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Bataille de l'imprimé : À l'ère du papier électronique
Year: 2008 Publisher: Montréal : Presses de l'Université de Montréal,

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Beyond the Flow : scholarly publications during and after the digital
Year: 2019 Publisher: Lüneburg : meson press,

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In the wake of the so-called digital revolution numerous attempts have been made to rethink and redesign what scholarly publications can or should be. Beyond the Flow examines the technologies as well as narratives driving this unfolding transformation. However, facing challenges such as the serial crisis, knowledge burying or sudoku research the discourses and practices of scholarly publishing today are mainly shaped by confusion, heterogeneity and uncertainty. By critically interrogating the current state of digital publishing in academia the book asks for how a sustainable post-digital publishing ecology can be imagined.

Nouveau monde numérique : Le cas des revues universitaires
Authors: ---
Year: 2002 Publisher: Montréal, [Quebec] : Presses de l'Université de Montréal,

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Segment essentiel de la documentation universitaire, les revues sont entrées depuis quelques années déjà dans le nouveau monde numérique. Dans le secteur des sciences humaines et sociales, les conditions de ce passage se posent en termes conceptuels, économiques, techniques et organisationnels. Les revues qui participent à des infrastructures nationales de diffusion de la recherche devraient pouvoir effectuer la transition vers le numérique selon un modèle qui réponde aux besoins du milieu. Il est ainsi possible de définir un espace où les revues qui ne sont pas dans le giron des oligopoles peuvent s'imposer comme formes stables et professionnelles de communication scientifique. Dans une toile encore dominée par l'anglais, le défi de la diffusion du document universitaire francophone se révèle particulièrement stimulant. Cet ouvrage en présente les grands enjeux et propose de les relever en faisant appel à une stratégie réseau. Avec des formations et des parcours distincts (professeur et directeur scientifique d'une maison d'édition universitaire, d'une part, bibliothécaire et spécialiste des sciences de l'information, d'autre part), Gérard Boismenu et Guylaine Beaudry ont été amenés à développer les premières structures de publications numériques à l'Université de Montréal. Leur réflexion s'inspire principalement du projet Érudit et de la réalisation d'un portail de revues.

Controlling in wissenschaftlichen Verlagen : Analyse IT-induzierter Veränderungen wissenchaftlicher Verlage und Konzeption ausgewählter Controlling-Instrumente
Year: 2007 Publisher: Göttingen : Universitätsverlag Göttingen,

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Compared with other industries, scientific publishing has a centuries-old tradition. However, it is currently the development of digital information and communication technologies in probably the biggest upheaval since the invention of the printing press. Björn Ortelbach deals with the impact of technological development in the scientific publishing industry from a business point of view. In the first part of the book he analyzes how value added cost structures and business models of publishers change. The second part of the book deals with the impact of these changes on the control of these companies. Based on the previously worked out specifics of the industry design proposals for the use of controlling mechanisms are developed. Im Vergleich mit anderen Wirtschaftszweigen kann die wissenschaftliche Verlagsbranche auf eine mehrere Jahrhunderte alte Tradition zurückblicken. Jedoch befindet sie sich gegenwärtig durch die Entwicklung digitaler Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien im wohl größten Umbruch seit der Erfindung des Buchdrucks. Björn Ortelbach befasst sich mit den Auswirkungen der technologischen Entwicklung auf die wissenschaftliche Verlagsbranche aus betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht. Im ersten Teil des Buches wird analysiert, wie sich Wertschöpfung, Kostenstrukturen und Geschäftsmodelle von Verlagen wandeln. Der zweite Teil des Buchs befasst sich mit den Auswirkungen dieser Veränderungen auf die Steuerung dieser Unternehmen. Auf Basis der zuvor herausgearbeiteten Spezifika der Branche werden Gestaltungsvorschläge für den Einsatz von Controllinginstrumenten entwickelt.

Optical Devices in Communication and Computation
ISBN: 9535150103 9535107631 Year: 2012 Publisher: IntechOpen

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Optical devices in communication and computation have a significant impact on our daily life, although we may not even be aware of their existence, as in case of inter-continent fiber cables that connect people around the world, making it a global village. Novel nanoscale structures have demonstrated a wide range of unique features; therefore have became a hot research topic. Not only that the novel structural materials are used in biomedical therapy, but also the nature inspires the design of innovative optical structures. In this book, we focus on recent developments of theoretical analysis, designs of novel nano-photonic structures and functional materials for optical instrumentation. This book is constituted of 10 chapters contributed by renowned researchers from all over the world who work in the forefront of this field.

Read/write book : le livre inscriptible
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782821809529 Year: 2010 Publisher: OpenEdition Press

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En entrant dans l'ère de l'informatique en réseau, le livre devient inscriptible. Son développement ne suit plus la ligne droite de la traditionnelle chaîne du livre, mais se diffuse par ramifications réticulaires. Comme un oignon, il se pare de multiples couches d'informations, ajoutées par différents métiers, mais aussi par les lecteurs. Ensemble, ils participent à une vaste entreprise d'enrichissement documentaire qui multiplie les grilles de lecture du texte et en fait miroiter les multiples sens. Inscriptible, le livre s'insère désormais dans un système d'information riche, polymorphe, mouvant et encore très fragile. C'est le Read/Write Book.

Praxishandbuch Open Access
Authors: ---
ISBN: 311049406X 3110492032 3110491591 Year: 2017 Publisher: De Gruyter

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Das Praxishandbuch Open Access bietet eine Einführung in das Open Access Publizieren sowohl aus der Perspektive der Autoren als auch aus der Perspektive der beteiligten Institutionen. Es stellt die Workflows und die wichtigsten Werkzeuge vor und nimmt eine Einordnung verschiedener Geschäftsmodelle vor. Dabei konzentriert es sich auf die Publikation von Texten, bietet aber auch einen Ausblick auf das Data Publishing. Es wendet sich an alle, die den barrierefreien Zugang zu wissenschaftlichen Informationen als ihr Anliegen sehen und die Open Access bereits jetzt praktizieren oder künftig in unterschiedlichen Rollen dazu beitragen wollen.

Modern Climatology
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9535149598 9535100955 Year: 2012 Publisher: IntechOpen

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Climatology, the study of climate, is no longer regarded as a single discipline that treats climate as something that fluctuates only within the unchanging boundaries described by historical statistics. The field has recognized that climate is something that changes continually under the influence of physical and biological forces and so, cannot be understood in isolation but rather, is one that includes diverse scientific disciplines that play their role in understanding a highly complex coupled "whole system" that is the earth's climate. The modern era of climatology is echoed in this book. On the one hand it offers a broad synoptic perspective but also considers the regional standpoint, as it is this that affects what people need from climatology. Aspects on the topic of climate change - what is often considered a contradiction in terms - is also addressed. It is all too evident these days that what recent work in climatology has revealed carries profound implications for economic and social policy; it is with these in mind that the final chapters consider acumens as to the application of what has been learned to date.

Building and sustaining digital collections : models for libraries and museums.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1887334858 Year: 2001 Publisher: Washington (D.C.) Council on library and information resources

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Ebooks in education : realising the vision
Year: 2014 Publisher: London : Ubiquity Press,

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Ebooks are coming of age in education, as this exciting collection commissioned by Jisc demonstrates. Case studies, reflecting ebook success stories across the higher and further education sectors, include: - An innovative app to encourage ebook take-up in a Welsh college. - A partnership between a library and research centre to create open access monographs and midigraphs. - Several examples of creative negotiations with ebook publishers. Insight chapters address hot topics in the ebook universe, including: - The changing world of access to scholarly digital content in the mobile environment. - The challenges faced by the library as online distance learning moves from margin to mainstream. - How ebooks have the potential to meet a wide range of accessibility needs. - Experimentation with ebooks as a shared service. This collection will provide inspiration and guidance to institutions as they develop projects and services to support students and researchers and will be of interest to library practitioners, publishers, ebook vendors, information professionals, teachers, lecturers and students. Jisc, in collaboration with Ubiquity Press, is pleased to be making this publication available open access on a CC-BY licence.

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