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Paris Bride : A Modernist Life
ISBN: 1950192644 1950192636 Year: 2020 Publisher: Brooklyn, NY punctum books

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"In July 1905, in Paris, a young Anglo-French woman called Marie Wheeler became the bride of a Swiss emigre, Johannes Schad. Immediately after the wedding, Marie and Johannes moved to London. And there they lived for nineteen years. In 1924, however, something happened to change their lives, and Marie, in many respects, simply disappeared. Paris Bride is an exploration of the lost life of Marie Schad, of whom little is known beyond a few legal papers, a number of letters, some photographs, the diaries of a friend, and her obituary. With so little else known of Marie's life, this book seeks to read her back into existence by drawing on a host of contemporaneous texts -- largely modernist texts, by Virginia Woolf, Franz Kafka, the Paris Surrealists, Stephane Mallarme, Oscar Wilde, Katherine Mansfield, and Walter Benjamin. All of the selected authors are connected with Marie through some coincidence of time, place, or theme. In an attempt to do justice to Marie's in-visibility, or to her un-life, Paris Bride takes as its guide Wilde's declaration that “the true function of criticism is to see the object as in itself it really is not.” In other words, this book seeks to evade the positivist or realist assumptions of conventional literary criticism, and instead pursue a post-critical method with its sources and texts. Paris Bride is not confined to academic discourse but instead draws on a range of literary genres and devices that are more in sympathy with the non-realist character of modernism itself -- devices such as fragmentation, flânerie, textual collage, stream of consciousness, imagism, perspectivism, dream-text, the absurd, etc. Ultimately, Paris Bride is a modernistic experiment in life-writing."

Faire œuvre des situations
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782357680050 2357680059 2357681098 Year: 2019 Publisher: Avignon : Éditions Universitaires d’Avignon,

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Mes images en papier ont cet avantage que, si je m’octroie le culot d’en coller dans la ville, en trois minutes, quelqu’un peut les refuser et les déchirer. Le pochoir anéantit cette réciprocité, comme certains tags : il a un côté égoïste (je salope le mur et vous emmerde tous). J’aime bien que mes images puissent être refusées. La fragilité, comme la date, fait partie de la proposition plastique. Je crois que, si mes images ont ému, c’est qu’inconsciemment le public les a perçues comme fragiles, qu’il sait que leur mort est annoncée, qu’elles vont disparaître, et cela ajoute à la force suggestive de la chose.

Differenzerfahrungen und deren künstlerischer Ausdruck in Collagen : Am Beispiel Hannah Höchs
ISBN: 3781559203 3781524833 Year: 2021 Publisher: Bad Heilbrunn Verlag Julius Klinkhardt

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Was lässt sich (alles) unter Collage verstehen? Ein geklebtes Papierbild? Eine künstlerische Ausdrucksform? Eine Forschungsmethode? Theorien von Inklusion? Eine kunstpädagogische Haltung? Eine (Künstler:Innen-)Biographie? Dieses Buch? Innerhalb der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die (Kunst-)Geschichte der Collage machtkritisch untersucht; zudem wird Collage als künstlerisches, methodisches, epistemologisches und biographisches Prinzip theoretisiert und mit Fragen nach Differenz und Erfahrungen verbunden. Ausgehend vom theoretischen Gegenstand der Subjektivierung werden im empirischen Teil - mittels bild- und diskursanalytischer Verfahren - Biographie und Leben(swerk) der Berliner Dada-Künstlerin Hannah Höch (1889-1978) in Bezug auf mögliche Differenzerfahrungen untersucht. Somit begibt sich dieses Buch auf eine poststrukturale Spurensuche, um Folgendes zu fragen: Wie zeigen, konkretisieren, perspektivieren, materialisieren sich Differenzerfahrungen? Welche (intersektionalen) Differenzerfahrungen lassen sich in Hannah Höchs biographischen Dokumenten und der Collage "Lebensbild" (1972/73) herausarbeiten?

Cyberpunk in a Transnational Context
ISBN: 3039214225 3039214217 9783039214228 Year: 2019 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland : MDPI,

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Mike Mosher's "Some Aspects of Californian Cyberpunk" vividly reminds us of the influence of West Coast counterculture on cyberpunks, with special emphasis on 1960s theoretical gurus such as Timothy Leary and Marshall McLuhan, who explored the frontiers of inner space as well as the global village. Frenchy Lunning's "Cyberpunk Redux: Dérives in the Rich Sight of Post-Anthropocentric Visuality" examines how the heritage of Ridley Scott's techno-noir film Blade Runner (1982) that preceded Gibson's Neuromancer (1984) keeps revolutionizing the art of visuality, even in the age of the Anthropocene. If you read Lunning's essay along with Lidia Meras's "European Cyberpunk Cinema," which closely analyzes major European cyberpunkish dystopian films Renaissance (2006) and Metropia (2009) and Elana Gomel's "Recycled Dystopias: Cyberpunk and the End of History," your understanding of the cinematic and post-utopian possibility of cyberpunk will become more comprehensive. For a cutting-edge critique of cyberpunk manga, let me recommend Martin de la Iglesia's "Has Akira Always Been a Cyberpunk Comic?" which radically redefines the status of Akira (1982-1993) as trans-generic, paying attention to the genre consciousness of the contemporary readers of its Euro-American editions. Next, Denis Taillandier's "New Spaces for Old Motifs? The Virtual Worlds of Japanese Cyberpunk" interprets the significance of Japanese hardcore cyberpunk novels such as Goro Masaki's Venus City (1995) and Hirotaka Tobi's Grandes Vacances (2002; translated as The Thousand Year Beach, 2018) and Ragged Girl (2006), paying special attention to how the authors created their virtual landscape in a Japanese way. For a full discussion of William Gibson's works, please read Janine Tobek and Donald Jellerson's "Caring About the Past, Present, and Future in William Gibson's Pattern Recognition and Guerilla Games' Horizon: Zero Dawn" along with my own "Transpacific Cyberpunk: Transgeneric Interactions between Prose, Cinema, and Manga". The former reconsiders the first novel of Gibson's new trilogy in the 21st century not as realistic but as participatory, whereas the latter relocates Gibson's essence not in cyberspace but in a junkyard, making the most of his post-Dada/Surrealistic aesthetics and "Lo-Tek" way of life, as is clear in the 1990s "Bridge" trilogy.

Ceramic Production in the American Southwest
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0816548803 0816515085 Year: 2022 Publisher: University of Arizona Press

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Southwestern ceramics have always been admired for their variety and aesthetic beauty. Although ceramics are most often used for placing the peoples who produced them in time, they can also provide important clues to past economic organization. This volume covers nearly one thousand years of southwestern prehistory and history, focusing on ceramic production in a number of environmental and economic contexts. It brings together the best of current research to illustrate the variation in the organization of production evident in this single geographic area.


Materiaux ceramiques --- Keramiek. --- Archeologische vondsten. --- Aufsatzsammlung --- Keramik --- Pueblo pottery --- Pueblo pottery. --- Ethnoarchaeology. --- Ceramic materials --- Antiquities. --- 15.32 prehistoric and protohistoric archaeology. --- Ethnoarcheologie --- Ethnoarchaeology --- Themes, motives. --- Analysis. --- Analyse. --- Indianer. --- USA --- New Southwest. --- États-Unis (Nouveau Sud-Ouest) --- Southwest, New --- Südweststaaten --- Antiquites. --- Pottery, Pueblo --- Pueblo Indians --- Pottery, American --- Ceramic industries --- Ceramics --- Mines and mineral resources --- Ethnic archaeology --- Ethnicity in archaeology --- Ethnology in archaeology --- Archaeology --- Ethnology --- Social archaeology --- Archaeological specimens --- Artefacts (Antiquities) --- Artifacts (Antiquities) --- Specimens, Archaeological --- Material culture --- Töpfern --- Töpferei --- Beiträge --- Einzelbeiträge --- Sammelwerk --- Céramique (matériau) --- Céramiques (matériaux) --- Industries céramiques --- Composites céramiques-polymères --- Coulage en bande --- Dépôts céramiques --- Biocéramiques --- Aérogels --- Céramiques électroniques --- Céramiques piézoélectriques --- Céramiques renforcées de fibres --- Cermets --- Collage céramique sur métal --- Composites à matrice céramique --- Moteurs à combustion interne --- Sol-gel, Procédé --- Céramique industrielle --- Pottery --- Materials --- Methodology --- Matériaux --- Matériaux céramiques --- United States --- Südwestliche USA --- Südweststaaten --- Südwestliche Vereinigte Staaten --- Céramiques ultra-réfractaires

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