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Recreation. Games. Sports. Corp. expression --- Pharmacology. Therapy --- Doping in Sports. --- 613.83 --- 796/799 --- 796.015 --- Doping --- Dopingcontroles --- Geschiedenis --- Gezondheid --- Hormonen --- Sport --- Voeding --- Sports Blood Doping --- Blood Doping --- Blood Doping, Sports --- Blood Dopings --- Blood Dopings, Sports --- Doping in Sport --- Doping, Blood --- Dopings, Blood --- Dopings, Sports Blood --- Sport, Doping in --- Sports Blood Dopings --- Sports, Doping in --- in Sport, Doping --- in Sports, Doping --- Sports --- Performance-Enhancing Substances --- Narcotics --- 613.83 Narcotics --- Doping in Sports
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Drug abuse --- -Drug abuse --- -Drug control --- 364.2-056.83 <492> --- 351.761.3 <492> --- 178.8 <492> --- Drug control --- Drug enforcement --- Drug law enforcement --- Drug policy --- Drug traffic --- Drug traffic control --- Drugs --- Narcotics, Control of --- War on drugs --- Vice control --- Drug use --- Recreational drug use --- Substance abuse --- Government policy --- -Prevention --- -Government policy --- Prevention
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343.966 --- 343.944 --- Drug abuse --- -Drug abuse --- -Drug traffic --- 061.236 --- #A9412A --- Drug dealing --- Drug production, Illicit --- Drug smuggling --- Drug trade, Illicit --- Drug trafficking --- Drugs --- Illicit drug production --- Illicit drug trade --- Narcotic trade --- Narcotic traffic --- Narcotic trafficking --- Smuggling of drugs --- Smuggling of narcotics --- Traffic, Drug --- Trafficking in drugs --- Trafficking in narcotics --- Drug abuse and crime --- Narco-terrorism --- Drug use --- Recreational drug use --- Substance abuse --- Beroepsmisdadigers. Georganiseerde misdadigheid --- Social aspects --- -Social aspects --- -Prices and sale --- XTC (Musical group) --- Dukes of Stratosphear (Musical group) --- Drug traffic. --- Star Park (Musical group) --- Helium Kidz --- -XTC (Musical group) --- 343.944 Beroepsmisdadigers. Georganiseerde misdadigheid --- 343.966 Drugs --- Drug traffic --- Prices and sale --- 320 --- verslaving --- drugshandel --- sociale vraagstukken --- questions sociales
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Bachelor in het onderwijs : secundair onderwijs --- Nederlands --- h.o. --- Social problems --- Alcoholism --- Drug abuse --- Drug addiction --- alcoholisme --- drugs --- roken --- Addiction to drugs --- Drug dependence --- Drug dependency --- Drug habit --- Narcotic addiction --- Narcotic habit --- Narcotics addiction --- Drug use --- Recreational drug use --- Addiction to alcohol --- Alcohol abuse --- Alcohol intoxication --- Dipsomania --- Drinking problem --- Drunkenness --- Inebriety --- Intemperance --- Intoxication --- Jellinek's disease --- Liquor problem --- 613.8 --- Substance abuse --- Temperance --- Controlled drinking --- Drinking of alcoholic beverages --- Intoxication, Alcohol
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Ethics and addiction --- druggebruik --- drugs --- Drug addiction --- DRUG, Netherlands --- Substance abuse. --- DRUG, Netherlands. --- Drug, netherlands. --- Medicine and the law --- #GROL:SEMI-178 --- Didactics of social education --- Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- Toxicology --- Narcotic habit --- Drug abuse --- Legislation --- Medicine and ethics. --- Medicine and the law. --- Toxicology. --- #GROL:Masscat --- #GSDBP --- Addiction to drugs --- Drug dependence --- Drug dependency --- Drug habit --- Narcotic addiction --- Narcotics addiction --- Drug use --- Substance abuse --- 613.8 --- Narcotic habit - Netherlands --- Verdovende middelen
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Criminology. Victimology --- Ethics and addiction --- Psychiatry --- Social problems --- Toxicology --- Social welfare methods --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Age group sociology --- Adolescent. --- Substance-Related Disorders. --- 613.83 --- 304 --- 178.8 --- Drug abuse --- -Drug abuse --- -Youth --- -#GGSB: Jongeren --- #GGSB: Sociale wet. essays --- #SBIB:316.334.3M30 --- #SBIB:316.334.3M54 --- Academic collection --- 614.7 --- Druggebruik --- Drugs --- Drugverslaving --- Jongeren --- drugs --- probleemjongeren --- Drug use --- Recreational drug use --- Substance abuse --- Substance Addiction --- Drug Abuse --- Drug Addiction --- Drug Dependence --- Drug Habituation --- Drug Use Disorders --- Organic Mental Disorders, Substance-Induced --- Substance Abuse --- Substance Dependence --- Substance Use Disorders --- Abuse, Drug --- Abuse, Substance --- Abuses, Substance --- Addiction, Drug --- Addiction, Substance --- Dependence, Drug --- Dependence, Substance --- Disorder, Drug Use --- Disorder, Substance Use --- Drug Use Disorder --- Habituation, Drug --- Organic Mental Disorders, Substance Induced --- Substance Abuses --- Substance Use Disorder --- Drug and Narcotic Control --- Disruptive, Impulse Control, and Conduct Disorders --- Psychoses, Alcoholic --- Social Problems --- Street Drugs --- Designer Drugs --- Behavior, Addictive --- Codependency (Psychology) --- Alcohol-Related Disorders --- Prescription Drug Misuse --- Adolescents --- Adolescents, Female --- Adolescents, Male --- Teenagers --- Teens --- Adolescence --- Youth --- Adolescent, Female --- Adolescent, Male --- Female Adolescent --- Female Adolescents --- Male Adolescent --- Male Adolescents --- Teen --- Teenager --- Youths --- Minors --- Young people --- Young persons --- Youngsters --- Age groups --- Life cycle, Human --- Narcotics --- Sociale politiek. Maatschappelijke opbouw. Sociale problemen, vraagstukken --- Prevention --- -Medische sociologie: gezondheidsgedrag --- Organisatie en financiering van de gezondheidszorg --- Verslaving - Strijd tegen verdovende middelen --- 613.8 --- 362.7 --- SUBSTANCE DEPENDENCE, in adolescence --- Textbooks & monographs 1909-1986 --- Prevention. --- Drug use. --- 178.8 Druggebruik --- 304 Sociale politiek. Maatschappelijke opbouw. Sociale problemen, vraagstukken --- 613.83 Narcotics --- SUBSTANCE DEPENDENCE, in adolescence. --- Textbooks & monographs 1909-1986. --- Substance dependence, in adolescence. --- Adolescent --- Substance-Related Disorders --- C5 --- Maatschappelijke organisaties en maatschappelijk leven --- #GGSB: Jongeren --- Drugs and youth --- Narcotics and youth --- Prescription Drug Abuse --- Abuse, Prescription Drug --- Drug Abuse, Prescription --- Medische sociologie: gezondheidsgedrag --- Illicit Drugs --- Codependency, Psychological --- Chemical Dependence --- Substance Use --- Chemical Dependences --- Dependence, Chemical --- Dependences, Chemical --- Substance Uses --- Use, Substance --- Sociale wet. essays --- Substance Related Disorder --- Disorder, Substance Related --- Disorders, Substance Related --- Related Disorder, Substance --- Related Disorders, Substance --- jeugd --- sociale problemen
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In dit boek behandelt de auteur de oververtegenwoordiging van de 'migranten' in het gerechtelijk systeem. De scherpe maatschappelijke ongelijkheid van de migranten als bevolkingsgroep is de oorzaak van de problemen vooral dan in de drugsdelinquentie. Dit boek analyseert op gedetailleerde wijze de gerechtelijke en vooral de rechterlijke reactie op drugsgebruikers in het algemeen en van de allochtone (vooral Marokkaanse) bevolking in het bijzonder.
Criminaliteit --- Criminalité --- Drogues --- Drugs --- Immigratie --- Immigration --- Minderhedenvraagstuk --- Minorités --- Immigrants --- Drug abuse and crime --- Drug use --- Social conditions. --- -Immigrants --- -325.14 <493> --- 343.971 --- #A0011A --- 668 Migranten --- 122 Criminaliteit --- Brussel --- Marokkanen --- allochtone jongeren --- allochtonen --- criminaliteit --- drugs --- jeugdmisdadigheid --- rechtspraak --- Emigrants --- Foreign-born population --- Foreign population --- Foreigners --- Migrants --- Persons --- Aliens --- Crime and drug abuse --- Drugs and crime --- Narcotics and crime --- Crime --- Social conditions --- -493.23 --- 406.6 --- 325 --- 343 --- 613.8 --- 343.3 --- 34 --- Migration. Refugees --- migranten --- Emigration and immigration law --- Criminology. Victimology --- Social problems --- Sociology of minorities --- Belgium --- Hulpwetenschappen --- rechtswetenschappen en criminologie. --- Emigration et immigration --- Droit --- 325.14 <493> --- 493.23 --- justitie --- Immigrants - Drug use - Belgium. --- Drug abuse and crime - Belgium. --- Immigrants - Belgium - Social conditions.
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n this book, a make-believe cocaine museum becomes a vantage point from which to assess the lives of Afro-Colombian gold miners drawn into the dangerous world of cocaine production in the rain forest of Colombia's Pacific Coast. Although modeled on the famous Gold Museum in Colombia's central bank, the Banco de la República, Taussig's museum is also a parody aimed at the museum's failure to acknowledge the African slaves who mined the country's wealth for almost four hundred years. Combining natural history with political history in a filmic, montage style, Taussig deploys the show-and-tell modality of a museum to engage with the inner life of heat, rain, stone, and swamp, no less than with the life of gold and cocaine. This effort to find a poetry of words becoming things is brought to a head by the explosive qualities of those sublime fetishes of evil beauty, gold and cocaine. At its core, Taussig's museum is about the lure of forbidden things, charged substances that transgress moral codes, the distinctions we use to make sense of the world, and above all the conventional way we write stories.
gold mines --- economics --- drugs --- Economics --- Colombia --- Cocaine industry --- Drug traffic --- Gold mines and mining --- Indians of South America --- Indians, Treatment of --- Slavery --- Economic conditions. --- Social conditions. --- History. --- Santa María (Cauca, Colombia) --- Drug dealing --- Drug production, Illicit --- Drug smuggling --- Drug trade, Illicit --- Drug trafficking --- Drugs --- Illicit drug production --- Illicit drug trade --- Narcotic trade --- Narcotic traffic --- Narcotic trafficking --- Smuggling of drugs --- Smuggling of narcotics --- Traffic, Drug --- Trafficking in drugs --- Trafficking in narcotics --- Gold discoveries --- Gold extraction (Mining) --- Gold fields --- Gold mining --- Gold rush --- Gold rushes --- Goldfields --- Goldmining --- Goldrush --- Goldrushes --- Sites, Gold mining --- Abolition of slavery --- Antislavery --- Enslavement --- Mui tsai --- Ownership of slaves --- Servitude --- Slave keeping --- Slave system --- Slaveholding --- Thralldom --- American aborigines --- American Indians --- Indigenous peoples --- Prices and sale --- Ethnology --- Drug abuse and crime --- Narco-terrorism --- Mines and mineral resources --- Crimes against humanity --- Serfdom --- Slaveholders --- Slaves --- Indians --- Government relations --- Economic conditions --- Social conditions --- History --- Santa María (Cauca, Colombia) --- Taussig, Michael --- Cocaine industry - Colombia - Santa María (Cauca) --- Drug traffic - Colombia - Santa María (Cauca) --- Gold mines and mining - Colombia - Santa María (Cauca) --- Indians of South America - Colombia - Santa María (Cauca) - Economic conditions --- Indians of South America - Colombia - Santa María (Cauca) - Social conditions --- Indians, Treatment of - Colombia - Santa María (Cauca) --- Slavery - Colombia - Santa María (Cauca) - History --- Santa María (Cauca, Colombia) - Economic conditions --- Santa María (Cauca, Colombia) - Social conditions --- gold museum, pacific coast, colombia, miners, cocaine, rain forest, slavery, slaves, labor, colonialism, transgression, forbidden, afro-colombian, banco de la republica, race, racism, exploitation, capitalism, wealth, politics, history, fetish, corruption, indigenous, native, santa maraia, cauca, mines, drug traffic, nonfiction. --- Santa Maria (Cauca, Colombia)
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Inhoudstafel / Sommaire: Geïntegreerd drugbeleid = Politique intégrée en matière de drogues.- Recreatief druggebruik = Usage récréatif de stupéfiants.- Ontwikkelingsbeleid en drugproduktie = aide au développent et alternatives à la production de drogue.- Drughulpverlening - politie - justitie = Aide sociale sociale - police - justice.
justitieel welzijnswerk --- Criminology. Victimology --- Ethics and addiction --- Social problems --- drugpreventie --- criminologie --- drughulpverlening --- Social policy --- drugbeleid --- Belgium --- Drug abuse --- Drugs --- Toxicomanie --- Médicaments --- Congresses --- Congrès --- Drogue --- --Politique --- --Drug abuse --- Drug control --- 343.966 --- 351.761 <493> --- 343.966 <493> --- #A9511A --- #KVHB:Drugs --- #KVHB:Criminele en juridische psychologie --- Narcoticarecht. Maatregelen tegen dronkenschap. Anti-tabakcampagne. Anti-drugmaatregelen--België --- 343.966 Drugs --- 351.761 <493> Narcoticarecht. Maatregelen tegen dronkenschap. Anti-tabakcampagne. Anti-drugmaatregelen--België --- Médicaments --- Congrès --- Drug enforcement --- Drug law enforcement --- Drug policy --- Drug traffic --- Drug traffic control --- Narcotics, Control of --- War on drugs --- Vice control --- Drug use --- Recreational drug use --- Substance abuse --- Government policy --- Prevention --- Law and legislation --- Congresses. --- Drogues --- Politique --- Cooperation judiciaire internationale --- Cooperation policiere internationale --- Politique criminelle --- Politique integree
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Een tweede editie was nodig omdat sinds de eerste uitgave van 1998 de wetgeving op meerdere punten werd gewijzigd en nieuwe rechtspraak in menig opzichten de rechtspraktijk heeft beïnvloed. In 2003 heeft de wetgever de bedoeling gehad in een specifieke regeling te voorzien voor misdrijven i.v.m. cannabis voor persoonlijk gebruik. Het Arbitragehof heeft echter een deel van deze nieuwe regeling vernietigd. Andere wetswijzigingen betreffen o.m. de huiszoekingen, de sluiting van inrichtingen of nog de behandeling met substitutiemiddelen. Wat de jurisprudentiële ontwikkelingen betreft, is voorzeker de invloed van de rechtspraak van het Europese Hof van Justitie i.v.m. de Schengenuitvoeringsovereenkomst bij het instellen van vervolgingen na een uitspraak in het buitenland te noteren, net als de totstandkoming in eigen land van een uitvoerige rechtspraak i.v.m. de verbeurdverklaring van vermogensvoordelen. Hierbij mag niet worden vergeten dat de wetgever met deze straf vooral de ontneming van winsten uit de drughandel op het oog heeft gehad. Vanzelfsprekend wordt ruime aandacht besteed aan de ommekeer van de rechtspraak m.b.t. de hantering van de sanctie van de bewijsuitsluiting bij onrechtmatig verkregen bewijs. In tegenstelling tot de eerste editie wordt het thema van de bijzondere opsporingsmethoden, dat sindsdien wettelijk geregeld is en een eigen monografie verdient, niet meer behandeld. Daarentegen komt het vraagstuk van de politionele provocatie uitvoerig aan bod.
criminaliteit --- drugwetgeving --- Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- drugs --- Belgium --- BPB1206 --- Stupéfiant --- Droit pénal --- Belgique --- justitie --- industrie pharmaceutique --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 343.2 --- V13 - Droit pénal - Strafrecht --- N01 - Algemene practische rechtsverzameling (APR) --- Verdovend middel --- Strafrecht --- België --- justice --- criminalite --- farmaceutische nijverheid --- Strafwetten. --- Strafwetten --- Drugs --- Law and legislation --- Drugs of abuse --- Narcotics --- PXL-Business 2016 --- strafrecht --- Drug traffic --- Drogues --- Drug control --- Lutte antidrogue --- Drug abuse --- Toxicomanie --- Investigation --- Trafic --- Enquêtes --- Prevention. --- Prévention --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- trestné právo --- prawo karne --- baudžiamoji teisė --- diritto penale --- наказателно право --- büntetőjog --- dlí coiriúil --- kriminaalõigus --- kazensko pravo --- drept penal --- Derecho penal --- strafferet --- krimināllikums --- dritt kriminali --- straffrätt --- kazneno pravo --- ποινικό δίκαιο --- direito penal --- кривично право --- criminal law --- e drejtë penale --- trestní právo --- rikosoikeus --- кривичен закон --- казнено право --- krimināltiesības --- kriminaalkoodeks --- trestní právo hmotné --- criminal code --- trestný kódex --- diritto criminale --- direito criminal --- kriminalret --- droit criminel --- crimineel recht --- karistusõigus --- Derecho criminal --- narkotinė medžiaga --- narcotic --- Betäubungsmittel --- bedövningsmedel --- наркотик --- narkotika --- narcotice --- verdovend middel --- narkotyk --- huume --- narkotik --- narkotisk stof --- estupefaciente --- ναρκωτικό --- narkotiku --- stupefacente --- narkootikum --- narkotikum --- omamná látka --- Narkotikum --- alucinogénio --- hallucinogén --- halucinogenní prostředek --- παραισθησιογόνο --- narko --- hallucinogeen --- psicotropo --- allucinogeno --- kvaišalas --- narcoticum --- дрога --- droga stupefaċenti --- droga --- sustancia narcótica --- narkootiline aine --- halucinogen --- опојно средство --- narcótico --- drogue --- Rauschgift --- hallucinogen --- наркотично средство --- Droge --- ναρκωτική ουσία --- narcotique --- hallucinogène --- alucinógeno --- omamný prostředek --- opojna droga --- opiát --- drug --- narcotico --- kábítószer --- drog --- narkotikas --- Halluzinogen --- támhshuanach --- Procédure pénale --- Stupéfiant --- Droit pénal
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