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Imitating models was the main early modern poetical principle. This study discusses Dutch novelistic prose translated from three European bestsellers: François de Bellesforest’s Histoires Tragiques (translation 1612), John Barclay’s Argenis (translations 1640-1681), and Antoine Torche’s Le Chien de Boulogne (translation 1681). Confirming Burke’s thesis of cultural hybridity the translations reflect balancing acts between accepting and resisting the contents and morals of their models. Only Torche’s Chien is transformed into a cultural translation, by adding a new Dutch narrative to its first chapters. Save this added Dutch narrative, all three bestsellers are translated docilely and accurately. This seems to indicate that novelistic prose served to make a profit, financing other commodities of the publishers. Nevertheless, at the same time translators Reinier Telle, Gerbrandt Bredero, Jan Glazemaker, and maybe Timotheus ten Hoorn, like canaries in coal mines, may have given their readers alarming signals on social behavior.
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Wie gestalten und konstruieren Migrant*innen als Akteur*innen in globalen Bewegungsprozessen ihr Leben und ihr Selbst über territoriale Grenzen hinweg? Welche Rolle spielen digitale Kommunikationstechnologien als Brücke zwischen Herkunfts- und Migrationsland und wie kommen Musik, Theater und Film bei der Bearbeitung von Migrationserfahrungen zum Einsatz? Christina Schachtner untersucht anhand von Gesprächen mit Migrant*innen in Deutschland und Österreich die gesellschaftsverändernde Kraft von Migration. Ihre transdisziplinäre Forschung nimmt insbesondere die Mediennutzung von Migrant*innen in den Blick und umfasst soziologische, psychologische, medien- und kulturwissenschaftliche sowie geschlechtersensible Perspektiven.
Migration; Transnationalität; Hybridisierung; Hybridität; Transmigration; Transtopie; Medien; Gender; Selbstkonstruktion; Globalisierung; Interkulturalität; Kulturanthropologie; Soziologie; Transnationality; Hybridization; Hybridity; Transtopia; Media; Globalization; Interculturalism; Cultural Anthropology; Sociology --- Cultural Anthropology. --- Gender. --- Globalization. --- Hybridity. --- Hybridization. --- Interculturalism. --- Media. --- Sociology. --- Transmigration. --- Transnationality. --- Transtopia. --- Austria. --- Germany.
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The intermingling of people and media from different cultures is a communication-based phenomenon known as hybridity. Drawing on original research from Lebanon to Mexico and analyzing the use of the term in cultural and postcolonial studies (as well as the popular and business media), Marwan Kraidy offers readers a history of the idea and a set of prescriptions for its future use.Kraidy analyzes the use of the concept of cultural mixture from the first century A.D. to its present application in the academy and the commercial press. The book's case studies build an argument for understanding th
Communication, International. --- Cultural fusion. --- Hybridity (Social sciences). --- Cultural fusion --- Communication, International --- Social Change --- Sociology & Social History --- Social Sciences --- International communication --- World communication --- Communication --- Culture fusion --- Fusion, Cultural --- Hybridism (Social sciences) --- Hybridity (Social sciences) --- Cultural relations --- Acculturation --- Assimilation (Sociology) --- Ethnicity --- Multiculturalism --- Cultural pluralism --- Fusion culturelle. --- Communication internationale. --- Society & culture: general --- Cultural hybridity --- Transculturalism --- Transculturation
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The idea of India and the Indian diasporic imagination is the product of the rich scholarship being done on the Asian sub-continent, as well as in the many countries where South Asians have settled. The notion of ‘many Indias’ and many diasporas attempts to accommodate people with multiple identities, encompassing a complex amalgam that includes the bewildering diversity of the sub-continent and the challenging hybridity of the places where they have settled. The shaping and reshaping of identities are fundamental to the universal quest to belong and to create new homelands while not eliminating notions of the imagined ancestral homelands. The reality is, as this volume demonstrates, that old conceptions of India, even ‘many Indias’, are now inadequate to accommodate the fluid identities that characterize the Asian sub-continental diasporas. L’idée de l’Inde et de l’imagination diasporique est le résultat des nombreux travaux de recherche réalisés dans le sous-continent indien ainsi que dans les divers pays où s’est installée la diaspora de l’Asie du Sud. Le concept d’une Inde multiple et diasporique tente d’intégrer un peuple aux identités plurielles, amalgame complexe d’un sous-continent indien à la diversité saisissante et de tous les pays d’accueil de cette diaspora hybride. La constitution inlassable des identités fonde cette quête universelle - comment créer de nouvelles attaches, un nouveau chez soi, sans renier ni oublier la patrie remémorée telle qu’elle demeure dans l’imaginaire ? Ce volume démontre que les conceptions anciennes, même celles qui reposent sur une Inde multiple, ne parviennent plus à intégrer les identités fluides qui caractérisent les diasporas de l’Asie du Sud.
Literature --- hybridité --- Caraïbe --- trauma --- Diaspora indienne --- Indo-Guyanais --- Indo-Caribéen --- amnésie --- océan indien --- hybridity --- Caribbean --- amnesia --- Indian Diaspora --- Indo-Guyanese --- Indo-Caribbean --- Indian Ocean
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»Alles, was aus dem Ausland kommt, ist gut. Das Eigene nicht.« Diese Auffassung resümiert die Erfahrungen einer Gruppe junger Erwachsener aus einem deutsch-chilenischen Raum in Chile. Es handelt sich dabei um Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund, also Angehörige einer kulturellen Minderheit, die aber im lateinamerikanischen Kontext aufgrund ihrer Beziehung zu Europa nicht marginalisiert werden, sondern vielmehr eine positive Diskriminierung erfahren. Dies verändert die Diskussion über hybride Identitäten und kulturelle Zwischenräume und ermöglicht einen erweiterten Blick auf Migration, Kultur und Identität. »Der fachlich einschlägige Leserkreis [...] findet neben dem innovativen theoretischen Ansatz des Konzepts der ›kulturellen Navigation‹ Anstöße, auch innerhalb des deutschen Kontextes über verdeckte rassistische und koloniale Diskurse im Alltag nachzudenken.« Ursula Arning, KULT_online, 18 (2009)
Cultural studies --- Cultural Studies. --- Globalization. --- Migration. --- Kultur; Identität; Migration; Hybridität; Postcolonial Studies; Globalisierung; Cultural Studies; Kulturwissenschaft; Culture; Globalization --- Cultural fusion --- Germans --- Hybridity (Social sciences) --- Identity (Psychology) in adolescence --- Young adults --- Ethnic identity.
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This open access book explores common critiques in the literature of hybrid peacebuilding, especially the lack of connection between hybridity in theory and practice. Through using a complexity-informed framework, the foundation for introducing the mid-space actor typology is established. Mid-space actors as insider-partial mediators are perceived to be vital agents for peace processes in conflict-affected areas and thus can be important power brokers and focal points for outside actors. In this book, two insider views are examined through analysing mid-space actors in the peacebuilding process in Cambodia and in Mindanao, the Philippines. First, it explores the process of identity-building of Cambodian monks and how such a process enables or hinders the monks to bridge existing cleavages. Then, in the case study of Mindanao, the roles of civil society actors are considered. The next step is to introduce the outsider’s perspective on hybrid peacebuilding and how Asian peacebuilding actors such as China and Japan are engaging with mid-space actors who provide key bridges in peacebuilding.
Politics & government --- International relations --- Asian Politics --- International Relations --- Peace and Conflict Studies --- Peacebuilding --- Hybridity --- Mid-space Actors --- Hybrid Peacebuilding in Asia --- Adaptive Peacebuilding --- Developmental Peacebuilding --- Hybrid Peace --- Open Access --- Asia --- Peace-building
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Der Wechsel in eine andere berufliche Fachwelt stellt Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer vor neue Aufgaben und Herausforderungen. Welche individuellen Voraussetzungen müssen erfüllt und welche institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen sollten gegeben sein, damit ein erfolgreiches berufliches Crossover gelingt? Die Studie zeigt, dass das Crossover zwischen den Fachwelten ein gesamtbiografischer Prozess ist, der sich in den Biografien der Befragten nicht erst im Berufsleben abzeichnet. Erfolgreiche Fachweltwechsel werden von den hybriden Kompetenzen des Einzelnen bedingt und nur selten durch institutionelle und soziale Unterstützungsangebote begleitet. The change to a different professional world presents employees with new tasks and challenges. Which individual prerequisites must be fulfilled and which institutional framework conditions should be in place for a successful professional crossover? The study shows that the crossover between professional worlds is an overall biographical process that becomes apparent in the biographies of the interviewees even before their professional lives. Successful crossovers are dependend on the hybrid competencies of the individual and are rarely accompanied by institutional and social support services.
Berufswechsel --- Biografieforschung --- biographical research. --- career change --- economics --- Fachkultur --- Fachwechsel --- hybridity --- Hybridität --- qualitative social research --- qualitative Sozialforschung --- social worlds --- soziale Welten --- subject change --- subject culture --- Theorie-Praxis-Transfer --- theory-practice transfer --- transfer --- Transfer --- transition --- Wirtschaft --- Übergang
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Die Chemie büßt zugunsten physikalischer und lebenswissenschaftlicher Konzeptionen zunehmend an Deutungsmacht über die molekulare Welt ein. Sandra Lang untersucht, inwiefern die Ausdifferenzierung der chemischen Wissenschaften mit sich ebenfalls ausdifferenzierenden Zugriffen auf das Molekulare zusammenhängt. Anhand der vier exemplarischen Grenzfelder Materialwissenschaften, Biomedizin, Pharmazie und Quantenchemie und deren Narrative zur molekularen Eigenschaft der Chiralität veranschaulicht sie die transformative Phase der Chemie angesichts sich wandelnder Innovationsdispositive.
Chemie; Chiralität; Molekülkonzept; Naturwissenschaften; Grenzarbeit; Interdisziplinarität; Hybridität; Wissenschaft; Technik; Wissenschaftssoziologie; Techniksoziologie; Wissenssoziologie; Wissenschaftsgeschichte; Soziologie; Chemistry; Chirality; Molecule Concept; Natural Sciences; Border Work; Interdisciplinarity; Hybridity; Science; Technology; Sociology of Science; Sociology of Technology; Sociology of Knowledge; History of Science; Sociology --- Border Work. --- Chirality. --- History of Science. --- Hybridity. --- Interdisciplinarity. --- Molecule Concept. --- Natural Sciences. --- Science. --- Sociology of Knowledge. --- Sociology of Science. --- Sociology of Technology. --- Sociology. --- Technology.
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This volume offers a new theoretical approach to cultural production inspired by the metaphor of culture as a virtual network. Following a thorough outline of this approach, the theoretical framework is elucidated in a second part through examples drawn from early modern European drama. A third and final part then presents a critical discussion of the concept of "national" culture and literature, from its first formulation by Johann Gottfried Herder to its current developments, including postcolonial studies.
Cultural fusion and the arts. --- Cultural relations. --- Drama --- LITERARY CRITICISM / Drama. --- History and criticism. --- Early Modern European Drama. --- Mass Media. --- National Literatures. --- Network Theory of Cultural Evolution. --- Drama, Modern --- Dramas --- Dramatic works --- Plays --- Playscripts --- Stage --- Literature --- Dialogue --- Cultural exchange --- Intercultural relations --- Intellectual cooperation --- International relations --- Arts and cultural fusion --- Hybridity (Social sciences) and the arts --- Arts --- Philosophy
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Using a theoretical approach and a critical summary, combining the perspectives in the postcolonial theory, psychoanalysis and narratology with the tools of hermeneutics and deconstruction, this book argues that Jean Rhys's work can be subsumed under a poetics of cultural identity and hybridity. It also demonstrates the validity of the concept of hybridization as the expression of identity formation; the cultural boundaries variability; the opposition self-otherness, authenticity-fiction, trans-textuality; and the relevance of an integrated approach to multiple cultural identities as an encountering and negotiation space between writer, reader and work. The complexity of ontological and epistemological representation involves an interdisciplinary approach that blends a literary interpretive approach to social, anthropological, cultural and historical perspectives. The book concludes that in the author's fictional universe, cultural identity is represented as a general human experience that transcends the specific conditionalities of geographical contexts, history and culture. The construction of identity by Jean Rhys is represented by the dichotomy of marginal identity and the identification with a human ideal designed either by the hegemonic discourse or metropolitan culture or by the dominant ideology. The identification with a pattern of cultural authenticity, of racial, ethnic, or national purism is presented as a purely destructive cultural projection, leading to the creation of a static universe in opposition to the diversity of human feelings and aspirations. Jean Rhys's fictional discourse lies between "the anxiety of authorship" and "the anxiety of influence" and shows the postcolonial era of uprooting and migration in which the national ownership diluted the image of a "home" ambiguous located at the boundary between a myth of origins and a myth of becoming. The relationship between the individual and socio-cultural space is thus shaped in a dual hybrid position.
English Literature --- English --- Languages & Literatures --- Rhys, Jean --- Williams, Ella Gwendolen Rees --- Rees Williams, Ella Gwendolen --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Rhys, Jean. --- Anthropology. --- Social Sciences. --- Sociology. --- SOCIAL SCIENCE / Anthropology / Cultural & Social. --- Hybridity, Cultural identity, Caribbean Diaspora, Jean Rhys's writings, Postcolonial literature. --- Social theory --- Social sciences --- Behavioral sciences --- Human sciences --- Sciences, Social --- Social science --- Social studies --- Civilization --- Human beings --- Primitive societies --- Social sciences.
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