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Inklusion ist als Thema aus dem deutschen Bildungssystem nicht mehr wegzudenken und trotzdem stellt sie weiterhin eine Herausforderung auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen dar. Die Qualifizierung der pädagogischen Fachkräfte ist dabei neben der Bereitstellung adäquater Rahmenbedingungen als ein besonders wichtiges Handlungsfeld zu betrachten. Die Bände der Reihe "Qualifizierung für Inklusion" greifen den bestehenden Forschungs- und Entwicklungsbedarf auf und geben einen Überblick über die Ergebnisse der vom BMBF im Rahmen des Programms "Qualifizierung der pädagogischen Fachkräfte für inklusive Bildung" geförderten Forschungsprojekte. Adressiert werden damit sowohl Wissenschaftler:innen als auch mit dem Themenfeld Inklusion befasste Personen und Institutionen der Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung, der Bildungsadministration und der Bildungspolitik. Der zweite Band der Reihe versammelt die Vorstellung von Projekten, Ergebnissen und Materialien, die sich dem Bildungsbereich der Grundschule zuordnen lassen. Die Reihe besteht aus drei weiteren Bänden, in denen die Ergebnisse zur Qualifizierung für Inklusion im Elementarbereich (Band 1), in der Sekundarstufe (Band 3) sowie in der Berufsschule, Hochschule und Erwachsenenbildung (Band 4) vorgestellt werden.
Training. --- Skills training --- Education --- Teaching
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In dieser Studie werden zwei langerfristig konzipierte Lehrkraftefortbildungsformate (sog. individualisiert-konstruktiv und kokonstruktiv) zum geoffneten Experimentieren hinsichtlich der Anderung des Unterrichtshandelns untersucht. Es soll damit ein Beitrag zur Aufklarung der Wirksamkeit kokonstruktiver Elemente in Fortbildungen geleistet werden. Literaturbasiert werden Kategorien des Unterrichtshandelns zum effektiven Experimentieren zusammengestellt, die in keinem bestehenden Rating- oder Kodiermanual zusammengefuhrt worden sind. Das Manual wurde in einer quasi-experimentellen Videostudie zur Lehrkraftefortbildung eingesetzt. Die Lehrkrafte wurden bzgl. ihres Unterrichtshandelns beim Experimentieren vor sowie nach der Fortbildung videografiert. Die Studie zeigt mit Blick auf das Unterrichtshandeln beim Experimentieren zwei wesentliche Anderungen: die Lehrkrafte setzen nach der Fortbildung weniger kochrezeptartige Experimentieranleitungen ein und Experimentierphasen -- begleitet von Unterstutzungsangeboten -- werden geoffnet. Ausserdem regen Lehrkrafte nach der Fortbildung Lernende starker zu wissenschaftsorientiertem Arbeiten an (`Minds on' statt `Hands on'). Der Transfer von Fortbildungsinhalten findet nur von einigen Lehrkraften, individualisiert und differenziell, in das Unterrichtshandeln statt. Das Unterrichtshandeln scheint auch gegenuber langerfristigen Interventionen robust: In der Mehrzahl der Aspekte des Unterrichtshandelns zeigen sich keine signifikanten Anderungen.
Training. --- Effective teaching. --- Expirements. --- Instructional effectiveness --- Teaching effectiveness --- Teaching quality --- Teaching --- Teacher effectiveness --- Skills training --- Education
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Este livro integra a importante obra de Juan César García, durante seu trabalho na Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde (Opas). Publicado pela primeira vez em 1972, contém uma rigorosa e ampla análise da educação médica nos países latino-americanos, apontando os condicionantes sociais da configuração curricular e as características do processo de ensino. Nos últimos 50 anos, este livro tornou-se um clássico no campo da Saúde Coletiva brasileira e latino-americana, inspirando estudos e pesquisas que subsidiaram a introdução de práticas transformadoras e movimentos de reforma na formação de pessoal e na organização de sistemas de saúde, o que estimulou sua publicação, pela primeira vez, em português.
Medical education. --- Training. --- Skills training --- Education --- Teaching --- Medical personnel --- Professional education
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The textbook provides an overview of interview method in social work, presents theoretical background and practical methods for social skills training for children and youth, aquitance with the importance and pecullarities of parenting competence at different age periods of children, parenting skills methods and models. Social work students, practitioners and others profesionals can find useful material for planning and organizing interview with different groups of clients, can gain practical recommendations how to organize children social skills and parenting skills trainings.
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This book, entitled “Gamification and Advanced Technology to Enhance Motivation in Education”, contains an editorial and a collection of ten research articles that highlight the use of gamification and other advanced technologies as powerful tools for motivation during learning. Motivation is the driving force behind many human activities, especially learning. Motivated students are ready to make a significant mental effort and use deeper and more effective learning strategies. Numerous studies indicate that playing promotes learning, since when fun pervades the learning process, motivation increases and tension is reduced. Therefore, games can be very powerful tools in the improvement of learning processes from three different and complementary perspectives: as tools for teaching content or skills, as an object of the learning project itself and as a philosophy to be taken into account when designing the training process. Each contributions presented in this book falls into one of these categories; that is to say, they all deal with the use of games or related technologies, and they all study how playing enhances motivation in education.
gamification --- active methodologies --- secondary education --- evaluation rubric --- evaluation criteria --- Thomas W. Malone --- game --- design --- Sebastian Deterding --- Nick Pelling --- learning by doing --- serious games --- game design --- human computer-interaction --- HCI education --- entrepreneurship education --- FLIGBY --- Flow --- positive psychology --- higher education --- MOOC --- fun --- social networks --- virtual learning communities --- video games --- collaborative learning --- education --- teacher --- attitudes --- primary education --- technology --- ICT --- Likert scale --- game elements --- online learning --- MOOCs --- empirical studies --- systematic literature review --- university --- serious video games --- game-based learning --- professors --- video games design --- knowledge --- skills training --- digital technologies --- automated learning --- serious game --- usability --- game engagement --- virtual reality --- rubric --- capability approach --- capacity building --- enabling tools --- mental images --- motivation
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The dental curriculum is like a living organism—it has developed through time, manifesting regional, cultural, and scientific heritage, and reflecting modern trends. The undergraduate dental curriculum is periodically rebuilt to ensure the harmonization of higher education systems between countries, especially in Europe. Structure, content, learning, and assessment in undergraduate and postgraduate dental education and auxiliary dental personnel training are shaped based on professional consensus. Constant updates on recent technological innovations and evidence-based best practice are necessary.In modern times, ethical issues are raised more than ever. Can we teach our students how to be dedicated health professionals and manage a successful practice at the same time? Does the commercialization of our profession also affect the dental curriculum today?The COVID-19 pandemic has imposed new challenges, moving us from lecture rooms and clinics to an online environment.This Special Issue is dedicated to developing the understanding of dental education.
educational climate --- dental students --- DREEM scale --- dental education --- dentistry --- dental hygienists --- job satisfaction --- work assignments --- workplace environment --- Japan --- healthy lifestyle --- surveys and questionnaires --- health behavior --- health promotion --- school health services --- dental record --- record keeping --- documentation --- forensic odontology --- Croatia --- medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw --- fracture --- mandible --- osteonecrosis --- bisphosphonates --- undergraduate dental education --- postgraduate dental education --- continuing education --- professionalism in dentistry --- online education --- digital media --- social media --- perceived risks --- dental hygiene --- oral pathology --- exam soft --- item analysis --- mentoring --- non-technical skills training --- motor skills --- learning theories --- self-consciousness --- working memory --- visual acuity --- miniaturized Snellen optotype --- Galilean and Keplerian telescope optical system in dentistry --- clinical skills teaching --- teaching methodology --- local anesthesia --- clinical education --- early clinical experience --- motivation --- stress perceptions --- self-determination theory --- self-efficacy --- social learning theory --- Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) --- diet --- dental student --- education --- dental hygiene education --- educational technology --- classification consistency --- oral lesion --- biomedical sciences --- vertical integration --- curriculum reform --- interprofessional learning --- virdentopsy --- virtual dental autopsy --- autopsy imaging --- human identification --- dental autopsy --- humanitarian forensic odontology --- dental caries --- diagnosis --- online learning --- COVID-19 --- composite restoration --- conservative dentistry --- operative dentistry --- undergraduate dental student --- dentin bonding --- virtual reality --- haptics --- simulation --- Simodont --- dental care --- oncology --- chemotherapy --- radiotherapy --- osteoradionecrosis --- specialty training --- student survey --- knowledge-based governance --- curriculum --- dental --- graduate --- dental continuing --- teacher training
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