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Sexuality in the Swedish Police : From gay jokes to pride parades
ISBN: 1003242871 1000840727 100084076X 103215179X 1032151811 Year: 2023 Publisher: Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge,

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"Sexuality in the Swedish Police is based on the experiences of lesbian, gay and bisexual police officers and the author's observations of police work. Written at the intersection of organizational, gender and police studies, the book analyses how processes of exclusion and inclusion of LGB sexuality coexist in the Swedish police, how these processes are related to the culture and characteristics of police work, and how police management attempts to create an inclusive organisation. How and under what conditions does the exclusion and inclusion of LGB officers and LGB sexuality take place in the Swedish police? By delving into this question, the author seeks to answer, among other things, how it is that there are so few openly gay male police officers and how barriers to inclusion can be understood. The book contributes to a better understanding of the problems and activities associated with diversity issues, particularly with a focus on sexual orientation, but also more generally; many of the insights in the book can be used to understand the inclusion and exclusion of other groups in society. A key insight from the book is that inclusion and exclusion are collective processes characterized by struggle, a struggle that according to the author can be understood through the concept of "peripheral inclusion". Sexuality in the Swedish Police will be of great interest to scholars and students as well as practitioners with an interest in diversity issues and policing. The book is also relevant to those working in or interested in diversity, inclusion and equality in other similarly "masculinized" organizations, such as the armed forces and certain sports organisations"-- Provided by publisher.

Selected international best practices in police performance measurement
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0833070657 0833069802 9780833070654 9780833069801 Year: 2012 Publisher: Santa Monica, Calif. : Rand Corporation,

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Historically, police agencies have measured their performance against a restricted set of crime-focused indicators, but modern police officers must be prepared to take on a wide variety of roles. Performance measures should be multidimensional to capture this complexity. This report describes some key considerations in designing measures to evaluate law enforcement agencies and includes a detailed review of some international best practices.

Effective policing for 21st-century Israel
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0833080938 0833080962 0833080946 9780833080967 9780833080943 9780833080950 0833080954 9780833080936 Year: 2013 Publisher: Santa Monica, CA : RAND,

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Israel has changed dramatically in the past two decades. The Israel Police is transforming itself to meet the needs of modern Israel. The Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Finance, and the Israel Police asked RAND to conduct a study to address issues of public perceptions and trust in the police, benchmarking the police against other police organizations, performance measurement, and deterrence and crime prevention.

Recruiting and retaining America's finest : evidence-based lessons for police workforce planning
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 0833051148 0833050680 9780833051141 9780833050687 Year: 2010 Publisher: Santa Monica, Calif. : RAND,

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Shares results of a survey, sent to every U.S. police agency with at least 300 sworn officers, on recruitment and retention practices. Finds that police compensation, city size, and crime rates affected recruiting. Advertising and incentives had little effect on the number of recruits. Cohort sizes highlighted management challenges. To facilitate comparative and longitudinal staffing analyses, ongoing national data collection is recommended.

Elite im Verborgenen : Ideologie und regionale Herrschaftspraxis des Sicherheitsdienstes der SS und seines Netzwerks am Beispiel Sachsens
ISBN: 1306792223 3486706543 3486791117 3486585436 Year: 2008 Publisher: De Gruyter

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Die V-Männer des von Reinhard Heydrich geführten Sicherheitsdienstes (SD) stellen einen der letzten weißen Flecken der Topografie des NS-Terrors dar. Carsten Schreiber gibt nach jahrzehntelangen Spekulationen erstmals Auskunft über Aufgaben, Funktion und Umfang dieses geheimdienstlichen Netzwerks und über die Sozialstruktur der V-Männer. Empirische Basis ist ein beispielloser Quellenfund: die Personalkartei des Dresdner SD-Abschnittes mit den Namen aller 2746 V-Leute im Land Sachsen. Sie führt vor Augen, wie bereitwillig sich gesellschaftliche Eliten aus Wirtschaft und Verwaltung anwerben ließen. Der Verfasser deckt das geheime Netzwerk des Sicherheitsdienstes auf, um dieses sowohl innerhalb der deutschen Gesellschaft als auch im Gefüge der nationalsozialistischen Herrschaftsinstanzen zu verorten. Der SD, jene titelgebende "Elite im Verborgenen", war ein gefährliches Amalgam aus Geheimdienst und totalitärer Weltanschauungselite. In Anknüpfung an die neuesten Forschungstrends der "Täterforschung" stellt diese Arbeit, über ihr Thema hinaus, einen gewichtigen Beitrag zur Sozial- und Herrschaftsgeschichte des "Dritten Reiches" dar.

Police department investments in information technology systems : challenges assessing their payoff
ISBN: 9780833089878 0833089870 Year: 2014 Publisher: Santa Monica, California : RAND Corporation,

Police recruitment and retention for the new millennium : the state of knowledge
ISBN: 0833050508 0833050176 9780833050502 9780833050175 Year: 2010 Publisher: Santa Monica, Calif. : RAND,

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Many police departments report difficulties in creating a workforce that represents community demographics, is committed to providing its employees the opportunity for long-term police careers, and effectively implements community policing. This book summarizes lessons on recruiting and retaining effective workforces.

Recruitment and retention : lessons for the New Orleans Police Department
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1281181099 9786611181093 0833042688 0833041428 9780833042682 9780833041425 9781281181091 6611181091 Year: 2007 Publisher: Santa Monica, CA : Rand Gulf States Policy Institute,

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Since Hurricane Katrina, resignations from the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) have increased, and the department went more than a year without recruiting enough candidates to justify a police academy training course. The authors present practical recommendations for change that could help the NOPD improve recruiting and retention. Issues addressed include the lack of affordable post-Katrina housing, the fact that the families of many police officers no longer live in the New Orleans area, the destroyed departmental infrastructure, and a budget that does not provide enough resources to me

Mitigating corruption in government security forces : the role of institutions, incentives, and personnel management in Mexico
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1283597349 9786613909794 0833052748 0833052586 9780833052742 9780833052582 9781283597340 6613909793 Year: 2011 Publisher: Santa Monica, Calif. : RAND,

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Mexico has undertaken reforms in recent years to professionalize its police. This report draws on the literature on corruption and personnel incentives and analyzes police reform in Mexico. It addresses the roots of corruption and the tools that could be used to mitigate it and provides an initial assessment of the reforms' effectiveness. The results suggest some progress, though police corruption still remains high and more work is needed.

Societal Implications of Community-Oriented Policing and Technology
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3319892967 3319892975 9783319892979 Year: 2018 Publisher: Springer Nature

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