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Thinking Narratively : Between Novel-Essay and Narrative Essay

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What is the connection between philosophical enquiries and storytelling in contemporary narrative? Is it possible to outline some features of a so-called philosophical fiction in Western literature throughout the last two centuries? This book aims to provide a plural answer, hosting extensive essays by seven young researchers coming from different fields (Theory of literature, German, American, Russian and Italian contemporary literature, history and evolution of the essayistic form). A short The volume is addressed to all those with a strong interest in both evolution of philosophical speech and history of the novel and has a strong vocation to promote interdisciplinarity in literary studies.

Writing, medium, machine : modern technographies
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781785420184 Year: 2016 Publisher: Open Humanities Press

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Writing, Medium, Machine: Modern Technographies is a collection of thirteen essays by leading scholars which explores the mutual determination of forms of writing and forms of technology in modern literature. The essays unfold from a variety of historical and theoretical perspectives the proposition that literature is not less but more mechanical than other forms of writing: a transfigurative ideal machine. The collection breaks new ground archaeologically, unearthing representations in literature and film of a whole range of decisive technologies from the stereopticon through census-and slot-machines to the stock ticker, and from the Telex to the manipulation of genetic code and the screens which increasingly mediate our access to the world and to each other. It also contributes significantly to critical and cultural theory by investigating key concepts which articulate the relation between writing and technology: number, measure, encoding, encryption, the archive, the interface. Technography is not just a modern matter, a feature of texts that happen to arise in a world full of machinery and pay attention to that machinery in various ways. But the mediation of other machines has beyond doubt assisted literature to imagine and start to become the ideal machine it is always aspiring to be. Contributors: Ruth Abbott, John Attridge, Kasia Boddy, Mark Byron, Beci Carver, Steven Connor, Esther Leslie, Robbie Moore, Julian Murphet, James Purdon, Sean Pryor, Paul Sheehan, Kristen Treen.

Tracing the Jerusalem Code

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With the aim to write the history of Christianity in Scandinavia with Jerusalem as a lens, this book investigates the image - or rather the imagination - of Jerusalem in the religious, political, and artistic cultures of Scandinavia through most of the second millennium. Volume 3 analyses the impact of Jerusalem on Scandinavian Christianity from the middle of the 18. century in a broad context. Tracing the Jerusalem Code in three volumesVolume 1: The Holy City Christian Cultures in Medieval Scandinavia (ca. 1100-1536)Volume 2: The Chosen People Christian Cultures in Early Modern Scandinavia (1536-ca. 1750)Volume 3: The Promised Land Christian Cultures in Modern Scandinavia (ca. 1750-ca. 1920)

Du "contemporain" à l'université : Usages, configurations, enjeux
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 287854742X 2878546644 Year: 2016 Publisher: Paris : Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle,

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Alors que la littérature contemporaine occupe aujourd'hui une place significative dans la recherche et l’enseignement universitaires, il importe de s'interroger sur les effets et les enjeux d’une telle rencontre. Que fait la réception universitaire à la littérature en train de s'écrire ? Que change pour les études littéraires l’analyse sur le vif ? Les études et entretiens réunis dans ce volume dressent un état des lieux de la présence de la littérature contemporaine à l'université en France et au Québec. Ils réfléchissent sur les usages de la notion de « contemporain », les difficultés inhérentes à son emploi et les outils critiques susceptibles d'en favoriser la saisie. L’ouvrage invite ainsi à penser les processus de légitimation et de vieillissement littéraires, tout en donnant à voir une institution universitaire en pleine mutation qui s'interroge sur sa mission, entre patrimonialisation et exploration, médiation et création, ou encore entre éducation culturelle et formation professionnelle.

Literarische Wissenschaftsgeschichte und Wissenschaftstheorie : Kehlmann – Del Giudice – Serres
ISBN: 3110642387 3110639823 3110639742 Year: 2021 Publisher: De Gruyter

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Auf der Grundlage einer allgemeinen textphänomenologischen und -theoretischen Bestimmung des Phänomens einer poetica scientiae versucht die vorliegende Studie, mit Fokus auf der Literatur der Postmoderne und Gegenwart, zur Profilierung des ebenso strittigen wie konstruktiven Dialogs zwischen Literatur und Wissenschaften beizutragen. Ihrem Erkenntnisinteresse entsprechend gliedert sich die Untersuchung in drei Abschnitte: (I) Ein historisch-systematisch angelegter Grundlagenteil problematisiert die Leitdifferenz ‚Literatur‘ und ‚Wissenschaft‘ und erarbeitet sodann in dezidiert literarischer Perspektive das theoretische Fundament für eine Poetik und Hermeneutik der literarischen Transformation wissenschaftlicher Diskurse. Die Abschnitte (II) und (III) gliedern sich in eine Reihe von Fallstudien und widmen sich der literarischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte und Wissenschaftsgeschichtsschreibung (II) sowie der literarischen Epistemologie (III). Die Literatur erweist sich dabei nicht nur als passiver Speicher wissenschaftshistorischer Ereignisse und epistemologischer Theoreme, sondern übernimmt ihrerseits wissenschaftshistorische und -historiographische sowie epistemologische Funktionen, von denen auch die Wissenschaften profitieren können. The book examines the work of Daniel Kehlmann, Daniele del Giudice, and Michel Serres to show how writers’ reception of science has engendered a literary epistemology and history of science in the spirit of a poetica scientiae. This new approach subjects questions that science has kept unasked, open, or stifled to meticulous and often surprising ruminations, providing science with a corrective through poetics and hermeneutics.

Critica della trasparenza : letteratura e mito architettonico
ISBN: 8878854123 887885414X 8878854557 8878854131 Year: 2016 Publisher: Rosenberg & Sellier

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Ci sono miti culturali che consentono di riflettere sulla modernità a partire dalle sue radici, permettendo di indagarne gli sviluppi e le polarità fondamentali: tra questi, il mito della trasparenza che, nato in ambito architettonico con l’erezione del Crystal Palace di Londra nel 1851, da tempo non riguarda più soltanto la creazione di spazi caratterizzati da una totale reversibilità ottica di interno ed esterno, ma è ormai divenuto un concetto chiave del dibattito politico e sociale di tutto l’Occidente. Con un taglio agile ma teoricamente agguerrito e un linguaggio che unisce rigore e scorrevolezza, Riccardo Donati affronta qui le tappe evolutive di tale fenomeno, seguendone la progressiva trasformazione da sogno a incubo attraverso lo studio di quelle discipline che da sempre hanno il compito di forgiare e diffondere i miti: la letteratura e le arti della visione. Da Thackeray a Dumas, da Dostoevskij a Ruskin, passando per il Novecento modernista di Tzara, Breton, Scheerbart, Benjamin, Joyce, Palazzeschi, Bontempelli, Duchamp, Ejzenštejn, Zamjatin, fino ad autori del Dopoguerra e della contemporaneità (tra gli altri, Nabokov, Calvino, Rodari, Ballard, Romero), il presente saggio mostra come muovendosi costantemente tra i territori dell’immaginario e delle concrete pratiche costruttive, fuori e dentro il perimetro della storia (realmente vissuta o soltanto ipotizzata), intellettuali e artisti di tutto il mondo abbiano attribuito alle costruzioni diafane valori di segno opposto. Di volta in volta palazzi di vetro, case di cristallo, vetrine commerciali e teche trasparenti sono serviti a veicolare utopie libertarie e incubi concentrazionari, previsioni di un luminoso orizzonte egualitario e oscuri scenari di omologazione generalizzata, approdando infine, in questi ultimi anni, a vere e proprie visioni apocalittiche circa il destino della collettività.

ISBN: 1421435632 1421435659 1421435640 Year: 1956 Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press

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Originally published in 1956. In Ishmael, Professor James Baird responds to the increasing secularization of Western civilization and the creation of what he calls "authentic primitivism." For Baird, the aesthetic austerity of Protestantism undermined the structure of symbols created by Catholicism. In the absence of a meaningful structure of cultural authority in Western civilization, "primary art" took on a quasi-religious role by connecting humans to a transcendent being. Ishmael describes a new system of art, beginning around 1850, that supplanted Christian symbolism. Baird examines writers who helped to create a modern authentic primitivism, with emphasis on Herman Melville, whom Baird sees as a locus of change for the cultural significance of primary art. Baird provides a social history and biography of writers who participated in the primary art movement from 1850 to 1950

Formula e metafora : figure di scienziati nelle letterature e culture contemporanee
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 8867052071 8867053566 Year: 2014 Publisher: Ledizioni

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Figures of scientists in contemporary literatures and cultures. In a fragment published on 10 December 1810 in his "Berliner Abendblätter", Heinrich von Kleist argued that "men could be divided into two categories: those who understand metaphors and those who understand each other. of formulas ". Two centuries later, this volume borrows the Kleist couple "formula and metaphor" to investigate the fate of the scientist as a character in the literatures and cultures of a contemporary age understood in the widest possible sense.

Top Ten Fictional Narratives in Early Modern Europe : Translation, Dissemination and Mediality.
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783110764451 3110764458 3110758482 9783110764512 3110764512 Year: 2023 Publisher: Berlin/Boston : Walter de Gruyter GmbH,

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This volume examines the ten most popular fictional narratives in early modern Europe between 1470 and 1800. Each of these narratives was marketed in numerous European languages and circulated throughout several centuries. Combining literary studies and book history, this work offers for the first time a transnational perspective on a selected text corpus of this genre. It explores the spatio-temporal transmission of the texts in different languages and the materiality of the editions: the narratives were bought, sold, read, translated and adapted across European borders, from the south of Spain to Iceland and from Great Britain to Poland. Thus, the study analyses the multi-faceted processes of cultural circulation, translation and adaptation of the texts. In their diverse forms of mediality such as romance, drama, ballad and penny prints, they also make a significant contribution to a European identity in the early modern period. The narrative texts examined here include Apollonius, Septem sapientum, Amadis de Gaula, Fortunatus, Pierre de Provence et la belle Maguelonne, Melusine, Griseldis, Aesopus' Life and Fables, Reynaert de vos and Till Ulenspiegel.

Ancient Greek myth in world fiction since 1989
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1472579372 1472579380 1474256279 1472579399 1472579402 9781472579409 9781472579393 9781474256278 Year: 2016 Publisher: London Bloomsbury Academic

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"Ancient Greek Myth in World Fiction since 1989 explores the diverse ways that contemporary world fiction has engaged with ancient Greek myth. Whether as a framing device, or a filter, or via resonances and parallels, Greek myth has proven fruitful for many writers of fiction since the end of the Cold War. This volume examines the varied ways that writers from around the world have turned to classical antiquity to articulate their own contemporary concerns. Featuring contributions by an international group of scholars from a number of disciplines, the volume offers a cutting-edge, interdisciplinary approach to contemporary literature from around the world. Analysing a range of significant authors and works, not usually brought together in one place, the book introduces readers to some less-familiar fiction, while demonstrating the central place that classical literature can claim in the global literary curriculum of the third millennium. The modern fiction covered is as varied as the acclaimed North American television series The Wire, contemporary Arab fiction, the Japanese novels of Haruki Murakami and the works of New Zealand's foremost Maori writer, Witi Ihimaera. This book explores the diverse ways that ancient Greek myth has been used in fiction internationally since 1989. Whether as a framing device, or a filter, or via resonances and parallels, Greek myth has proven fruitful for many writers of fiction since the end of the Cold War. Yet their engagement with it has been by no means homogeneous, and this volume examines the varied ways that writers from around the world have turned to classical antiquity to articulate their own contemporary concerns. While Greek myth and literature were key constituents in nineteenth-century realist and early twentieth-century modernist fiction, they faded in significance mid-century, at a time when V.S. Pritchett warned that the novel as a form would be inadequate to the cultural 'processing' of recent atrocities. However, the creative energies released by the end of the Cold War, the rise of the postcolonial novel, and the terrible recent conflicts in the Balkans, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Africa, which the collapse of the Soviet Union helped to engender, contributed to a remarkable renaissance of significant fiction which engaged once more with the Greeks. By drawing out this dimension, the volume challenges the conventional categorisation of works of fiction according to national tradition, even while the geographical range of the book includes works by Brazilian, French, German, Japanese, Indian, North American, Maori, African, Russian, Greek, Irish, and Arabic writers."--Bloomsbury Publishing Ancient Greek Myth in World Fiction since 1989 explores the diverse ways that contemporary world fiction has engaged with ancient Greek myth. Whether as a framing device, or a filter, or via resonances and parallels, Greek myth has proven fruitful for many writers of fiction since the end of the Cold War. This volume examines the varied ways that writers from around the world have turned to classical antiquity to articulate their own contemporary concerns. Featuring contributions by an international group of scholars from a number of disciplines, the volume offers a cutting-edge, interdisciplinary approach to contemporary literature from around the world. Analysing a range of significant authors and works, not usually brought together in one place, the book introduces readers to some less-familiar fiction, while demonstrating the central place that classical literature can claim in the global literary curriculum of the third millennium. The modern fiction covered is as varied as the acclaimed North American television series The Wire, contemporary Arab fiction, the Japanese novels of Haruki Murakami and the works of New Zealand's foremost Maori writer, Witi Ihimaera

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