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The thirty-plus years of progress in the field of structural health monitoring (SHM) have left a paramount impact on our everyday lives. Be it for the monitoring of fixed- and rotary-wing aircrafts, for the preservation of the cultural and architectural heritage, or for the predictive maintenance of long-span bridges or wind farms, SHM has shaped the framework of many engineering fields. Given the current state of quantitative and principled methodologies, it is nowadays possible to rapidly and consistently evaluate the structural safety of industrial machines, modern concrete buildings, historical masonry complexes, etc., to test their capability and to serve their intended purpose. However, old unsolved problematics as well as new challenges exist. Furthermore, unprecedented conditions, such as stricter safety requirements and ageing civil infrastructure, pose new challenges for confrontation. Therefore, this Special Issue gathers the main contributions of academics and practitioners in civil, aerospace, and mechanical engineering to provide a common ground for structural health monitoring in dealing with old and new aspects of this ever-growing research field.
dynamic characteristic --- GB-RAR --- super high-rise building --- displacement --- wheel flat --- real-time monitoring --- strain distribution characteristics --- multisensor array --- precise positioning --- noncontact remote sensing (NRS) --- optical flow algorithm --- structural health monitoring (SHM) --- uniaxial automatic cruise acquisition device --- noise robustness --- sensitivity analysis --- cross-modal strain energy --- damage detection --- subspace system identification --- data-driven stochastic subspace identification (SSI-DATA) --- covariance-driven stochastic subspace identification (SSI-COV) --- combined subspace system identification --- PRISMA --- vibration-based damage detection --- crack damage detection --- piezoelectric impedance --- piezoelectric admittance --- peak frequency --- Bayesian inference --- uncertainty quantification --- masonry structures --- seismic structural health monitoring --- Bouc–Wen model --- model calibration --- hysteretic system identification --- BOTDR --- CFRP sheet --- un-bonded position --- cover delamination --- interfacial de-bonding --- monitoring system --- pipeline --- health and structural integrity --- Particle Impact Damper --- adaptive-passive damping --- damping of vibrations --- experiments --- submerged floating tunnel --- deep neural network --- machine learning --- sensor optimization --- failure monitoring accuracy --- mooring line --- sigmoid function --- Adamax --- categorical cross-entropy --- bending test --- bridge --- “compression–softening” theory --- frequency --- inverse problem --- nondestructive testing (NDT) method --- prestressed concrete (PC) girder --- prestress force determination --- prestress loss --- vertical deflection measurement --- rail --- guided wave ultrasound --- broken rail detection --- rail diagnostics --- structural health monitoring --- non destructive testing --- shape sensing --- inverse Finite Element Method --- fiber optics --- full-field reconstruction --- Structural Health Monitoring --- extreme function theory --- non-destructive testing --- extreme value theory --- generalised extreme distribution --- n/a --- Bouc-Wen model --- "compression-softening" theory
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This book is devoted to the latest advances in the area of electrothermal modelling of electronic components and networks. It contains eight sections by different teams of authors. These sections contain the results of: (a) electro-thermal simulations of SiC power MOSFETs using a SPICE-like simulation program; (b) modelling thermal properties of inductors taking into account the influence of the core volume on the efficiency of heat removal; (c) investigations into the problem of inserting a temperature sensor in the neighbourhood of a chip to monitor its junction temperature; (d) computations of the internal temperature of power LEDs situated in modules containing multiple-power LEDs, taking into account both self-heating in each power LED and mutual thermal couplings between each diode; (e) analyses of DC-DC converters using the electrothermal averaged model of the diode–transistor switch, including an IGBT and a rapid-switching diode; (f) electrothermal modelling of SiC power BJTs; (g) analysis of the efficiency of selected algorithms used for solving heat transfer problems at nanoscale; (h) analysis related to thermal simulation of the test structure dedicated to heat-diffusion investigation at the nanoscale.
Dual-Phase-Lag heat transfer model --- thermal simulation algorithm --- thermal measurements --- Finite Difference Method scheme --- Grünwald–Letnikov fractional derivative --- Krylov subspace-based model order reduction --- algorithm efficiency analysis --- relative error analysis --- algorithm convergence analysis --- computational complexity analysis --- finite difference method scheme --- BJT --- modelling --- self-heating --- silicon carbide --- SPICE --- IGBT --- DC–DC converter --- electrothermal model --- averaged model --- thermal phenomena --- diode–transistor switch --- power electronics --- multi-LED lighting modules --- device thermal coupling --- compact thermal models --- temperature sensors --- microprocessor --- throughput improvement --- inductors --- ferromagnetic cores --- thermal model --- transient thermal impedance --- thermal resistance --- electrothermal (ET) simulation --- finite-element method (FEM) --- model-order reduction (MOR) --- multicellular power MOSFET --- silicon carbide (SiC)
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The main aim of this book is to present various implementations of ML methods and metaheuristic algorithms to improve modelling and prediction hydrological and water resources phenomena having vital importance in water resource management.
groundwater --- artificial intelligence --- hydrologic model --- groundwater level prediction --- machine learning --- principal component analysis --- spatiotemporal variation --- uncertainty analysis --- hydroinformatics --- support vector machine --- big data --- artificial neural network --- nitrogen compound --- nitrogen prediction --- prediction models --- neural network --- non-linear modeling --- PACF --- WANN --- SVM-LF --- SVM-RF --- Govindpur --- streamflow forecasting --- Bayesian model averaging --- multivariate adaptive regression spline --- M5 model tree --- Kernel extreme learning machines --- South Korea --- uncertainty --- sustainability --- prediction intervals --- ungauged basin --- streamflow simulation --- satellite precipitation --- atmospheric reanalysis --- ensemble modeling --- additive regression --- bagging --- dagging --- random subspace --- rotation forest --- flood routing --- Muskingum method --- extension principle --- calibration --- fuzzy sets and systems --- particle swarm optimization --- EEFlux --- irrigation performance --- CWP --- water conservation --- NDVI --- water resources --- Daymet V3 --- Google Earth Engine --- improved extreme learning machine (IELM) --- sensitivity analysis --- shortwave radiation flux density --- sustainable development --- n/a
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The analysis and modeling of time series is of the utmost importance in various fields of application. This Special Issue is a collection of articles on a wide range of topics, covering stochastic models for time series as well as methods for their analysis, univariate and multivariate time series, real-valued and discrete-valued time series, applications of time series methods to forecasting and statistical process control, and software implementations of methods and models for time series. The proposed approaches and concepts are thoroughly discussed and illustrated with several real-world data examples.
time series --- anomaly detection --- unsupervised learning --- kernel density estimation --- missing data --- multivariate time series --- nonstationary --- spectral matrix --- local field potential --- electric power --- forecasting accuracy --- machine learning --- extended binomial distribution --- INAR --- thinning operator --- time series of counts --- unemployment rate --- SARIMA --- SETAR --- Holt–Winters --- ETS --- neural network autoregression --- Romania --- integer-valued time series --- bivariate Poisson INGARCH model --- outliers --- robust estimation --- minimum density power divergence estimator --- CUSUM control chart --- INAR-type time series --- statistical process monitoring --- random survival rate --- zero-inflation --- cointegration --- subspace algorithms --- VARMA models --- seasonality --- finance --- volatility fluctuation --- Student’s t-process --- entropy based particle filter --- relative entropy --- count data --- time series analysis --- Julia programming language --- ordinal patterns --- long-range dependence --- multivariate data analysis --- limit theorems --- integer-valued moving average model --- counting series --- dispersion test --- Bell distribution --- count time series --- estimation --- overdispersion --- multivariate count data --- INGACRCH --- state-space model --- bank failures --- transactions --- periodic autoregression --- integer-valued threshold models --- parameter estimation --- models
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The idea of preparing an Energies Special Issue on “Structural Prognostics and Health Management in Power & Energy Systems” is to compile information on the recent advances in structural prognostics and health management (SPHM). Continued improvements on SPHM have been made possible through advanced signature analysis, performance degradation assessment, as well as accurate modeling of failure mechanisms by introducing advanced mathematical approaches/tools. Through combining deterministic and probabilistic modeling techniques, research on SPHM can provide assurance for new structures at a design stage and ensure construction integrity at a fabrication phase. Specifically, power and energy system failures occur under multiple sources of uncertainty/variability resulting from load variations in usage, material properties, geometry variations within tolerances, and other uncontrolled variations. Thus, advanced methods and applications for theoretical, numerical, and experimental contributions that address these issues on SPHM are desired and expected, which attempt to prevent overdesign and unnecessary inspection and provide tools to enable a balance between safety and economy to be achieved. This Special Issue has attracted submissions from China, USA, Portugal, and Italy. A total of 26 submissions were received and 11 articles finally published.
empirical mode decomposition --- underground powerhouse --- sensitivity analysis --- DNN --- fault detection --- neural networks --- structural health monitoring --- analysis mode decomposition --- dynamic analysis of the structure --- residual useful life --- renewable energy --- remaining useful life --- retrofitting activities --- wind turbine blade --- optimized deep belief networks --- strain prediction --- offshore wind turbines --- low frequency tail fluctuation --- oil and gas platforms --- supporting vector machine (SVM) --- wave–structure interaction (WSI) --- sifting stop criterion --- probabilistic analyses of stochastic processes and frequency --- mode mixing --- non-probabilistic reliability index --- data-driven --- prognostics --- turbine blisk --- wind turbines --- supervisory control and data acquisition system --- fuzzy safety criterion --- analysis-empirical mode decomposition --- rotation of hydraulic generator --- life cycle cost --- health monitoring --- reliability --- wavelet decomposition --- weighted regression --- similarity-based approach --- vibration transmission mechanism --- wind and wave analysis --- full-scale static test --- deep learning --- multioperation condition --- extremum surface response method --- lithium-ion battery --- vibration test --- lateral-river vibration --- operational modal analysis --- dynamic analysis --- regeneration phenomenon --- machine learning --- prognostic and Health Management --- offshore structures --- NAR neural network --- techno-economic assessments --- stochastic subspace identification --- vertical axis wind turbine --- dynamic fuzzy reliability analysis
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This book offers a compilation for experts, scholars, and researchers to present the most recent advancements, from theoretical methods to the applications of sophisticated fault diagnosis techniques. The deep learning methods for analyzing and testing complex mechanical systems are of particular interest. Special attention is given to the representation and analysis of system information, operating condition monitoring, the establishment of technical standards, and scientific support of machinery fault diagnosis.
Technology: general issues --- History of engineering & technology --- process monitoring --- dynamics --- variable time lag --- dynamic autoregressive latent variables model --- sintering process --- hammerstein output-error systems --- auxiliary model --- multi-innovation identification theory --- fractional-order calculus theory --- canonical variate analysis --- disturbance detection --- power transmission system --- k-nearest neighbor analysis --- statistical local analysis --- intelligent fault diagnosis --- stacked pruning sparse denoising autoencoder --- convolutional neural network --- anti-noise --- flywheel fault diagnosis --- belief rule base --- fuzzy fault tree analysis --- Bayesian network --- evidential reasoning --- aluminum reduction process --- alumina concentration --- subspace identification --- distributed predictive control --- spatiotemporal feature fusion --- gated recurrent unit --- attention mechanism --- fault diagnosis --- evidential reasoning rule --- system modelling --- information transformation --- parameter optimization --- event-triggered control --- interval type-2 Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy model --- nonlinear networked systems --- filter --- gearbox fault diagnosis --- convolution fusion --- state identification --- PSO --- wavelet mutation --- LSSVM --- data-driven --- operational optimization --- case-based reasoning --- local outlier factor --- abnormal case removal --- bearing fault detection --- deep residual network --- data augmentation --- canonical correlation analysis --- just-in-time learning --- fault detection --- high-speed trains --- autonomous underwater vehicle --- thruster fault diagnostics --- fault tolerant control --- robust optimization --- ocean currents --- n/a --- interval type-2 Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model
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This book presents recent advances in computational methods for polymers. It covers multiscale modeling of polymers, polymerization reactions, and polymerization processes as well as control, monitoring, and estimation methods applied to polymerization processes. It presents theoretical insights gained from multiscale modeling validated with exprimental measurements. The book consolidates new computational tools and methods developed by academic researchers in this area and presents them systematically. The book is useful for graduate students, researchers, and process engineers and managers.
rapid tooling --- additive manufacturing --- failure modes --- injection molding --- modeling --- olefin --- gas phase --- kinetics --- hyperbranched --- Monte Carlo simulation --- radius of gyration --- span length --- continuous stirred-tank reactor --- data-driven parameter estimation --- retrospective cost model refinement algorithm --- global sensitivity analysis --- polyolefin synthesis --- olefin copolymerization --- reactivity ratios --- electronic effects --- salan catalysts --- post-metallocene --- DFT --- insertion kinetics --- olefin capture --- PolyEThyleneAmidoAmine (PETAA) dendrimer --- molecular topological indices --- Eccentric connectivity index --- copolymerization --- design of experiments --- reactivity ratio estimation --- terpolymerization --- PLP-SEC --- n-butyl acrylate --- degree of branching --- nanostar dendrimer --- irregularity measure --- complexity of structure --- NS1[p] --- NS2[p] --- NS3[p] --- subspace identification --- polymer processing --- model predictive control --- rotational molding --- batch process modeling and control --- method of moments --- free-radical polymerization --- methyl acrylate --- thermal polymerization --- high-temperature polymerization --- molecular graph --- irregularity indices --- dendrimers --- density functional theory --- inhibitors --- phenolic --- stable nitroxide radicals --- styrene --- polymerization --- RAFT polymerization --- multi-rate observer --- nonlinear sampled-data system --- measurements with delay --- parameter fitting --- droplet impact --- viscoelasticity --- volume of fluid method --- process intensification --- operability --- modularity --- process modeling and simulation --- n/a
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The predicted climate change is likely to cause extreme storm events and, subsequently, catastrophic disasters, including soil erosion, debris and landslide formation, loss of life, etc. In the decade from 1976, natural disasters affected less than a billion lives. These numbers have surged in the last decade alone. It is said that natural disasters have affected over 3 billion lives, killed on average 750,000 people, and cost more than 600 billion US dollars. Of these numbers, a greater proportion are due to sediment-related disasters, and these numbers are an indication of the amount of work still to be done in the field of soil erosion, conservation, and landslides. Scientists, engineers, and planners are all under immense pressure to develop and improve existing scientific tools to model erosion and landslides and, in the process, better conserve the soil. Therefore, the purpose of this Special Issue is to improve our knowledge on the processes and mechanics of soil erosion and landslides. In turn, these will be crucial in developing the right tools and models for soil and water conservation, disaster mitigation, and early warning systems.
landslide --- image classification --- spectrum similarity analysis --- extreme rainfall-induced landslide susceptibility model --- landslide ratio-based logistic regression --- landslide evolution --- Typhoon Morakot --- Taiwan --- vegetation community --- vegetation importance value --- root system --- soil erosion --- grey correlation analysis --- sediment yield --- RUSLE --- Lancang–Mekong River basin --- rainfall threshold --- landslide probability model --- debris flow --- Zechawa Gully --- mitigation countermeasures --- Jiuzhaigou Valley --- water erosion --- susceptibility --- Gaussian process --- climate change --- radial basis function kernel --- weighted subspace random forest --- extreme events --- extreme weather --- naive Bayes --- feature selection --- machine learning --- hydrologic model --- simulated annealing --- earth system science --- PSED Model --- loess --- ICU --- static liquefaction --- mechanical behavior --- pore structure --- alpine swamp meadow --- alpine meadow --- degradation of riparian vegetation --- root distribution --- tensile strength --- tensile crack --- soil management --- land cover changes --- Syria --- hillslopes --- gully erosion --- vegetation restoration --- soil erodibility --- land use --- bridge pier --- overfall --- scour --- landform change impact on pier --- shallow water equations --- wet-dry front --- outburst flood --- TVD-scheme --- MUSCL-Hancock method --- laboratory model test --- extreme rainfall --- rill erosion --- shallow landslides --- deep lip surface --- safety factor --- rainfall erosivity factor --- USLE R --- Deep Neural Network --- tree ring --- dendrogeomorphology --- landslide activity --- deciduous broadleaved tree --- Shirakami Mountains --- spatiotemporal cluster analysis --- landslide hotspots --- dam breach --- seepage --- overtopping --- seismic signal --- flume test --- breach model --- n/a --- Lancang-Mekong River basin
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In the past, when elements in sructures were composed of perishable materials, such as wood, the maintenance of houses, bridges, etc., was considered of vital importance for their safe use and to preserve their efficiency. With the advent of materials such as reinforced concrete and steel, given their relatively long useful life, periodic and constant maintenance has often been considered a secondary concern. When it was realized that even for structures fabricated with these materials that the useful life has an end and that it was being approached, planning maintenance became an important and non-negligible aspect. Thus, the concept of structural health monitoring (SHM) was introduced, designed, and implemented as a multidisciplinary method. Computational mechanics, static and dynamic analysis of structures, electronics, sensors, and, recently, the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) are required, but it is also important to consider new materials, especially those with intrinsic self-diagnosis characteristics, and to use measurement and survey methods typical of modern geomatics, such as satellite surveys and highly sophisticated laser tools.
structural health monitoring --- jointless bridge --- high-speed railway --- bearing --- expansion device --- displacement analysis --- structural reliability estimation --- modal identification --- finite element model updating --- cyber-physical systems --- crowdsourcing --- temperature effects --- time-lag effect --- Fourier series expansion --- box-girder bridges --- structural engineering --- overall deformation monitoring --- perspective transformation --- edge detection --- close-range photogrammetry --- railway embankment --- condition assessment --- ground penetrating radar --- multi-attribute utility theory --- laser scanner --- line scanner --- structure monitoring --- deformation --- dynamic measurements --- scan-to-BIM --- point cloud --- HBIM --- FEM --- Rhinoceros --- terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) --- ground-based real aperture radar (GB-RAR) --- vibration frequency --- spectral analysis --- displacement --- structural health monitoring (SHM) --- vibration-based damage detection --- system identification --- subspace system identification (SSI) --- tie rod --- natural frequencies --- mode shapes --- root-mean-square error (RMSE) --- environmental monitoring --- long-range mapping --- MMS --- sub-millimetric EDM geodetic techniques --- damage detection --- damage localization --- hybrid approach --- neural network --- timber bridges --- stress-laminated timber decks --- monitoring --- humidity-temperature sensors --- wood moisture content --- multi-phase models --- finite element method --- moving load identification --- strain influence line --- load transverse distribution --- strain integral coefficient --- identification error --- n/a
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Wind Power Plant (WPP) and Wind Turbine (WT) modeling are becoming of key importance due to the relevant wind-generation impact on power systems. Wind integration into power systems must be carefully analyzed to forecast the effects on grid stability and reliability. Different agents, such as Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and Distribution System Operators (DSOs), focus on transient analyses. Wind turbine manufacturers, power system software developers, and technical consultants are also involved. WPP and WT dynamic models are often divided into two types: detailed and simplified. Detailed models are used for Electro-Magnetic Transient (EMT) simulations, providing both electrical and mechanical responses with high accuracy during short time intervals. Simplified models, also known as standard or generic models, are designed to give reliable responses, avoiding high computational resources. Simplified models are commonly used by TSOs and DSOs to carry out different transient stability studies, including loss of generation, switching of power lines or balanced faults, etc., Assessment and validation of such dynamic models is also a major issue due to the importance and difficulty of collecting real data. Solutions facing all these challenges, including the development, validation and application of WT and WPP models are presented in this Issue.
bearing current --- common mode current --- doubly fed induction generators --- permanent magnet synchronous generators --- wind turbine generator --- doubly-fed generator --- converter control --- short-circuit current --- second harmonic component --- low-voltage ride-through (LVRT) field test data --- complex terrain --- terrain-induced turbulence --- turbulence intensity --- LES --- vortex shedding --- frequency control --- wind power integration --- power system stability --- turbulence --- statistical modelling --- Wind Turbine (WT) --- Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) --- unbalanced grid voltage --- DC-linked voltage control --- Proportional Resonant with Resonant Harmonic Compensator (PR+HC) controller --- Adaptive Proportional Integral (API) control --- power control --- wind turbine near wake --- wind turbine wakes --- wake aerodynamics --- computational fluid dynamics --- rotor aerodynamics --- wind turbine validation --- MEXICO experiment --- wind energy --- model validation --- wind turbine aerodynamics --- wind farms --- wind turbines interaction --- wind farm modeling --- kernel density estimation --- multiple wind farms --- joint probability density --- ordinal optimization --- reactive power capability --- wind power plant --- wind power collection system --- aggregated, modelling --- wind integration studies --- long term voltage stability --- fault-ride through capability --- IEC 61400-27-1 --- Spanish PO 12.3 --- Type 3 wind turbine --- inertia --- wind power --- droop --- primary control --- frequency containment process --- wind integration --- demand response --- ancillary services --- wind turbine nacelle --- lightning electromagnetic pulse (LEMP) --- magnetic field intensity --- shielding mesh --- wake steering --- yaw misalignment --- multi body simulation --- main bearing loads --- rain flow counts --- aeroelasticity --- multi-rotor system --- wind turbine --- computational fluid dynamics (CFD) --- horizontal-axis wind turbine (HAWT) --- permanent-magnet synchronous-generator (PMSG) --- linear quadratic regulator (LQR) --- PI control algorithm --- LQR-PI control --- wind turbine blade --- large-eddy simulation --- turbulence evaluation index --- fatigue damage evaluation index --- DIgSILENT-PowerFactory --- MATLAB --- transient stability --- type 3 wind turbine --- DFIG --- field testing --- full-scale converter --- generic model --- validation --- HAWT --- aerodynamic characteristics --- dynamic yawing process --- near wake --- start-stop yaw velocity --- load frequency control (LFC) --- equivalent input disturbance (EID) --- active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) --- wind --- linear matrix inequalities (LMI) --- dynamic modeling --- grey-box parameter identification --- subspace identification --- recursive least squares --- optimal identification
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