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Sensational flesh : race, power, and masochism
ISBN: 1479891401 9781479891405 9781479891818 1479891819 9781479832491 1479832499 Year: 2014 Publisher: New York, NY : New York University Press,

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In everyday language, masochism is usually understood as the desire to abdicate control in exchange for sensation—pleasure, pain, or a combination thereof. Yet at its core, masochism is a site where power, bodies, and society come together. Sensational Flesh uses masochism as a lens to examine how power structures race, gender, and embodiment in different contexts. Drawing on rich and varied sources—from 19th century sexology, psychoanalysis, and critical theory to literary texts and performance art—Amber Jamilla Musser employs masochism as a powerful diagnostic tool for probing relationships between power and subjectivity. Engaging with a range of debates about lesbian S&M, racialization, femininity, and disability, as well as key texts such as Sacher-Masoch’s Venus in Furs, Pauline Réage’s The Story of O, and Michel Foucault's History of Sexuality, Musser renders legible the complex ways that masochism has been taken up by queer, feminist, and critical race theories. Furthering queer theory’s investment in affect and materiality, she proposes “sensation” as an analytical tool for illustrating what it feels like to be embedded in structures of domination such as patriarchy, colonialism, and racism and what it means to embody femininity, blackness, and pain. Sensational Flesh is ultimately about the ways in which difference is made material through race, gender, and sexuality and how that materiality is experienced.

Afasie: beschrijving, onderzoek, behandeling
Authors: ---
ISBN: 902651459X Year: 2005 Publisher: Amsterdam Harcourt

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Aphasia --- Speech Disorders --- Aprosodic Speech --- Cluttering --- Dysglossia --- Dyslalia --- Rhinolalia --- Verbal Fluency Disorders --- Aprosodia --- Aprosodias --- Clutterings --- Dysglossias --- Dyslalias --- Rhinolalias --- Speech, Aprosodic --- Verbal Fluency Disorder --- Language Disorders --- Velopharyngeal Insufficiency --- Verbal Behavior --- Alogia --- Anepia --- Aphasia, Ageusic --- Aphasia, Auditory Discriminatory --- Aphasia, Commisural --- Aphasia, Functional --- Aphasia, Global --- Aphasia, Graphomotor --- Aphasia, Intellectual --- Aphasia, Mixed --- Aphasia, Post-Ictal --- Aphasia, Post-Traumatic --- Aphasia, Progressive --- Aphasia, Semantic --- Aphasia, Syntactical --- Dejerine-Lichtheim Phenomenon --- Dysphasia, Global --- Lichtheim's Sign --- Logagnosia --- Logamnesia --- Logasthenia --- Aphasia, Acquired --- Dysphasia --- Acquired Aphasia --- Ageusic Aphasia --- Ageusic Aphasias --- Alogias --- Anepias --- Aphasia, Post Ictal --- Aphasia, Post Traumatic --- Aphasias, Ageusic --- Aphasias, Auditory Discriminatory --- Aphasias, Commisural --- Aphasias, Functional --- Aphasias, Global --- Aphasias, Graphomotor --- Aphasias, Intellectual --- Aphasias, Mixed --- Aphasias, Post-Ictal --- Aphasias, Post-Traumatic --- Aphasias, Progressive --- Aphasias, Semantic --- Aphasias, Syntactical --- Auditory Discriminatory Aphasia --- Auditory Discriminatory Aphasias --- Commisural Aphasia --- Commisural Aphasias --- Dejerine Lichtheim Phenomenon --- Discriminatory Aphasia, Auditory --- Discriminatory Aphasias, Auditory --- Dysphasias, Global --- Functional Aphasia --- Functional Aphasias --- Global Aphasia --- Global Aphasias --- Global Dysphasia --- Global Dysphasias --- Graphomotor Aphasia --- Graphomotor Aphasias --- Intellectual Aphasia --- Intellectual Aphasias --- Lichtheim Sign --- Lichtheims Sign --- Logagnosias --- Logamnesias --- Logasthenias --- Mixed Aphasia --- Mixed Aphasias --- Phenomenon, Dejerine-Lichtheim --- Post-Ictal Aphasia --- Post-Ictal Aphasias --- Post-Traumatic Aphasia --- Post-Traumatic Aphasias --- Progressive Aphasia --- Progressive Aphasias --- Semantic Aphasia --- Semantic Aphasias --- Sign, Lichtheim's --- Syntactical Aphasia --- Syntactical Aphasias --- Dominance, Cerebral --- Landau-Kleffner Syndrome --- spraakstoornissen --- Neuropathology --- Physiology of nerves and sense organs --- logopedie --- Psycholinguistics --- apraxie --- schrijfstoornissen --- afasie --- taalstoornissen --- Word Deafness --- Deafness, Word

ISBN: 9789044129243 Year: 2012 Publisher: Antwerpen Garant

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Ontwikkelingsdysfasie (OD) is een complexe en hardnekkige stoornis in de verwerving van de mondelinge taal, zonder dat er direct aanwijsbare redenen voor zijn. Vaak voorkomende synoniemen zijn: specifieke taalontwikkelingsstoornis, Specific Language Impairment en ernstige spraak- en/of taalmoeilijkheden. Omdat de taalontwikkeling nauw samenhangt met andere ontwikkelingsdomeinen, hebben kinderen met OD meer kans op schoolse moeilijkheden en sociaal-emotionele problemen.Verder is OD zo complex wegens de ingewikkelde wisselwerking tussen aangeboren taalvermogen en taalaanbod. Een correcte diagnose stellen, is niet eenvoudig en vraagt tijd. Bij de behandeling van OD speelt de hele omgeving een rol. Dit boek richt zich zowel tot logopedisten en andere therapeuten, als tot ouders, artsen, leerkrachten, schooldirecties en leerlingbegeleiders.


Psycholinguistics --- taalverwerving --- ontwikkelingsstoornissen --- Orthopedagogics --- orthopedagogiek --- afasie --- taalstoornissen --- Academic collection --- #KVHB:Dysfasie --- #KVHB:Taalstoornissen; kinderen --- #KVHB:Taalontwikkeling --- Dysfasie --- Ontwikkeling van kinderen --- 463.4 --- taalontwikkeling --- Ontwikkelingsstoornissen ; kinderen --- Spraakstoornissen ; kinderen --- Taalstoornissen ; kinderen --- taalontwikkelingsstoornissen --- dysfasie --- ontwikkelingsdysfasie --- Spraak- en taalgebrekkigen --- Aphasia --- Language Disorders --- Acquired Language Disorders --- Language Disorders, Acquired --- Acquired Language Disorder --- Language Disorder --- Language Disorder, Acquired --- Speech Disorders --- Verbal Behavior --- Verbal Learning --- Alogia --- Anepia --- Aphasia, Ageusic --- Aphasia, Auditory Discriminatory --- Aphasia, Commisural --- Aphasia, Functional --- Aphasia, Global --- Aphasia, Graphomotor --- Aphasia, Intellectual --- Aphasia, Mixed --- Aphasia, Post-Ictal --- Aphasia, Post-Traumatic --- Aphasia, Progressive --- Aphasia, Semantic --- Aphasia, Syntactical --- Dejerine-Lichtheim Phenomenon --- Dysphasia, Global --- Lichtheim's Sign --- Logagnosia --- Logamnesia --- Logasthenia --- Aphasia, Acquired --- Dysphasia --- Acquired Aphasia --- Ageusic Aphasia --- Ageusic Aphasias --- Alogias --- Anepias --- Aphasia, Post Ictal --- Aphasia, Post Traumatic --- Aphasias, Ageusic --- Aphasias, Auditory Discriminatory --- Aphasias, Commisural --- Aphasias, Functional --- Aphasias, Global --- Aphasias, Graphomotor --- Aphasias, Intellectual --- Aphasias, Mixed --- Aphasias, Post-Ictal --- Aphasias, Post-Traumatic --- Aphasias, Progressive --- Aphasias, Semantic --- Aphasias, Syntactical --- Auditory Discriminatory Aphasia --- Auditory Discriminatory Aphasias --- Commisural Aphasia --- Commisural Aphasias --- Dejerine Lichtheim Phenomenon --- Discriminatory Aphasia, Auditory --- Discriminatory Aphasias, Auditory --- Dysphasias, Global --- Functional Aphasia --- Functional Aphasias --- Global Aphasia --- Global Aphasias --- Global Dysphasia --- Global Dysphasias --- Graphomotor Aphasia --- Graphomotor Aphasias --- Intellectual Aphasia --- Intellectual Aphasias --- Lichtheim Sign --- Lichtheims Sign --- Logagnosias --- Logamnesias --- Logasthenias --- Mixed Aphasia --- Mixed Aphasias --- Phenomenon, Dejerine-Lichtheim --- Post-Ictal Aphasia --- Post-Ictal Aphasias --- Post-Traumatic Aphasia --- Post-Traumatic Aphasias --- Progressive Aphasia --- Progressive Aphasias --- Semantic Aphasia --- Semantic Aphasias --- Sign, Lichtheim's --- Syntactical Aphasia --- Syntactical Aphasias --- Dominance, Cerebral --- Landau-Kleffner Syndrome --- Ontwikkelingsproblemen --- Kinderen --- Spraakstoornissen --- Taalproblemen --- Diagnostiek --- Therapie --- Zorgverbreding --- Leerlingbegeleiding --- Dysfagie --- Word Deafness --- Deafness, Word --- Ontwikkelingsprobleem --- Kind --- Spraakstoornis --- Taalprobleem --- Diagnose --- Jeugd --- Media --- Ontwikkelingsstoornis --- Fysiotherapie --- Primary education --- Secondary education

Aphasia and related neurogenic communication disorders.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780763771003 Year: 2013 Publisher: Sudbury Jones and Bartlett

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Aphasia --- Apraxias --- Brain Injuries --- Dementia --- Dysarthria --- #KVHB:Afasie --- Dysarthosis --- Dysarthria, Flaccid --- Dysarthria, Guttural --- Dysarthria, Mixed --- Dysarthria, Scanning --- Dysarthria, Spastic --- Dysarthoses --- Dysarthrias --- Dysarthrias, Flaccid --- Dysarthrias, Guttural --- Dysarthrias, Mixed --- Dysarthrias, Scanning --- Dysarthrias, Spastic --- Flaccid Dysarthria --- Flaccid Dysarthrias --- Guttural Dysarthria --- Guttural Dysarthrias --- Mixed Dysarthria --- Mixed Dysarthrias --- Scanning Dysarthria --- Scanning Dysarthrias --- Spastic Dysarthria --- Spastic Dysarthrias --- Amentia --- Familial Dementia --- Senile Paranoid Dementia --- Amentias --- Dementia, Familial --- Dementias --- Dementias, Familial --- Dementias, Senile Paranoid --- Familial Dementias --- Paranoid Dementia, Senile --- Paranoid Dementias, Senile --- Senile Paranoid Dementias --- Tauopathies --- Acute Brain Injuries --- Brain Injuries, Acute --- Brain Injuries, Focal --- Focal Brain Injuries --- Injuries, Acute Brain --- Injuries, Brain --- Brain Lacerations --- Acute Brain Injury --- Brain Injury --- Brain Injury, Acute --- Brain Injury, Focal --- Brain Laceration --- Focal Brain Injury --- Injuries, Focal Brain --- Injury, Acute Brain --- Injury, Brain --- Injury, Focal Brain --- Laceration, Brain --- Lacerations, Brain --- Brain --- Apraxia --- Apraxia of Phonation --- Apraxia, Articulatory --- Apraxia, Developmental Verbal --- Apraxia, Facial-Oral --- Apraxia, Gestural --- Apraxia, Motor --- Apraxia, Oral --- Apraxia, Verbal --- Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia --- Dyspraxia, Articulatory --- Dyspraxia, Oral --- Dyspraxia, Verbal --- Speech And Language Disorder With Orofacial Dyspraxia --- Speech-Language Disorder 1 --- Dressing Apraxia --- Dyspraxia --- Ideational Apraxia --- 1s, Speech-Language Disorder --- Apraxia, Dressing --- Apraxia, Facial Oral --- Apraxia, Ideational --- Apraxias, Articulatory --- Apraxias, Developmental Verbal --- Apraxias, Dressing --- Apraxias, Facial-Oral --- Apraxias, Gestural --- Apraxias, Ideational --- Apraxias, Motor --- Apraxias, Oral --- Apraxias, Verbal --- Articulatory Apraxia --- Articulatory Apraxias --- Articulatory Dyspraxia --- Articulatory Dyspraxias --- Developmental Verbal Apraxia --- Developmental Verbal Apraxias --- Developmental Verbal Dyspraxias --- Disorder 1, Speech-Language --- Disorder 1s, Speech-Language --- Dressing Apraxias --- Dyspraxia, Developmental Verbal --- Dyspraxias --- Dyspraxias, Articulatory --- Dyspraxias, Developmental Verbal --- Dyspraxias, Oral --- Dyspraxias, Verbal --- Facial-Oral Apraxia --- Facial-Oral Apraxias --- Gestural Apraxia --- Gestural Apraxias --- Ideational Apraxias --- Motor Apraxia --- Motor Apraxias --- Oral Apraxia --- Oral Apraxias --- Oral Dyspraxia --- Oral Dyspraxias --- Phonation Apraxia --- Phonation Apraxias --- Speech Language Disorder 1 --- Speech-Language Disorder 1s --- Verbal Apraxia --- Verbal Apraxia, Developmental --- Verbal Apraxias --- Verbal Apraxias, Developmental --- Verbal Dyspraxia --- Verbal Dyspraxia, Developmental --- Verbal Dyspraxias --- Verbal Dyspraxias, Developmental --- Alogia --- Anepia --- Aphasia, Ageusic --- Aphasia, Auditory Discriminatory --- Aphasia, Commisural --- Aphasia, Functional --- Aphasia, Global --- Aphasia, Graphomotor --- Aphasia, Intellectual --- Aphasia, Mixed --- Aphasia, Post-Ictal --- Aphasia, Post-Traumatic --- Aphasia, Progressive --- Aphasia, Semantic --- Aphasia, Syntactical --- Dejerine-Lichtheim Phenomenon --- Dysphasia, Global --- Lichtheim's Sign --- Logagnosia --- Logamnesia --- Logasthenia --- Aphasia, Acquired --- Dysphasia --- Acquired Aphasia --- Ageusic Aphasia --- Ageusic Aphasias --- Alogias --- Anepias --- Aphasia, Post Ictal --- Aphasia, Post Traumatic --- Aphasias, Ageusic --- Aphasias, Auditory Discriminatory --- Aphasias, Commisural --- Aphasias, Functional --- Aphasias, Global --- Aphasias, Graphomotor --- Aphasias, Intellectual --- Aphasias, Mixed --- Aphasias, Post-Ictal --- Aphasias, Post-Traumatic --- Aphasias, Progressive --- Aphasias, Semantic --- Aphasias, Syntactical --- Auditory Discriminatory Aphasia --- Auditory Discriminatory Aphasias --- Commisural Aphasia --- Commisural Aphasias --- Dejerine Lichtheim Phenomenon --- Discriminatory Aphasia, Auditory --- Discriminatory Aphasias, Auditory --- Dysphasias, Global --- Functional Aphasia --- Functional Aphasias --- Global Aphasia --- Global Aphasias --- Global Dysphasia --- Global Dysphasias --- Graphomotor Aphasia --- Graphomotor Aphasias --- Intellectual Aphasia --- Intellectual Aphasias --- Lichtheim Sign --- Lichtheims Sign --- Logagnosias --- Logamnesias --- Logasthenias --- Mixed Aphasia --- Mixed Aphasias --- Phenomenon, Dejerine-Lichtheim --- Post-Ictal Aphasia --- Post-Ictal Aphasias --- Post-Traumatic Aphasia --- Post-Traumatic Aphasias --- Progressive Aphasia --- Progressive Aphasias --- Semantic Aphasia --- Semantic Aphasias --- Sign, Lichtheim's --- Syntactical Aphasia --- Syntactical Aphasias --- Dominance, Cerebral --- Landau-Kleffner Syndrome --- injuries --- Afasie --- Word Deafness --- Deafness, Word

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