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De aarde is plat : ontdekkingsreis door een geglobaliseerde wereld.
ISBN: 9046800733 9789046800737 Year: 2006 Publisher: Amsterdam Nieuw Amsterdam

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Friedmans boek is omvangrijk, maar zijn gloedvol betoog blijft de aandacht vast houden. Hij constateert dat er drie globaliseringstijdperken zijn geweest. Het eerste duurde tot 1492, de ontdekking van Amerika door Columbus, tot 1800. Het tweede tijdperk duurde van 1800 tot 2000. Maar het is vooral het derde tijdperk vanaf het jaar 2000 dat Friedman voor de lezer probeert te schetsen, waarin individuen de mogelijkheid krijgen om op wereldschaal samen te werken en te concurreren. Maar de Aarde wordt steeds platter doordat in dit derde tijdperk ook niet-westerse, niet-blanke individuen zullen gaan meedoen. Hoe dit egaliseringsproces gestalte krijgt, wordt vervolgens in tien krachten geschetst die de Aarde platmaakten. Door de deelname van India en China aan dit derde tijdperk zal de wereld veranderen, platter worden. Friedman onderkent ook dat iedereen erin zal moeten meegaan, ondanks aanwezige factoren die het platmakersproces belemmeren. Het ontstaan van een echte middenklasse blijkt daarbij een voorwaarde. Een boek dat ook door anti-globalisten dient te worden gelezen.Oorspronkelijke titel: The world is flat - J. Swaen

The crash course : the unsustainable future of our economy, energy and environment.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780470927649 047092764X 1118013123 1119200911 9786613026378 1118013107 1283026376 9781118013106 9781118013113 9781118013120 Year: 2011 Publisher: Hoboken Wiley

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"The economic chaos and turbulence we are now experiencing are merely the opening salvos in what will prove to be a long, disruptive period of adjustment for our world, our way of life, and our dreams and desires. Our choices now are to either evolve a new economic model that is compatible with limited physical resources, or to risk a catastrophic failure of our money, energy, and environment, and with it the basis for civilization as we know it today. The Crash Course explains why the disparate fields of economics, energy and the environment will be dramatically different in the next 20 years--in life-changing ways--from the way we have understood them in the previous 20 years. The first half of the book will build a sense of urgency regarding our present situation by revealing that our current trajectory is unsustainable. The second half will inspire and frame out what readers can do to meet these challenges using the author's extensive experience as a source of guidance and hope. People are waking up to the true condition of the economy and world in larger and larger numbers. However, as yet there remains a startling lack of positive, non fear-based materials that can speak to a wide audience and transform the intense emotions stirred by this content into meaningful action. This book will provide a lucid, factual forewarning of things to come, helping readers create positive plans of action in their lives in advance of the future's challenges. Given the rapidly shifting state of the economy, this perspective has a great deal of topical and timely relevance. Through a clear, concise and illuminating explanation of demographics, debt, and the concepts of peak oil and net energy, Dr. Martenson will paint a startling portrait of the defining predicaments of our age and attest to why it is better to be a year early than a day late in recognizing, accepting and addressing the challenges we face. "--

Antifragile : things that gain from disorder.
ISBN: 9781400067824 9780679645276 Year: 2012 Publisher: New York Random House

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"Examples of Antifragility: When you stress your body by lifting a big weight, your body gets stronger. New York has the best restaurants in the world because particular restaurants are always going bust, making the aggregate stronger and stronger, or antifragile. Evolution is antifragile. Certain business and investment strategies are antifragile. Older things tend to be more antifragile than newer ones - because they've been exposed to more Black Swans"-- "The acclaimed author of the influential bestseller The Black Swan, Nicholas Nassim Taleb takes a next big step with a deceptively simple concept: the "antifragile." Like the Greek hydra that grows two heads for each one it loses, people, systems, and institutions that are antifragile not only withstand shocks, they benefit from them. In a modern world dominated by chaos and uncertainty, Antifragile is a revolutionary vision from one of the most subversive and important thinkers of our time. Praise for Nicholas Nassim Taleb "[This] is the lesson of Taleb. and also the lesson of our volatile times. There is more courage and heroism in defying the human impulse, in taking the purposeful and painful steps to prepare for the unimaginable."--Malcolm Gladwell, author of The Tipping Point "[Taleb writes] in a style that owes as much to Stephen Colbert as it does to Michel de Montaigne."--The Wall Street Journal "The most prophetic voice of all. [Taleb is] a genuinely significant philosopher. someone who is able to change the way we view the structure of the world through the strength, originality and veracity of his ideas alone."--GQ "Changed my view of how the world works."--Daniel Kahneman, Nobel laureate"--

Armoede in Brussel
ISBN: 2872622209 9064454019 9782872622207 9789064454011 Year: 2006 Publisher: Bruxelles : Bercham : Koerdisch Instituut EPO,

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15 procent van de Belgen leeft onder de armoedegrens. Meer dan 20 procent van de Brusselaars leeft in armoede. Eén op 20 Brusselaars is afhankelijk van OCMW-steun. Meer dan een vierde van hen leeft in een huishouden zonder betaald werk, of in een huishouden dat de gezondheidszorgen uitstelt omwille van financiële redenen. En het Brusselse armoedebeleid? De aanbevelingen uit de Brusselse armoederapporten bleven al te vaak dode letter. In 2005 verscheen er geen Brussels rapport meer. Dit boek zet armoede terug op de politieke agenda. Het schetst een beeld van de armoede in Brussel vanuit verschillende invalshoeken: van onderzoekers, Brusselse welzijnsorganisaties, straathoekwerkers, armoedeorganisaties en van mensen die zelf in armoede leven. Een tweetalig nood-armoederapport voor Brussel, én een voorstel tot aanpak: een 'Brussels Urgentieplan Armoedebestrijding' (Bron : achterflap boek)

The world is flat : the globalized world in the twenty-first century.
ISBN: 9780141034898 9780374292782 0141022728 9780141022727 0141034890 Year: 2006 Publisher: London Penguin Books

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The beginning of the twenty-first century will be remembered, Friedman argues, not for military conflicts or political events, but for a whole new age of globalization a flattening' of the world. The explosion of advanced technologies now means that suddenly knowledge pools and resources have connected all over the planet, levelling the playing field as never before, so that each of us is potentially an equal and competitor of the other. The rules of the game have changed forever but does this death of distance', which requires us all to run faster in order to stay in the same place, mean the world has got too small and too flat too fast for us to adjust! Friedman brilliantly demystifies the exciting, often bewildering, global scene unfolding before our eyes, one which we sense but barely yet understand. "The World is Flat" is the most timely and essential update on globalization, its successes and its discontents, powerfully illuminated by a world-class writer.

Van huisvrouwen tot uitzendkrachten : arbeid in België sinds 1945
ISBN: 9061526574 9789061526575 Year: 1998 Volume: 31 Publisher: Leuven Davidsfonds

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Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Belgium --- Arbeid en arbeiders --- Belgique --- België --- Emploi --- Femmes --- Travail et travailleurs --- Vrouwen --- Werkgelegenheid --- Women --- Employment --- Economic conditions --- Social conditions --- Vrouwen en arbeid ; België ; geschiedenis --- Arbeid ; België ; geschiedenis --- arbeidsmarkt --- werknemersgezin --- economische geschiedenis --- vrouwenarbeid --- oudere werknemers --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 332.691 --- 332.830 --- 332.811 --- 332.71 --- 331.100 --- 203 --- sociale politiek --- geschiedenis van de sociale zekerheid --- belgie --- 331.5 <493> --- #VCV monografie 1999 --- 331 <493> --- 331.52 <493> --- 331.6 --- 392.5 --- 33 --- 396.5 --- 331.05 --- Evolutie van de arbeidsmarkt. --- Economisch leven van de arbeiders: algemeenheden. Arbeidersbudget. --- Wekelijkse en dagelijkse arbeidsduur. Deeltijdse arbeid. Flexibiliteit van de arbeid. --- Vrouwen- en jongerenarbeid. --- Economische geschiedenis: algemeenheden. --- Sociografie. Algemene beschrijving van de gemeenschappen (Sociologie). --- marche du travail --- politique sociale --- histoire de la securite sociale --- belgique --- Arbeidsmarkt. Werkgelegenheid --(algemeen)--België --- -Women --- -#gsdb8 --- #A9808A --- Human females --- Wimmin --- Woman --- Womon --- Womyn --- Females --- Human beings --- Femininity --- Economic conditions. --- Social conditions. --- 331.5 <493> Arbeidsmarkt. Werkgelegenheid --(algemeen)--België --- -arbeidsmarkt --- anno 1900-1999 --- Sociografie. Algemene beschrijving van de gemeenschappen (Sociologie) --- Economische geschiedenis: algemeenheden --- Evolutie van de arbeidsmarkt --- Vrouwen- en jongerenarbeid --- Wekelijkse en dagelijkse arbeidsduur. Deeltijdse arbeid. Flexibiliteit van de arbeid --- Economisch leven van de arbeiders: algemeenheden. Arbeidersbudget --- #gsdb8 --- Work --- Social aspects --- History --- 20th century --- Women - Employment - Belgium - Flanders --- Women - Belgium - Flanders - Economic conditions --- Women - Belgium - Flanders - Social conditions --- Vrouwen en arbeid ; Belgi&#235; ; geschiedenis --- Arbeid ; Belgi&#235; ; geschiedenis --- Labour --- Labour market --- Book

De kracht van wit : verandert de crisis ons leven ?
ISBN: 9789077432334 Year: 2009 Publisher: Leuven LannooCampus

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Bespreking van de impact van de economische crisis van 2008 en de wijze waarop die op professioneel, persoonlijk en maatschappelijk vlak kan worden overwonnen.


Economische crisis. --- Internationale economie. --- Consumentengedrag. --- Business cycles --- Consumer behavior --- steden --- duurzame ontwikkeling --- gezinssociologie --- economische crisis --- Philosophy and psychology of culture --- departement Handelswetenschappen en Bedrijfskunde 09 --- sociale wetenschappen --- geldwezen --- 338.12 --- 658.8 --- 33 economie --- 338 economische situatie --- 338.124.4 crisissen (economisch) --- 366 consumentenaangelegenheden --- 465 Economische conjunctuur --- 130 --- 658.81 --- sociologie --- 203 --- 339.325.0 --- 650 --- AA / International- internationaal --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- Economische crisis --- 345.1 --- 369.1 --- cases --- consumentengedrag --- crise economique --- crise financiere --- internationale economie --- 658.8 Marketing. Sales. Selling. Distribution --- Marketing. Sales. Selling. Distribution --- 338.12 Conjunctuurbewegingen. Economische fluctuatie. Investeringscycli. Conjunctuuranalyse. Conjunctuuronderzoek. Conjunctuurprognoses --- Conjunctuurbewegingen. Economische fluctuatie. Investeringscycli. Conjunctuuranalyse. Conjunctuuronderzoek. Conjunctuurprognoses --- Cultuurfilosofie. Cultuurpsychologie --- Consumentengedrag --- Sociografie. Algemene beschrijving van de gemeenschappen (Sociologie) --- Levensstandaard en verbruikspeil (algemeenheden) --- Theorieën en grondbeginselen. Management --- Geldwezen ; algemeen --- In- en verkoopsorganisatie en -techniek --- marketing, verkoop, distributie --- financiele crisis --- Trends --- Trendwatching --- Marketing --- Trend --- Financiewezen --- 431 --- bedrijfsbeheer --- opleiding management --- formation management

The empathic civilization : the race to global consciousness in a world in crisis.
ISBN: 9781585427659 9780745641461 9780745641454 0745641466 0745641458 Year: 2009 Publisher: Cambridge Polity

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In this remarkable book Jeremy Rifkin tells the dramatic story of the extension of human empathy from the rise of the first great theological civilizations, to the ideological age that dominated the 18th and 19th centuries, the psychological era that characterized much of the 20th century and the emerging dramaturgical period of the 21st century. The result is a new social tapestry-The Empathic Civilization-woven from a wide range of fields. Rifkin argues that at the very core of the human story is the paradoxical relationship between empathy and entropy. At various times in history new energy regimes have converged with new communication revolutions, creating ever more complex societies that heightened empathic sensitivity and expanded human consciousness. But these increasingly complicated milieus require extensive energy use and speed us toward resource depletion. The irony is that our growing empathic awareness has been made possible by an ever-greater consumption of the Earth's resources, resulting in a dramatic deterioration of the health of the planet. If we are to avert a catastrophic destruction of the Earth's ecosystems, the collapse of the global economy and the possible extinction of the human race, we will need to change human consciousness itself-and in less than a generation. (Bron: covertekst)


History of civilization --- 316 --- Sociologie --(algemeen) --- Cultuur en maatschappij --- Empathie --- Globalisering --- Mens en milieu --- Sociologie --- Cultuur en maatschappij. --- Empathie. --- Globalisering. --- Mens en milieu. --- Sociologie. --- 316 Sociologie --(algemeen) --- 931 Internationale geschiedenis --- globalisation --- E100212.jpg --- Internationella relationer --- International relations. --- Empathy. --- Consciousness. --- Globalization. --- Civilization, Modern --- Conduct of life --- Empathy --- Social prediction --- Twenty-first century --- Prediction, Social --- Social forecasting --- Sociological prediction --- Forecasting --- Sociology --- Social indicators --- Attitude (Psychology) --- Caring --- Emotions --- Social psychology --- Sympathy --- Ethics, Practical --- Morals --- Personal conduct --- Ethics --- Philosophical counseling --- Modern civilization --- Modernity --- Civilization --- Renaissance --- Statistical methods --- History --- AA / International- internationaal --- 203 --- 331.068 --- 355 --- 334.0 --- sociologie --- economie --- Internationale economie --- International relations --- Consciousness --- Globalization --- Sociografie. Algemene beschrijving van de gemeenschappen (Sociologie) --- Futurologie --- Milieu --- Algemene theorieën en beginselen --- globalisering --- Coexistence --- Foreign affairs --- Foreign policy --- Foreign relations --- Global governance --- Interdependence of nations --- International affairs --- Peaceful coexistence --- World order --- National security --- Sovereignty --- World politics --- Global cities --- Globalisation --- Internationalization --- Anti-globalization movement --- Apperception --- Mind and body --- Perception --- Philosophy --- Psychology --- Spirit --- Self

Werk & wereld in de weegschaal : confronterende visies op onderzoek en samenleving
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789020974201 Year: 2007 Publisher: Leuven LannooCampus

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Onze maatschappij verandert razendsnel. Maar nemen we voldoende tijd om stil te staan bij deze veranderingen? Om ze in kaart te brengen? Om ze te interpreteren? Denken we maar aan de beperkte maar wezenlijke ruimte om een eigen nationaal sociaal-economisch beleid te voeren in een globaliserende wereld. Of aan de hindernissen om kortgeschoolden op de arbeidsmarkt te krijgen en te houden. Hoe zullen we onze solidariteit organiseren in 2050 als er meer dan een miljoen 65-plussers bijkomen? Hoe kunnen we een duurzaam milieubeleid ontwikkelen? Onderzoekers die dicht staan bij de wereld van het beleid, van de economie en van het middenveld helpen om de reflecties over deze evoluties in onze samenleving met gegevens en analyses te voeden en te verfijnen. Beleidsinstanties en maatschappelijke actoren reageren hierop. Ook zij zijn 'denkende spelers' die continu kennis produceren en absorberen. Onderzoek doen, gegevens interpreteren, onderzoeksresultaten gebruiken is echter geen neutrale bezigheid. Dit levert een boek op met meer dan dertig confronterende visies over werk en wereld, en zeker over de toekomst. Met o.a. volgende bijdragen: "Death Valley of Golden Gate? Uitdagingen van de transitionele arbeidsmarkt voor de kansengroepen" (Fons Leroy, Francis Holderbeke & Geert Degraeve); "Empowerment in de zorg. Krachten en kwetsbaarheden" (Tine Van Regenmortel); "Meer dan gewenst? De impact van internationale migratie op de verschillende beleidsdomeinen" (Johan Wets); "Gelijke onderwijskansen en autonomie van scholen: een onmogelijk huwelijk?" (Jacques Perquy); "Wereldbreed leren. Educatie in het tijdperk van de globalisering" (Ides Nicaise, Joost Bollens & Katleen De Rick).


Sociologie --- Sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- Samenleving --- Arbeid (werken) --- Overheid --- Werkgelegenheid --- Maatschappelijke ontwikkeling --- Economische politiek --- Sociale economie --- Sociaal beleid --- Evolutie --- Onderzoek (wetenschap) --- Research --- Sociaal beleid. --- Sociale economie. --- Social aspects. --- #KVHB:Arbeidsmarkt --- #KVHB:Personeelsbeleid --- 203 --- 330.2 --- 331.31 --- 332.691 --- AA / International- internationaal --- 331 --- 651 Maatschappij. Algemeen --- arbeid, motivatie --- arbeidsmarkt --- arbeid, veiligheid --- bedrijven, management --- duurzame ontwikkeling --- economische politiek --- gelijke kansenbeleid --- huisvestingsbeleid --- human resources management --- KMO's --- maatschappelijke vraagstukken --- milieubeleid --- ondernemingen, medezeggenschap --- onderwijs --- overheidsbedrijven --- recht, arbeid --- research & development --- sociale partners --- volwasseneneducatie --- werkgelegenheid --- zorgverlening --- ACW --- arbeidsrecht --- arbeidsveiligheid --- empowerment --- migratie --- milieuvraagstukken --- ontwikkelingssamenwerking --- S2007760.JPG --- sociaal onderzoek --- sociale politiek --- solidariteit --- verenigingsleven --- verzorgingsstaat --- welzijnsbeleid --- 351 --- maatschappij --- sociaal beleid --- Academic collection --- #SBIB:316.334.2A10 --- #SBIB:316.334.2A300 --- 001 --- 301.188.0 --- 304 --- 331.4 --- 331.5 --- 338.2 --- #KVHB:Arbeids- en organisatiepsychologie --- 331 Arbeid. Labour economics. Arbeidseconomie --- Arbeid. Labour economics. Arbeidseconomie --- Science --- Science research --- Scientific research --- Information services --- Learning and scholarship --- Methodology --- Research teams --- Social aspects --- Sociografie. Algemene beschrijving van de gemeenschappen (Sociologie) --- Economische analyse en research. Theorie van de informatie --- Economisch beleid --- Evolutie van de arbeidsmarkt --- 331.6 --- 348 --- 331.82 --- 338.97 --- 711 --- 325 --- 504 --- 371 --- 327 --- 301.08 --- 301.18 --- 361.01 --- Economische orde en politiek --- Arbeids-, bedrijfs- en economische sociologie: algemeen --- Arbeidssociologie: arbeidsmarkt en werkloosheid: algemeen --- Wetenschap --- Sociologie van de arbeid --- Arbeidsmarkt. Werkgelegenheid --- Arbeidseconomie --- Economische politiek en planning (alg.) --- Sociology of work --- Social policy --- Labour economics --- Economic policy and planning (general) --- maatschappelijk welzijn --- personeelsmanagement --- sociologie

The age of surveillance capitalism : the fight for a human future at the new frontier of power
ISBN: 9781610395694 1610395697 9781781256848 9781782832744 9781781256855 Year: 2019 Publisher: New York PublicAffairs

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"Shoshana Zuboff, named "the true prophet of the information age" by the Financial Times, has always been ahead of her time. Her seminal book In the Age of the Smart Machine foresaw the consequences of a then-unfolding era of computer technology. Now, three decades later she asks why the once-celebrated miracle of digital is turning into a nightmare. Zuboff tackles the social, political, business, personal, and technological meaning of "surveillance capitalism" as an unprecedented new market form. It is not simply about tracking us and selling ads, it is the business model for an ominous new marketplace that aims at nothing less than predicting and modifying our everyday behavior--where we go, what we do, what we say, how we feel, who we're with. The consequences of surveillance capitalism for us as individuals and as a society vividly come to life in The Age of Surveillance Capitalism's pathbreaking analysis of power. The threat has shifted from a totalitarian "big brother" state to a universal global architecture of automatic sensors and smart capabilities: A "big other" that imposes a fundamentally new form of power and unprecedented concentrations of knowledge in private companies--free from democratic oversight and control"-- The challenges to humanity posed by the digital future, the first detailed examination of the unprecedented form of power called “surveillance capitalism,” and the quest by powerful corporations to predict and control our behavior.Shoshana Zuboff’s interdisciplinary breadth and depth enable her to come to grips with the social, political, business, and technological meaning of the changes taking place in our time. We are at a critical juncture in the confrontation between the vast power of giant high-tech companies and government, the hidden economic logic of surveillance capitalism, and the propaganda of machine supremacy that threaten to shape and control human life. Will the brazen new methods of social engineering and behavior modification threaten individual autonomy and democratic rights and introduce extreme new forms of social inequality? Or will the promise of the digital age be one of individual empowerment and democratization?The Age of Surveillance Capitalism is neither a hand-wringing narrative of danger and decline nor a digital fairy tale. Rather, it offers a deeply reasoned and evocative examination of the contests over the next chapter of capitalism that will decide the meaning of information civilization in the twenty-first century. The stark issue at hand is whether we will be the masters of information and machines or its slaves. (Provided by publisher)


Consumer behavior --- Consumer profiling --- Information technology --- Profiling, Consumer --- Consumers --- Behavior, Consumer --- Buyer behavior --- Decision making, Consumer --- Human behavior --- Market surveys --- Data processing --- Social aspects --- Research --- Data processing. --- Social aspects. --- #SBIB:309H1730 --- #SBIB:17H20 --- #SBIB:316.334.2A554 --- Artificiële Intelligentie, knowledge engineering, . --- Sociale wijsbegeerte: algemeen --- Partijen en strategieën in de onderneming: technologische verandering en zijn effecten op structuur en inhoud van de arbeidsposten --- Artificiële Intelligentie, knowledge engineering, --- Zuboff, Shoshana --- BPB1903 --- Économie de la connaissance --- Société de l'information --- Intelligence artificielle --- kapitalisme --- Kenniseconomie --- Informatiemaatschappij --- Kunstmatige intelligentie --- 330.1 --- Economic order --- CONSUMER BEHAVIOR--DATA PROCESSING --- CONSUMER PROFILING--DATA PROCESSING --- INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY--ECONOMIC ASPECTS --- BIG DATA--ECONOMIC ASPECTS --- 331.068 --- 203 --- Futurologie --- Sociografie. Algemene beschrijving van de gemeenschappen (Sociologie) --- inteligência artificial --- kunstmatige intelligentie --- mesterséges intelligencia --- inteligencia artificial --- tekoäly --- sztuczna inteligencja --- вештачка интелигенција --- umetna inteligenca --- mākslīgais intelekts --- artificial intelligence --- umělá inteligence --- künstliche Intelligenz --- inteligență artificială --- tehisintellekt --- изкуствен интелект --- artificiell intelligens --- intleacht shaorga --- intelligenza artificiale --- intelliġenza artifiċjali --- umelá inteligencia --- dirbtinis intelektas --- τεχνητή νοημοσύνη --- umjetna inteligencija --- inteligjencë artificiale --- kunstig intelligens --- calcolatore di quinta generazione --- συστήματα λήψης αποφάσεων --- sistema inteligente --- ayuda a la decisión --- sistem expert --- ajuda à decisão --- ekspertinė sistema --- expert system --- szakértői rendszer --- συστήματα εμπειρογνώμονες --- expertsystem --- strumento di aiuto alla decisione --- wissensbasierendes System --- IA --- Expertensystem --- KI --- konstgjord intelligens --- expertný systém --- sistem ekspert --- asiantuntijajärjestelmä --- sistema experto --- systeemexpert --- ekspertsistēma --- ekspertsüsteem --- système expert --- sistema esperto --- Entscheidungshilfe --- aide à la décision --- sistema di supporto alle decisioni --- τεχνητή ευφυΐα --- expertní systém --- информатичко општество --- informační společnost --- soċjetà tal-informazzjoni --- информатичко друштво --- informačná spoločnosť --- κοινωνία των πληροφοριών --- społeczeństwo informacyjne --- informacijska družba --- sociedade da informação --- információs társadalom --- societate informațională --- shoqëria e informacionit --- Informationsgesellschaft --- information society --- sociedad de la información --- informationssamfundet --- infoühiskond --- informatiemaatschappij --- tietoyhteiskunta --- an tsochaí faisnéise --- информационно общество --- informācijas sabiedrība --- informationssamhälle --- informacinė visuomenė --- società dell'informazione --- informacijsko društvo --- economia della conoscenza --- znalostní ekonomika --- teadmusmajandus --- ekonomija mmexija mill-għerf u l-innovazzjoni --- osaamistalous --- gospodarstvo temeljeno na znanju --- znalostná ekonomika --- ekonomi e dijes --- geilleagar eolasbhunaithe --- ekonomija znanja --- economia cunoașterii --- economía del conocimiento --- kenniseconomie --- videnbaseret økonomi --- економија базирана на знаење --- kunskapsbaserad ekonomi --- tudásgazdaság --- žinių ekonomika --- научно основана икономика --- οικονομία της γνώσης --- економија заснована на знању --- gospodarka oparta na wiedzy --- wissensbasierte Wirtschaft --- economia do conhecimento --- zināšanu ekonomika --- knowledge economy --- võrgumajandus --- digital ekonomi --- hospodářství založené na znalostech --- économie numérique --- zināšanu virzīta ekonomika --- digitale Wirtschaft --- digital økonomi --- knowledge-based economy --- net-economía --- digitaalinen talous --- vidensøkonomi --- na znanju vodeno gospodarstvo --- cibereconomia --- e-economía --- economia digitale --- economía del saber --- verkkotalous --- eEconomia --- digitaalne majandus --- e-economia --- teadmuspõhine majandus --- ψηφιακή οικονομία --- e-ekonomi --- η-Οικονομία --- teadmistepõhine majandus --- ekonomi e shtyrë nga dija --- knowledge-driven economy --- tietotalous --- znalostní hospodářství --- net-economia --- E-Wirtschaft --- tudás vezette gazdaság --- e-economie --- net-οικονομία --- economia do saber --- netéconomie --- žiniomis pagrįsta ekonomika --- economía digital --- sähköinen kauppa --- nieuwe economie --- економија основана на знаење --- економија на знаење --- e-økonomi --- economía electrónica --- mokslo imli ekonomika --- cibereconomía --- digitale economie --- uz zināšanām balstīta ekonomika --- internetøkonomi --- nätekonomi --- neteconomia --- tudásalapú gazdaság --- economia del sapere --- ekonomika založená na poznatkoch --- économie du savoir --- economia digital --- e-économie --- ekonomi e mbështetur te dija --- e-majandus --- ekonomija temeljena na znanju --- ekonomija żviluppata --- ekonomika založená na znalostech --- gospodarstvo znanja --- net-économie --- Consommateurs --- Profilage des consommateurs --- Technologie de l'information --- Attitude (psychologie) --- Informatique. --- Aspect social. --- Information society. --- Société numérique. --- Capitalism. --- Capitalisme. --- Consumer behavior - Data processing --- Consumer profiling - Data processing --- Information technology - Social aspects --- Économie de la connaissance --- Société de l'information --- Société numérique.

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