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A Tumblr Book : platform and cultures
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 0472126954 0472054562 Year: 2020 Publisher: Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press,

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"This is the first book to take an extensive look at the many different types of users and cultures that comprise the popular social media platform Tumblr. Though it does not receive nearly as much attention as other social media such as Twitter or Facebook, Tumblr and its users have been hugely influential in creating and shifting popular culture, especially progressive youth culture, with the New York Times referring to 2014 as the dawning of the "age of Tumblr activism." Perfect for those unfamiliar with the platform as well as those who grew up on it, this volume contains essays and artwork that span many different topics: fandom; platform structure and design; race, gender and sexuality, including queer and trans identities; aesthetics; disability and mental health; and social media privacy and ethics. It contains work from over 60 contributors and includes more than 90 illustrations and three galleries, honoring Tumblr's identity as a heavily image-based social network. An entire generation of young people that is now beginning to influence mass culture and politics came of age on Tumblr, and this volume is an indispensable guide to the many ways this platform works"--

Historyblogosphere : Bloggen in den Geschichtswissenschaften
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3486717154 3486755730 Year: 2013 Publisher: De Gruyter

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das Buch- und Schreibprojekt "historyblogosphere. Bloggen in den Geschichtswissenschaften" dokumentiert und reflektiert die historische Blogosphäre: Wozu betreibt man als Historiker/in ein Blog? Was sind überhaupt geschichtswissenschaftliche Blogs? Gibt es geschlechtsspezifische Nutzungsformen? Wie schreibt man für ein Blog und wieviel Technikwissen braucht es dafür? Welche Möglichkeiten der Vernetzung gibt es und wozu braucht es diese? Haben Blogs einen wissenschaftlichen Nutzen und welche "Grenzen im Kopf" innerhalb der wissenschaftlichen Community gilt es aufzubrechen? Können Blogs die transnationale bzw. interdisziplinäre Betrachtung historischer Prozesse fördern und aktuelle Fragen in den öffentlichen Diskurs tragen? Kurz: Wo ist sie, die Geschichte-Blogosphäre und wo ist die Community? Als ein Novum in der deutschsprachigen Wissenschaftslandschaft entsteht dieses Buch in einem offenen Arbeitsprozess, indem es Tools und Prozesse des Netzes einsetzt und eine kooperative Arbeitsweise in den Entstehungsprozess einbezieht. Insbesondere fand ein Open Peer Review im Netz statt. Der Open Peer Review Prozess lief von 10. Oktober bis 10. Dezember 2012 und ist dokumentiert unter

New mediums, better messages? : How innovations in translation, engagement, and advocacy are changing international development
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 019189088X 0192602403 0192602411 0198858752 9780198858768 0198858760 9780198858751 Year: 2022 Publisher: Oxford Oxford University Press,

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The notion of development influences and is influenced by all aspects of human life. Social science is but one representational option among many for conveying the myriad ways in which development is conceived, encountered, experienced, justified, courted, and/or resisted by different groups at particular times and places. This wide-ranging collection from a diverse group of academic and non-academic authors engages with the broad field of development through twelve chapters that deal with music, theatre, fiction, photography, festivals, computer games, the arts, blogging, and other media. It explores three broad areas of alternative forms of knowledge about development, organized around the three themes of 'translation', 'advocacy', and 'engagement'. The first of these is concerned with how popular representations of development can successfully compete with and complement formal social scientific representations; the second relates to the politics of popular representations of development, and the way that popular productions shape debates; and the third asks whether popular representations of development can generate alternative critiques that allow for the articulation of views that would be unacceptable to more orthodox means.

De @-cultuur : hoe internet de beschaving ondermijnt
ISBN: 9789029081191 Year: 2007 Publisher: Amsterdam Meulenhoff

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Nu internet de kinderschoenen is ontgroeid en we meer en meer in de Web 2.0-fase terechtkomen, worden ook de gevaren van die ontwikkeling steeds duidelijker. En die zijn niet gering. Het gaat om niets minder dan de radicale vernietiging van onze cultuur. In de vakgebieden die voorheen door professionals werden bevolkt, banjeren nu amateurs rond die, niet gehinderd door enige kennis, hun meningen verkondigen in blogs die de plaats lijken in te nemen van kranten. Kranten hebben journalisten en redacteuren in dienst die dankzij opleiding en ervaring in staat zijn genuanceerd en evenwichtig verslag te doen van de ontwikkelingen in de wereld. Op internet wordt de volgorde van de berichten bepaald door het aantal keren dat een bericht door bezoekers wordt gelezen. De laatste scharrel van Paris Hilton zul je sneller vinden dan berichten over de oorlog in Irak. Iedereen met een computer en een internetaansluiting kan een blog in de lucht brengen waarop hij boeken en films recenseert en gerenommeerde schrijvers, acteurs, wetenschappers en politici schoffeert. Als we er niet voor waken, resten ons, volgens Keen, slechts de wanstaltige producten van amateurs en zal de cultuur van de apen overheersen. Een felle aanklacht tegen de vermeende zegeningen van het internet: onwetendheid, egoïsme, slechte smaak en de heerschappij van het gepeupel. De deskundige journalist wordt vervangen door de blogger, de vakliteratuur door de door amateurs gevulde wikipedia, de reclame en de leugen regeren op YouTube, het illegaal downloaden van muziek wordt niet eens meer gezien als diefstal, en de verslaving aan gokken en porno neemt schrikbarende vormen aan. Om van de internetverslaving niet te spreken. Een stortvloed van feiten, meningen en voorbeelden, uitermate leesbaar, zij het af en toe wel wat veel van het goede. Het voorlaatste hoofdstuk is getiteld 'Oplossingen', maar dat heeft helaas weinig te bieden. Met eindnoten en index.

Opening Science : The Evolving Guide on How the Internet is Changing Research, Collaboration and Scholarly Publishing
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783319000268 3319000268 331900025X Year: 2014 Publisher: Cham Springer Nature

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Modern information and communication technologies, together with a cultural upheaval within the research community, have profoundly changed research in nearly every aspect. Ranging from sharing and discussing ideas in social networks for scientists to new collaborative environments and novel publication formats, knowledge creation and dissemination as we know it is experiencing a vigorous shift towards increased transparency, collaboration and accessibility. Many assume that research workflows will change more in the next 20 years than they have in the last 200. This book provides researchers, decision makers, and other scientific stakeholders with a snapshot of the basics, the tools, and the underlying visions that drive the current scientific (r)evolution, often called ‘Open Science.’.

Wikinomics : how mass collaboration changes everything
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781843546368 9781843547181 9781843546375 184354637X 184354718X Year: 2006 Publisher: London Atlantic Books

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Thanks to blogs, wikis, chat rooms, peer-to-peer networks and personal broadcasting, the Internet is being reinvented to provide the first ever global platform for collaboration. 'Wikinomics' explores how small businesses can achieve success in this emerging, networked economy.

Reading the comments : likers, haters, and manipulators at the bottom of the Web
ISBN: 0262328879 0262328887 9780262328876 9780262328883 9780262028936 026202893X 0262529882 9780262529884 Year: 2015 Publisher: Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London, England : The MIT Press,

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"Online comment can be informative or misleading, entertaining or maddening. Haters and manipulators often seem to monopolize the conversation. Some comments are off-topic, or even topic-less. In this book, Joseph Reagle urges us to read the comments. Conversations "on the bottom half of the Internet," he argues, can tell us much about human nature and social behavior. Reagle visits communities of Amazon reviewers, fan fiction authors, online learners, scammers, freethinkers, and mean kids. He shows how comment can inform us (through reviews), improve us (through feedback), manipulate us (through fakery), alienate us (through hate), shape us (through social comparison), and perplex us. He finds pre-Internet historical antecedents of online comment in Michelin stars, professional criticism, and the wisdom of crowds. He discusses the techniques of online fakery (distinguishing makers, fakers, and takers), describes the emotional work of receiving and giving feedback, and examines the culture of trolls and haters, bullying, and misogyny. He considers the way comment--a nonstop stream of social quantification and ranking--affects our self-esteem and well-being. And he examines how comment is puzzling--short and asynchronous, these messages can be slap-dash, confusing, amusing, revealing, and weird, shedding context in their passage through the Internet, prompting readers to comment in turn, "WTF?!?"--Publisher's description.


Online chat groups. --- Electronic discussion groups. --- Blogs --- Internet --- Social aspects. --- Blogging --- Web logs --- Weblogs --- Discussion groups, Electronic --- Discussion lists, Electronic --- E-lists (Electronic discussion groups) --- E-mail discussion groups --- Electronic discussion lists --- Electronic forums --- Electronic news groups --- Electronic newsgroups --- Internet discussion groups --- Internet forums --- Internet news groups --- Internet newsgroups --- Lists, Electronic discussion --- LISTSERV lists (Electronic discussion groups) --- News groups, Electronic --- Newsgroups, Electronic --- Online discussion groups --- Online forums --- Online news groups --- Online newsgroups --- Usenet news groups --- Usenet newsgroups --- Chat groups, Online --- Chat rooms, Online --- Chat services, Online --- Chat sites, Online --- Chatboxes, Online --- Chatrooms, Online --- Chats, Online --- Chatsites, Online --- Electronic chat groups --- Internet-based chat sites --- Internet chat groups --- Online chatrooms --- Online chats --- Forums (Discussion and debate) --- Computer bulletin boards --- Online chat groups --- Conversation --- Real-time data processing --- Social media --- Web sites --- Electronic discussion groups --- Diaries --- Citizen journalism --- INFORMATION SCIENCE/Internet Studies --- INFORMATION SCIENCE/Communications & Telecommunications --- SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY/General --- Blogs - Social aspects --- Internet - Social aspects --- online comments --- internet comments --- YouTube comments --- internet trolls --- trolling --- cyberbullying --- Amazon reviews --- online identity --- internet studies --- online communication --- communication studies --- digital culture --- internet identity

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