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P.J. Broekx en de christelijke arbeidersbeweging in Limburg
Year: 1989 Publisher: Leuven : Leuven University Press,

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"Onvermoeibaar werker, begaafde spreker en schrijver, echte volksvriend". Met die woorden wordt Pieter Jan Broekx in 1913 verwelkomd op het Secretariaat van Maatschappelijke en Godsdienstige Werken van Limburg. Broekx is pas 32 jaar, maar heeft zich als priester-leraar aan het Sint-Jozefcollege van Hasselt laten opmerken door zijn levendige belangstelling voor de Vlaamse beweging en het maatschappelijk vraagstuk. Vanuit zijn Secretariaat in de Tramstraat zal Broekx gedurende meer dan vijftig jaar aan de christelijke arbeidersbeweging van Limburg gestalte geven. "Limburg voor Christus bewaren", dat was het motto van zijn sociale actie. Het verklaart zijn organisatiedrift die de christelijke arbeidersbeweging en de Tramstraat tot een macht uitbouwde. Het verklaart zijn engagement in diverse aspecten van de Vlaamse emancipatie, van Vlaamse studentenbeweging tot Vlaamse Leergangen. Het verklaart zijn inzet voor de eenheid van de katholieken op politiek vlak en zijn afkeer voor de Vlaams-nationalisten. Het verklaart zijn reactie tegen de vreemdelingen, zowel de gastarbeiders als de Franstalige patroons die zijn gelief Limburg uitbuitten. Het verklaart kortom alles waar Broekx mee bezig was. Dit boek laat de evolutie zien van een sociaalprogressief priester naar een allesomvattend priesterbestuurder die op zijn levensavond tevreden op zijn werk kon terugblikken.


Labor movement.

Histoire du mouvement ouvrier chrétien en Belgique
Authors: ---
Year: 1994 Publisher: Belgium : Leuven University Press,

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Le mouvement ouvrier chrétien: voilà bien un pouvoir influent, mais controversé dans la Belgique actuelle. On comprend, des lors, que son histoire, qui s'étend sur plus d'un siècle, mérite d'être étudiée. Le Père Scholl l'avait bien compris, lui qui consacra à ce mouvement un ouvrage devenu classique. Depuis la parution de ce travail dans les années soixante, la recherche historique a bien progressé. Elle s'est attachée à tous les aspects, à toutes les organisations constitutives du mouvement. Elle a aussi ouvert de nouvelles perspectives. Après trois décennies de travail intensif, la réalisation d'une nouvelle synthèse s'imposait. C'est la raison d'être du présent ouvrage. Ce dernier comprend deux volumes. Dans le tome I, c'est l'histoire du mouvement ouvrier chrétien dans son ensemble qui est examinée et replacée dans le cadre de la société belge. Le passé des organisations constitutives est retracé dans le tome II. Cette publication, qui a paru en néerlandais en 1991, est le fruit de la collaboration d'historiens de diverses universités. Le comité de rédaction est composé comme suit: Jan De Maeyer, Emmanuel Gerard, Paul Gérin, Emiel Lamberts, Jacques Lory, Jozef Mampuys, Antoon Osaer, André Tihon, Lode Wils et Paul Wynants.


Labor movement.

La izquierda en movimiento : clase trabajadora y luchas populares en América Latina (siglos XX y XXI)
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9878132714 Year: 2022 Publisher: Buenos Aires : CLACSO,

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El presente libro es el resultado del trabajo colectivo del Grupo de Trabajo de CLACSO "Izquierdas: Praxis y Transformación Social", coordinado por Viviana Bravo Vargas y Mariana Mastrángelo. Dos temas son los protagonistas de este trabajo: la clase trabajadora, por un lado, y por el otro, su vínculo con la izquierda. El contexto es América Latina en los siglos XX y XXI. La temática refiere a los distintos momentos que hemos atravesado como grupo de trabajo (desde sus inicios en el año 2013) y que han tenido como eje central la discusión en torno a "qué es ser de izquierda en Latinoamérica", qué relaciones se establecen entre ésta y la clase obrera, los movimientos sociales y políticos.

Mercado e instituições : uma abordagem econômica aplicada para as reformas previdenciária e trabalhista no Brasil
ISBN: 9786556305035 Year: 2022 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : EDUFBA,

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Lavoro e conoscenza dieci anni dopo : attualità della lectio doctoralis di Bruno Trentin a Ca' Foscari
Year: 2014 Publisher: Firenze, Italy : Firenze University Press,

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Bruno Trentin, in occasione della laurea honoris causa conferitagli dall'ateneo in cui suo padre era stato un maestro prima che il fascismo lo costringesse all'esilio, tenne una lectio magistralis tesa e commossa. Dieci anni dopo, nello stesso luogo, studiosi di discipline e generazioni diverse rileggono quel testo e lo mettono in relazione con le proprie ricerche. Lavoro e conoscenza funziona come un prisma, da cui esce una gamma di colori ampia e variegata, che finisce per rivelare la complessa stratificazione di quella lezione che, infatti, condensa il pensiero e le speranze di uno degli intellettuali-politici più affascinanti del secondo '900. Insieme agli atti del convegno questo libro raccoglie i testi della lectio trentiniana e della laudatio con cui gli fu tributata l'onorificenza.

Sindicalismo revolucionario y primer gobierno de Yrigoyen : Nuevas aproximaciones e hipótesis interpretativas
Authors: ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Santiago Ariadna Ediciones

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With a marked revolutionary and workerist phraseology with libertarian overtones, the first revolutionary unionists in Argentina came from within the Socialist Party led by Juan B. Justo, within which they had challenged their growing electoral and parliamentary orientation, under the influence of the new ideas that they were beginning to gain ground in the French and Italian labor movement. At the beginning of the 20th century, intense social struggles in Argentina catalyzed this process of political differentiation, in the context of the first general strikes and direct confrontations with the state and the ruling class. During the following years, revolutionary syndicalism unfolded as a dynamic and ductile current within a recently formed, heterogeneous and highly ethnically fragmented labor movement. The book that we present here continues and advances on the investigations carried out in the last period, providing a set of original works that examine little-reported aspects of the Creole revolutionary syndicalist current during the period prior to the first government of Hipólito Yrigoyen (1916-1922), the mandate itself and the subsequent moment, already under the presidency of Marcelo T. de Alvear (1922-1928). Starting from a careful study of primary sources, the chapters investigate aspects such as: the syndicalist political formation prior to 1916; militancy and organization in the wood industry; the activation of revolutionary unionism among rural workers; the link between trade unionism and the world of women's work; the positions and struggles within the current around the state project of legal status for unions.

Provincial solidarities : a history of the New Brunswick Federation of Labour
Year: 2013 Publisher: Edmonton : Athabasca University Press,

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Established in 1913, the New Brunswick Federation of Labour is the second oldest provincial federation of labour in Canada. Its history began in early campaigns for workers' compensation and union recognition and continues today in the latest battles to defend social standards, secure employment, and union rights. Active initially in the port city of Saint John and the railway centre of Moncton, the federation soon expanded to include workers in the mines and mills of the north, taking up the causes of public employees and women workers and confronting the realities of life and work in a bilingual society. A pioneering study, written in clear and forceful prose, this is the untold story of provincial labour solidarities that succeeded in overcoming divisions and defeats to raise the status of working men and women within New Brunswick society. Drawing on archives, newspapers, and workers' own descriptions of their experiences, Frank makes an original contribution to our understanding of the political, economic, and social development of the province. In so doing, he helps meet the need for an informed public awareness of the history of workers and unions in all parts of Canada.

Der Aufstieg der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung : Sozialdemokratie und Freie Gewerkschaften im Parteiensystem und Sozialmilieu des Kaiserreichs

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A relação entre o Estado e os sindicatos sob uma perspectiva territorial
Year: 2015 Publisher: SciELO Books - Editora UNESP

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"As organizações de trabalhadores passaram por importantes transformações no início do século XX, quando o Estado brasileiro deixou de se pautar por uma lógica liberal e assumiu uma perspectiva corporativa. Este livro mobiliza conceitos geográficos para analisar como os sindicatos organizavam suas ações territoriais e de que maneira o Estado interferia nelas. O período estudado contempla uma mudança na relação dos mecanismos estatais nas entidades dos trabalhadores, sendo que se no início do século tratava essencialmente de reprimir as manifestações operárias, por volta da década de 1930 influía diretamente na organização classista, com o fim da pluralidade sindical e o estabelecimento de uma ação sindical única, por exemplo. A relação entre o Estado e os sindicatos sob uma perspectiva territorial nos fornece, assim, um estudo aprofundado das conformações do sindicalismo no início do século XX e apresenta uma contribuição significativa de como a Geografia pode ser apropriada para o estudo dos movimentos sociais."

Globalization and labour in the twenty-first century
ISBN: 9781315624044 1315624044 9781317227823 1317227824 1317227832 0415528534 9781317227830 9781317227816 9780415528535 9781138594159 1138594156 Year: 2016 Volume: 27 Publisher: Taylor & Francis

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Globalization has adversely affected working-class organization and mobilization, increasing inequality by redistribution upwards from labour to capital. However, workers around the world are challenging their increased exploitation by globalizing corporations. In developed countries, many unions are transforming themselves to confront employer power in ways more appropriate to contemporary circumstances; in developing countries, militant new labour movements are emerging. Drawing upon insights in anti-determinist Marxian perspectives, Verity Burgmann shows how working-class resistance is not futile, as protagonists of globalization often claim. She identifies eight characteristics of globalization harmful to workers and describes and analyses how they have responded collectively to these problems since 1990 and especially this century. With case studies from around the world, including Greece since 2008, she pays particular attention to new types of labour movement organization and mobilization that are not simply defensive reactions but are offensive and innovative responses that compel corporations or political institutions to change. Aging and less agile manifestations of the labour movement decline while new expressions of working-class organization and mobilization arise to better battle with corporate globalization. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of labour studies, globalization, political economy, Marxism and sociology of work.

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