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Het wegennet, het internet, de spoorrails verbindingen, de buizenstelsels voor gas en water, het kabelnet voor tv, het telefoonnet zijn allemaal voorbeelden van netwerken. Dergelijke netwerken kunnen worden beschreven met een eenvoudig wiskundig hulpmiddel, de graaf. Afhankelijk van het toepassingsgebied, bijvoorbeeld een reisplanner voor de Nederlandse Spoorwegen of snel transport van emails tussen internet gebruikers, worden verschillende eisen aan deze grafen gesteld. In deze Zebra worden drie karakteristieke probleemgebieden voor grafen behandeld, waarna alles samenkomt in een hoofdstuk over optische netwerken die een belangrijke rol spelen in de telecommunicatie. Dr. ir. Hajo Broersma is als toegepast wiskundige verbonden aan de Universiteit van Twente met als specialisme theorie en toepassingen van grafen.
Didactics of mathematics --- Didactics of technology --- Discrete mathematics --- secundair onderwijs 3de graad --- toegepaste wiskunde --- grafentheorie --- wiskunde --- telecommunicatie netwerken
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1. The foundations: logic, sets, and functions 2. The fundamentals: algorithms, the integers, and matrices 3. Mathematical reasoning 4. Counting 5. Advanced counting techniques 6. Relations 7. Graphs 8. Trees 9.Boolean algebra 10. Modeling computation Appendixes
Combinatoriek --- Discrete wiskunde --- Grafentheorie --- Mathematics. --- Computer science --- Computer mathematics --- Discrete mathematics --- Electronic data processing --- Math --- Science --- Mathematics --- Combinatoriek. --- Discrete wiskunde. --- Grafentheorie.
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Discrete mathematics --- Mathematical statistics --- Digital filters (Mathematics) --- Filtres numériques (Mathématiques) --- Data smoothing filters --- Filters, Digital (Mathematics) --- Linear digital filters (Mathematics) --- Linear filters (Mathematics) --- Numerical filters --- Smoothing filters (Mathematics) --- Digital electronics --- Filters (Mathematics) --- Fourier transformations --- Functional analysis --- Numerical analysis --- Numerical calculations --- Digitale filters --- Digital filters (Mathematics). --- Digitale filters. --- Filtres numériques (Mathématiques) --- Communication, Théorie mathématique de la
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Control theory --- Discrete-time systems --- #TELE:SISTA --- controle-apparatuur --- regeltechniek --- tijdmeter --- DES (System analysis) --- Discrete event systems --- Sampled-data systems --- Digital control systems --- System analysis --- Linear time invariant systems --- Dynamics --- Machine theory --- Control theory. --- Discrete-time systems. --- Bemonstering --- Regelsystemen --- Theorie --- Bemonstering. --- Regelsystemen. --- Theorie. --- Discrete mathematics
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Certains livres sur les algorithmes sont rigoureux mais incomplets; d’autres couvrent des masses de matériel mais manquent de rigueur. Introduction aux algorithmes combine de manière unique rigueur et exhaustivité. Le livre couvre un large éventail d’algorithmes en profondeur, tout en rendant leur conception et leur analyse accessibles à tous les niveaux de lecteurs. Chaque chapitre est relativement autonome et peut être utilisé comme unité d’étude. Les algorithmes sont décrits en anglais et dans un pseudocode conçu pour être lisible par quiconque a fait un peu de programmation. Les explications ont été maintenues élémentaires sans sacrifier la profondeur de la couverture ou la rigueur mathématique.
Computer science --- Computer programming --- Computer algorithms --- Programmation (Informatique) --- Algorithmes --- Computer programming. --- Computer algorithms. --- algoritmen --- programmeren --- 681.3*F2 --- 519.85 --- Analysis of algorithms and problem complexity--See also {681.3*B6}; {681.3*B7}; {681.3*F13} --- Mathematical programming --- 519.85 Mathematical programming --- 681.3*F2 Analysis of algorithms and problem complexity--See also {681.3*B6}; {681.3*B7}; {681.3*F13} --- Computers --- Electronic computer programming --- Electronic data processing --- Electronic digital computers --- Programming (Electronic computers) --- Coding theory --- Algorithms --- Programming --- Algoritmos --- Programación de computadoras --- Libros electrónicos --- Estructura de Datos y Algoritmos II (40152203) --- Lógica y Algorítmica (40151101) --- Bibliografía recomendada --- Discrete mathematics --- Programmeren --- Wiskunde ; computerondersteund --- Programmation informatique --- Algorithme
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Harmonic analysis. Fourier analysis --- FFT (fast Fourier transformatie) --- Discrete mathematics --- Fourier Analysis --- Fourier transformations --- Transformations de Fourier --- Fourier Analysis. --- 517.44 --- 681.3*F21 --- Fouriertransformatie --- Transformations, Fourier --- Transforms, Fourier --- Fourier analysis --- Transformations (Mathematics) --- Analysis, Cyclic --- Analysis, Fourier --- Cyclic Analysis --- Fourier Series --- Fourier Transform --- Analyses, Cyclic --- Cyclic Analyses --- Series, Fourier --- Transform, Fourier --- Wavelet Analysis --- Integral transforms. Operational calculus. Laplace transforms. Fourier integral. Fourier transforms. Convolutions --- Numerical algorithms and problems: computation of transforms; computations infinite fields; computations on matrices; computations on polynomials; numer-theoretic computations--See also {681.3*G1}; {681.3*G4}; {681.3*I1} --- Fourier transformations. --- Fouriertransformaties --- Snelle fouriertransformatie --- Fouriertransformaties. --- Snelle fouriertransformatie. --- 681.3*F21 Numerical algorithms and problems: computation of transforms; computations infinite fields; computations on matrices; computations on polynomials; numer-theoretic computations--See also {681.3*G1}; {681.3*G4}; {681.3*I1} --- 517.44 Integral transforms. Operational calculus. Laplace transforms. Fourier integral. Fourier transforms. Convolutions --- Fourier, Transformations de --- Analyse de fourier --- Fast fourier transform = fft
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