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Ready for fall? : near-term effects of voluntary summer learning programs on low-income students' learning opportunities and outcomes
ISBN: 9780833088222 083308822X 9780833088208 0833088203 9780833088215 0833088211 9780833088178 0833088173 Year: 2014 Publisher: Santa Monica, CA : RAND,

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The Wallace Foundation's National Summer Learning Study, conducted by RAND and launched in 2011, offers the first assessment of district-run voluntary summer programs over the short and long run. This report, the second of five that will result from the study, looks at how summer programs affected student performance on math, reading, and social and emotional assessments in fall 2013.

Just managing? : what it means for the families of austerity Britain
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781783743254 9781783743261 1783743255 9781783743247 1783743247 9781783743230 1783743239 1783743263 9781783743278 1783743271 9791036500824 Year: 2017 Publisher: Open Book Publishers

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The ‘just about managing’. ‘Hardworking families’. ‘Alarm-clock Britain’. In recent years British political discourse has been filled with these slogans, as politicians claim to speak on behalf of families who are in work, but struggling to get by. This book allows us to hear from some of these families directly. At a time when the impact of austerity is more relevant than ever, Just Managing? cuts through the debates and sloganeering to give some of the real people behind the headlines and statistics a chance to tell their stories. It tracks the lives of thirty working families in Liverpool over one year, as they struggle to manage on incomes at or around the National Minimum Wage. Their accounts are placed within the economic and political context that has shaped their experiences and that of millions of other working families across the country. This book is required reading for anyone seeking to understand what life is like at the sharp end of ‘austerity Britain'.

State of empowerment : low-Income families and the new welfare state
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0472126202 0472131648 Year: 2020 Publisher: Ann Arbor, Michigan : University of Michigan Press,

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On weekday afternoons, dismissal bells ring at thousands of schools across the country. These bells signal not just the end of the school day but also the beginning of another important enriching activity: federally funded after-school programs offering tutoring, homework help, and basic supervision. After-school care reflects major shifts in social policy towards social services that support youth development and help low-income parents maintain employment. The scope of after-school programs has grown significantly in the last two decades-- nearly one in four low-income families enroll a child in an after-school program. Beyond sharpening students' math and reading skills, these programs also teach important lessons to parents. In a remarkable turn of events--especially given the long history of social policies that leave recipients feeling policed, distrusted, and alienated--government funded after-school programs have quietly become powerful forces for political and civic engagement. Using ethnographic accounts of three organizations, Carolyn Barnes reveals how interactions with government funded after-school programs can enhance the civic and political lives of low-income citizens. Reversing the "gatekeeping" design of most programs targeting low-income citizens, after-school policy shifts power away from organizations and bureaucrats and puts it back into the hands of parents. After-school policy design rewards the inclusion of low-income parents--in program participation and decision-making--and elevates their status to parent-citizens.

La casa per tutti nell'Italia giolittiana : provvedimenti e iniziative per la municipalizzazione dell'edilizia popolare
ISBN: 8867053477 8867051105 Year: 2013 Publisher: Ledizioni

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L'esperienza della municipalizzazione delle case popolari nell'Italia giolittiana permette di focalizzare gli estremi di una parabola che approdò al riconoscimento delle problematiche abitative quale questione di interesse collettivo. La genesi dell'housing sociale si disperde pertanto nel complesso di iniziative che è stato possibile ricostruire nel supporto di uno straordinario corpus di documenti d'archivio, indagato nell'egida dei provvedimenti legislativi in materia di case popolari e municipalizzazione varati nel corso del 1903, vero e proprio termine spartiacque per gli sviluppi di tale vicenda. Sullo sfondo del combinato disposto scaturito dalle due normative si dipana infatti il filo rosso dell'intera narrazione, un viaggio che si muove attraverso frammenti di esperienze locali, riflessi di microstoria aggregati in un articolato mosaico fondato sul collante della municipalizzazione, lasciando trasparire il preludio di una fase di rottura in grado di liberare i prodromi dell'odierno welfare state.

Providing for the poor : the Old Poor Law, 1750-1834
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1914477146 1914477103 Year: 2022 Publisher: London : University of London Press,

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The Old Poor Law in England and Wales, administered by the local parish, dispensed benefits to paupers providing a uniquely comprehensive, pre-modern system of relief. Remaining in force until 1834, the law provided goods and services to keep the poor alive.Combining short- and long-form articles and essays, Providing for the Poor brings together academics and practitioners from across disciplines to re-examine the micro-politics of poverty in the long eighteenth century through the eyes of the poor, their providers and enablers. From the providence of the parochial sixpence given in order to move a beggar on, to coercive marriages, plebeian clothing and the much broader implications of vagrancy towards the end of the long eighteenth century, this volume aims to bridge the gaps in our understanding of the experiences of people across the social spectrum whose lives were touched by the Old Poor Law. It brings together some of the wider arguments concerning the nature of welfare during economically testing times, and navigates the rising bureaucracy inherent in the system, to produce a radical new history of the Old Poor Law in astonishing detail.

Enduring cancer : life, death, and diagnosis in Delhi
ISBN: 1478012218 1478008628 1478009551 Year: 2020 Publisher: Durham : Duke University Press,

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"Dwaipayan Banerjee explores the efforts of Delhi's urban poor to create a livable life with cancer as they negotiate an over-extended health system unequipped to respond to the disease."--

Global LGBTQ Health : Research, Policy, Practice, and Pathways.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3031362047 9783031362040 9783031362033 Year: 2024 Publisher: Cham : Springer,

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Nutrition and Vulnerable Groups
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3039211218 303921120X Year: 2019 Publisher: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Food insecurity is a complex ‘wicked’ problem that results from a range of unstable and uncertain physical, social, cultural and economic factors that limits access to nutritious food. Globally, 800 million people are under-nourished, and around 2 billion are overweight/obese or have micronutrient deficiency. These populations are largely positioned in developing countries where disease burden is high and impacts health budgets and productivity. Similarly developed countries, cities and neighbourhoods are experiencing a greater emergence of vulnerable populations. This is in part explained by the change in the food production and manufacturing, the retraction in economic climates, the increase in food price, and in some regions reduced food availability and access.Vulnerable groups include but are not limited to migrant populations, Indigenous people, elderly, pregnant women, those with disability, homeless, young children and youth. Poor nutrition at significant periods of growth and development and during life impact long term health outcomes increasing non-communicable disease prevalence, health cost and reducing economic productivity.

Kommunale Wohnungspolitik im Dritten Reich : Siedlungsideologie, Kleinhausbau und "Wohnraumarisierung" am Beispiel Münchens
ISBN: 3486596020 3486563890 1306780918 Year: 1999 Publisher: De Gruyter

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Während Hitler und seine Architekten die Umgestaltung Münchens zur monumentalen ""Hauptstadt der Bewegung"" planten, herrschte in der Stadt schwere Wohnungsnot. Die Abkehr von der öffentlichen Subventionierung des Mietwohnungsbaus und die Konzentration auf das Siedlungswesen hatten schon in den ersten Jahren der NS-Herrschaft unzureichende Bauleistungen zur Folge. Im Krieg kam der zivile Wohnungsbau vollends zum Erliegen. Die Reaktion der nationalsozialistischen Stadtverwaltung auf die Wohnungsproblematik war nicht nur für München von Bedeutung, da Oberbürgermeister Fiehler als Vorsitzender de

Poverty reduction strategies : a comparative study applied to empirical research
ISBN: 3631753667 3631393849 Year: 2018 Publisher: Bern Peter Lang International Academic Publishing Group

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Poverty remains one of the greatest problems of our time, causing starvation and humiliation in poor countries and contributing to problems of conflict, migration and environmental degradation effecting also richer countries. This study provides a systematical analysis of today’s donor strategies for development cooperation, which unite around the goal of poverty reduction. The most recent strategies of the World Bank and the German, British and Swedish official development agencies are compared and evaluated. Their broad consensus on goals and conceptual elements is comprehensively presented. Differences in accentuations regarding beneficiaries and implementation methods are highlighted. An empirical study of the poverty focus in project evaluations of the German Financial Cooperation rounds off the analysis by exemplarily pointing at the practical implications of the new strategies.

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