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Het beleid over ons bestaan : : vragen en verwijzingen rondom de voorzienigheid
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9025941427 Year: 1978 Publisher: Baarn Ten Have

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The providence of God : a polyphonic approach
ISBN: 9781108475006 9781108466578 Year: 2018 Publisher: New York Cambridge University Press

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The concept of providence is embedded in the life and theology of the church. Its uses are frequent and varied in understandings of politics, nature, and individual life-stories. Parallels can be discerned in other faiths. In this volume, David Fergusson traces the development of providential ideas at successive periods in church history. These include the early appropriation of Stoic and Platonic ideas, the codification of providence in the Middle Ages, its foregrounding in Reformed theology, and its secular applications in the modern era. Responses to the Lisbon earthquake (1755) provide an instructive case study. Although confidence in divine providence was shaken after 1914, several models were advanced during the twentieth century. Drawing upon this diversity of approaches, Fergusson offers a chastened but constructive account for the contemporary church. Arguing for a polyphonic approach, he aims to distribute providence across all three articles of the faith.

Volonté de dieu, liberté de l'homme
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2802801201 2802803271 9782802801207 Year: 1997 Volume: 76 Publisher: Bruxelles : Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis,

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Fruit d'une session théologique organisée en novembre 1996 par l'École des sciences philosophiques et religieuses des Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis, ces études sur la Providence ouvrent différentes perspectives. Face à une attitude « providentialiste » la Bible nous suggère déjà diverses approches. Une vue sécularisée de la toute-puissance de Dieu pourrait également nous entraîner dans un déterminisme absolu qui semblait sous-jacent à certaines sociologies. Dans une perspective politique, comment se frayer un chemin au delà du « providentialisme » ? Il importe pour chacun, non d'exécuter un plan préétabli, mais d'inventer la façon de devenir « Providence pour soi et pour l'autre... » À Gethsémani, l'agonie et le « oui » de Jésus nous conduisent au centre du mystère qui nous interpelle et nous ouvre à l'imprévisible.

Göttliche Providenz und menschliche Verantwortung bei Ben Sira und in der frühen Stoa
ISBN: 3110168634 3110814412 9783110168631 Year: 2000 Volume: 298 Publisher: Berlin: de Gruyter,

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Die Autorin befasst sich mit dem jüdischen Gelehrten Ben Sira und mit der stoischen Philosophie. Sie analysiert dort jeweils die verschiedenen Vorstellungen von der Voraussicht und Fürsorge Gottes für die Welt. Diese werden in ihrem Spannungsverhältnis zur Freiheit und Verantwortlichkeit des Menschen in den Blick genommen. Gegenstand der Untersuchung, die sich im Grenzbereich zwischen Exegese und Systematik bewegt, ist die Position Ben Siras im Kontext des Hellenismus. Zentraler Bezugspunkt ist die Alte Stoa. Der Vergleich zeigt in vielen Punkten eine Nähe von Ben Sira zu stoischem Gedankengut. Dabei führt Ben Siras Auseinandersetzung mit der Stoa nicht zu einem Verlust der jüdischen Identität, sondern trägt zu ihrer Neufundierung bei. The author deals with the Jewish scholar Ben Sira and with Stoic philosophy. She analyzes their various views concerning God’s foresight and care of the world. These are illuminated in their relationship of tension to the freedom and responsibility of man. Ben Sira’s position to the context of Hellenism is the object of this study, which is located in the border area between exegesis and systematic theology. The ancient Stoa is the central point of reference. The comparison shows in many points a closeness of Ben Sira to Stoic thought. Ben Sira’s dealing with the Stoa, however, does not lead to a loss of Jewish identity, but to a re-establishing of it.


God [Providence and government of ] --- God [Providence and government of ] (Judaism) --- Philosophes du Portique --- Philosophes stoïciens --- Philosophie du Portique --- Philosophie stoïcienne --- Portique (Philosophie grecque) --- Portique [Le ] (Ecole philosophique ancienne) --- Providence and government of God (Judaism) --- Providence divine (Judaïsme) --- Stoa (Filosofische school) --- Stoïciens --- Stoïcijnen --- Stoïcisme (Philosophie grecque) --- Voorzienigheid Gods --- Voorzienigheid Gods (Jodendom) --- Voorzienigheid [Goddelijke ] --- Voorzienigheid [Goddelijke ] (Jodendom) --- École du Portique --- École stoïcienne --- 17.036.21 --- Stoïcisme. Stoa --- 17.036.21 Stoïcisme. Stoa --- 223.7 --- Wijsheid. Wijsheid van Jesus Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) --- Stoics --- Bible. Apocrypha. Ecclesiasticus --- Criticism, interpretation, etc --- Providence and government of God --- Biblical teaching --- Providence and government of God. --- Ben-Sira, Simeon ben Jesus, --- Bible. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- God --- Providence and government --- Sovereignty --- Ben Sira (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Book of Ben Sira (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Book of Sirach (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Ecclesiasticus (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Ḥokhmat Shimʻon ben Sira (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Ḥokhmat Yehoshuʻa ben Sira (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Jesus Sirach (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Sefer Ben Sira (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Sefer Ḥokhmat Yehoshuʻa ben Sira (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Sirach (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Sirachbuch (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Wisdom of Ben Sira (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Wisdom of Jesus the Son of Sirach (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Wisdom of Sirach (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Words of Simeon ben Jeshua (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Antico Testamento --- Hebrew Bible --- Hebrew Scriptures --- Kitve-ḳodesh --- Miḳra --- Old Testament --- Palaia Diathēkē --- Pentateuch, Prophets, and Hagiographa --- Sean-Tiomna --- Stary Testament --- Tanakh --- Tawrāt --- Torah, Neviʼim, Ketuvim --- Torah, Neviʼim u-Khetuvim --- Velho Testamento

Exodus und Passa ihr Zusammenhang im Alten Testament
ISBN: 3727802529 9783727802522 Year: 1982 Volume: 7 Publisher: Freiburg: Universitätsverlag,

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