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When the cold war was over, a vehement discussion of the new alternatives in security policy started in almost all former Warsaw-Pact States and in the neutral and nonaligned nations, Austria and Hungary among the latter. These nations' entry into the NATO has been the pivotal question. These discussions were the subject of comparative research that was done in Hungary and Austria. The results are presented in the book "NATO, Neutrality and National Identity - the Case of Ausria and Hungary".The book does not focus on the manifold security problems that the concerned nations' joining of NATO would entail but deals with the discourses and debates on neutrality and NATO. The argumentation strategies that were applied in these discourses and debates touch on important motives of national identity and are thus creating identity. Moreover, the NATO discussion is a discussion on security policy and national identity at the same time. The authors' intention was to clarify the dimension relating to identity in the NATO discussion by analyzing the argumentation strategies that were used by the advocates and opponents of NATO membership and the reception of typical arguments in various public opinions. In many cases the argumentation strategies are based on historicizing ways of thinking which claim that there are historical reasons for choosing either of the alternatives (NATO or neutrality). In Hungary, discussions focus on the question whether Hungary is historically an organic part of Europe or whether its own identity will only materialize if the nation adopts a special course between the western and the eastern world. In Austria, the consequences of a potential renunciation of neutrality, one of the most important elements of modern Austrian identity, has been made a subject of passionate discussion. The book analyzes the issues of creating identity by discussion both from a historical-sociological standpoint and from the angle of discourse analysis. The individual chapters deal with comparative studies of the change and upheaval in the national identities in Hungary and Austria. Although these specific analyses are intended to be case studies, they allow generalizations on all of central Europe. The individual corpora (opinion surveys, political speeches, focus groups, talk-shows, newspapers), having been selected so as to ensure comparability, are subjected to a comparative and interdisciplinary analysis and interpretation. Following the introduction - problems are defined from the standpoint of history and political science - the complex discourses from focus group discussions and the outcomes of opinion surveys are presented and analyzed, and newspapers, TV talk-shows and speeches held on days of remembrance are presented applying the methods of discourse analysis. Against this backdrop a comprehensive picture of the identity discourses develops. In the introduction and concluding remarks the two editors draw theoretical and methodical conclusions for interdisciplinary and comparative studies. Nach dem Ende des kalten Krieges entfalteten sich heftige Diskussionen über die neuen sicherheitspolitischen Alternativen fast in allen Ländern des ehemaligen Warschauer Paktes und in den neutralen und blockfreien Staaten, unter ihnen in Österreich und in Ungarn. Zentraler Punkt der Diskussion ist der Beitritt der betroffenen Länder zur NATO. Diese Diskussionen bildeten den Gegenstand einer vergleichenden Forschung in Ungarn und Österreich, aus der das Buch "NATO, Neutrality and National Identity - the Case of Austria and Hungary" entstand.Im Mittelpunkt des Buches stehen nicht die vielfältigen sicherheitspolitischen Probleme des NATO-Beitritts der betroffenen Länder. Vielmehr sind es die Diskurse und Debatten über Neutralität und NATO, womit sich die Beiträge des Buches beschäftigen.Die in ihnen angewandten Argumentationsstrategien betreffen wichtige Momente nationaler Identität und sind demnach identitätskonstruierend. Die NATO-Diskussion ist daher gleichzeitig eine sicherheitspolitische und identitätspolitische Diskussion.Die Absicht der Autoren war es, die identitätspolitische Dimension der NATO-Diskussion durch eine Analyse der von den Befürwortern und Gegnern der NATO-Mitgliedschaft angewandten Argumentationsstrategien und der Rezeption typischer Argumente in vielfachen Öffentlichkeiten zu klären. Die Argumentationsstrategien der Diskussionspartner beruhen häufig auf historisierenden Topoi, die eine Wahl zwischen den bestehenden Alternativen (NATO und Neutralität) historisch begründen wollen.In Ungarn steht die Frage im Mittelpunkt der Diskussion, ob Ungarn historisch organischer Bestandteil von Europa ist oder es seine eigene Identität nur mittels eines, zwischen der westlichen und östlichen Welt laufenden Sonderweges, verwirklichen kann.In Österreich werden heftig die Konsequenzen der möglichen Aufgabe der Neutralität, einer der wichtigsten Bestandteile der modernen österreichischen Identität thematisiert.Das Buch analysiert sowohl aus einer historisch-soziologischen Sicht, als auch aus diskursanalytischer Perspektive die Fragen der diskursiven Identitätskonstruktion. Die Kapiteln sind vergleichenden Studien zum Wandel und Umbruch nationaler Identitäten in Ungarn und Österreich gewidmet. Diese spezifischen Analysen sind zwar als "case studies" gedacht, lassen aber Generalisierungen auf den mitteleuropäischen Raum zu.Die Einzelcorpora (Meinungsumfragen, politische Reden, Fokusgruppen, Talkshows, Zeitungen) werden komparativ und interdisziplinär analysiert und interpretiert, die Corpora sind auch in Bezug auf eine Vergleichbarkeit erhoben worden. Nach einleitenden historischen und politikwissenschaftlichen Darstellungen der Problemlagen in beiden Ländern werden daher die komplexen Diskurse aus Fokusgruppendiskussionen und die Ergebnisse aus Meinungsumfragen vorgestellt und analysiert, Zeitungen, TV-Talkshows und Reden zu Gedenktagen diskursanalytisch aufgearbeitet. Auf diesem Hintergrund entsteht ein breites Bild der Identitätsdiskurse. In einer Einleitung und in den Schlussbemerkungen ziehen die beiden Herausgeber theoretische und methodische Konsequenzen für interdisziplinäre und komparative Studien.
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Zusammenfassung In der Krise von 1989/90 boten die Verhandlungen über den Vertrag von Maastricht beste Voraussetzungen für einen europäischen Verfassungsmoment. Doch die öffentliche Debatte blieb fragmentiert und an nationalen Interessen ausgerichtet – nicht zuletzt wegen des zwischenstaatlichen Verfahrens, das dem diplomatischen Kontext größeren Nachrichtenwert verlieh als dem konstitutionellen Inhalt der Reform. Mit einer detaillierten Untersuchung der deutschen, französischen und britischen Pressedebatte gibt dieses Buch empirische Einblicke in eine Schlüsselphase der EU-Integration. Zudem bietet es eine analytische Neuvermessung der Voraussetzungen europäischer Öffentlichkeit sowie des Verhältnisses zwischen politischen Verfahren und Diskursstrukturen. Abstract In the crisis of 1989/90, the negotiations on the Maastricht Treaty offered ideal conditions for a European constitutional moment. But the public debate remained fragmented and focused on national interests — not least because of intergovernmental procedures, which gave more news value to the diplomatic context than to the constitutional content of the reform. With a detailed examination of the German, French and British press debates on this issue, this book provides empirical insights into a key phase of EU integration. Moreover, it offers analytical re-conceptualisation of the conditions of a European public sphere and of the relationship between political procedures and discourse structures.
Publicity. --- European Union. --- Treaty on European Union --- Treaty on European Union (1992 February 7) --- 1900-1999 --- European Union countries.
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War games --- North Atlantic Treaty Organization --- Kriegsspiel --- War --- Wargames --- Military art and science --- Military maneuvers --- Simulation games --- Tactics --- Mathematical models --- North Atlantic treaty organisation --- NAVO --- OTAN
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The 1999 military operation in Kosovo had several deficiences in joint military operations. This study examines all aspects of the conflict, including its political and historical underpinnings, in an attempt to understand these deficiences and to recommend improvements.
Kosovo War, 1998-1999 --- Campaigns. --- Kosovo (Serbia) - History - Civil War, 1998-1999 -. --- North Atlantic Treaty Organization --- North Atlantic treaty organisation --- NAVO --- OTAN --- Armed Forces
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Der 1920 zwischen den alliierten Mächten und der Türkei abgeschlossene Vertrag von Sèvres kann als einer der bedeutendsten völkerrechtlichen Verträge des 20. Jahrhunderts bezeichnet werden. Auf die Neugestaltung des Nahen Osten abzielend, legte er den Grundstein dafür, dass das Britische Reich kurz nach seiner Unterzeichnung den Höhepunkt seiner territorialen Expansion erreichte. Die geringe Beachtung dieses Friedensvertrages im deutschsprachigen Raum liegt nicht zuletzt daran, dass es bis dato keine vollständige Übersetzung ins Deutsche gab. Eine solche soll mit diesem Werk nunmehr nachgeholt und der Versuch unternommen werden, durch eine Analyse der einschlägigen Vertragsbestimmungen, den Vertrag in einen Kontext zu den übrigen Pariser Vorortverträge zu stellen. The 1920 Treaty of Sèvres between the Allied Powers and Turkey can undoubtedly be described as one of the most significant international treaties of the 20th century. Aiming at reshaping the Middle East, it laid the foundation for the British Empire to reach the peak of its territorial expansion shortly after it was signed. The fact that the treaty has been little noticed in the German-speaking world is probably also due to the fact that until now there has been no complete translation of the treaty into German. The aim of this work is now to provide such a translation and to place the Treaty of Sèvres in the context of the Paris Peace Treaties.
World War,1914-1918 --- Treaties. --- Treaty of Sèvres (1920 August 10) --- Turkey --- History
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This book contains the Treatise of contracts of the Provençal Franciscan Pierre de Jean Olivi (1248-1298), in an annotated translation into Spanish by Pedro Ramis-Serra and Rafael Ramis-Barceló, author of a comprehensive preliminary study that revises the historical, legal and institutional background of Olivi, as well as an analysis of the reception of the profile and works by Olivi during the Modern Era. The Treatise of Contracts was the first great Theological-Legal-Economical Treatise on the matter, and it opened a path which, eventually and in the Modern era, was especially fruitful for theologians, jurists and canonists.-----Este libro contiene el Tratado de los contratos del franciscano provenzal Pierre de Jean Olivi (1248-1298), en traducción anotada al español de Pedro Ramis Serra y Rafael Ramis Barceló, autor éste de un amplio estudio preliminar que explica el marco histórico, jurídico e institucional de Olivi, así como un análisis de la recepción de la figura y obra de Olivi en la Modernidad. El Tratado de los contratos fue primer gran tratado teológico-jurídico-económico sobre la materia, y abrió un camino que, a la postre y en la época moderna, fue especialmente fecundo tanto para teólogos, como para legistas y canonistas.
Restitution --- Treaty of contracts --- Olivi --- Usura --- Tratado de los contratos --- Restitución --- Compraventa --- Usury --- Purchase-sale contract
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An essential introduction to, and overview of, the International Joint Commission and Canada-U.S. water relationships. The International Joint Commission oversees and protects the shared waters of Canada and the United States. Created by the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909, it is one of the world’s oldest international environmental bodies. A pioneering piece of transborder water governance, the IJC has been integral to the modern Canada-United States relationship. This is the definitive history of the International Joint Commission. Separating myth from reality and uncovering the historical evolution of the IJC from its inception to its present, this collection features an impressive interdisciplinary group of scholars and practitioners. Examining the many aspects of border waters from east to west The First Century of the International Joint Commission traces the three major periods of the IJC, detailing its early focus on water flow, its middle period of growth and increasing politicization, and its modern emphasis on ecosystems. Informative, detailed, and fascinating, The First Century of the International Joint Commission is essential reading for academics, contemporary policy makers, governments, and all those interested in sustainability, climate change, pollution, and resiliency along the Canada-US Border.
Boundary Waters Treaty --- Canada-United States Border --- Water systems --- Shared water uses --- Transboundary issues
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In this new Brookings Marshall Paper, Michael O'Hanlon argues that now is the time for Western nations to negotiate a new security architecture for neutral countries in eastern Europe to stabilize the region and reduce the risks of war with Russia. He believes NATO expansion has gone far enough. The core concept of this new security architecture would be one of permanent neutrality. The countries in question collectively make a broken-up arc, from Europe's far north to its south: Finland and Sweden; Ukraine, Moldova, and Belarus; Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan; and finally Cyprus plus Serbia, as well as possibly several other Balkan states. Discussion on the new framework should begin within NATO, followed by deliberation with the neutral countries themselves, and then formal negotiations with Russia. The new security architecture would require that Russia, like NATO, commit to help uphold the security of Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, and other states in the region. Russia would have to withdraw its troops from those countries in a verifiable manner; after that, corresponding sanctions on Russia would be lifted. The neutral countries would retain their rights to participate in multilateral security operations on a scale comparable to what has been the case in the past, including even those operations that might be led by NATO. They could think of and describe themselves as Western states (or anything else, for that matter). If the European Union and they so wished in the future, they could join the EU. They would have complete sovereignty and self-determination in every sense of the word. But NATO would decide not to invite them into the alliance as members. Ideally, these nations would endorse and promote this concept themselves as a more practical way to ensure their security than the current situation or any other plausible alternative.
Buffer states --- National security --- North Atlantic Treaty Organization. --- Europe, Eastern --- Russia (Federation) --- Foreign relations
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NATO's success in Afghanistan--or lack thereof--will have significant implications for the alliance itself. The authors examine the current mission in light of NATO's history and with an eye toward the future. NATO faces a long and daunting list of issues that extends beyond the borders of the member countries. The alliance must confront them, however, because failure to do so would risk its long-term success and sustainability.
#SBIB:327.7H32 --- #SBIB:328H59Bondgenootschappen: NAVO / NATO --- Instellingen en beleid: andere Aziatische landen --- #SBIB:328H59 --- Bondgenootschappen: NAVO / NATO --- Afghan War, 2001-. --- North Atlantic Treaty Organization --Afghanistan --Operations other than war. --- North Atlantic Treaty Organization --Afghanistan. --- North Atlantic Treaty Organization --Armed Forces --Afghanistan. --- -Military & Naval Science --- -North Atlantic Treaty Organization --- Operations other than war. --- Afghan War, 2001 --- -#SBIB:327.7H32 --- Operation Enduring Freedom, 2001 --- -War on Terrorism, 2001-2009 --- North Atlantic Treaty Organization --- North Atlantic treaty organisation --- NAVO --- OTAN --- Armed Forces --- -Operation Enduring Freedom, 2001 --- NATO --- -Afghan War, 2001 --- Afghan War, 2001-2021. --- Afghan War, 2001-2921. --- Counterinsurgency --- Counterguerrilla warfare --- Guerrilla warfare --- Insurgency --- -NATO
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This study provides new horizons on how Kosovo has shaped the new Europe - breaking down traditional assumptions in the field of security studies by sidelining the theoretical worldview that underlies mainstream strategic thinking on recent events in Kosovo.
National security. --- National security - Europe. --- Nationalism. --- National security --- Kosovo War, 1998-1999 --- Nationalism --- History & Archaeology --- History - General --- Kosovo War, 1998-1999. --- North Atlantic Treaty Organization. --- Kosovo (Republic) --- Ethnic relations. --- Kosovo Conflict, 1998-1999 --- Kosovo Crisis, 1998-1999 --- North Atlantic treaty organisation --- North Atlantic Treaty Organization --- NAVO --- OTAN --- nato --- security --- kosovo --- balkans --- Europe --- Russia --- Serbia --- Serbs --- United Nations --- Western world
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