation in urban Kenya --- myth --- religion and AIDS in Africa --- the politics of dress in Somali culture --- Ga ritual --- transnationalism --- political imagination --- exorcism --- Christian revival movements --- South African Hindu Maha Sabha --- Hindu identity --- Hindu diaspora --- salvation narratives --- Christian salvation --- linguistic analysis --- the East African Revival in Southern Uganda --- Ugandan Born-Again Christians and the moral politics of gender equality --- ontological transformation --- tradition --- girls' puberty rituals --- sacrifice and syncretism in South Sudan --- the black Jews of Africa --- history --- religion and identity --- Jews of Nigeria --- African pilgrimage --- ritual travel in South Africa's Christianity of Zion --- Catholic Pentecostalism --- Catholic Charismatic movements in Cameroon --- the Church and AIDS in Africa --- witchraft --- ghosts of Kanungu fertility --- the Great Lakes of East Africa --- African traditions in the study of religion in Africa --- indigenous spirituality --- world religions --- Evangelical Christians in the Muslim Sahel --- tolerance --- democracy --- Sufis in Senegal --- Balokole revival --- Ankole --- equality --- Kgatla puberty ritual --- mothei ritual --- Tswapong puberty ritual (mothei) --- ontological change --- invention of tradition --- Tswana --- seriti --- South Sudan --- People-to-People Peacemaking --- syncretism --- Babu wa Loliondo --- religious authority --- Sufi women in Ethiopia and Eritrea --- Basutoland --- 'Muslims and new media in West Africa' --- 'Cultural conversions' --- Christian missionaries --- Yoruba myth --- human consciousness --- the Catholic Church --- witch-hunts --- Pagans --- Western Uganda --- herbalism --- pluralistic medicine --- Northeast Africa --- Adolph Mabille (1836-1894) --- French missions --- transmission of religion --- Jonathan Edwards --- intertextuality --- Christian texts in nineteenth-century missionary correspondence from Yorubaland --- Baraji --- Southern Mali, West Africa --- the creative layering of belief in Southern Bénin --- the Devil --- Kenya's Born-Again election --- voleurs de sexe --- Pentecostal melodrama --- dynamics of religious expansion in a globalizing world --- Church Missionary Society --- discursive space --- Yorùbá mission --- ancestral relations --- Bambara --- Mali --- tourism --- spiritual tourism --- personal responsibility --- elections --- early modern demonology --- the Atlantic world --- the White Fathers --- colonial rule --- the Bahemba --- Sola, Northern Katanga --- preaching self-worth and succes --- single young women --- Nigerian Pentecostal Church --- the invention of God in indigenous societies --- the African Christian Diaspora --- world Christianity --- Islamic criminal law in Northern Nigeria --- politics --- judicial practice --- communication and conversion in Northern Cameroon --- the Dii people and Norwegian missionaries --- the inculturation of human rights in Ghana --- educating Muslim women --- Nana Asmu'u --- Hindu Gods in West Africa --- Shiva --- Krishna --- West Central Africa --- Katanga --- Catholicism --- Báhêmbá --- self-management --- religious practice --- doctrine of Zoe --- religious Mahbar in Ethiopia --- Pentecostal representations --- the Tayyibat --- halal consumption in South Africa --- Kenyan politics --- marginalization --- minority status --- slavery --- post-Apartheid --- the Evangelical Movement in Ethiopia --- Mulid festivals in contemporary Egypt --- the Tablighi Jama'at --- Afrika-Studiecentrum Leiden --- T.B. Joshua --- Emmanuel tv --- socioeconomic mobility --- breakthrough --- Cameroon --- halal --- Islamic dietary law --- cross-contamination --- taqwa --- religion and masculinities in Africa --- political masculinity --- citizenship --- patriarchal masculinity in recent Swahili-language Muslim sermons --- Muslim masculinity in Mali --- new forms of religion --- the production of social order in Kaduna City, Nigeria --- Christian Association Centres in Gambia --- the Baha'i faith --- new religious movements --- Liberia --- Aladura Church --- the South African Nazaretha Church --- the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God --- pneumatic Christianity in postcolonial societies --- Sierra Leone --- the United Brethren in Christ --- prophecy --- ideologies of time and space --- Afrika-Studiecentrum in Leiden --- masculinity politics --- sermons --- gender and Islam --- Islamic activism --- preaching --- preachers --- The Gambia --- Tabligh --- reform Islam --- Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) --- nonproselytizing Faith-Based Organisations (FBOS) --- the limits of Pentecostal political power in Nigeria --- Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity and the(im-)moralization of urban femininities in contemporary Kinshasa --- Salafism in Côte d'Ivoire --- radicalization of Ivoirian Islam --- spiritual insecurity --- religious importation --- Benin --- social change --- post-abolition Zanzibar --- Judaism --- Sub-Saharan Africa --- the politics of contradictory discourses --- Islamic reform in twentieth-century Africa --- ASCL --- political theology --- Pentecostalism (Nigeria) --- Christian femininities --- technology --- Kinshasa (Congo) --- terrorism --- Ivory Coast --- Voodoo --- Christian and Islamic Preaching in West Africa --- Salafi aesthetics --- the Sunnance in Niamey, Nigeria --- Zongos --- Asante, Ghana --- pedagogies of preaching --- Pentecostal Bible School --- oral transmission of the sacred --- Christ Embassy and NASFAT in Abuja --- Niamey --- Niger --- Sunnance --- wazu --- aesthetics --- charisma --- mimesis --- Pentecostal preaching --- history of religions --- ritual theory --- Abrahamic Traditions --- Fiasidi --- Southeastern Ghana --- 'Water Babies' (Zaza Rano) --- 'Real Human Beings' (Vrai Humains) --- rituals of blessing for the newly born in Diégo Suarez, Madagascar --- religious diversity --- 'ulama --- Mecca --- Medina --- Jawab al-Ifriqi --- Christian origins in Muslim Northern Nigeria --- divination --- ethnographic research --- interdenominational relations --- religious mobility --- Neo-Pentecostal Christianity --- Anlo-Ewe --- trokosi --- African religions --- ancestors --- birth rituals --- African Traditional Religion --- manifestation of spirit --- mysticism and metaphysics in West African religions --- the Second Coming --- successful life --- Guinea --- Evangelicalism --- Guinea-Bissau --- Edmond Perregaux --- the Akan --- African Hindus in Ghana --- religious space and identity --- spirit children --- modern Muslims --- Sudan --- South African Ngoma tradition --- Islamic education in Africa --- initiation --- living tradition --- oral tradition --- African metaphysics --- African mysticism --- Amadou Hampaté Bâ --- African indigenous religions --- evangelical Christianity --- Basel Mission --- identity formation --- Akan-Ashanti --- Gold Coast (Ghana) --- pluralism --- African Hindus --- hijab --- economic change --- legislation --- religious scandals --- religious regulation --- fundamentalism --- Vatican Missionary Exhibition (1925) --- exhibitions --- Vatican --- Spiritans --- missions --- Rwandan Genocide --- White Fathers --- autobiography --- ontological alterity --- occult economies --- gift exchange --- Evangelical Christianity --- Acholi --- relationality --- materiality --- entanglement --- translation --- African Association for the Study of Religions (ASSR) --- theological reductionism --- Covid-19 --- African Christian practice --- enduring covenant --- African Spirituality --- traditional religions --- African Ontology --- Cultural Appreciation Movement --- Vodún --- Vodu --- Togo --- Togolese politics --- Mawu Lisa --- Vodún Rituals --- African sexuality --- homosexuality --- homophobia --- spiritual warfare --- gay rights --- gay-conversion therapies --- Mountain of Fire and Miracles (MFM) --- LGBT+ rights --- LGBT+ --- Prayer-Warriors --- militarisation --- social justice --- ethnographic theology --- xenophobia --- traditional leaders --- festivals --- Fetu Afahye festival --- pandemic --- Coastal Kenya --- Religious Coexistence --- Interfaith --- Indigenous African Religious Traditions --- referral --- African healing shrines --- Christian prayerhouses --- East Africa --- material culture --- miraculous medal --- youth --- spirituality --- values education --- concordat --- empire --- Holy See --- Portugal --- Credo Mutwa --- sangoma --- Zulu mythology --- Zulu religion --- African communitarianism --- collectivism --- communitarian liberalism --- liberal communitarianism --- presidential speeches --- Believers --- Greater Accra --- religious extremism --- interfaith relations --- Christians --- sususma --- kla --- spiritual world and spiritual cause --- rituals of affliction --- affliction --- black cat (alͻnte diŋ) --- Pentecostal Faith Movement --- African traditional religious practices --- Ulo Ubu --- prayer camps --- mental health --- Shona religion --- christian women --- Zimbabwe --- hate speech --- Nyaminyami (Water Spirit) --- BaTonga people --- religious pluralism --- extremist christian movements --- extremism --- prestidigitation --- sorcery --- trickery --- majini --- wachawi --- faith movements --- Pentecost --- charismatic movements --- African traditional religion --- social control --- beliefs --- gender studies --- cultural studies --- mental illnesses --- ecology --- climate change --- attitudes --- ethical practical bridge --- mutuality model --- interreligious dialogue --- christianity --- patriarchal --- media --- second Republic of Zimbabwe --- christian response --- traditional beliefs --- diffusion --- Kariba Gorge --- civic pluralism --- Mombassa --- methodology --- methodologies --- axioms --- definitions --- propositions --- theory of religion --- jihadism --- Central Africa Republic --- morality --- belief --- Kongo --- Nzambi --- earth spirits --- bisimbi --- chthonic beings --- Mabel Shaw (1889-1973) --- community of saints --- ancestor veneration --- polygamy --- fulfilment theology --- culture brokers --- demonisation --- Banamè Church --- Morocco --- Spanish Guinea --- catholicism --- transnational networks --- culture --- Wollo --- peaceful co-existence --- togetherness --- Born-again Christianity --- United Kingdom (UK) --- neo-prophetic Christianity --- Tchamba cults --- Ifá --- Odù Ifá --- Ifá corpus --- Yorùbá religion --- Òrìṣà logics --- cultural reconstruction --- cultural revival --- Igbo-Ukwu --- ọzọ title taking --- corona --- foreign relations --- Israel --- Akan --- Kwame --- Twereduampon --- decolonisation --- Twereduampon Kwame --- Akan religion --- Adventism in Africa --- early missionaries --- indigenous contributions --- global Christianity --- Seventh-day Adventist Church in Africa --- Seventh-day Adventism --- religiousness --- early career professionals --- religious coping --- Ghana’s public universities --- subjective well-being --- life satisfaction --- accommodation theory --- Yorùbá --- conceptual categories --- Jaime Pedro Gonçalves (1936-2016) --- religion and politics --- history of Mozambique --- official narratives --- emancipation --- Pokot --- Karimojong --- Asis --- Tororot --- Afrika.
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