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Generation, Garderobe, Geschlecht : Kleidungspraxis bei Mutter-Tochter-Paaren
Year: 2015 Publisher: Göttingen : Universitätsverlag Göttingen,

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Geben, Nehmen, Schenken, Leihen und Vererben - Prozesse der Weitergabe sind ebenso vielschichtig wie die Beziehungen, die sie manifestieren. Die Studie betrachtet die Modi des Austauschs und die wechselseitigen Wahrnehmungen von Mutter-Tochter-Paaren anhand ihrer alltäglichen Kleidungspraxen. Ausgehend von Gesprächen, Familienfotos und Beobachtungen vor Kleiderschränken spürt sie den vestimentären Erfahrungshorizonten zweier Frauengenerationen nach. Gefragt wird nach den Generationalisierungen, den Konzeptionalisierungen von Weiblichkeit sowie den historisch vorgeprägten Geschmackspräferenzen, die diesen Prozessen zugrunde liegen. Neben Konstruktionen von Gemeinsamkeit und Differenz wird dabei der Zusammenhang von Generation und Geschlecht diskutiert.



Trois générations de femmes dans la tourmente : Florence 1943-1944
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 2377470882 2377470270 Year: 2018 Publisher: Grenoble UGA Éditions

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Pour la première fois dans l’histoire contemporaine, trois femmes de la même famille, de génération différente (70, 40 et 8 ans), posent leur regard sur le seconde guerre mondiale et l’occupation allemande de Florence. Les concordances des faits décrits et la différence de perception rendent le récit infiniment intéressant et troublant.

The 1970s : portrait of a generation at the doorstep
Year: 2015 Publisher: Tartu University of Tartu Press

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This book draws a sociological portrait of the age group born in the 1970s in Estonia and discusses its generational features and constructions. This cohort’s coming of age coincided with the social and emotional turmoil of the re-independence movement in the late 1980s and with the transformation of society in the 1990s. This was the first cohort to negotiate its transition to adulthood in the new society, starting some new patterns of socialization, while also sharing some practices and experiences with older cohorts. Based on qualitative interviews as well as an analysis of media discourses and statistical data, the book traces the emergence of a new generation that draws its very own lessons from the past and from the social transformations that influenced life courses and careers. The book provides an intriguing discussion of socialization patterns and generation formation against the backdrop of post-socialist transformation. In addition, it provides a fascinating insight into the mind-set and experiences of a generation in the making, already shaping today’s society and culture.

Generationalität und Lebensgeschichte im 20. Jahrhundert
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783486594560 Year: 2003 Publisher: De Gruyter

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Lange war man bemüht, jegliche Subjektivität aus dem Schreiben von Geschichte auszuschließen. Kulturhistorische und andere Neuansätze der Geschichtswissenschaft haben jedoch deutlich gemacht, dass wir letztlich immer auch vor dem Hintergrund unserer eigenen Lebenserfahrungen und der uns verfügbaren Geschichten anderer Menschen argumentieren. Eine Möglichkeit, die Summe solcher Lebenserfahrungen und Geschichten zu kategorisieren, erschließt sich über den Begriff der Generation bzw. Generationalität.

Belles-filles : Avec les beaux-parents, trouver la bonne distance
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2868474144 2753537240 Year: 2015 Publisher: Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes,

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La relation entre belles-filles et beaux-parents a mauvaise réputation : source inépuisable de plaisanteries et caricatures, elle semble limitée au registre du vaudeville ou de la satire. Le personnage de la belle-mère, en particulier, fait l'objet des critiques les plus systématiques. Pourtant, cette relation est essentielle dans la vie familiale : toute personne vivant en couple, mariée ou non, fait un jour la connaissance des père et mère de son conjoint. Rares sont celles et ceux qui s'y dérobent. De plus, compte tenu de l'accroissement de l'espérance de vie, cette relation s'inscrit davantage encore dans la durée : on garde ses beaux-parents plus longtemps. Comment se déroulent aujourd'hui les échanges entre belles-filles et beaux-parents? Leur mauvaise réputation est-elle toujours fondée ou est-elle, au contraire, désuète ? Pourquoi cette relation est-elle pourtant incontournable ? Que devient-elle en cas de divorce ou de séparation de couple ? En quelle mesure belles-mères et beaux-pères sont-ils un thème de conflit au sein du couple et pourquoi ? Telles sont quelques-unes des questions auxquelles tente de répondre le livre de Clotilde Lemarchant qui repose sur une enquête sociologique réalisée auprès de quatre-vingt-dix femmes.

Das soziale Erbe : eine soziologische Fallstudie über drei Generationen einer Familie
Authors: ---
Year: 2000 Publisher: Böhlau

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Within an exemplary case of one family this study investigates how cultural values ​​and biographical orientations are transmitted from one generation to another. Therefore the phenomenon of social heritage is the main topic of this research: Social inheritance implies the transmission, the adoption and the transformation of non-material goods in the family process. In which ways are women and men influenced in developing their individual biographies by cultural meanings, orientations and values ​​passed on in the family? The study presents the processes of passing on family traditions in the greater context of historical and social change in this century. It is this frame of conditions which convert social inheritances into a complex phenomenon with ambivalent and contradictional character. By embedding the analysis of the single case in the historical reality of social change the theoretical argument of the study gets in touch with the issue of social modernization which is broadly discussed in the social sciences. It is one argument in this discussion, if we look at the concept of "Individualisierung" (U. Beek) and the concept o post-traditional ism (A. Giddens), that the dynamics of change diminishes the social meaning of family origin and traditional environment. The research on a single case, which is presented here, tries to get a look on the inner side of the social reality which is usually described only in reference to macrosociological concepts and wants to proof the validity of these concepts from the perspective in detail. The case study reaches two main conclusions: In the first place we can say that social movements foster a reflexive transformation process by which a young generation changes traditions inherited by their parents along their own conditions of living and biographical aspirations. The middle generation of the family, which is the case in this study, is born around 1948 and is engaged within the social movements of 1968. Out of this historical experience, this generation is acting in a sense of critical re-interpretation of family tradition and at the same time is keeping a sense of historicity in this process. It does not feel as a victim of social change but as its actor. In the second place we can say that the significance of family traditions increases in the same way as the cultural systems of meaning and traditions become more pluralistic. This thesis comprehends the type of social inheritance which gets shape within the young generation of the family, born around 1972. For this generation the specific life models of the parents gain biographical importance because they function as a bridge of mediation to cultural worlds of meaning which have become more and more reflexive and confusing. This generation has to stand on its own in its attempts to transform the social inheritance and it lives in a feeling of being driven by the power of social change. There is also a methodological purpose connected with this study. New impulses should be given to the case study as a specific design of interpretative research. To do this different concepts, which are accepted and proved in other disciplines of social sciences, are bound together with empirical thought in sociology: the concept of thick description transferred from cultural anthropology and the concept of "scenic understanding" transferred from psychoanalysis. This methodological argumentations are outlined in detail in specific sections before the discussion turns to the phenomenon of social heritage under the conditions of social change.

Intergenerational family relations : an evolutionary social science approach
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0367479028 1351608177 1351608169 1315107805 1138091871 Year: 2019 Publisher: London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,

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This book offers a synthesis of social science and evolutionary approaches to the study of intergenerational relations, using biological, psychological and sociological factors to develop a single framework for understanding why kin help one another across generations. With attention to both biological family relations as well as in-law and step-relations, it provides an overview of existing studies centred on intergenerational relations – particularly grandparenting – that incorporate social science and evolutionary family theories. This evolutionary social science approach to intergenerational family relations goes well beyond the traditional nature versus nurture distinction. As such, it will appeal to scholars across a range of disciplines with interests in relations of kinship, the lifecourse and the sociology of the family.

Generational Gaps in Political Media Use and Civic Engagement: From Baby Boomers to Generation Z
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 1003111491 9781003111498 9781000285017 1000285014 9781000284997 1000284999 9781000285000 1000285006 9780367629328 0367629321 0367629348 Year: 2020 Publisher: Routledge

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This book investigates news use patterns among five different generations in a time where digital media create a multi-choice media environment.The book introduces theEPIG Model (Engagement-Participation-Information-Generation) to study how different generational cohorts' exposure to political information is related to their political engagement and participation. The authors build on a multi-method framework to determine direct and indirect media effects across generations. The unique dataset allows for comparison of effects between legacy and social media use and helps to disentangle the influence on citizens' political involvement in nonelection as well as during political campaign times. Bringing the newly of-age Generation Z into the picture, the book presents an in-depth understanding of how a changing media environment presents different challenges and opportunities for political involvement of this, as well as older generations.Bringing the conversation around political engagement and the media up to date for the new generation, this book will be of key importance to scholars and students in the areas of media studies, communication studies, technology, political science and political communication.

Made to Matter : white fathers, stolen generations
ISBN: 9781920899981 1920899987 9781743323687 1743323689 9781743325667 1743325665 1920899979 Year: 2013 Publisher: Sydney : Sydney University Press,

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Most members of the Stolen Generations had white fathers or grandfathers. Who were these white men? This book analyses the stories of white fathers, men who were positioned as key players in the plans to assimilate Aboriginal people by "breeding out the colour" . The policy was an cruel failure. It conflated skin colour with culture and assumed that Aboriginal women and their children would acquiesce to produce "future whites". It also assumed that white men would comply as ready appendages, administering "whiteness" through marriage or white sperm. This book attempts to put textual flesh on the bodies of these white fathers, and in doing so, builds on and complicates the view of white fathers in this history, and the histories of whiteness to which they are bio-politically related.

Return of the Jew : identity narratives of the third post-Holocaust generation of Jews in Poland
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1618112473 164469042X 1618112465 9781618112477 1618113089 9781618113085 9781618112460 9781644690420 Year: 2013 Publisher: Boston : Academic Studies Press,

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Return of the Jew traces the appearance of a new generation of Jews in Poland that followed the fall of the communist regime. Today more and more Poles are discovering their Jewish heritage and beginning to seek a means of associating with Judaism and Jewish culture. Reszke analyzes this new generation, addressing the question of whether there can be authentic Jewish life in Poland after fifty years of oppression. Based on a series of interviews with Jewish Poles between the ages of 18 and 35, her study provides an illuminating window into the experience of being, and for many becoming, Jewish in these unique circumstances.

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