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12 p.
Klinische psychologie --- Sociale fobie --- Specifieke problemen. --- Gedragstherapie. --- angst --- Psychiatry --- patiënt-therapeut relatie --- fobieën --- sociale vaardigheden --- groepstherapie --- exposure --- cognitieve therapie --- Anxiety Disorders --- Phobic Disorders --- Behavior Therapy. --- 607.33 --- gedragstherapie --- sociale fobie --- Therapy, Behavior --- Therapy, Conditioning --- Behavior Modification --- Conditioning Therapy --- Behavior Modifications --- Behavior Therapies --- Conditioning Therapies --- Modification, Behavior --- Modifications, Behavior --- Therapies, Behavior --- Therapies, Conditioning --- Mind-Body Therapies --- Behavior Control --- therapy. --- Gedragstherapie --- Behavior Therapy --- therapy --- Fobieën --- Cognitieve ontwikkeling --- Behavior Treatment --- Treatment, Behavior --- Fobie --- Behavior Change Techniques --- Behavior Change Technique --- Technique, Behavior Change --- Psychotherapie --- Psychopathologie
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Based on the most recent standards from ASHRAE, the sixth edition provides complete and up-to-date coverage of all aspects of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. You'll find the latest load calculation procedures, indoor air quality procedures, and issues related to ozone depletion. Also integrated throughout the text are numerous worked examples that clearly show you how to apply the concepts in realistic scenarios. The revision of this text continues to offer comprehensive treatment of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning concepts: All material is based on the updated ASHRAE Handbook and product criteria and uses both SI and English units. Practical, realistic problems are presented and the latest procedures and issues are covered. Suitable for advanced study in HVAC mechanical engineering, architectural engineering, and mechanical engineering technology departments.
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In 57 jaar hebben DE ONDERNEMING & L'ENTREPRISE grote bekendheid verworven op de markt van sanitair en verwarming. Deze vooraanstaande plaats op de Belgische markt is te danken aan een gedegen kennis van de behoefte aan technische, commerciële en administratieve informatie van onze lezers. De vakmensen van sanitair en verwarming informeren houdt in: een uitgebreide behandeling van de vakproblematiek, regelmatige informatie over nieuwe producten, het op de voet volgen van de evolutie van de branches met informatie over bedrijven, normen en wetgeving.
airconditioning --- verwarming --- Heating, climatisation, ventilation and air conditioning --- ondernemingen --- air conditioning --- Logements --- Périodiques --- Technologie --- Tijdschriften --- Woonhuizen --- sanitair --- bouwkunde --- 697 --- Verwarming, ventilatie, luchtconditionering van gebouwen --- E-journals --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- Published Monthly --- abonnementen --- klimatisering --- technologie --- $a69 --- Elektromechanica --- Elektrotechniek --- klimatisering (klimaatregeling) --- klimatiseringsinstallatie --- Periodicals --- Technology --- IWT --- Klimatisatie --- KHBO --- Sanitair
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Sportgeneeskunde --- Sport fysiologie --- Sportfysiologie --- Sportfysiologie. --- Recreation. Games. Sports. Corp. expression --- Sports Medicine. --- Medicine, Sport --- Medicine, Sports --- Sport Medicine --- Psychology, Sports --- Physical Conditioning, Human --- Physiotherapy. Alternative treatments --- Social medicine --- Human physiology --- Sports Medicine --- fysiologie --- sportgeneeskunde --- revalidatie
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Architectuur als klimaatmachine biedt theorie en praktijktoepassingen van passieve en actieve systemen die het comfort in gebouwen, met name in woningbouw, kunnen verhogen. Dit boek gaat in op zowel stedenbouwkundige, architectonische als bouwkundige aspecten. De auteurs lichten vuistregels en achterliggende theorieën toe en bieden handvatten voor gebruik in het ontwerp. Ze brengen met dit boek de ontwerpconsequenties in beeld in ontwerpstudies en voorbeeldprojecten met een onderscheid tussen passieve en actieve klimaatbeheersing.
Heating, climatisation, ventilation and air conditioning --- Equipment, services, installations in buildings --- sustainable architecture --- green design [environmental concept] --- Architecture --- architecture [discipline] --- Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- Duurzaam bouwen --- Duurzaam bouwen. --- Structural parts and elements of building --- duurzame architectuur --- duurzaam wonen --- 644.1 --- 502.13 --- 72:574(035) --- Duurzame architectuur ; handboeken --- Klimaatontwerp --- Architectuur en ecologie ; handboeken --- Duurzame architectuur --- Heating, ventilation and air conditioning of buildings --- Indoor climate control. Heating. Ventilation. Air conditioning --- Maatregelen en management betreffende het behoud van de natuur --- 644.1 Indoor climate control. Heating. Ventilation. Air conditioning --- 697 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning of buildings --- 504 --- 699 --- 69 --- 699.86 --- 697 --- 620.9 --- Bouweconomie --- 620.9 Economics of energy in general --- Economics of energy in general --- Duurzaamheid --- Bouwfysica --- Bouwtechniek --- Klimaatbeheersing --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Building design --- Architecture and climate --- Architecture and energy conservation --- Architecture, Western (Western countries) --- Buildings --- Construction --- Western architecture (Western countries) --- Art --- Building --- Energy conservation and architecture --- Energy efficient buildings --- Energy conservation --- Climate and architecture --- Climatology --- Enviromental aspects --- Design and construction --- Climatic factors --- Influence of climate --- klimatisering --- duurzaam bouwen --- PXL-Tech 2019 --- bouwkunde --- architectuur --- klimaatveranderingen --- klimaatregeling --- duurzaam ontwerpen --- 69.02 --- klimaatbeheersing --- bouwen - constructie-elementen, duurzaam bouwen --- Zero energy buildings --- Architecture, Primitive
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Eine Übersicht für Architekten, die auch die Bedeutung der Baustoffwahl für die sinnliche Wahrnehmung von Architektur wie Haptik, Geruch, Farbe, Oberflächenstruktur berücksichtigt, gab es bisher nicht. Mit dem Baustoff Atlas wird diese Lücke nun geschlossen. Als ein auf die Interessen von Architekten und Bauingenieuren gleichermassen abgestimmtes Grundlagenwerk wird er alle genannten Betrachtungsebenen vereinen. Dabei werden sowohl grundsätzliche Nachhaltigkeitsfragen wie Lebensdauer, Umweltbelastung und Stoffkreisläufe erörtert als auch Materialinnovationen vorgestellt. Alle wesentlichen herkömmlichen und neuartigen Baustoffe werden hinsichtlich Herstellung, Verarbeitung, Oberflächen, Anschlüssen und Kenndaten umfassend dokumentiert. Internationale Beispiele, deren Erscheinungsbild sich häufig aus jeweils einem Material definiert, veranschaulichen die Anwendung in der Architektur. Der Baustoff Atlas unterstützt damit die tägliche Arbeit von Architekten und Ingenieuren bei der Baustoffauswahl auf eine umfassende, zugleich anschauliche und anregende Weise. Until now, the few existing systematic texts on construction materials have primarily been directed at building engineers. An overview for architects, which also considers the importance of construction materials in the sensory perception of architecture-including tactile qualities, smell, color, and surface structure-has not been available.With the publication of the Construction Materials Manual, all that has changed. As a basic work aimed equally at the questions and perspectives of architects and building engineers, it will bring together all of the above-mentioned viewpoints. It addresses fundamental questions of sustainability, including life-span, environmental impact, and material cycles, while also presenting material innovations. All of the principal conventional and innovative construction materials are comprehensively documented, with attention to their production, manufacture, fabrication, treatment, surfaces, connections, and characteristics. International examples help to illustrate their use in architecture, where a building's appearance is often defined by a single material. Thus, the Construction Materials Manual will support the daily work of architects and engineers in the choice of construction materials in a comprehensive and at the same time vivid and stimulating manner.
Building materials --- Construction --- Matériaux --- 691 --- Bouwmaterialen ; constructies ; handboeken --- 691(03) --- 693 --- 697 --- 699.8 --- Bouwmaterialen (architectuur) --- Bouwmaterialen ; naslagwerken --- Building materials. Building components --- Bricklaying and related building crafts --- Heating, ventilation and air conditioning of buildings --- Protection of and in buildings. Emergency measures. Precautions --- Construction materials. --- Constructieleer --- Materiaalleer --- 699.8 Protection of and in buildings. Emergency measures. Precautions --- 697 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning of buildings --- 693 Bricklaying and related building crafts --- 691 Building materials. Building components --- Constructieleer. --- Materiaalleer. --- Matériaux --- Materialen (design) --- 69.02 --- bouwmaterialen --- bouwen - constructie-elementen, duurzaam bouwen --- ARCHITECTURE --- MATERIAUX --- PERCEPTION --- 1990 - ....
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Adolescent --- Behavior therapy, in adolescence. --- Jeugdzorg. --- Psychotherapy --- Residentiële jeugdzorg. --- Institutionalized. --- Brief, in adolescence. --- ouderbegeleiding --- residentiële hulp --- uithuisplaatsing --- adolescenten --- jeugdinstellingen --- jeugdzorg --- Sociology of social care --- Adolescent, Institutionalized. --- Adolescent. --- Behavior Therapy. --- Psychotherapy, Brief. --- #GSDBP --- Brief Psychotherapy --- Psychotherapy, Short-Term --- Solution-Focused Brief Therapy --- Short-Term Psychotherapy --- Brief Psychotherapies --- Brief Therapies, Solution-Focused --- Brief Therapy, Solution-Focused --- Psychotherapies, Brief --- Psychotherapies, Short-Term --- Psychotherapy, Short Term --- Short Term Psychotherapy --- Short-Term Psychotherapies --- Solution Focused Brief Therapy --- Solution-Focused Brief Therapies --- Therapies, Solution-Focused Brief --- Therapy, Solution-Focused Brief --- Therapy, Behavior --- Therapy, Conditioning --- Behavior Modification --- Conditioning Therapy --- Behavior Modifications --- Behavior Therapies --- Conditioning Therapies --- Modification, Behavior --- Modifications, Behavior --- Therapies, Behavior --- Therapies, Conditioning --- Mind-Body Therapies --- Behavior Control --- Adolescents --- Adolescents, Female --- Adolescents, Male --- Teenagers --- Teens --- Adolescence --- Youth --- Adolescent, Female --- Adolescent, Male --- Female Adolescent --- Female Adolescents --- Male Adolescent --- Male Adolescents --- Teen --- Teenager --- Youths --- Minors --- Institutionalized Adolescent --- Adolescents, Institutionalized --- Institutionalized Adolescents --- Adolescent, Hospitalized --- Residentiële jeugdzorg --- Jeugdbescherming --- Adolescenten --- Behavior Treatment --- Treatment, Behavior --- Adolescent, Institutionalized --- Behavior Therapy --- Psychotherapy, Brief --- Behavior Change Techniques --- Behavior Change Technique --- Technique, Behavior Change --- Opvoeding --- Jeugd --- Maatschappelijk werk
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De behandeling van mensen met een verslaving verloopt moeizaam. Een goed gevoerd motivationeel gesprek, in sessies, kan veel effect hebben, ook bij verslaafden die aanvankelijk ontkennen, ontwijken of verbergen. Het eerste deel van dit Handboek beschrijft de achtergronden van het motivationeel gesprek en de verankering ervan in de hulpverlening. Ook de opbouw van het motiveringsmodel en zijn gesprekstechnische aspecten worden toegelicht. Het tweede praktische deel schetst eerst de toepassingsmogelijkheden in vijf eerstelijnssectoren: huisartssetting, maatschappelijk werk, op school, in de bijzondere jeugdzorg, op het werk. Via een zesde sector, de residentiële hulpverlening, wordt de continuïteit aan zorg geïllustreerd. Het boek sluit af met oefeningen die leren omgaan met het model. Naast dit Handboek zijn er Video's, die de vele mogelijkheden in diverse situaties laten zien: werken met volwassenen of jongeren, individuele of groepsbenadering, legale en illegale producten, niet- of overgemotiveerde cliënten, ... Inhoudsopgave : Alcohol en andere drugproblemen: een eerstelijnsprobleem - Achtergronden van het motivationeel interview - Motiveren als proces - Motiverende gesprekstechnieken - In de OCMW-context - In de werksituatie - Binnen de leerlingenbegeleiding - In de bijzondere jeugdzorg - In een residentieel ontwenningsprogramma - Praktijkoefeningen.
communicatie in de hulpverlening --- verslaving --- Substance-Related Disorders --- Motivation. --- Behavior Therapy. --- Cognitive Therapy. --- 15 --- 658.300 --- AA / International- internationaal --- 499.4 --- druggebruik --- gesprekstechnieken --- jeugdzorg --- leerlingenbegeleiding --- motivatie --- motiveren --- verandering --- 364.272 --- Alcohol --- Begeleiding --- Drugs --- Gedragsstoornissen --- Motivatie --- 614.7 --- OCMW (Openbaar Centrum voor Maatschappelijk Welzijn) --- alcoholisme --- drugs --- gesprekstherapie (groepsgesprekstherapie) --- huisarts --- jeugdbescherming (bijzonder jeugdzorg, jeugdbijstand) --- residentiële hulp --- Cognition Therapy --- Cognitive Behavior Therapy --- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy --- Cognitive Psychotherapy --- Therapy, Cognition --- Therapy, Cognitive --- Therapy, Cognitive Behavior --- Behavior Therapy, Cognitive --- Psychotherapy, Cognitive --- Behavior Therapies, Cognitive --- Behavioral Therapies, Cognitive --- Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive --- Cognition Therapies --- Cognitive Behavior Therapies --- Cognitive Behavioral Therapies --- Cognitive Psychotherapies --- Cognitive Therapies --- Psychotherapies, Cognitive --- Therapies, Cognition --- Therapies, Cognitive --- Therapies, Cognitive Behavior --- Therapies, Cognitive Behavioral --- Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral --- Therapy, Behavior --- Therapy, Conditioning --- Behavior Modification --- Conditioning Therapy --- Behavior Modifications --- Behavior Therapies --- Conditioning Therapies --- Modification, Behavior --- Modifications, Behavior --- Therapies, Behavior --- Therapies, Conditioning --- Mind-Body Therapies --- Behavior Control --- Disincentives --- Expectations --- Incentives --- Disincentive --- Expectation --- Incentive --- Motivations --- Drive --- 361.2 --- 613.8 --- therapy. --- Psychologie. --- Industriële psychologie en ergonomie. Arbeidsverrijking. --- Mondelinge communicatie --- Cognitive Therapy --- Gesprekstechnieken --- Motivatie. --- Verslaving --- Gezondheidszorg. --- Hulpverlening. --- Ethics and addiction --- Toxicology --- Communicatietechnieken --- Gesprekstechnieken ; gezondheidszorg --- Verslaving ; hulpverlening --- Motivation --- Behavior Therapy --- therapy --- Psychologie --- Industriële psychologie en ergonomie. Arbeidsverrijking --- Hulpverlening --- Alcoholisme : hulpverlening --- Behavior Treatment --- Treatment, Behavior --- Gesprekstechniek --- Gokken --- Internet --- Behavior Change Techniques --- Behavior Change Technique --- Technique, Behavior Change --- Druggebruik --- Hulpverlening aan verslaafden --- Klinische psychologie
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621.56 --- airconditioning (airco) --- koelsystemen --- koeltechniek --- tempe --- 621.56 Refrigeration in general. Production of low temperatures --- Refrigeration in general. Production of low temperatures --- vriestechniek --- Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery --- Cooling appliances --- Cryogenics --- Freezing --- Ice-machinery --- Low temperature engineering --- Air conditioning --- Compressors --- Ice --- Manufacture
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With in-depth discussions of such other topics as modern componentwise error analysis, reorthogonalization, and rank-one updates of the QR decomposition, Fundamentals of Matrix Computations, Second Edition will prove to be a versatile companion to novice and practicing mathematicians who seek mastery of matrix computation.
Algebra --- Mathematical statistics --- Matrices --- #KVIV:BB --- 512.64 --- 519.6 --- 681.3*G13 --- 512 --- 519.2 --- Algebra, Matrix --- Cracovians (Mathematics) --- Matrix algebra --- Matrixes (Algebra) --- Algebra, Abstract --- Algebra, Universal --- Linear and multilinear algebra. Matrix theory --- Computational mathematics. Numerical analysis. Computer programming --- Numerical linear algebra: conditioning; determinants; Eigenvalues; error analysis; linear systems; matrix inversion; pseudoinverses; sparse and very largesystems --- Wiskundige statistiek --- Matrices. --- Algoritmen --- Matrixrekening --- 681.3*G13 Numerical linear algebra: conditioning; determinants; Eigenvalues; error analysis; linear systems; matrix inversion; pseudoinverses; sparse and very largesystems --- 519.6 Computational mathematics. Numerical analysis. Computer programming --- 512.64 Linear and multilinear algebra. Matrix theory --- Algoritmen. --- Matrixrekening. --- Itération (mathématiques) --- Analyse numérique. --- Numerical analysis --- Iterative methods (Mathematics) --- Algèbre linéaire. --- Algebras, Linear --- Itération (mathématiques) --- Analyse numérique --- Numerical analysis. --- Algèbre linéaire --- Algebras, Linear. --- Calcul matriciel --- Methodes numeriques
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