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ISBN: 9058262669 9789058262660 Year: 2004 Publisher: Leuven Davidsfonds

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Natuurbeheer, een prachtig lees- en kijkboek, geeft inzicht in de zovele facetten van natuurbeheer. Het boek registreert de delicate relatie tussen mens en natuur in woord en beeld: de grazers op de heide, ijsvogels als barometer voor zuiver beekwater, het porseleinhoentje in moerassen en vijvers, de verspreiding van planten via maaimachines en vee, stuifduinen op de heide, mieren als onmisbare schakel in de duingraslanden... Natuurbeheer bevat boeiende bijdragen, geschreven door een hele schare deskundigen, onderbouwd met talrijke voorbeelden, voorzien van duidelijke schema's en verfraaid met prachtige foto's. Samen onderstrepen ze hoe rijk natuurgebieden zijn en hoe ze op verantwoorde wijze beheerd kunnen worden. Een must voor elke natuurliefhebber.


Natuurbeheer Vlaanderen --- Natuurontwikkeling Vlaanderen --- natuurbeheer --- 502.4 --- natuurreservaat (x) --- #A0406A --- 571 Natuurbescherming --- Natuur (behoud) --- natuurbehoud --- natuurreservaten --- Natuurbeheer --- Openbaar groen (lt) --- natuurbeheer (lt) --- Bossen . Vlaanderen --- Moerassen . Vlaanderen --- Natuurbeheer . Vlaanderen --- Natuurbehoud . Vlaanderen --- Natuurontwikkeling --- Conservation management in general. Monitoring --- Nature reserves. Protected areas in general and their management --- Nature (Préservation de la) --- Environmental Sciences and Forestry. Nature Management --- Nature Conservation Policy --- 502.4 Nature reserves. Protected areas in general and their management --- 502.35 Conservation management in general. Monitoring --- Nature Conservation Policy. --- 502.35 --- 504.54 --- 502 --- Academic collection --- C3 --- ecologie (x) --- illustraties (x) --- milieubeheer --- 502.6 --- biologie --- bossen --- ecologie --- landschappen --- milieu --- 570.3 --- 502.5 --- 502 Nature. Nature study and conservation. Nature and wildlife protection --- Nature. Nature study and conservation. Nature and wildlife protection --- 504.54 Landscape. Landscape ecology --- Landscape. Landscape ecology --- Kunst en cultuur --- Nature protection --- Flanders --- Natuurbeheer ; Vlaanderen --- Natuurontwikkeling ; Vlaanderen --- Natuurbescherming --- Vlaanderen --- Pure sciences. Natural sciences (general) --- natuurwetenschappen --- duurzaamheid --- landschapsecologie

Milieuzorg in de landbouw
ISBN: 9028914781 9789028914780 Year: 1989 Volume: vol 29 Publisher: Kapellen : Pelckmans,

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Agriculture. Animal husbandry. Hunting. Fishery --- landbouw --- Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- milieuhygiëne --- Agriculture --- Environnement --- Landbouw --- Milieu --- 502.7 --- 628.5 --- 502.3 --- 631.151.6 --- #ECO:01.13:economie sociaal duurzaam milieu ethiek --- #ECO:04.10:sectoren landbouw --- milieu --- natuur --- 614.7 --- 63 --- 504.03 --- 631.147 --- #C9202 --- #SERV: inv. Leuven 4 --- Landbouw / veeteelt 63 --- Milieu-bedrijfsleven 504.7:658:338 --- Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap 353.11 --- landbouwbeleid --- leefmilieu --- milieubeleid --- 614.62 --- biotechnologie --- bodemverontreiniging --- gezondheidszorg --- meststoffen --- milieuvervuiling --- pesticiden --- 631 --- Biotechnologie --- Erosie --- Landbouw-milieu --- Mengmest --- Minerale meststoffen --- Pesticiden --- 631.9 --- Landbouw en milieu --- Milieuzorg: landbouw --- Protection of animate nature. Wildlife conservation and protection --- Measures against industrial and other nuisances --- Nature and society. Nature conservation and protection in general --- Integrated farm production systems. Sustainable agriculture --- milieu - leefmilieu - milieubeleid (zie ook 712) - duurzame ontwikkeling --- landbouw (zie ook 323.325) --- politique agricole --- environnement --- politique de l'environnement --- Milieuverontreiniging --- Open ruimtefuncties --- Platteland --- AGR Agriculture --- agriculture --- environmental management --- nature conservation --- ecological methods --- agriculture history --- environmental problems --- pesticides --- fertilizers --- 631.151.6 Integrated farm production systems. Sustainable agriculture --- 502.3 Nature and society. Nature conservation and protection in general --- 628.5 Measures against industrial and other nuisances --- 502.7 Protection of animate nature. Wildlife conservation and protection --- Landbouw. --- Agricultural ecology --- Europe --- Addresses, essays, lectures --- RECOMMENDATIONS --- FORECAST --- SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS --- AGRICULTURE --- ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT

Vervuiling van het milieudebat : Een milieusceptische essay.
ISSN: 13873695 ISBN: 9057120410 Year: 1999 Publisher: Amsterdam : Nieuwezijds,

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502.3 --- Environmental quality --- #A0006A --- 500 Milieu --- 041 Essays met verspreide inhoud --- Quality of environment --- Environmental degradation --- Environmental protection --- Pollution --- Nature and society. Nature conservation and protection in general --- Milieuvervuiling --- Milieuvervuiling. --- 502.3 Nature and society. Nature conservation and protection in general --- CONTAMINATION --- Economics. --- Biodiversity. --- Essays. --- Pollution. --- Environmental politics --- Scarcity --- ENVIRONMENT --- Global warming. --- Climatic changes. --- Environmental policy. --- Chemical pollution --- Chemicals --- Contamination of environment --- Environmental pollution --- Contamination (Technology) --- Asbestos abatement --- Bioremediation --- Environmental engineering --- Factory and trade waste --- Hazardous waste site remediation --- Hazardous wastes --- In situ remediation --- Lead abatement --- Pollutants --- Refuse and refuse disposal --- Environment and state --- Environmental control --- Environmental management --- State and environment --- Environmental auditing --- Changes, Climatic --- Changes in climate --- Climate change --- Climate change science --- Climate changes --- Climate variations --- Climatic change --- Climatic changes --- Climatic fluctuations --- Climatic variations --- Global climate changes --- Global climatic changes --- Climatology --- Climate change mitigation --- Teleconnections (Climatology) --- Global warming --- Warming, Global --- Global temperature changes --- Greenhouse effect, Atmospheric --- Deficiency --- Shortages --- Collected papers (Anthologies) --- Papers, Collected (Anthologies) --- Prose literature --- Festschriften --- Biological diversification --- Biological diversity --- Biotic diversity --- Diversification, Biological --- Diversity, Biological --- Biology --- Biocomplexity --- Ecological heterogeneity --- Numbers of species --- Economic theory --- Political economy --- Social sciences --- Economic man --- Environmental aspects --- Government policy --- Monograph

Nieuwe impulsen voor de landschapszorg : de landschapsatlas : baken voor een verruimd beleid
Authors: ---
ISBN: 904030128X 9789040301285 Year: 2001 Volume: 5 Publisher: Brussel Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, afdeling Monumenten en Landschappen

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"La nécessité de dresser un inventaire du paysage est inspirée par le besoin d'un inventaire objectivé du paysage flamand et par une approche holistique qui s'oppose aux approches sectorielles..." -- Résumé en français pages 190-191.


Landscape protection --- Landscapes --- Atlases. --- Geografie --- Landschapszorg --- Atlases --- Landschapskunde --- Zorg en Planning. --- Vlaanderen. --- landschapszorg --- Environmental planning --- landschappen --- landscapes [environments] --- Flanders --- Landschapszorg ; Vlaanderen --- 712.2 --- #A0112A --- 582 Landschapsbescherming --- landschapsarchitectuur --- Vlaanderen --- België --- 712 --- 72.025 --- Landschap --- Landschapsbeleid (landschapsbescherming) --- Landschappen . Vlaanderen --- 719.6 --- 719 --- 504.54 --- 719 Natuurbescherming. Landschapsbescherming. Heemschut --- Natuurbescherming. Landschapsbescherming. Heemschut --- 504.54 Landscape. Landscape ecology --- Landscape. Landscape ecology --- 712.2 Planologie van landschappen--(algemeen) --- Planologie van landschappen--(algemeen) --- landschapsarchitectuur, parkaanleg en groenvoorziening, tuinarchitectuur --- renovatie, monumentenzorg, erfgoed --- Jardin --- Protection des sites --- Espace vert --- Flandre-région --- Landschappen --- Environmental management --- 711.2 --- Landschappen ; Vlaanderen ; inventarisatie --- Landschapsatlassen ; België --- Countryside --- Landscape --- Natural scenery --- Scenery --- Scenic landscapes --- Nature --- Environmental stewardship --- Stewardship, Environmental --- Environmental sciences --- Management --- Beautification of the landscape --- Conservation of landscapes --- Conservation of scenic beauty --- Conservation of scenic resources --- Natural beauty conservation --- Preservation of natural scenery --- Preservation of scenic resources --- Protection of landscapes --- Protection of scenic beauty --- Protection of scenic resources --- Scenery preservation --- Environmental protection --- Nature conservation --- Environmentally sensitive areas --- Landscape assessment --- Regional planning --- Stedenbouw. Ruimtelijke ordening ; planningsinstrumenten ; streekplannen, atlassen, surveys --- Conservation --- Protection --- Flandre --- Landschapszorg--Vlaanderen --- Emigratie --- Public administration --- Landscapes. --- Landscape protection. --- Environmental management. --- Gestion de l'environnement --- Paysage --- Flandre (Belgique) --- comprehensive plans [reports]

Leren om te keren : milieu- en natuurrapport Vlaanderen
ISBN: 9053503080 9789053503089 Year: 1994 Publisher: Leuven Garant

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Bibliotheek François Vercammen


Environmental Sciences and Forestry. Nature Management --- Nature Conservation. --- Ecologie --- 614.7 <493> --- 504.03 --- 351.777 <493-17> --- #ECO:01.13:economie sociaal duurzaam milieu ethiek --- #ECO:05.01:landen België --- $?$95/01 --- (493=393.2) --- 351.777 --- 504 --- 351.77 <493=393> --- 504.05 <493=393> --- #A9410A --- #SERV: inv. Leuven 4 --- Milieu 504.7 --- Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap 353.11 --- Natuur 614.7:719 --- beleid --- milieu --- milieuzorg --- rapport --- leefmilieu --- milieubeleid --- verslagen --- vlaanderen --- 54<493-17> --- 614.61 --- Bodemverontreiniging --- Broeikaseffect --- Luchtverontreiniging --- Milieuproblemen --- Milieuverstoringen --- Vlaanderen --- Waterverontreiniging --- Zure regen --- milieurapport --- Vlaamse Gemeenschap / Gewest --- milieuproblematiek --- milieuvervuiling --- 504.03 Social and socio-economical aspects of human influences on the environment. Social ecology. Ecological economics --- Social and socio-economical aspects of human influences on the environment. Social ecology. Ecological economics --- 351.777 <493-17> Wetgeving, reglementering i.v.m. milieubeheer, milieuhygiene, verontreiniging. Milieurecht. Milieuhygienerecht--zie ook {?502/504}; {?613/614}; {628}--Vlaanderen. Vlaams Gewest. Nederlandstalige Gemeenschap in België --- Wetgeving, reglementering i.v.m. milieubeheer, milieuhygiene, verontreiniging. Milieurecht. Milieuhygienerecht--zie ook {?502/504}; {?613/614}; {628}--Vlaanderen. Vlaams Gewest. Nederlandstalige Gemeenschap in België --- Pollutie van lucht, water, grond--(openbare gezondheidszorg)--België --- environnement --- politique de l'environnement --- rapports --- flandre --- Milieubeleid; algemeen - Milieurecht; algemeen --- Environmental protection --- Flanders (Belgium) --- Milieubeleid: Vlaanderen --- Milieurapporten: Vlaanderen --- (493 --- 351.77 <493 --- 504.05 <493 --- Leefmilieu --- Natuur (behoud) --- Environnement --- Nature (Préservation de la) --- Milieu --- Milieubeleid --- 628 --- Milieuproblematiek (Milieuvervuiling, Milieuzorg) --- Monograph --- ENVIRIONMENT --- FLANDERS --- BELGIUM --- NATURE --- ECONOMICS --- ENVIRONMENT --- Nature. --- Economics. --- Economic theory --- Political economy --- Social sciences --- Economic man --- Milieubeleid . Vlaanderen --- Milieuvervuiling . Vlaanderen --- 614.6 --- Emigratie

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