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Sludge reduction technologies in wastewater treatment plants
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781843392781 Year: 2010 Publisher: London IWA

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Sludge Reduction Technologies in Wastewater Treatment Plants is a review of the sludge reduction techniques integrated in wastewater treatment plants with detailed chapters on the most promising and most widespread techniques. The aim of the book is to update the international community on the current status of knowledge and techniques in the field of sludge reduction. It will provide a comprehensive understanding of the following issues in sludge reduction: &#13;* principles of sludge reduction techniques; &#13;* process configurations; &#13;* potential performance; &#13;* advantages and drawbacks; &#13;* economics and energy consumption. &#13;This book will be essential reading for managers and technical staff of wastewater treatment plants as well as graduate students and post-graduate specialists.&#13;&#13;

H2O : tijdschrift voor drinkwatervoorziening en afvalwaterbehandeling.

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The Nalco water handbook
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780071548830 Year: 2009 Publisher: New York, N.Y. McGraw-Hill

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Developed by the world's leading integrated water treatment and process improvement company, *The Nalco Water Handbook*, Third Edition provides comprehensive guidance on the use and conditioning of water and wastewater in any industrial or institutional facility. Reflecting major advances in technology and the latest regulatory requirements, this thoroughly revised classic covers basic water chemistry and explains how to improve water quality, minimize water usage, and implement more efficient treatment processes.&#13;&#13;The Third Edition features new information on wastewater, cooling systems, microbiological control, energy conservation, environmental hygiene, and steam generation problems and prevention. Every essential water treatment topic is covered in this authoritative volume, including:&#13;&#13;- The chemistry of water&#13;- Water sources&#13;- Contaminants&#13;- Impurity removal&#13;- Steam generation&#13;- Energy in water systems&#13;- Wastewater discharge&#13;- Industrial and municipal use of water&#13;&#13;

Praktische waterbehandeling
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9026030959 Year: 1984 Volume: vol *37 Publisher: Oostmalle De Sikkel

Gids waterzuiveringstechnieken
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9038202776 Year: 2001 Publisher: Gent Mol Academia Press Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek

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Water wordt in de industrie in de meest diverse processen gebruikt en met verschillende doelstellingen. Dit brengt met zich mee dat een enorme variteit aan contaminanten in bedrijfsafvalwater kunnen voorkomen, in diverse combinaties en concentraties. In dit rapport is een inventaris terug te vinden van de technieken die momenteel op industriële schaal toegepast worden voor de zuivering van industrieel afvalwater. In het totaal worden er 52 technieken (14 biologische, 9 chemische, 25 fysische en 4 andere technieken) besproken. Daarnaast bevat dit rapport een papieren weergave van het beslisondersteunend systeem (WASS, WAterzuiveringsSelectieSysteem). WASS is een hulpmiddel om, uitgaande van een specifiek afvalwater, geschikte combinaties van waterzuiveringstechnieken te kiezen.

Water research.
Authors: --- ---
ISSN: 00431354 18792448 Year: 1967 Publisher: Oxford ; New York, NY : Pergamon Press.

Het beheer van onze zeeën : rijkdom, bedreiging, bescherming.
ISBN: 9028906673 Year: 1981 Volume: vol 17 Publisher: Antwerpen Nederlandsche boekhandel

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We hopen dat de zeeën ons voedselprobleem zullen oplossen en we verwachten er dus erg veel van. Ze moeten ook de energietekorten aanvullen, minerale grondstoffen blijven leveren en dat terwijl wij ons afval erin blijven storten. Is onze hoop dan nog wel gegrond? Volgens de auteur gaat dat helemaal van onszelf afhangen. De zee is weliswaar niet de oplossing van alle grondstoffentekorten, maar ze kan er wel een flinke bijdrage toe leveren. Voorwaarde daartoe is wel dat we onze houding tov de zee veranderen, dat we er meer respect voor tonen, dat we ze verstandig gebruiken, kortom dat we ze leren beheren. Om duidelijk te maken wat er nu juist met dat beheer bedoeld wordt, worden de juiste gebruiken van de zee zoals de visserij, de ontginning van mineralen, de afvalverwijdering en de scheepvaart beschreven. Voor elk worden de omvang, de problemen en de gevolgen uitgelegd, zo wordt het duidelijk dat het steeds intensievere gebruik van de zee inderdaad leidt tot misbruik en conflicten. We moeten dringend de zee op een verstandige manier leren aanwenden! Geschreven voor zowel de leek als de specialist terzake, behandelt dit boek een uiterst boeiende en actualiteit.


seas --- natuurbehoud --- ecologie --- Shipping law --- ecology --- zeeën --- Hydrobiology --- toegepast wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- Oceanografie --- Océanographie --- 628.394 --- 341.225 --- 502.5 --- 504.4 --- Marine resources --- -Marine pollution --- -C8 --- #ECO:01.13:economie sociaal duurzaam milieu ethiek --- $?$88/11 --- 504.42 --- 614.7 --- 656.61 --- P26 --- #A9110A --- milieubeheer --- waterbehandeling --- waterverontreiniging --- zeevervuiling --- 614.6 --- Oceaanbeheer --- Verontreiniging --- Marine environment pollution --- Marine water pollution --- Ocean pollution --- Offshore water pollution --- Sea pollution --- Seawater --- Coastal zone management --- Oceanography --- Pollution --- Water --- Marine resources conservation --- Ocean --- Ocean resources --- Resources, Marine --- Sea resources --- Aquatic resources --- Commercial products --- Marine biology --- Natural resources --- Disposal of wastes into natural waters, seas, rivers, lakes. Water pollution --- Internationaal zeerecht. Mare liberum. Vrije zee. Zeeengten --- The nature complex as a whole. Balance. Danger. Damage. Threat of destruction --- Hydrospheric environment --- Ideologie en politiek --- milieu - leefmilieu - milieubeleid (zie ook 712) - duurzame ontwikkeling --- zeevaart --- oceanen - zeeën --- Milieubeheer --- Economic aspects --- Marine pollution --- ECO Ecology --- marine water --- Oceaanbeheer. --- 504.4 Hydrospheric environment --- 502.5 The nature complex as a whole. Balance. Danger. Damage. Threat of destruction --- 341.225 Internationaal zeerecht. Mare liberum. Vrije zee. Zeeengten --- 628.394 Disposal of wastes into natural waters, seas, rivers, lakes. Water pollution --- C8

Water treatment : principles and design.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780471110187 0471110183 Year: 2005 Publisher: Hoboken Wiley

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The one-stop resource for all aspects of water treatment engineering-from theory to practice &#13;Completely revised and updated to address current practices and technologies, Water Treatment: Principles and Design, Second Edition provides unique coverage of both the principles and theory of water treatment, as well as the practical considerations of plant design and distribution. &#13;Written by the world's leading water engineering firm, Water Treatment: Principles and Design, Second Edition presents the breadth of water treatment engineering-from the theory and principles of water chemistry and microbiology to in-depth discussions of revolutionary treatment processes to concise tips for plant and network design. Material has been extensively updated and revised in response to regulatory requirements and growing public awareness, particularly in the areas of disinfection, membrane filtration, disposal of treatment plant residuals, and basic microbiology with an emphasis on human pathogens and diseases. &#13;Water Treatment: Principles and Design, Second Edition provides an essential textbook for students and a reliable resource for environmental and water resources engineers.&#13;&#13;

Standardmethods for the examination of water & wastewater : 2005.
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 0875530478 9780875530475 Year: 2006 Publisher: Washington American public health association

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"The Twenty-First Edition has continued the trend to revise methods as issues are identified and contains further refined quality assurance requirements in a number of Parts [sic] and new data on precision and bias. New methods have been added in Parts 2000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, and 9000, and numerous methods have been revised. Details of these changes appear on the reverse of the title page for each part."--Pref. p. iv.

Chemical process design and integration
ISBN: 0471486809 0471486817 9780471486817 9780471486800 Year: 2005 Publisher: Chichester : John Wiley & sons,

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This book deals with the design and integration of chemical processes, emphasizing the conceptual issues that are fundamental to the creation of the process. Chemical process design requires the selection of a series of processing steps and their integration to form a complete manufacturing system. The text emphasizes both the design and selection of the steps as individual operations and their integration. Also, the process will normally operate as part of an integrated manufacturing site consisting of a number of processes serviced by a common utility system. The design of utility systems has been dealt with in the text so that the interactions between processes and the utility system and interactions between different processes through the utility system can be exploited to maximize the performance of the site as a whole.&#13;&#13;Chemical processing should form part of a sustainable industrial activity. For chemical processing, this means that processes should use raw materials as efficiently as is economic and practicable, both to prevent the production of waste that can be environmentally harmful and to preserve the reserves of raw materials as much as possible. Processes should use as little energy as economic and practicable, both to prevent the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels and to preserve reserves of fossil fuels. Water must also be consumed in sustainable quantities that do not cause deterioration in the quality of the water source and the long-term quantity of the reserves. Aqueous and atmospheric emissions must not be environmentally harmful, and solid waste to landfill must be avoided. Finally, all aspects of chemical processing must feature good health and safety practice.&#13;&#13;It is important for the designer to understand the limitations of the methods used in chemical process design. The best way to understand the limitations is to understand the derivations of the equations used and the assumptions on which the equations are based. Where practical, the derivation of the design equations has been included in the text.&#13;&#13;The book is intended to provide a practical guide to chemical process design and integration for undergraduate and postgraduate students of chemical engineering, practicing process designers and chemical engineers and applied chemists working in process development. Examples have been included throughout the text. Most of these examples do not require specialist software and can be performed on spreadsheet software. Finally, a number of exercises have been added at the end of each chapter to allow the reader to practice the calculation procedures.&#13;&#13;

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