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zeerecht --- scheepvaart --- Shipping law --- zeevaart --- 347.79 <493> --- 347.799.13 <493> --- transport maritime --- Zeerecht--(volkenrechtelijk z {341.225}; verkeer te water z.o.{656.6})--België --- Binnenscheepvaart: vaarvoorschriften. Binnenvaartrecht--België --- 347.799.13 <493> Binnenscheepvaart: vaarvoorschriften. Binnenvaartrecht--België --- 347.79 <493> Zeerecht--(volkenrechtelijk z {341.225}; verkeer te water z.o.{656.6})--België --- Belgium --- droit --- recht --- Maritime law --- Handbooks, manuals, etc. --- Belgique --- Law reform --- Droit maritime --- Droit --- Codification. --- Codification --- Réforme
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piraterij --- zeerecht --- europese unie --- belgie --- brigandage --- droit maritime --- union europeenne --- belgique --- Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- Shipping law --- East Africa --- West Africa
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Environmental protection --- Food law and legislation. --- International economic relations. --- Marine resources conservation --- Notaries --- Population --- International cooperation. --- Law and legislation. --- Directories --- -341.225 --- Wetgeving, reglementering i.v.m. milieubeheer, milieuhygiene, verontreiniging. Milieurecht. Milieuhygienerecht--zie ook {?502/504}; {?613/614}; {628} --- Recht van de internationale organisaties --- 351.777 Wetgeving, reglementering i.v.m. milieubeheer, milieuhygiene, verontreiniging. Milieurecht. Milieuhygienerecht--zie ook {?502/504}; {?613/614}; {628} --- 341.225 --- 351.777 --- 339.96 --- 341.1 --- 341 --- milieubeleid --- 339.96 Ontwikkelingshulp. Ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Ontwikkelingsproblematiek --- Ontwikkelingshulp. Ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Ontwikkelingsproblematiek --- 341.225 Internationaal zeerecht. Mare liberum. Vrije zee. Zeeengten --- Internationaal zeerecht. Mare liberum. Vrije zee. Zeeengten --- Notaries public --- Notary publics --- Justices of the peace --- Non-contentious jurisdiction --- Internationaal recht --- politique de l'environnement --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Law of international organizations --- Directories. --- -Directories --- Food law and legislation --- International economic relations --- International cooperation --- Law and legislation
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Shipping law --- Huybrechts, Marc A. --- Marine insurance --- Maritime law --- Transportation --- 13.06 --- 657/609 --- goederenvervoer --- transportrecht --- transportverzekeringen --- zeevaart --- 08 --- 347.70 --- 347.79 --- AA / International- internationaal --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- P13 - Liber Amicorum --- 34 <082> --- handelsrecht --- Trade regulation --- Law, Maritime --- Marine law --- Merchant marine --- Merchant ships --- Navigation --- Navigation laws --- Shipping --- International law --- Commercial law --- Law of the sea --- Cargo insurance, Marine --- Insurance, Marine --- Marine cargo insurance --- Maritime insurance --- Insurance --- Average (Maritime law) --- Franchise clause (Marine insurance) --- 34 <082> Rechtswetenschappen.--Feestbundels. Festschriften --- Rechtswetenschappen.--Feestbundels. Festschriften --- Law and legislation --- Wettelijke en contractuele aansprakelijkheid ; Maritiem Transport --- goederenvervoer - overige algemene onderwerpen --- Biografieën en memoires --- Handelsrecht: algemene werken en handboeken --- Zeerecht --- droit commercial --- transport maritime --- Laws and regulations --- Laws and regulations, International --- Festschrift - Libri Amicorum --- Marine insurance. --- Maritime law. --- Law and legislation. --- Ebooks --- E-books --- Transportation - Law and legislation
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scheepvaart --- internationaal recht --- International law --- Shipping law --- Droit de la mer --- Droit des espaces maritimes --- Droit international de la mer --- High seas [Jurisdiction over ] --- Law of the sea --- Marine law --- Mer (Droit international) --- Mer--Droit --- Ocean law --- Ocean--Law and legislation --- Recht [Zee] --- Sea [Law of the ] --- Sea laws --- Zeerecht --- duurzame ontwikkeling --- douane --- haven --- transport maritime --- développement durable --- douanes --- port --- zeevaart --- BPB9999 --- BPB1705 --- Droit maritime --- Droit international --- Maritiem recht --- Internationaal recht --- Maritime law --- Festschriften --- Somers, Eddy --- међународно право --- kansainvälinen oikeus --- nemzetközi jog --- международно право --- rahvusvaheline õigus --- tarptautinė teisė --- direito internacional --- international ret --- διεθνές δίκαιο --- dritt internazzjonali --- internationales Recht --- меѓународно право --- međunarodno pravo --- international law --- internationell rätt --- diritto internazionale --- prawo międzynarodowe --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare --- Derecho internacional --- drept internațional --- medzinárodné právo --- mednarodno pravo --- starptautisko tiesību akti --- mezinárodní právo --- меѓународно процесно право --- меѓународна постапка --- internationale procedure --- меѓународни судови --- starptautiskās tiesības --- starptautisko tiesību normas --- procedura internazionale --- меѓународни договори --- internationales Prozessrecht --- internationales Prozeßrecht --- maritiem recht --- sjörätt --- Seeschifffahrtsrecht --- Derecho marítimo --- dritt marittimu --- морско право --- tengerjogi szabályozás --- námořní právo --- maritime law --- jūrniecības likums --- pomorsko pravo --- meresõiduõigus --- prawo morskie --- ναυτικό δίκαιο --- direito marítimo --- merenkulkuoikeus --- søret --- drept maritim --- e drejta e detit --- поморско право --- námorné právo --- jūrų laivybos teisė --- diritto marittimo --- регулирање на морската пловидба --- jūrų laivininkystės teisė --- Seeschiffahrtsrecht --- прописи за поморска пловидба --- havsrätt --- morské právo --- jūras tiesības --- Derecho del mar --- право на морето --- pravo mora --- merilainsäädäntö --- direito do mar --- diritto del mare --- tengerjog --- mednarodno pomorsko pravo --- mořské právo --- prawo morza --- dlí muirí --- dreptul mării --- zeerecht --- право мора --- jūrų teisė --- e drejtë detare --- Seerecht --- dritt tal-baħar --- havret --- law of the sea --- mereõigus --- δίκαιο της θάλασσας --- international maritime law --- internationaal maritiem recht --- međunarodno pravo mora --- drept internațional maritim --- ANO Jūras tiesību konvencija --- Unclos --- medzinárodné námorné právo --- διεθνές δίκαιο της θάλασσας --- droit international maritime --- internationell havsrätt --- kansainvälinen merioikeus --- internationales Seerecht --- Seegerichtsbarkeit --- mezinárodní mořské právo --- diritto marittimo internazionale --- rahvusvaheline mereõigus --- dlí na mara --- nemzetközi tengerjog --- direito internacional marítimo --- Derecho internacional marítimo --- Seegericht --- international søret --- територијално море --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare detare --- tarptautinė jūrų teisė --- меѓународно право на морето --- dlí na farraige --- dlí idirnáisiúnta
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