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This publication describes the OECD PISA 2000 international database. The PISA 2000 database comprises micro-level data on student performance for 32 countries collected in 2000 and processed during the second half of 2000 and 2001, together with students' responses to the questionnaires and the test questions. The first results were released in December 2001 and presented in the publication Knowledge and Skills for Life: First Results of PISA 2000 (OECD, 2001). The purpose of this publication is to provide all the information required to understand the PISA 2000 database and perform analyses in accordance with the complex methodologies used to collect and process the data. It does not provide detailed information regarding these methods but rather directs readers to the publications which cover these aspects. The PISA 2000 database can be downloaded from
Didactic evaluation --- AA / International- internationaal --- evaluation --- enseignement --- 470 --- international --- evaluatie --- onderwijs --- Openbaar onderwijs: algemeenheden. --- internationaal --- Educational tests and measurements --- Educational evaluation --- Tests et mesures en éducation --- Evaluation en éducation --- Programme for International Student Assessment --- Programme for International Student Assessment. --- Openbaar onderwijs: algemeenheden --- Educational assessment --- Educational program evaluation --- Evaluation research in education --- Instructional systems analysis --- Program evaluation in education --- Self-evaluation in education --- Evaluation --- Educational measurements --- Mental tests --- Tests and measurements in education --- Psychological tests for children --- Psychometrics --- Students --- Examinations --- Psychological tests --- Rating of --- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. --- International Programme for Student Assessment --- OECD/PISA --- PISA --- Programa Internacional de Avaliação de Alunos --- Program for International Student Assessment --- Starptautiskā skolēnu novērtēšanas programma --- Programme international pour le suivi des acquis des élèves --- Programa Internacional de Evaluación de Estudiantes --- Enseignement secondaire --- Lecture --- Mathématiques --- Enseignement des sciences --- Evaluation scolaire --- Rendement scolaire
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Les indemnités de chômage et les prestations sociales annexes visent à aider les personnes privées d'emploi à ne pas tomber dans la pauvreté, mais en même temps, elles les découragent dans une certaine mesure de travailler. Tel est l'un des grands dilemmes que la politique sociale doit résoudre. Dans cette publication est analysée pour la première fois l'interaction complexe qui s'exerce entre système d'imposition et système de prestations sociales pour des catégories de familles et des situations professionnelles très diverses. Grâce à cet ouvrage, le lecteur pourra connaître avec précision les caractéristiques des systèmes d'imposition et de prestations qui ont un effet de contre-incitation au travail; tout l'éventail des prestations offertes aux personnes sans emploi et les impôts qu'elles acquittent y sont comparés avec le revenu qu'elles pourraient avoir si elles travaillaient. Dans certains pays, le revenu lié à l'emploi n'est guère plus élevé que les prestations servies à ces personnes. Il arrive aussi que le montant de certaines prestations soit réduit à mesure que le salaire augmente, si bien qu'il est moins tentant pour les bénéficiaires de chercher à progresser sur le plan professionnel. Les familles qui connaissent le chômage et subissent ces effets démobilisateurs peuvent finir par s'enfermer dans cette situation et risquent alors de se voir exclues du marché du travail.
marche du travail --- revenus --- politique fiscale --- politique sociale --- chomage --- securite sociale --- pays de l'ocde --- AA / International- internationaal --- 332.630 --- 336.212.1 --- 368.44 --- 332.631 --- arbeidsmarkt --- inkomens --- fiscaal beleid --- sociale politiek --- werkloosheid --- sociale zekerheid --- oeso landen --- Strijd tegen de werkloosheid: algemeen. Theorie en beleid van de werkgelegenheid. Volledige werkgelegenheid. --- Belastingen op de bedrijfsinkomsten --- Werkloosheidsverzekering (sociale zekerheid). --- Werkloosheidsverzekering (werkgelegenheidsbeleid). --- Income maintenance programs --- Means tests --- Public welfare --- Unemployment insurance --- Welfare recipients --- Public welfare recipients --- Poor --- Insurance, Unemployment --- Unemployment benefits --- Unemployment compensation --- Insurance --- Benevolent institutions --- Poor relief --- Public assistance --- Public charities --- Public relief --- Public welfare reform --- Relief (Aid) --- Social welfare --- Welfare (Public assistance) --- Welfare reform --- Human services --- Social service --- Assets tests (Means tests) --- Eligibility determinations (Means tests) --- Entitlement determinations (Means tests) --- Income tests (Means tests) --- Means testing --- Economic security --- Income transfer programs --- Transfer payments --- Family allowances --- Guaranteed annual income --- Social security --- Employment --- Government policy --- Strijd tegen de werkloosheid: algemeen. Theorie en beleid van de werkgelegenheid. Volledige werkgelegenheid --- Werkloosheidsverzekering (werkgelegenheidsbeleid) --- Werkloosheidsverzekering (sociale zekerheid) --- Testing --- Basic income --- Taxation. --- Labor supply --- Taxation --- Duties --- Fee system (Taxation) --- Tax policy --- Tax reform --- Taxation, Incidence of --- Taxes --- Finance, Public --- Revenue --- Effect of taxation on.
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Quantitative methods (economics) --- Econometrics --- AA / International- internationaal --- 303.6 --- 303.4 --- 304.6 --- 519.2 --- econometrie --- modeles economiques --- Economics, Mathematical --- Statistics --- Raming : theorie (wiskundige statistiek). Bayesian analysis and inference. --- Statistische verdeling (wiskundige statistiek). Asymptotic theory. Density functions. --- Variantie-analyse, tests. --- Probability. Mathematical statistics --- economische modellen --- Econometrics. --- 519.2 Probability. Mathematical statistics --- Statistische verdeling (wiskundige statistiek). Asymptotic theory. Density functions --- Raming : theorie (wiskundige statistiek). Bayesian analysis and inference --- Variantie-analyse, tests
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The PISA 2000 Technical Report describes the complex methodology underlying PISA 2000, along with additional features related to the implementation of the project at a level of detail that allows researchers to understand and replicate its analyses. It presents information on the test and sample design, methodologies used to analyse the data, technical features of the project and quality control mechanisms.
enseignement --- formation --- evaluation --- international --- onderwijs --- opleiding --- evaluatie --- internationaal --- Academic achievement --- Reading --- Education and state --- Succès scolaire --- Lecture --- Education --- Ability testing --- Tests d'aptitude --- Politique gouvernementale --- Literacy testing --- Education policy --- Educational policy --- State and education --- Social policy --- Endowment of research --- Academic underachievement --- Achievement, Academic --- Educational achievement --- Scholastic achievement --- Scholastic success --- School achievement --- Student achievement --- Underachievement, Academic --- Performance --- Success --- Government policy --- Academic performance --- Academic progress --- Academic success --- Achievement, Scholastic --- Achievement, Student --- Performance, Academic --- Progress, Academic --- School success (Academic achievement) --- Success, Academic --- Success, School (Academic achievement) --- Success, Scholastic --- Educational tests and measurements --- Educational evaluation --- Methodology. --- Programme for International Student Assessment. --- Educational assessment --- Educational program evaluation --- Evaluation research in education --- Instructional systems analysis --- Program evaluation in education --- Self-evaluation in education --- Evaluation --- Educational measurements --- Mental tests --- Tests and measurements in education --- Psychological tests for children --- Psychometrics --- Students --- Examinations --- Psychological tests --- Rating of --- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. --- International Programme for Student Assessment --- OECD/PISA --- PISA --- Programa Internacional de Avaliação de Alunos --- Program for International Student Assessment --- Starptautiskā skolēnu novērtēšanas programma --- Programme international pour le suivi des acquis des élèves --- Programa Internacional de Evaluación de Estudiantes --- Docimologie --- Evaluation scolaire --- Rendement scolaire
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Les concepteurs de tests de raisonnement abstrait et de QI sont comme les magiciens. Ils imaginent des trucs et des astuces pour nous surprendre. La difficulté d'un item réside rarement dans sa complexité apparente mais bien plutôt dans la façon inhabituelle de le lire ou de l'aborder.Ce livre révèle les mécanismes des tests de raisonnement abstrait utilisés dans les épreuves génériques du Selor (1ère partie) et de ceux utilisés par la Commission Européenne (2ème partie), à travers des explications courtes, simples et claires et de nombreux exercices.Pour les épreuves Selor-Hudson, une méthode infaillible garantit la réussite et de très hauts scores, que ce soit à la version « points noirs », « dés » (7 transformations) ou à la version « dominos » (9 transformations). Vous ne devez rien retenir, vous vous rendez compte vous-même si vous avez commis une erreur, et vous la corrigez facilement.Pour les épreuves de type Epso et QI, vous augmentez significativement vos performances.Mais au-delà de la préparation à ces épreuves de sélection spécifiques, ce livre a un caractère éducatif et même récréatif : il aide à démystifier cette matière qui fait si peur à certains, au point qu'ils pensent manquer de logique, alors qu'ils sont capables de lire ces lignes.
Intelligence tests --- Ability --- Personality tests --- Intelligence --- Aptitude --- Personnalité --- Testing --- Tests --- Personnalité --- Tests Tests --- Examens Examens --- recrutement --- promotion professionnelle --- méthode d'apprentissage --- aanwerving --- установяване на нови дейности --- придобијање нових радника --- earcaíocht --- recrutarea forței de muncă --- pridobivanje novih delavcev --- įdarbinimas --- assunzione --- henkilöstön hankinta --- vervēšana --- ansættelse --- recruitment --- reklutaġġ --- przyjęcie do pracy --- Personaleinstellung --- pronalaženje osoblja --- recrutamento --- rekrytering --- töölevõtmine --- πρόσληψη --- rekrutim --- nábor --- contratación de personal --- személyzetfelvétel --- вработување --- избор на вработени --- ingaggio --- embauche --- оглас за вработување --- rekrutering --- sistema di reclutamento --- πλήρωση θέσης εργασίας --- selección de personal en empresas --- Einstellung --- aanstelling --- chiamata nominativa --- výběrové řízení --- libertà di assunzione --- chiamata collettiva --- admissão de pessoal --- konkurzní řízení --- anställande --- rekruttering --- reclutamento --- přijímání nových pracovníků --- náborové oddělení --- in dienst nemen --- přijímací řízení --- technika uczenia się --- metodo di apprendimento --- it-teknika tat-tagħlim --- tehnici de învățare --- учебен метод --- õppimismeetod --- teicníc foghlama --- μέθοδος εκμάθησης --- indlæringsmetode --- método de aprendizaje --- Lernmethode --- mokymosi metodas --- método de aprendizagem --- learning technique --- teach-in-programmering --- inlärningsmetod --- tehnika učenja --- oppimismenetelmä --- mācīšanās tehnika --- technika výučby --- поступак учења --- učební technika --- teknika të të mësuarit --- техника на учење --- tanulási módszer --- technique d'apprentissage --- metoda učenja --- mokymosi technika --- метод на учење --- inlärningsteknik --- Lerntechnik --- oppimistekniikka --- técnica de aprendizagem --- τεχνική εκμάθησης --- indlæringsteknik --- tecnica di apprendimento --- výuková technika --- técnica de aprendizaje --- õppimistehnika --- szakmai előmenetel --- befordran --- унапредување --- paaukštinimas --- ngritje në detyrë --- професионална промоция --- bevordering in een loopbaan --- paaugstinājums --- επαγγελματική εξέλιξη --- ylennys --- promoción profesional --- edutamine --- forfremmelse --- napredovanje --- promozione professionale --- Beförderung --- promotion --- ardú céime --- povýšenie --- promovarea în muncă --- awans --- povýšení --- promozzjoni --- unapređenje --- promoção profissional --- унапређење --- loopbaanontwikkeling --- szakmai előrejutás --- υπηρεσιακή εξέλιξη --- promozione --- karjeras virzība --- εξέλιξη σταδιοδρομίας --- desenvolvimento de carreira --- προαγωγή --- développement de carrière --- scatto di carriera --- napredovanje u karijeri --- avancemang --- avansare --- ascenso --- career development --- zhvillim karriere --- beruflicher Aufstieg --- karriärmöjligheter --- avanzamento --- dezvoltare în carieră --- ustanovení do vyšší funkce --- karrier --- ametialane edutamine --- tarnybinis paaukštinimas --- pracovní postup --- tarnybinis kilimas --- kariérny rozvoj --- напредување во служба --- систем на кариера според заслуги --- ordinamento di carriera --- kariérismus --- avancement --- karrier fejlődése --- karriereudvikling --- кариера
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Cet ouvrage s'adresse à tous les candidats aux examens du Selor qui souhaitent se préparer dans les meilleures conditions à l'exercice du bac à courrier. L'exercice du bac à courrier simule sur ordinateur une situation de travail. Il se présente sous la forme d'une boite à courrier électronique contenant plusieurs mémos. Le candidat doit les traiter en utilisant les informations contenues dans un scénario. L'exercice du bac à courrier est un exercice technique. Il vise à évaluer deux compétences génériques, l'une liée à la gestion des tâches et l'autre à la gestion de l'information. Sa principale difficulté réside dans la complexité du scénario et le délai imparti. Pour réussir l'exercice, le candidat doit avoir une bonne compréhension du scénario et être capable d'en extraire rapidement les informations pertinentes. Il doit aussi maîtriser les compétences pour effectuer les bons choix. Cet ouvrage vous guide pas à pas dans la lecture du scénario et le traitement des mémos. Il comprend : - une méthodologie détaillée illustrée par des exemples ; - un exercice complet de bac à courrier ; - un corrigé détaillé de l'exercice. L'exercice est de niveau A. Il est comparable à celui proposé par le Selor en 2020. Il constitue par ailleurs un bon exercice d'entrainement pour les niveaux B et C.
Tests Tests --- Examens Examens --- SELOR SELOR --- Evaluation Evaluatie --- Administration publique --- Test-taking skills --- Employment tests --- Habilité au test --- Personnel --- Sélection --- Tests --- recrutement --- promotion professionnelle --- méthode d'apprentissage --- aanwerving --- установяване на нови дейности --- придобијање нових радника --- earcaíocht --- recrutarea forței de muncă --- pridobivanje novih delavcev --- įdarbinimas --- assunzione --- henkilöstön hankinta --- vervēšana --- ansættelse --- recruitment --- reklutaġġ --- przyjęcie do pracy --- Personaleinstellung --- pronalaženje osoblja --- recrutamento --- rekrytering --- töölevõtmine --- πρόσληψη --- rekrutim --- nábor --- contratación de personal --- személyzetfelvétel --- вработување --- избор на вработени --- ingaggio --- embauche --- оглас за вработување --- rekrutering --- sistema di reclutamento --- πλήρωση θέσης εργασίας --- selección de personal en empresas --- Einstellung --- aanstelling --- chiamata nominativa --- výběrové řízení --- libertà di assunzione --- chiamata collettiva --- admissão de pessoal --- konkurzní řízení --- anställande --- rekruttering --- reclutamento --- přijímání nových pracovníků --- náborové oddělení --- in dienst nemen --- přijímací řízení --- technika uczenia się --- metodo di apprendimento --- it-teknika tat-tagħlim --- tehnici de învățare --- учебен метод --- õppimismeetod --- teicníc foghlama --- μέθοδος εκμάθησης --- indlæringsmetode --- método de aprendizaje --- Lernmethode --- mokymosi metodas --- método de aprendizagem --- learning technique --- teach-in-programmering --- inlärningsmetod --- tehnika učenja --- oppimismenetelmä --- mācīšanās tehnika --- technika výučby --- поступак учења --- učební technika --- teknika të të mësuarit --- техника на учење --- tanulási módszer --- technique d'apprentissage --- metoda učenja --- mokymosi technika --- метод на учење --- inlärningsteknik --- Lerntechnik --- oppimistekniikka --- técnica de aprendizagem --- τεχνική εκμάθησης --- indlæringsteknik --- tecnica di apprendimento --- výuková technika --- técnica de aprendizaje --- õppimistehnika --- szakmai előmenetel --- befordran --- унапредување --- paaukštinimas --- ngritje në detyrë --- професионална промоция --- bevordering in een loopbaan --- paaugstinājums --- επαγγελματική εξέλιξη --- ylennys --- promoción profesional --- edutamine --- forfremmelse --- napredovanje --- promozione professionale --- Beförderung --- promotion --- ardú céime --- povýšenie --- promovarea în muncă --- awans --- povýšení --- promozzjoni --- unapređenje --- promoção profissional --- унапређење --- loopbaanontwikkeling --- szakmai előrejutás --- υπηρεσιακή εξέλιξη --- promozione --- karjeras virzība --- εξέλιξη σταδιοδρομίας --- desenvolvimento de carreira --- προαγωγή --- développement de carrière --- scatto di carriera --- napredovanje u karijeri --- avancemang --- avansare --- ascenso --- career development --- zhvillim karriere --- beruflicher Aufstieg --- karriärmöjligheter --- avanzamento --- dezvoltare în carieră --- ustanovení do vyšší funkce --- karrier --- ametialane edutamine --- tarnybinis paaukštinimas --- pracovní postup --- tarnybinis kilimas --- kariérny rozvoj --- напредување во служба --- систем на кариера според заслуги --- ordinamento di carriera --- kariérismus --- avancement --- karrier fejlődése --- karriereudvikling --- кариера
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Teaching --- #SBIB:316.334.1O410 --- #SBIB:316.334.1O340 --- #SBIB:316.334.1O140 --- enseignement --- statistique --- pays de l'ocde --- 720 Onderwijs --- Leergedrag: cognitief gedrag, studieresultaten: algemeen --- Onderwijs en sociale verandering, onderwijs en samenleving --- Onderwijsstatistieken: algemeen --- onderwijs --- statistiek --- oeso landen --- Ability --- Education and state. --- Educational evaluation --- Educational tests and measurements --- Motivation in education. --- School environment. --- School improvement programs. --- School management and organization. --- Students --- Testing. --- Social aspects. --- Attitudes. --- Programme for International Student Assessment.
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Cet ouvrage s'adresse à tous les candidats aux examens du Selor qui souhaitent se préparer dans les meilleures conditions au test de raisonnement abstrait.
SELOR SELOR --- Public Sector --- BF443.4-BF443.5 Testing of abstraction or conceptualization --- Tests Tests --- Examens Examens --- Evaluation Evaluatie --- Raisonnement --- Logique --- Belgium --- Qualitative reasoning --- Educational tests and measurements --- Raisonnement. --- Logique. --- HRM : Werving --- GRH : Recrutement --- fonction publique. --- questionnaires. --- recrutement. --- tests. --- civil service. --- recruitment. --- Civil service --- Employment tests --- Test-taking skills --- Fonction publique --- Personnel --- Habilité au test --- Recruiting --- Recrutement --- Sélection --- Tests --- compétences cognitives --- promotion professionnelle --- szakmai előmenetel --- befordran --- унапредување --- paaukštinimas --- ngritje në detyrë --- професионална промоция --- bevordering in een loopbaan --- paaugstinājums --- επαγγελματική εξέλιξη --- ylennys --- promoción profesional --- edutamine --- forfremmelse --- napredovanje --- promozione professionale --- Beförderung --- promotion --- ardú céime --- povýšenie --- promovarea în muncă --- awans --- povýšení --- promozzjoni --- unapređenje --- promoção profissional --- унапређење --- loopbaanontwikkeling --- szakmai előrejutás --- υπηρεσιακή εξέλιξη --- promozione --- karjeras virzība --- εξέλιξη σταδιοδρομίας --- desenvolvimento de carreira --- προαγωγή --- développement de carrière --- scatto di carriera --- napredovanje u karijeri --- avancemang --- avansare --- ascenso --- career development --- zhvillim karriere --- beruflicher Aufstieg --- karriärmöjligheter --- avanzamento --- dezvoltare în carieră --- ustanovení do vyšší funkce --- karrier --- ametialane edutamine --- tarnybinis paaukštinimas --- pracovní postup --- tarnybinis kilimas --- kariérny rozvoj --- напредување во служба --- систем на кариера според заслуги --- ordinamento di carriera --- kariérismus --- avancement --- karrier fejlődése --- karriereudvikling --- кариера --- kognitiivsed oskused --- kognityviniai įgūdžiai --- когнитивни умения --- cognitive skills --- aptitudini cognitive --- kognitīvās prasmes --- cognitieve vaardigheden --- kognitivní dovednosti --- competências cognitivas --- kognitivne vještine --- abilità cognitive --- kognitívne zručnosti --- kognitive færdigheder --- kognitive Fähigkeiten --- kognitivne spretnosti --- γνωστικές δεξιότητες --- umiejętności poznawcze --- kognitiiviset taidot --- ħiliet konjittivi --- capacidades cognitivas --- kognitiva färdigheter --- kognitív készségek --- gestão do tempo --- immaniġġjar tal-ħin --- ajaplaneerimine --- spreekvaardigheid --- slušne spretnosti --- skills development --- skaitymo įgūdžiai --- läsförmåga --- įgūdžių ugdymas --- Hören --- Zeitmanagement --- развитие на умения --- zručnosti v čítaní --- abilità di lettura --- tidshantering --- δεξιότητες ανάγνωσης --- luistervaardigheid --- ontwikkeling van vaardigheden --- capacidades de escucha --- čitanje --- gestionarea timpului --- listening skills --- puhetaito --- slušanje --- gestion du temps --- organizacija vremena --- tidsforvaltning --- sviluppo delle abilità --- ανάπτυξη δεξιοτήτων --- gestione del tempo --- bralne spretnosti --- poslechové dovednosti --- tidsstyring --- govor --- rozwój umiejętności --- Sprechen --- talförmåga --- govorne spretnosti --- умения за говорене --- time-management --- lukutaito --- gestión del tiempo --- умения за слушане --- διαχείριση χρόνου --- capacidade para ouvir --- capacité à s’exprimer --- zarządzanie czasem --- čtenářské dovednosti --- leesvaardigheid --- prasmju attīstīšana --- rozvoj dovedností --- olvasott szöveg értése --- δεξιότητες ομιλίας --- beszédkészség --- δεξιότητες ακρόασης --- készségfejlesztés --- prasme klausīties --- lasītprasme --- taitojen kehittäminen --- rozvoj zručností --- lugemisoskus --- umiejętność słuchania --- tidsplanlægning --- časový manažment --- oskuste arendamine --- capacidades de expresión oral --- dezvoltarea competențelor --- väljendusoskus --- abilități de ascultare --- competências comunicativas --- organizace času --- abilități de vorbire --- umiejętność czytania --- ħiliet tas-smigħ --- desenvolvimento de competências --- abilità di produzione orale --- språklig förmåga --- razvoj spretnosti --- desarrollo de capacidades --- læsefærdigheder --- ħiliet tat-taħdit --- kuuntelutaidot --- abilități de citire --- zručnosti v počúvaní --- Lesen --- capacité à écouter --- zručnosti v rozprávaní --- kuulamisoskused --- competências de leitura --- ħiliet tal-qari --- laika plānošana --- żvilupp tal-ħiliet --- færdighedsudvikling --- hallott szöveg értése --- ajanhallinta --- razvoj vještina --- talefærdigheder --- compétences en lecture --- reading skills --- умения за четене --- upravljanje časa --- abilità di ascolto --- klausymo įgūdžiai --- kalbėjimo įgūdžiai --- lyttefærdigheder --- développement des compétences --- speaking skills --- intellektuell förmåga --- laiko valdymas --- runātprasme --- capacidades lectoras --- időgazdálkodás --- Entwicklung von Fähigkeiten --- vyjadřovací dovednosti --- recrutement --- aanwerving --- установяване на нови дейности --- придобијање нових радника --- earcaíocht --- recrutarea forței de muncă --- pridobivanje novih delavcev --- įdarbinimas --- assunzione --- henkilöstön hankinta --- vervēšana --- ansættelse --- recruitment --- reklutaġġ --- przyjęcie do pracy --- Personaleinstellung --- pronalaženje osoblja --- recrutamento --- rekrytering --- töölevõtmine --- πρόσληψη --- rekrutim --- nábor --- contratación de personal --- személyzetfelvétel --- вработување --- избор на вработени --- ingaggio --- embauche --- оглас за вработување --- rekrutering --- sistema di reclutamento --- πλήρωση θέσης εργασίας --- selección de personal en empresas --- Einstellung --- aanstelling --- chiamata nominativa --- výběrové řízení --- libertà di assunzione --- chiamata collettiva --- admissão de pessoal --- konkurzní řízení --- anställande --- rekruttering --- reclutamento --- přijímání nových pracovníků --- náborové oddělení --- in dienst nemen --- přijímací řízení --- compétences cognitives
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Dit boek is bedoeld voor al wie zich kandidaat stelt voor het SELOR®-examen (niveau A, B, C en D) en die zich zo goed mogelijk wenst voor te bereiden op de test rond abstract redeneervermogen.
Tests Tests --- Examens Examens --- SELOR SELOR --- Evaluation Evaluatie --- Belgium --- Public Sector --- Qualitative reasoning --- BF443.4-BF443.5 Testing of abstraction or conceptualization --- Exercise Test --- HRM : Werving --- GRH : Recrutement --- bevordering in een loopbaan --- cognitieve vaardigheden --- kognitiivsed oskused --- kognityviniai įgūdžiai --- compétences cognitives --- когнитивни умения --- cognitive skills --- aptitudini cognitive --- kognitīvās prasmes --- kognitivní dovednosti --- competências cognitivas --- kognitivne vještine --- abilità cognitive --- kognitívne zručnosti --- kognitive færdigheder --- kognitive Fähigkeiten --- kognitivne spretnosti --- γνωστικές δεξιότητες --- umiejętności poznawcze --- kognitiiviset taidot --- ħiliet konjittivi --- capacidades cognitivas --- kognitiva färdigheter --- kognitív készségek --- gestão do tempo --- immaniġġjar tal-ħin --- ajaplaneerimine --- spreekvaardigheid --- slušne spretnosti --- skills development --- skaitymo įgūdžiai --- läsförmåga --- įgūdžių ugdymas --- Hören --- Zeitmanagement --- развитие на умения --- zručnosti v čítaní --- abilità di lettura --- tidshantering --- δεξιότητες ανάγνωσης --- luistervaardigheid --- ontwikkeling van vaardigheden --- capacidades de escucha --- čitanje --- gestionarea timpului --- listening skills --- puhetaito --- slušanje --- gestion du temps --- organizacija vremena --- tidsforvaltning --- sviluppo delle abilità --- ανάπτυξη δεξιοτήτων --- gestione del tempo --- bralne spretnosti --- poslechové dovednosti --- tidsstyring --- govor --- rozwój umiejętności --- Sprechen --- talförmåga --- govorne spretnosti --- умения за говорене --- time-management --- lukutaito --- gestión del tiempo --- умения за слушане --- διαχείριση χρόνου --- capacidade para ouvir --- capacité à s’exprimer --- zarządzanie czasem --- čtenářské dovednosti --- leesvaardigheid --- prasmju attīstīšana --- rozvoj dovedností --- olvasott szöveg értése --- δεξιότητες ομιλίας --- beszédkészség --- δεξιότητες ακρόασης --- készségfejlesztés --- prasme klausīties --- lasītprasme --- taitojen kehittäminen --- rozvoj zručností --- lugemisoskus --- umiejętność słuchania --- tidsplanlægning --- časový manažment --- oskuste arendamine --- capacidades de expresión oral --- dezvoltarea competențelor --- väljendusoskus --- abilități de ascultare --- competências comunicativas --- organizace času --- abilități de vorbire --- umiejętność czytania --- ħiliet tas-smigħ --- desenvolvimento de competências --- abilità di produzione orale --- språklig förmåga --- razvoj spretnosti --- desarrollo de capacidades --- læsefærdigheder --- ħiliet tat-taħdit --- kuuntelutaidot --- abilități de citire --- zručnosti v počúvaní --- Lesen --- capacité à écouter --- zručnosti v rozprávaní --- kuulamisoskused --- competências de leitura --- ħiliet tal-qari --- laika plānošana --- żvilupp tal-ħiliet --- færdighedsudvikling --- hallott szöveg értése --- ajanhallinta --- razvoj vještina --- talefærdigheder --- compétences en lecture --- reading skills --- умения за четене --- upravljanje časa --- abilità di ascolto --- klausymo įgūdžiai --- kalbėjimo įgūdžiai --- lyttefærdigheder --- développement des compétences --- speaking skills --- intellektuell förmåga --- laiko valdymas --- runātprasme --- capacidades lectoras --- időgazdálkodás --- Entwicklung von Fähigkeiten --- vyjadřovací dovednosti --- szakmai előmenetel --- befordran --- унапредување --- paaukštinimas --- ngritje në detyrë --- професионална промоция --- paaugstinājums --- επαγγελματική εξέλιξη --- ylennys --- promoción profesional --- edutamine --- forfremmelse --- napredovanje --- promozione professionale --- Beförderung --- promotion --- ardú céime --- povýšenie --- promovarea în muncă --- awans --- povýšení --- promozzjoni --- unapređenje --- promoção profissional --- унапређење --- promotion professionnelle --- loopbaanontwikkeling --- szakmai előrejutás --- υπηρεσιακή εξέλιξη --- promozione --- karjeras virzība --- εξέλιξη σταδιοδρομίας --- desenvolvimento de carreira --- προαγωγή --- développement de carrière --- scatto di carriera --- napredovanje u karijeri --- avancemang --- avansare --- ascenso --- career development --- zhvillim karriere --- beruflicher Aufstieg --- karriärmöjligheter --- avanzamento --- dezvoltare în carieră --- ustanovení do vyšší funkce --- karrier --- ametialane edutamine --- tarnybinis paaukštinimas --- pracovní postup --- tarnybinis kilimas --- kariérny rozvoj --- напредување во служба --- систем на кариера според заслуги --- ordinamento di carriera --- kariérismus --- avancement --- karrier fejlődése --- karriereudvikling --- кариера --- recrutement --- aanwerving --- установяване на нови дейности --- придобијање нових радника --- earcaíocht --- recrutarea forței de muncă --- pridobivanje novih delavcev --- įdarbinimas --- assunzione --- henkilöstön hankinta --- vervēšana --- ansættelse --- recruitment --- reklutaġġ --- przyjęcie do pracy --- Personaleinstellung --- pronalaženje osoblja --- recrutamento --- rekrytering --- töölevõtmine --- πρόσληψη --- rekrutim --- nábor --- contratación de personal --- személyzetfelvétel --- вработување --- избор на вработени --- ingaggio --- embauche --- оглас за вработување --- rekrutering --- sistema di reclutamento --- πλήρωση θέσης εργασίας --- selección de personal en empresas --- Einstellung --- aanstelling --- chiamata nominativa --- výběrové řízení --- libertà di assunzione --- chiamata collettiva --- admissão de pessoal --- konkurzní řízení --- anställande --- rekruttering --- reclutamento --- přijímání nových pracovníků --- náborové oddělení --- in dienst nemen --- přijímací řízení
Choose an application
Toutes les clefs pour réussir aisément les épreuves de raisonnement abstrait, jugement situationnel et bac à courrier. Méthodes simples et efficaces. Exercices originaux et variés pour les trois épreuves Selor : niveaux A, B, C D. Epso : niveaux assistant et administrateur.
Tests Tests --- Examens Examens --- BF443.4-BF443.5 Testing of abstraction or conceptualization --- European Union --- Exercise Test --- Public Sector --- méthode d'apprentissage --- compétences cognitives --- compétences non cognitives --- kognitiivsed oskused --- kognityviniai įgūdžiai --- когнитивни умения --- cognitive skills --- aptitudini cognitive --- kognitīvās prasmes --- cognitieve vaardigheden --- kognitivní dovednosti --- competências cognitivas --- kognitivne vještine --- abilità cognitive --- kognitívne zručnosti --- kognitive færdigheder --- kognitive Fähigkeiten --- kognitivne spretnosti --- γνωστικές δεξιότητες --- umiejętności poznawcze --- kognitiiviset taidot --- ħiliet konjittivi --- capacidades cognitivas --- kognitiva färdigheter --- kognitív készségek --- gestão do tempo --- immaniġġjar tal-ħin --- ajaplaneerimine --- spreekvaardigheid --- slušne spretnosti --- skills development --- skaitymo įgūdžiai --- läsförmåga --- įgūdžių ugdymas --- Hören --- Zeitmanagement --- развитие на умения --- zručnosti v čítaní --- abilità di lettura --- tidshantering --- δεξιότητες ανάγνωσης --- luistervaardigheid --- ontwikkeling van vaardigheden --- capacidades de escucha --- čitanje --- gestionarea timpului --- listening skills --- puhetaito --- slušanje --- gestion du temps --- organizacija vremena --- tidsforvaltning --- sviluppo delle abilità --- ανάπτυξη δεξιοτήτων --- gestione del tempo --- bralne spretnosti --- poslechové dovednosti --- tidsstyring --- govor --- rozwój umiejętności --- Sprechen --- talförmåga --- govorne spretnosti --- умения за говорене --- time-management --- lukutaito --- gestión del tiempo --- умения за слушане --- διαχείριση χρόνου --- capacidade para ouvir --- capacité à s’exprimer --- zarządzanie czasem --- čtenářské dovednosti --- leesvaardigheid --- prasmju attīstīšana --- rozvoj dovedností --- olvasott szöveg értése --- δεξιότητες ομιλίας --- beszédkészség --- δεξιότητες ακρόασης --- készségfejlesztés --- prasme klausīties --- lasītprasme --- taitojen kehittäminen --- rozvoj zručností --- lugemisoskus --- umiejętność słuchania --- tidsplanlægning --- časový manažment --- oskuste arendamine --- capacidades de expresión oral --- dezvoltarea competențelor --- väljendusoskus --- abilități de ascultare --- competências comunicativas --- organizace času --- abilități de vorbire --- umiejętność czytania --- ħiliet tas-smigħ --- desenvolvimento de competências --- abilità di produzione orale --- språklig förmåga --- razvoj spretnosti --- desarrollo de capacidades --- læsefærdigheder --- ħiliet tat-taħdit --- kuuntelutaidot --- abilități de citire --- zručnosti v počúvaní --- Lesen --- capacité à écouter --- zručnosti v rozprávaní --- kuulamisoskused --- competências de leitura --- ħiliet tal-qari --- laika plānošana --- żvilupp tal-ħiliet --- færdighedsudvikling --- hallott szöveg értése --- ajanhallinta --- razvoj vještina --- talefærdigheder --- compétences en lecture --- reading skills --- умения за четене --- upravljanje časa --- abilità di ascolto --- klausymo įgūdžiai --- kalbėjimo įgūdžiai --- lyttefærdigheder --- développement des compétences --- speaking skills --- intellektuell förmåga --- laiko valdymas --- runātprasme --- capacidades lectoras --- időgazdálkodás --- Entwicklung von Fähigkeiten --- vyjadřovací dovednosti --- icke-kognitiva färdigheter --- nekognityviniai įgūdžiai --- ei-kognitiiviset taidot --- umiejętności inne niż poznawcze --- competências não cognitivas --- competențe non-cognitive --- competenze non cognitive --- nicht kognitive Fähigkeiten --- nekognitivna znanja in spretnosti --- ikke-kognitive færdigheder --- непознавателни умения --- nekognitívne zručnosti --- nekognitivne vještine --- niet-cognitieve vaardigheden --- nem kognitív készségek --- capacidades no cognitivas --- nekognitīvās prasmes --- mittekognitiivsed oskused --- μη γνωστικές δεξιότητες --- non cognitive skills --- ħiliet mhux konjittivi --- scileanna neamh-chognaíocha --- nekognitivní dovednosti --- nem kognitív képességek --- critical thinking --- kompetencje pozapoznawcze --- soft skills --- muut kuin kognitiiviset taidot --- adaptability --- umiejętności pozapoznawcze --- kompetencje miękkie --- nem-kognitív készségek --- umiejętności miękkie --- resilience --- readiness to learn --- emotional intelligence --- creativity --- technika uczenia się --- metodo di apprendimento --- it-teknika tat-tagħlim --- tehnici de învățare --- учебен метод --- õppimismeetod --- teicníc foghlama --- μέθοδος εκμάθησης --- indlæringsmetode --- método de aprendizaje --- Lernmethode --- mokymosi metodas --- método de aprendizagem --- learning technique --- teach-in-programmering --- inlärningsmetod --- tehnika učenja --- oppimismenetelmä --- mācīšanās tehnika --- technika výučby --- поступак учења --- učební technika --- teknika të të mësuarit --- техника на учење --- tanulási módszer --- technique d'apprentissage --- metoda učenja --- mokymosi technika --- метод на учење --- inlärningsteknik --- Lerntechnik --- oppimistekniikka --- técnica de aprendizagem --- τεχνική εκμάθησης --- indlæringsteknik --- tecnica di apprendimento --- výuková technika --- técnica de aprendizaje --- õppimistehnika --- recrutement --- promotion professionnelle --- aanwerving --- установяване на нови дейности --- придобијање нових радника --- earcaíocht --- recrutarea forței de muncă --- pridobivanje novih delavcev --- įdarbinimas --- assunzione --- henkilöstön hankinta --- vervēšana --- ansættelse --- recruitment --- reklutaġġ --- przyjęcie do pracy --- Personaleinstellung --- pronalaženje osoblja --- recrutamento --- rekrytering --- töölevõtmine --- πρόσληψη --- rekrutim --- nábor --- contratación de personal --- személyzetfelvétel --- вработување --- избор на вработени --- ingaggio --- embauche --- оглас за вработување --- rekrutering --- sistema di reclutamento --- πλήρωση θέσης εργασίας --- selección de personal en empresas --- Einstellung --- aanstelling --- chiamata nominativa --- výběrové řízení --- libertà di assunzione --- chiamata collettiva --- admissão de pessoal --- konkurzní řízení --- anställande --- rekruttering --- reclutamento --- přijímání nových pracovníků --- náborové oddělení --- in dienst nemen --- přijímací řízení --- szakmai előmenetel --- befordran --- унапредување --- paaukštinimas --- ngritje në detyrë --- професионална промоция --- bevordering in een loopbaan --- paaugstinājums --- επαγγελματική εξέλιξη --- ylennys --- promoción profesional --- edutamine --- forfremmelse --- napredovanje --- promozione professionale --- Beförderung --- promotion --- ardú céime --- povýšenie --- promovarea în muncă --- awans --- povýšení --- promozzjoni --- unapređenje --- promoção profissional --- унапређење --- loopbaanontwikkeling --- szakmai előrejutás --- υπηρεσιακή εξέλιξη --- promozione --- karjeras virzība --- εξέλιξη σταδιοδρομίας --- desenvolvimento de carreira --- προαγωγή --- développement de carrière --- scatto di carriera --- napredovanje u karijeri --- avancemang --- avansare --- ascenso --- career development --- zhvillim karriere --- beruflicher Aufstieg --- karriärmöjligheter --- avanzamento --- dezvoltare în carieră --- ustanovení do vyšší funkce --- karrier --- ametialane edutamine --- tarnybinis paaukštinimas --- pracovní postup --- tarnybinis kilimas --- kariérny rozvoj --- напредување во служба --- систем на кариера според заслуги --- ordinamento di carriera --- kariérismus --- avancement --- karrier fejlődése --- karriereudvikling --- кариера
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